Page 12- The Michigan Daily- Monday, January 16, 1989
In February 1987, after several racially-
motivated incidents in residence halls,6
The Housing Division published in
Th osngDvsonafrs t rfesoa "{pra l to "~ The M ichigan Daily what has become
houingcomuniiesindvidals { hrasedexcude, 1trying hard - in our employment prac-
r . I " to feeal* unofrtbebeas o e, oo,*eiiosxaoria -tices, staff training and educational
expore" {devlop" prsoa etiya0 eardetlybe-and cultural programming -- to make
* a : : **a a * a . .. athe aspirations and goals of the Credo
respct nd udertandng.a day-to-day reality in all of our resi-
a. i arigts*'cor0ratna ''0enerarsaand dence halls and family housing units.
consloswearea 0 ag, o wrk*ithstu0nt ahep aloo.atAs part of the celebration of the Life of
themalva, 0 eamine aluesa" condut, quesionia gMartin Luther King Jr. and the
University. .. Universit a
will continue to coanvey to Uiversit's first Diversity Day, the
Commnit, "acta.fracal atre* 0000r { igoryaeat fHousing Division is sponsoring pro-
"I againt s r " tat he wil b coaoed. tleated {0
and capus shae5te prsal epnsblt grams on issues of anti-racism, multi-
'0cnfrntig a*ehvir" c amntculturalism, and diversity all across its
a a ga **a * *a* a. . asystem.
att mpt toproide " e virnmet 'inq iryinn vaton ndThe H o s n D ivision salutes the
t acaea.ivity r nurtured Weaaspire 1 ada l {opnn0s .0alo aHo sin
ra{:peple tobe diferent,. :oga:on. . diverai aym em ory of The Reverend King, and
vir:a nt nl*creo nierit lf. Weave unqueop00.uityencourages every member of the Uni-
vaios"0houh h ee // tdet.. * versity community to use the occasion
tio , w al m st ontnuetostrve owadsfulillng i eal , a d t "of D iversity D ay today to reaffirm his
or her commitment to the most impor-
tant values articulated by Dr. King.
Housing Division
A Unit of Student Services,
"I4yuwattosa.ha ws.. c / kt.
aIfdrum majorosay that I was
a drum major for justice, say
that I was a drum major for f ,g'"
peace, say that I was a"y
drum major for righteous- x:,:ty
ness..... I just want to leave a
committed life behind."
Martin Luther King, Jr,
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