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January 06, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-06

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Ninety-nine years of editorial/freedom
Vol. IC, No. 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 6, 1989 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
Frats, residents spar over noise

The Ann Arbor City Council has taken
another step in its four-year effort to reduce
tension between North Burns Park residents
and fraternity members sharing the neigh-
Last month, the council voted to raise
the maximum noise violation fine from
$100 to $500, prompted in part by repeated
complaints against fraternities filed by local
The change was almost more harsh. At
the council meeting last month, coun-

cilmember Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward) ar-
gued against a provision in the new ordi-
nance establishing a maximum 90-day jail
term for violators. As passed, the law was
amended to eliminate the proposed jail sen-
Epton said, "Incarcerating people creat-
ing excessive noise for three months would
set a ridiculous and dangerous precedent."
The fines will hopefully act as enough of a
deterrent, he said.
Prior to the change, the law provided for
the possiblility of a 30-day jail sentence.
North Burns Park is the residential area

south of Hill St. and west of Washtenaw
Ave., which contains several fraternities.
According to Ann Arbor Police officer
Richard Beck, accusations of "fornicating,
urinating, and defecating" on residents'
lawns, coupled with numerous calls to the
police about excessive noise have prompted
the council to change zoning regulations
and pass ordinances, in order to curtail and
punish fraternities' disruptive behavior.
Recently, North Burns Park Association
President Doug Van Houweling named the
annual turnover of fraternity officials as the
source of the problem. By the time the

neighbors have had a chance to establish a
working relationship with the fraternity's
officers, he said, new students assume lead-
ership, leaving residents back at "square
Van Houweling is also the University's
Vice Provost for Information Technology.
Esther Ullman, who lives near the
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at 800 Lincoln,
concurs. "Sometimes people have had a re-
ally good working relationship where peo-
ple understand each other," she said. "Then
the next year there's another group of peo-
ple who are oblivious to the facts that there

are lots of kids and people who live a
whole different lifestyle."
John Friedman, president of Sigma Al-
pha Mu, pointed out the complexity of the
situation. Fundamental differences between
homeowners and transient fraternity resi-
dents place both parties in somewhat of a
"no-win situation," he said.
"Because of [fraternity] elections every
year, because neighbors need to establish a
new rapport every year, the problem is
. See Noise, Page 2

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fense Secretary Frank Carlucci ap-
proved a plan yesterday to close
dozens of military bases around the
country, calling it a "unique oppor-
tunity' to save money and saving it
was endorsed by military leaders.
"We must have to move ahead
and do this," Carlucci said, "We have
not closed a base since 1978, and I
think that fact speaks for itself. We
need to step up to the plate here."
Carlucci appeared at a special
Pentagon briefing to announce he
had approved the recommendations
of a government commission, cre-
ated by Congress last year, that se-
lected individual bases for closure.
Only Congress can save the bases
targeted for closures and only by re-
jecting the entire list. Senate and
House leaders have predicted the
awmakers will allow the closures to
proceed for that reason.
Adm. William Crowe, chair of
the Joint Chiefs of staff, appeared at
Carlucci's side and said that when it
came to closing bases, the uniformeld
See Closing, Page 3

Photos show
Libyan jets




Anybody home?

graphic evidence shows Libya lied
when it claimed the two planes that
the United States shot down over the
Mediterranean Sea were unarmed re-
connaissance aircraft, the Reagan
administration said yesterday.
Citing video footage from one of
two U.S. Navy F-14 jet fighters in-
volved in the confrontation Wednes-
day, Pentagon spokesperson Dan
Howard said one of the Libyan
fighters carried four missiles on its
fuselage and wings.
"It tells me that the Libyan am-
bassador to the U.N. is a liar. That's
the first thing it tells me," Howard
told a packed Pentagon news brief-
"They were obviously armed air-
craft with obvious hostile intent. We
believe that our aircraft commanders
behaved in a prudent manner in de-
fending themselves, in defending
their aircraft, and in defending their
ship," he said.
At the United Nations, the Soviet
ambassador, Alexander Belonopov,
told reporters yesterday that Moscow
"gave a warning signal to Washing-
ton," before the American jet fight-
ers shot down the Libyan planes, to
show restraint and "not to raise the
tension in the area." He refused to
"We deplore this accident," Be-
lonopov said. "It shows the serious-
ness of the situation and that all
military personnel should be under
strong instructions not to be too
quick to pull the trigger."
The United States told the U.N.
Security Council that the U.S.
planes fired on the Libyan aircraft in
reaction to hostile actions that
"constituted an armed attack" on
American forces.
U.S. Ambassador Herbert Okun
made the statement in a letter to the
15-member council, which held pri-
vate consultations on Libya's protest

of the incident. But Libyan Ambas-
sador Ali Sunni Muntasser called the
incident a "premeditated act of ag-
gression" and said the Libyan fight-
ers were "unarmed, on routine
reconnaissance, ordinary flying."
President Reagan, boarding his
plane in Los Angeles to return to
Washington following a vacations,
told reporters, "Our pilots acted
completely in self-defense."
Meantime, the State Department
yesterday welcomed Britain's an-
nouncement that it had independent
confirmation that Libya is building a
plant to produce chemical weapons,
as the United States has alleged.
Libya contends the factory will pro-
duce pharmaceuticals.
cockpit tape of this week's con-
frontation between U.S. and Libyan
jet fighters offers only flashes of
video images, but provides in audio
the drama of American aviators be-
ing unexpectedly caught up in com-
The tape, released late yesterday at
the Pentagon, also supports the as-
sertions of administration officials
that the two Navy F-14's repeatedly
tried to maneuver away from two
chasing Libyan MiG fighters: the
pilot of the lead F-14 can be heard
counting each time he tries to head
away, only to have the "bogies jink
See Tapes, Page 9

Statistics graduate student Meekyong Park gets
desolate Undergraduate Library.

a head start on her work yesterday in the

State's first heart-lung patient dies

Michigan's first heart-lung trans-
plant recipient died of cardiac arrest
early Tuesday evening.
The University Hospital patient
died at 6:51 p.m., 17 days after the
operation, hospital officials said.
The patient, whose name was not
made public, was listed in good
condition a day before the attack, but
hospital spokesperson Toni Shears
said the patient may have been suf-
fering from primary pulmonary hy-
pertension (high blood pressure in
the lungs), a condition usually found
in young females.
Hospital officials have not dis-
closed the patient's identity to pro-

tect the family's privacy. Shears said
she could not confirm reports that
the patient was a 31-year-old
The operation began late Dec. 17
and ended early the next morning.
Hospital officials listed the patient
in good condition immediately after
the operation.
But after a week doctors observed
signs that the patient was rejecting
the heart and lungs and administered
medication to combat the rejection.
The condition went back up to fair
and was listed as good the day before
the patient's death.
Rebecca Hadley, a Delta College
biology teacher in Midland, Mich.,

was the donor for the transplant.
Hadley died Dec. 17 in an automo-
bile accident.
Shears said heart-lung transplant
patients have a 50 percent chance of
surviving for one year after the
operation, and about a 30 percent
chance of living five years.
But without such an operation,
she said, "most patients with pri-
mary pulmonary hypertension will
either die a sudden death or of pro-
gressive lung failure."
The University Hospital is one of
the two institutions in the state
which is approved as a heart-lung
transplant center by Blue Cross-Blue
Shield of Michigan. The other is the

Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.
The estimated cost of a heart-lung
transplant is $41,000, said Dr. G.
Michael Deeb, the head of the Uni-
versity's transplant team, in a press
Deeb is the director of the Uni-
versity Medical Center's cardiac
transplantation-artificial heart pro-
Shears said there are almost 200
heart-lung transplants performed an-
nually nationwide, adding that she
expects more in Michigan.
"Right now there are one or two
patients on our transplantation list,"
said Shears.

Chemical Weapons to be
discussed by 140 nations

PARIS (AP) - The 140-nation
chemical warfare conference begin-
ning Saturday could become an arena
for an exchange of charges by the
United States and Libya and debate
between users of such weapons and
their adversaries.
Delegates will discuss changes in
the 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibit-
ing the use of poison gas and other
chemical weapons, which does not
forbid making the weapons and has
no enforcement provisions.
Because of their effectiveness,
relative economy and case of
production, such weapons have been
called the poor nations' atomic
Many countries want to give the
protocol teeth and spur negotiations

Foreign Minister Roland Dumas
of France said his government hopes
the five-day conference will not
"deviate from its agenda" because of
the shooting down of two Libyan jet
fighters by U.S. Navy planes on
Secretary of State George Shultz
and a Libyan delegate plan to attend-
the opening session, however, and
tension is expected.
The United States has been vocal
in the weeks before the conference
about what it says is a big chemical
weapons plant Libya has built south
of Tripoli, Libya says the factory
manufactures medicines.
President Reagan refused to rule
out military action against the plant

eight-year war with Iran and charges
that it used poison gas last fall on
rebellious Iraqi Kurds, have kindled
public interest in chemical weapons:

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