0 OPINION Page 4 $br £k4~rauidj Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wednesday, January 18, 1989 Free The Michigan Daily speech for all Vol. IC, No.77 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Exploitative pageant QN MARTIN LUTHER King Day, Pa la Giddings, author of When and Wtere I Enter: the Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America, spoke about the blurring of distinctions between sexism and racism. The lives of, women of color delineate this problem, they are caught in a dual oppression, forced to prioritize two problems of overwhelming importance to ptheir lives. When the agendas of anti-racism and anti-sexism conflict, it Is +women of color who are most haimed. Kappa Alpha Psi's "Miss Black University of Michigan" pageant exemplifies this difficulty. Black women are one of the most ig- nored groups on campus. Very few institutions exist to celebrate their achievements. In fact, last year two Block women were excluded from conpeting in the Homecoming Queen Pageant. The "Miss Black U of M" Pageant is in part an attempt to create an opportunity for Black women to participate in the same types of competition as white women, an attempt to, as the poster advertising it reads "showcase and accentuate the talent and accomplishments of Black women on campus." However, as Perlita Muiruri, a first-year student, said, "It should be Black women celebrating Black women, not just Black women up on a stage for the world to approve or disapprove of." A beauty pageant will not celebrate the real talents and achievements of Black women, but will judge only their faces and bodies. Beauty pageants are profoundly sexist and exploitative. By concentrating only on women's physical appearance, they objectify women, turning them into decorations to:be validated or rejected by male judges. Women parade across stages in high heels and bikinis, often starving themselves for days before, gluing down their suits to prevent wrinkling, taping their breasts so they won't sag. There is psychological pressure to participate in these events - to be admired, to be considered "feminine," and also economic pressure: beauty pageants are the single largest source of scholarship money for women in this country. All this to conform to male standards of femininity, to reproduce the images stamped on the national consciousness - blonde, large-breasted, smiling the vacuous beauty-queen smile. Not only does this create a male image of the ideal woman to which women must conform, this standard becomes one by which women judge themselves. This creation of an ideal image adds another problem for women of color. White mainstream culture creates an image of the beautiful woman that is undeniably Caucasian. This white system of values is imposed on Black women, so that the Black women who win beauty pageants are the ones who have "typical" Caucasian features. The picture on the Kappa Alpha Psi poster is of a Black woman with Caucasian features and this month's Vogue cover features a similiar picture. In this way, Black women are forced to conform to standards of beauty which are not only sexist but also racist. A beauty pageant, even one including a token "talent" competition, cannot truly celebrate or empower Black women. Though it does allow Black women to achieve recognition in one of the ways white women can, this sort of recognition only objectifies all women. Equal exploitation is not a step toward real equality. It is vitally important to celebrate Black women, who are doubly excluded from society's recognition and rewards. However we must remain aware of the harm caused when an anti- racist action serves only to further subject Black women to sexism. By Jesse Walker In his column defending the Michigan Student Assembly's recent decision to derecognize Tagar and the Campus Chris- tian Fellowship, "1st Amendment: right to silence," (Daily, 1/9/89) Jeff Gauthier frankly admits.his opposition to freedom of speech. Rather, he claims, we must re- alize that "the first amendment interpreta- tion fails to do justice to the critical points at issue in this debate." What ex- actly these "points" that transcend natural rights are he seems at a loss to explain without the aid of perverted language and bizarre leaps in his reasoning. According to Mr. Gauthier, the "first amendment defense of freedom" (note how that is phrased, so that it is not only the First Amendment but freedom itself which is under attack) is based upon two "assumptions" for its "plausibility." First of all, "it assumes that, barring state re- strictions, all persons have free and open access to expressing their points of view." Second, it assumes that a removal of these restrictions will bring "an atmosphere of freedom and openness essential for the de- velopment of free individuals." Of course, the First Amendment does not assume anything of the kind; it is a protection from the State, not a program for "the de- velopment of free individuals" -- indeed, if it "assumes" anything, it is that people have the inherent right to make their own decisions, not that this freedom must be "developed." At any rate, Mr. Gauthier's Jesse Walker is a Residential College sophomore. argument holds no water regardless of whether we accept these two preconditions he offers as necessary to the existence of the First Amendment. Let's take a look at these so called "assumptions". "When a culture endorses an ideology of oppression against certain groups through its art, its media, and even the structure of its language... the social conditions necessary for freedom of access simply do not exist." As a result, says Mr. Gauthier, the first assumption fails. This statement, however, results from a leap in reasoning that fails to connect with its conclusion. While we recognize that our culture does endorse such an oppressive attitude to- wards various targeted groups, we cannot see how this limits such groups' use of their own art, media, and linguistic struc- tures to fight back. In fact, it is precisely this differing set of cultural values that often sets such groups apart. A gay ac- tivist may not have free access to Forbes magazine, but he does have freedom of ac- cess to Gay Community News . If such access should be denied, it would not be through any vague cultural ideology but through state intervention in the form of interfering with the publication and distri- bution of Gay Community News. As for the second assumption, no one pretends that freedom and openness in all walks of life must necessarily follow from an absence of state restrictions on speech. But when one is forcibly prevented from stating ones' views, whether by the MSA derecognizing your group or the regents administering a blanket code to every word one utters, one does not suddenly decide that the powers that be must therefore be in the right. Rather, the racist, sexist, or homophobe continues to harbor his or her opinion without a free outlet for discus- sion and with the added element of legiti- mate anger at those who took away his or her right to freedom of expression. In short, the effect of the restrictions on free speech that Mr. Gauthier calls for is to polarize the community with both sides feeling suppressed. MSA and the Regents have accom- plished what we never thought anyone could do: to convince the haters that they . are the targeted group. Naturally, considering their ideology, these people go on to blame blacks, feminists and gays as a whole for their predicament, rather than just those who have pushed the repressive measure through, thus actually adding to, not taking from, the levels of racism, sexism and homophobia already on cam- pus. Were restrictions to be removed, and were the anti-racist movement and others to focus their efforts on empowering peo- ple to speak rather than on attempting to q punish their enemies, then a spirit of openness would begin to genuinely de- velop as people began to exchange ideas in a free environment. Mr. Gauthier's argument fails both ethically and pragmatically. In the end, Mr. Gauthier resigns himself to a call for ' community standards, the legal doctrine 4 usually used by conservatives to justify K censorship of "obscene" or "blasphemous" works. If anything, his column proves that those "liberals" and "radicals" who claim that the end justifies the means are no different from their counterparts on the far right, and will inevitably find them- selves with both ends and means lost in their confused drive for power. I Chemical weapons conference ends: Safi Talks change oting . rf ; n By Arlin Wasserman This is the last of a four part series. This past week, the United Nations conference of 149 countries including the United States and the USSR reached an agreement on chemical and biological weapons (CBWs) in which all countries agreed not to use CBWs and to work to eliminate them from the world's arsenals. Organizers of the conference met their administration, he cast the tie-breaking vote in the House of Representatives (one of his duties as Vice-president) to pledge $2 billion over three years to CBW re- search and production. Later, as a representative of the United States to the 1984 CBW talks in Geneva, he publicly stated that the U.S. should not join into any treaties which explicitly outline plans for CBW disarmament. The Bush-Reagan administration is tak- ing this opportunity to stand on the moral high ground while at the same time 'Much of the moral debate on our campus is skewed by the reliance of the University on Pentagon dollars, a problem which plagues numerous'universities throughout the country.' P actices hurt both the consumers and the consumed: Industrial abuse creased health risks we face. Much of the moral debate on on our campus is skewed by the reliance of the University on Pen- tagon dollars, a problem which plagues numerous universities throughout the country. We face health risks-from the possibility of CBW accidents. Already, there are national sacrifice zones in Utah and Arizona where we ,have given up part of our natural resources to test CBWs. And in playing the game of economic strangulation through the CBW targeting of agriculture, we reduce the world's abil- ity to feed people and thereby cause in- creasing starvation. But perhaps most pragmatically, as our federal government becomes more and more militarized, funds are taken from health and human services including monies for education, housing and food and given over to defense-related issues which allow the U.S. government to spread the plague of illiteracy, homeless- ness and hunger abroad while choosing not to solve these problems domestically. CBW research is frightening because it occurs on college campuses in increas- ingly greater amounts, but it is only part of the general direction in which the fed- eral government is heading, one in which the Pentagon is the largest single con- sumer in the United States, wasting 6% of the GNP. If the United States is truly sincere about disarmament, then it must commit itself to specific plans for broad disarma- ment and reprioritize its economic policies so that they stress quality of life rather than strategies of death. CONSUMER AND animal rights ac- tivists have known for years of the crdel and inhumane treatment given to calves raised for the production of veal. Ndw criticisms of the meat industry which focus on consumer health and leg#islative action in a number of states indicate the possibility of a new op- poftunity for change. Critics of the industry, among them tho Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM) and the Humane Farming As- sociation, are trying to educate the public about threats to consumer health poked by the industry's factory farming pr4ctices. foremost among these is the increasing evidence that the widespread use of antibiotic medications - added to the calves' daily diet of "milk re- pl4cer" to increase appetite and prevent dijease - may have significant health ramifications for those who eat veal. These medications have been found in the meat itself, and the unnecessary in- take of antibiotics has been shown to cause a gradually increasing tolerance to the drugs, limiting their effectiveness wlen they are really needed. This new information has the poten- tial to affect consumers who previously halven't been concerned about animal abuse, an issue which has historically been the central motivation behind criticism of the industry. Separated within three days of birth To combat insistent criticisms of current practices, the Veal Issues Man- agement Program of the Beef Industry Council has prepared an extensive re- port, attempting to justify these abuses as being required by the demands of the market. Their claims are backed up by the dogmatic research of scientists whose jobs depend on supporting the industry which funds them. While their research suggests the need for preven- tative medications in the current sys- tem, it does not address whether ani- mals raised under less stress, and given the opportunity to eat right and exer- cise, would need them. The report concedes that the current system may not be perfect, but claims it achieves the most practical balance be- tween producer profit, animal health and consumer demand. This elusive rationalization is unfortunately sup- ported by the continuing demand for "special-fed" veal among American consumers. New York, California and Maryland are currently considering laws restrict- ing the abuse of calves by the veal in- dustry, and a bill will be introduced in Congress this year as well. But these represent a small beginning for a chal- lenge to an industry which hasn't lost a fight in Congress since the passage of the Wholesome Meat Act after the publication of Upton Sinclair's The .Jung'le.Or~yniFers(exYpct some u goals of reaffirming the Geneva Protocol of 1925 which banned CBW usage. But besides allowing the participating coun- tries a few moments to stand on a moral high ground, has the conference accom- plished anything new? Similar to its initiatives for nuclear dis- armament, the Soviet Union presented a plan for CBW disarmament which the United States generally ignored. Arab bloc countries also called for a linkage of CBWs to nuclear countries, a move more in their best interests than the U.S. media has discussed. Clearly there was motiva- tion on the part of many key countries to design plans for CBW disarmament and potentially commit to further steps to- wards demilitarization of the planet. But in the words of U.S. Major General William F. Burns, "the goals here have been accomplished." These goals include little movement towards real disarmament. Indeed, even after ratifying the Geneva Protocol in 1975, the United States con- tinued to use CBWs domestically and covertly in Central and South America as well as supplying these weapons to "friendly" governments in Israel, El Sal- vador, Guatemala, Brazil, South Africa and South Korea and the contras. This is just a partial list of organizations receiving CBWs from the United States. So the newly adopted guidelines which echo the 1925 Geneva Protocol have placed no new reigns on U.S. policies to disseminate CBWs around the world. In- deed the only stricter measures that Burns said the U.S. would have liked to see were sanctions against private/corporate sales of CBWs. The United States most likely avoiding any actions which may hinder its current status to use CBWs covertly or through proxy forces throughout the world. The Arab bloc countries calling for linkage with nuclear weapons know very well how CBWs fit into U.S. strategy for escalation dominance (escalating to the brink of nuclear holocaust so that the other side is forced to back down or runs out of comparable weapons at an earlier point). We must always keep in mind that every weapon the U.S. has built it has ul- timately used in a hostile manner, includ- ing the only known aggressive use of nu- clear weapons against Japan in 1945. The use of CBWs for death as well as economic violence is also clearly docu- mented (see parts one and two of this arti- cle). CBWs fill in the bottom rungs of an escalation dominance policy in that they can cause a great deal of economic hard- ship (through agricultural weapons) and demoralization (through sudden illness and debilitating diseases such as botulism and dysentery) without causing excessive death. In this manner they are more easily used than conventional and nuclear weapons to intimidate opposing forces. Also, CBWs such as tear gas and mild acid sprays can be used to disperse public gatherings at a lower cost to public image than, for instance, Israel's rubber bullets that have resulted in three severe injuries in the Gaza strip just this past week. So a linkage with nuclear weapons is a clear necessity when one sees that the primary targets of U.S. aggression are not the USSR but more likely economically de- pressed countries such as Nicaragua, Viet- . :. f' 1. '4 "' *1 ! ny D 19