Page 10 -The Michigan Daily-- Friday, December 2, 1988
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'Think tank' plans
to fight drug abuse
A new and powerful regiment of troops are being
enlisted in the war on drugs. School of Public Health
professors, drug enforcement experts, and community
and governmental leaders are building a "think tank"
to combat drug abuse in Southeastern Michigan.
"The seminars will be very applied and not too
academic," said Toby Citrin, a professor of public
health policy and administration. "We will pull from
the best of what is known to be wo
The seminar series, sponsored by
Public Health Policy, will address t
from the perspective that it can be c
will participate in the series, said the
involved and their wealth of infor
combat the apathy that often preclude
"In a major metropolitan area lik
said, "there gets to be a feeling of
there is such an interrelationship
problems and economic problems tha
accomplish something in one area
plishing it in all these areas."
The nine seminars, to span one
beginning this month, will first fo
Profs p
Ever heard of a Rotalink In-
tramedullary Reamer Shaft? Or a
Scintillation Multiplexer? They prob-
ably won't become as well known as
the light bulb, but these inventions are
keeping the University in step with a
national upswing in patent approvals.
During the past six years, a in-
creasing number of University
professors and graduate students have
submitted inventions to the Intellec-
tual Properties Office (IPO) for patent
Most of the inventions that go
through IPO are from the Engineering
and Medical schools and the physics
department, said Robert Gavin, an at-
Continued from Page 3
partners. She was diagnosed with
AIDS in 1985, after entering a
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king in different
the Resource for
she drug problem
ured. Citrin, who
variety of people
mation can help
s drug programs.
e Detroit," Citrin
apathy, and that
between social
at you really can't
without accom-
-and-a-half yean
cus on different
types of intervention, examining which current pro-
grams around the country are successful and which are
Next, they will hold seminars discussing target
populations, in order to emphasize the differences be-
tween inner-city and suburban populations, as well as
age-group, and economic factors. The third set of
seminars will examine the roles certain influential
actors such as businesses, schools, and religious
groups can play in drug prevention. Finally, they will
discuss how programs are to be developed and how
funding will be obtained from the government.
After each session, participants will disseminate
written results, and will combine the overall findings
into a book to distribute to community leadership and
organizational groups.
Donald Jones, principal of Ann Arbor Pioneer High
School, said he hoped the seminars would make a dif-
ference. "Anything that might make an impact on this
drug situation, I welcome," said Jones, who will be
part of the seminars.
"The even split between the resource people and the
community leadership in this kind of a carefully struc-
tured series is one which we have not seen anywhere,"
said Citrin.
rofit on patents
torney for the University and Director
of the Intellectual Properties Office.
The IPO currently has 81 patents
pending, a substantial increase from
only 53 in 1986-87.
The increase, Gavin said, can be
traced to a number of factors. Grow-
ing research in biotechnology in the
1980s led to an influx of inventions,
and, in 1981, the federal government
tool is a good thing." The legal
system has changed as well, he said,
and patents are more likely to hold up
in court.
The University's policy, which al-
lows professors to profit from their
inventions, has helped prompt the lo-
cal increase, Gavin said.
IPO processes patent applications
for inventors and conducts
passed a law increasing incentives for preliminary market analyses. And
University researchers to develop though the University owns the
products, not just reports. patents, professors have the option of
"People used to have the buying them.
perception that patents were a bad
thing because a patent is a grant of a "If no one can own something then
monopoly," Gavin said. "Now they they're not going to take the time and
think that a patent as an economic trouble to develop it," said Gavin,
program to end her drug dependency.
Brown said that her family has
been supportive. She counsels women
with chemical dependencies, and par-
ticipates in a support group of women
who have tested positive for the AIDS
"I don't have to carry around that
shame and guilt anymore," she said.
"I'm okay today, that's a blessing."
Those in attendance had positive___
reactions to the presentation. Anita
Sil, a first-year medical studentDeidre Brown, an IV drug
praised the panel for covering "a user for 19 years, was di-
range of issues that are crucial to agnosed with AIDS after
understanding the whole epidemic,;gns
unfortunately, there is a lot of student entering a program to end
ignorance." her drug dependency.
you can
ers who
21 for
al Funds.
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