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December 06, 1988 - Image 1

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1etgan I
Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. I C, No. 62 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, December 6, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily




Ford, Carter
work together

Former President Jimmy Carter addresses
over 70 representatives from 46 nations at
the All-Democracies Conference yesterday.
.Forum discusses
Nations that are beginning to develop into democ-
racies have no place to turn to when they need help,
said participants of the All-Democracies Conference.
To remedy this, a group of legislators, diplomats,
and professionals are gathering this week at the Uni-
versity's Gerald Ford Library to draw up plans to cre-
ate those resources.
Over 70 people from 46 nations are meeting until
Thursday for the All-Democracies Conference. Yes-
terday, in the opening sessions, representatives pre-
sented their definitions of what democracy is.
The morning's discussion illustrated different con-
ceptions of democracy, said former Assistant U.S.
Secretary of State Samuel De Palma, the president of
the group that is sponsoring the conference.
Democracy is "an institutional arrangement for ar-
riving at political decisions by which individuals de-
cide," said Kjell Bondevik, a member of parliament
from Norway. His definition includes the rights to
"food, employment, health service, and education," as
well as the freedoms of speech, press, and religion.
Democracy "implies something that is basic, a right
for everyone to share," said Edgardo Boeninger, vice
president of the Christian Democratic Party in Chile.
See Forim, Page 2

Former political rivals Gerald
Ford and Jimmy Carter sat together
yesterday and joked about the work
they have done together. The "Jerry
and Jimmy Show," they called it.
The two former Presidents held a
press conference at the Gerald Ford
Library on North Campus as part of
the All-Democracies Conference,
designed to discuss ways to promote
international democracy. They
fielded questions about the recent
Presidential campaign, the Middle
East, the conference, and them-
They have been working together
for years, Carter said. Even when
Carter, a Democrat, was President,
Ford, his Republican predecessor,
was a frequent guest at banquets and
Carter often asked Ford for advice.
"President Ford rarely came to
the Washington area that he didn't
come by to spend an hour, or maybe
a couple of hours, with me in the
Oval Office," Carter said.
When Carter signed the Camp
David agreement in 1977 - which
declared peace between Israel and
Egypt - he and the co-signers,
Prime Minister Menachem Begin of
Israel and President Anwar Sadat of
Egypt, called Ford from the heli-
copter phone to tell him about the
historic agreement.
They have since worked together
to sponsor forums between freely-
elected leaders of the Western
Hemisphere, which they have most
recently conducted in October. In
1986, they co-sponsored a television
discussion on the U.S. Presidency,
part of which was taped at the Uni-

Former President Gerald Ford speaks to former President Jimmy Carter during
a press conference yesterday at the Ford Library on North Campus. The two
leaders are participating in an international conference on democracy taking
place this week at the Ford Library.

versity's Ford Library . The rest was
taped at the Carter Center at Emory
University in Atlanta.
Carter also touted the "American
Agenda," a report that he and Ford
compiled over the past eight months
with 400 Democratic and Republi-
can leaders. The report, presented
last week to President-elect George
Bush, outlines 25 top priorities the
former Presidents believe Bush must
"Usually we agree" on most is-
sues, Carter said.
"We still have our differences,"
Ford added. "A few, if any, in for-
eign policy, more, but not a lot, in
domestic policy."
That difference was shown in
their responses to questions about
the situation in the Middle East.
Carter said Secretary of State
George Shultz made "a serious mis-
take" by denying Palestinian
Liberation Organization leader
Yasser Arafat a visa to speak at the
United Nations.
Ford said he had "mixed feel-
ings" about Shultz's actions, adding
that he saw the argument supporting
the right to free speech, but that he
also understood Shultz's argument
that Arafat condones terrorism
against U.S. citizens.
Ford said recent moves by the
PLO show a "constructive step for-
.ward" toward peace, but said the
PLO didn't fully accept U.N. Reso-
lution 242 giving Israel the right to
exist, didn't fully renounce terror-
ism, and didn't directly recognize
Israel as a political state.
"I'm not sure that Arafat will do
See Pres, Page 2
with 'U'
University President James Dud-
erstadt was one of 10 current and
former University. presidents from
across the nation to meet and dis-
cuss federal budget constraints and
education with George Bush yester-
Generally the University
administrators praised the man who
has vowed to be "the education pres-
"He reaffirmed that commitment
to us today in no uncertain terms,"
said Benno Schmidt Jr., president of
Yale University, Bush's alma mater.
Duderstadt was not available for
comment last night.
The University chiefs said they
had discussed the importance of the
federal role in ensuring access to
higher education, a need to support
scientific research on campuses, and
a shortage of scientists and engi-
neers, especially among members of
minority groups.
Schmidt said Bush "stressed the
See Pres., Page 5

Vest outlin
Newly-selected Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs Charles Vest has spent the
past 25 years working in the University's Col-
lege of Engineering.
But Vest's first meetings as Provost-to-be
have involved his main constituent, the College
of LSA. Speaking before the LSA faculty yester-
day in his first public appearance since Univer-
sity President James Duderstadt selected him last
week, he. outlined his general support for LSA
and the humanities.
He said his "vision" is to create a
"freewheeling, stimulating environment associ-
ated with smaller universities. I believe we can
surpass everyone."
Though Vest's comments focused on general,
and not specific, University issues, many LSA

es goals to]
faculty and administrators left reassured that the
long-time engineer would address concerns of
literature, science, and the arts.
Associate Communications Prof. Marion
Marzolf said Vest "dispelled some of that anxi-
ety" LSA faculty were having now that Duder-
stadt and Vest, two former engineers, were
occupying the two top University positions. "He
seemed to have good ideas."
Vest's name still must go before the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents next week before he can
assume the vice presidency Jan. 1.
Since he was selected last week, Vest has
outlined several goals for the University - im-
proving faculty quality, the environment for re-
search, graduate student support, diversity, and
undergraduate education quality.
He addressed those subjects in yesterday's


SA faculty
speech, but he avoided specifics. Minority re-
cruitment goals, he said, "will not happen
overnight, and will not happen easily. We have
to work hard, roll up our sleeves, and get on with
the job."
"I do not feel choices have to be made about
excellence in research and excellence in teach-
ing," Vest told the 100-person audience at the
Modern Languages Building yesterday. "We are
all here to learn. Our duty to educate our
youngest colleagues is among the most important
and academic activity."
Despite the lack of specifics, most LSA ad-
ministrators and faculty were impressed by
Vest's remarks. "His speech tonighit wasn't so
full of particulars as it might have been," said
Special Assistant to the LSA Dean Lawrence
Mohr, "but he seems to stand for the good

...talks to LSA faculty

Council approves'
$500 noise fine

Students responsible for loud
noise levels at house or fraternity
parties can now be fined up to $500,
under the provisions of an ordinance
approved last night by the Ann Ar-
bor City Council.
Previously, the city could issue a
fine of no more than $100 and/or a
maximum of 30 days in jail.
The ordinance passed last night
originally contained a provision to
include a possible jail sentence of 90
days for violators, but an amend-
ment by Councilmember Jeff Epton
(D-Third Ward), which passed 9-1,
deleted a possible jail term as pun-
Epton said fraternities might have
to make some changes because of
the potentially large fine. "It might
mean that they'd have to take up a
larger collection to deal with a
higher fine," he said.
"I don't see how we can come to
a point where people should be in

taken," said Councilmember Terry
Martin (R-Second Ward). "I think
jail is excessive, however."
The council was also addressed
last night by members of the Home-
less Action Committee, who de-
manded at the Nov. 21 meeting that
the council take action about what
the group sees as a shortage of low-
income housing in the city.
"The people in Ann Arbor who
have no place to live need low-cost
housing," said HAC member
Renuka Uthappa, an LSA senior.
"People don't like sleeping outside;
people don't like freezing to death;
people don't like being treated like
The group was upset that the
council is not doing more to help the
homeless. "We will work as long
and as hard as it takes.to change
your priorities," Uthappa told the
"I think they make a perfectly
reasonable point. We haven't done

Former Regent Eugene Power commends the choice of cross-country runner and College of
Engineering student Traci Babcock for the Power Scholarship. Babcock, a senior, will spend
the next two years at Cambridge University in England.

Babcock garners

nd. On opportunity she now has, she also
ock, a sees her scholarship as a medium to
1""t% . r ho henu h ic dithat "toi he nn

The University of Michigan has

bridge University in Englar
Nov. 17, senior Traci Baba
rmrnn . n . .4f'rll


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