OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, January 17, 1989 The Michigan Daily Th By Mark Weisbrot "I am convinced if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. ... When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, mate- rialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "A Time to Break Silence," April 4, 1967. In the context of this week's celebration and widespread recognition of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's contribution to the struggle for civil and human rights, it is worth looking at how the media treated King when he was still alive. The Ann Arbor News provides a representative and instructive example. On April 4, 1967, exactly a year before he was killed, King delivered a powerful and eloquent speech against U.S. Mark Weisbrot is a Ph.d. candidate in Economics at the University of Michigan. e A2 intervention in Vietnam. In a scathing moral indictment of U.S. policy, he raised questions that could be applied almost verbatim to the current aggression against El Salvador: "What do the peasants think as we ally ourselves with the landlords and as we refuse to put any action into our many words concerning land reform? What do they think as we test out our latest weapons on them, just as the Germans tested out new medicines and new tortures in the concentration camps of Europe? Where are the roots of the independent Vietnam we claim to be building? Is it among these voiceless ones?" In this speech, entitled "A Time to Break Silence," King called for young men to resist the draft by becoming con- scientious objectors. The News' response was typical of the mainstream press throughout the country. "..[F]oreign af- fairs has never been King's strong point," they said. "....King made his mark in civil rights. There is plenty of unfinished busi- ness in the field of civil rights to occupy King's time; that being the case, Dr. King should let others hit the bricks on Viet- nam." (News Editorial, "Not His Strong Point" 4/14/67) News This condescending attitude, that a bril- liant Nobel Peace Prize winner should confine his comments to domestic con- cerns, and leave foreign policy to the (white) experts, was also expressed in a cartoon the News ran on its editorial page a week earlier. The cartoon, entitled "Vietnam is Burning," shows King dressed in a firefighter's outfit and carrying a fire hose, running past a Black man whose house is on fire. In his speech, King had anticipated those who would say that Vietnam was none of his business, and patiently ex- plained why he was "increasingly com- pelled to see the war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such." He knew "that America would never invest the nec- essary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube." He offered a number of other reasons- political, moral, and reli- gious - for his decision to speak clearly "to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today- my own government." The editors of the Ann Arbor News - then and now - could learn a great deal from nd Ki this speech. I mention this episode not to embarrass the News, but to shed some light on the historical roots of their current editorial positions. The News of today is nomi- nally opposed to racism, but unwilling to suppoert any movement or measure that might do something about it. In a recent editorial, the News spoke out against the proposed course on racism as a degree requirement. Previous editorials ng the University to become a place (like Wayne State) where "minorities would naturally flock in much greater numbers." And in their news reporting, the News1 systematically ignores or downplays the role of anti-racist groups like UCAR, in bringing about change at the University. The most obvious example of the latter is the cancellation of classes for King'st birthday, which has been a demand of the movement, but is paraded in the News'" 'The News of today is nominally opposed to racism, but unwilling to support any movement or measure that might do something about it.' have berated The United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) for its "confrontational approach" and "cynical attitude towards university leadership" (1/14/88; 1/13/88). At the same time the News feels com- pelled to defend LSA Dean Peter Steiner, whom they see as getting too much grief for the "perceived insensitivity" of his "allegedly racist remarks" - i.e. his ex- plicit statement that he would not want fluff pieces as the beneficent result of Duderstadt's "mandate." Perhaps after the activists of UCAR are long dead, the News will in some way recognize their contribution to the local struggle against racism and for social jus- tice. But in light of the way the News' treated King and the movement during his lifetime, it's not likely to happen while they're still alive. be £iriVgrn iailg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Q0s Vol. IC, No. 76 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Racism in the courts IN A MOVE exemplifying institutional racism in the judicial system, the Supreme Court recently upheld the right of defense lawyers to eliminate jurors because they are Black. In the case of State of Alabama vs. Cox, the Court denied an appeal by the state which challenged a tactic of the defense lawyers. The defense used its peremptory jury challenges to eliminate all Blacks from the jury without ques- tioning them individually. Representing two Ku Klux Klan members accused of aiding in the murder of a Black man, the defense removed the jurors solely because of their skin color. The defense counsel discriminated against the Black jurors on the basis of their race. Racism should not be toler- ated in any circumstances, and to allow for exclusion by race in a system which stresses "equality under the law" is a dangerous contradiction. Of course, this idea was intended for defendants, yet it loses its credibility when defense counsels are permitted to discriminate against Black jurors. A Black defendant cannot feel secure in a system that rules in favor of racism. Institutionalized racism cannot be al- lowed on any level. In rejecting the appeal, the Court is accepting the absurd notion that race is a primary determinant of thought and action. This idea is similar to the Nazi ideal that genealogy determines behav- ior. The Court is tacitly promoting the false stereotypes that surround different races, like the belief that all Blacks share similar behavior. These stereotypes serve to stratify the different races and discourage interac- tion between them. Individual ability is deemphasized and people are judged on the basis of their skin color. This situation generates ignorance and hostility and promotes violence against people based on how they look. The ironic aspect to the Court's de- nial of the appeal is that it ruled in 1986 that prosecutors could not remove Blacks from juries without individual questioning. The Court only needed to extend this ruling to the defense coun- sel to satisfy the Alabama appeal. The Court is not wrong in having restrictions that pertain only to the prosecution because in criminal trials the burden should be on the prosecu- tion. This current restriction should in- clude both the prosecution and the de- fense because it is not possible to prove that one's skin color causes bias. After all, the prosecution can still remove all the Blacks from a jury because of their skin color. It only needs to question the individual first and fabricate a reason for dismissal based on the questioning. The 1986 Court did not create this restriction for legal reasons but rather for the the purpose of fighting racism in the judicial system. Nothing justifies institutional racism. No possible benefit of this decision can offset the damage done by a deci- sion which will transcend the confines of the judicial branch and affect Blacks in all areas of their lives. The Court does not exist in a vac- uum. When it institutionalizes exclu- sion by race it sets a precedent which has dangerous implications. By the Black Student Union Black students are upset! We are not alone in our frustration, but Black students at the University are disenchanted with the so-called Martin Luther King, Jr./ Diver- sity Day partly sponsored by the adminis- tration. Although this day is well-meaning in its intent, we must call into question the rationale undergirding this dual-pur- pose day. Simply put, the University contradicts its stated ends by half-heartedly admitting that it is not willing and/or able to take the necessary step that most public institutions throughout the state have taken and recognize the third Monday of each January solely as "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day". It is not that the theme of diversity is unworthy of recognition-quite to the contrary. The problem is that probably no two people in the University can give the same exact definition of the term diversity (without reading the Michigan Mandate- and even some administrators concede that the Mandate is vague.) Thus, diversity is not only a very amorphous but also a very untenable goal, at present. How can a concept be recognized when few truly agree on its definition? With all the good intentions aside, "diversity" can evolve into an administrative code-word for let's recruit afew more "faces of color" to quell student demand. And that would be a sorry state of affairs. Now, on the other hand, the recognition 'For the University of Michigan to not solely recognize Martin Luther King, Jr., is to say that it is not quite ready to fully rec- ognize one of the greatest social activists of our time ...' of Martin Luther King not only can be a well-defined endeavor, but as the Univer- sity partially admits, it is a crucial one. We remind all that King died a man who was deeply committed to social, eco- nomic, and political justice for all hu- mankind. By the end of his life, he op- posed the war in Vietnam, advocated greater social welfare and education spend- ing, and was attempting to develop a pro- gram to push the rights of the poor even if it meant marching to Washington to really we forget King did much more than dream his dream. He refined it, worked for it and- died for it. And the very least we can do is to give not only him but his ideal an un- interrupted, undiluted twenty-four hours of a year to say that we believe in and will work for his vision as well. For the University of Michigan to not solely recognize Martin Luther King, Jr., is to say that it is not quite ready to fully recognize not only one of the greatest so- cial activists of our time, but, particular to close it down this time. King said, "Equality with whites will not benefit ei- ther Negroes or whites, if it's equality in a world stricken by poverty, and in a uni- verse doomed to extinction by war." So, he envisioned the need -for a more hu- mane, multi-cultural America to rise out of the present one in which the essential dignity and welfare of each citizen and collective groups of citizens were affirmed. Yes, King spent most of life organiz- ing and marching with and for Black Americans, but he had a broad vision which embraced the well-being of persons, regardless of their color, creed, religion, or nationality. Sometimes we get so caught up virtually canonizing "The Dream" that Students lead. By Nikita Buckhoy and Pam Nadasen Globally and historically, students have played a pivotal role in the struggle for social change. In Seoul, South Korea, over the past year, university students have been at the forefront, leading demon- strations against capitalist influence, par- ticularly that imposed by the United States. At the University of El Salvador,. students have been so crucial in the effort organization, challenged racist U.S. poli- cies and demanded enforcement of desegre- gation laws as they set the tone and set the pace for student struggles nationwide. Like their counterparts in the Third World, SNCC's radical analysis and militant, di- rect action approach set them apart from other civil rights organizations. SNCC took on responsibility for de- segregating interstate transportation facili- ties, known as the Freedom Rides. These young activists confronted southern racism head on, facing violent white mobs, who this case, an American of African des scent- a Black man. That may sound like a horrendous conclusion, but it is the only one to which some Black students and our allies can come. We know, that in solely celebrating King, diversity's ends will be served. There is no need for overlap. King's life was a testament to all the pre- scribed (although still vague) goals of di- versity, and thus let's complete the circle of the student struggle which began in spring of 1987. Let's give King and hu- manity their due. We know that the University admin- istration will agree with us one day, for a well-meaning contradiction can only con- tinue for so long before well-meaning people are convinced to end it. truggl elections. Obstacles, such as racist local officials and biased literacy tests prevented Blacks in the deep south from registering to vote. SNCC set up Freedom Schools to prepare people for the literacy tests. In the process of establishing these schools, SNCC members were well aware of the contradiction of educating people to pass a test known to be racially and culturally biased; particularly in light of the fact that the Black community has historically been denied equitable educational opportunities. SNCC's work in the Black community was unique: they chose not to dominate, but to empower, they chose not to lead but to seek leadership. The National Association for the Advancement of Col- ored People, the Southern Christian Lead- ership Conference and the Congress of Racial Equality never developed the types of relationships with the Black commu- nity that SNCC developed. We feel that it is important to praise the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Com- mittee as part of remembering and cele- brating of the civil rights movement, not solely Dr. King. It is important to recog- nize the historical significance and accom- plishments of student organizations, as contemporary students struggle for change Daily Opinion Page letter policy Due to the volume of mail, the Daily cannot print all the letters and columns it receives, although an effort is made to print the majority of the material on a wide range of views. The Daily cuts letters and columns for space in both the editorial process and in production. The Daily does not print blatantly sexist, racist or homophobic letters or 'These young activists confronted southern racism head on, facing violent white mobs, who beat passengers and set fire to busses.' to overthrow the American-backed regime and reaching the goal of self-determina- tion, that they have suffered torture, arrest and even met death at the hands of gov- ernment forces. In South Africa, at Witswaterstrand University, the University of Cape Town, Natal University and in the township of Soweto, students have orga- nized boycotts, rallies, and strikes as a nmnnn o n~nvnc rthP.hnroh n-nlt i-.c of beat passengers and set fire to busses. But their sacrifices were not in vain. They ul- timately achieved victory with the bus and train desegregation on September 22, 1961. Additional testimony to SNCC's com- mitment to grass roots organizing was their voter registration .drive, which reached it peak in the summer of 1964.