OPINION Thursday, December 1, 1988 Page 4 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No.59 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. O Q e an eO o V\Ice o es \ ,,.,\e a6ep , G w , e ds -3 0\ 113000 \ O1 .o gS . 1 r'6-a 0~sN0 o{ E0 a ;Mo ~ X e 66 fl 063 a5 0 , . o "6OB,' . .a : PGa a\ 6 ,en P a OF ' ece s ce ~$ N O N sO\ \ \a 6 se - 31 - n, -o Psa- Qo P 10 id .13- 10$0 * e* Misgmded advice U.S. out of Central America By Mike Fischer and Kathryn Savoie Eight years ago today, a Salvadoran death squad with clear links to El Sal- vador's government raped and murdered four U.S. missionaries in El Salvador. Within one month, President Carter had restored both economic and military aid to the Salvadoran government. The juxtaposition of these two actions, the one involving a gross. violation of human rights and the second demonstrat- ing a clear willingness on the part of the. U.S. government to ignore such viola- tions, is paradigmatic of U.S. foreign policy in both El Salvador and throughout the Third World. In both, the U.S. will justify the expenditure of billions of dol- lars to defeat guerrilla movements such as the FMLN in El Salvador, even though, at the hands of the government. Those who dare to speak up for human dignity and against tyranny are targeted by the Salvadoran death squads. At the University of El Salvador at Santa Ana, the University of Michigan's Sister University, the army recently at- tacked a peaceful protest organized by teachers, students, and workers demanding increased government funding. National police riot squads attacked without provo- cation, firing tear gas, live ammunition, and water cannons into the crowd of 6000 marchers. Approximately 150 persons were wounded and more than 200 students, professors and bystanders were arrested. Here in this country and in our own community, we see the evidence of how the Salvadoran government, with U.S. support, contributes to the suffering of the Salvadoran people. U.S. advisers direct a counterinsurgency war which forcibly re- 'Here in this country and in our own community, we see the evidence of how the Salvadoran government, with U.S. sup- port, contributes to the suffering of the Salvadoran people.' over his support for funding the contras and the government of El Salvador. It is actions such as these, taking place throughout the country, that have pro- tected El Salvador and Nicaragua from di- rect U.S. invasion. In combination with movements such as Sanctuary here in Ann Arbor, as well as the University of Michigan's Sister University affiliation with the University of El Salvador in Santa Ana, the campaigns LASC has par- ticipated in over the past eight years have not only aided the effort to prevent a U.S. invasion of Central America, but have also helped us forge a genuine solidarity with our sisters and brothers fighting for freedom throughout the region. The LASC will participate in CISPES' national call to action as a means of ex- pressing that solidarity. Consequently, we hereby signal our intention to join in na- tionally coordinated protest action, be- tween March 18-20, 1989 against the US- sponsored war in El Salvador and the sham elections that will take place there during that week. The LASC will also call for a "No Business As Usual Day" at the Uni- versity of Michigan sometime during Central America Week (which begins March 19), on which we will promote speakers, films, and workshops addressing the situation in Central America as a vi- able alternative to attending classes. We also call for the media in the United States to report more forthrightly and consistently on what is taking place in El Salvador. As night has fallen on the lives of its peoples over the past decade, a similar blackout has deprived U.S. citizens of the opportunity to know what our gov- ernment is doing in El Salvador as well as how much money it is spending in doing it. And even though the political and military situations in El Salvador are at a crucial point, with both the popular and guerrilla movements at their strongest since the civil war began in 1979, it is a rare day when one finds any information about the country in the newspapers, on television, or on the radio. Finally, we call for an inauguration day protest this coming January so that we might send to George Bush and the new Congress a loud and clear message: we will no longer tolerate U.S. support for a regime that, in the name of democracy, has butchered 70,000 of its people in the last nine years. We will no longer tolerate the double-speak through which, in a haunting echo of the Vietnam War, the U.S. justifies destroying El Salvador by claiming to save it. as in the case of the FMLN, such move- ments represent the legitimate democratic aspirations of the indigenous population. In both, the U.S.' top priority is defense of what Noam Chomsky has referred to as the "Fifth Freedom" - the U.S. govern- ment's "right" to pillage and destroy in order to preserve its own economic and strategic interests. And in both, the U.S. props up repressive, totalitarian regimes willing to work for these interests, and calls them democracies. There is a war going on in El Salvador and the U.S. is involved*in it. During the last nine years, the United States has spent more than $3.6 billion to maintain the Salvadoran government in power, a gov- ernment so weak and divided that it is able to keep control only through extreme re- pression and by waging war against its own people. During 'this same nine year period 70,000 Salvadoran citizens have been killed, slaughtered by government- controlled death squads and the armed forces. Most Salvadorans live in incredible poverty and suffer unspeakable repression Mike Fisher and Kathryn Savoie are members of the Ann Arbor Latin America Solidarity Committee. locates civilians in order to create "free- fire" zones. Scorched-earth operations have driven more than 1.5 million people (almost one third of the population) from their homes. Almost one million Sal- vadorans are living in forced exile in the United States as a result of these cruel and immoral policies. And right here in Ann Arbor are Salvadoran families who have fled their country fearing for their lives, seeking sanctuary from the brutal Salvadoran government. As residents within the country whose foreign policies have promoted such atrocities, it is our responsibility to do all we can to pressure the U.S. government to stop the war. Consequently, in conjunc- tion with CISPES, we of Ann Arbor LASC are calling for the initiation of a campaign of active protest and non-violent direct action to bring the war in El Sal- vador to an end. Our campaign in Ann Arbor will build on the momentum generated by a long series of such efforts directed against CIA and FBI recruitment on campus, George Bush's visit to cam- pus in the Fall of 1985 to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Peace Corps, and the protests against our Con- gressional Representative, Carl Pursell, IN THE WEEK BEFORE Thanksgiving break, LSA Student Government (LSA-SG) sponsored an advertisement in the Daily entitled "Having Problems With Your T.A.??." The advertisement gives names and numbers of University services to contact for academic and discriminatory problems. Harassment demands attention, and undergraduates with academic problems deserve coun- sel, but an appeal to the University ad- ministration involves trusting a bureau- cracy unable to deal with discrimina- tion. The first portion of the.ad states that students who have problems with their TAs can seek out the professor, the head of the department, or student counselling services for help. This is legitimate advise for negotiating aca- demic problems, especially considering the power TAs are generally given over undergraduates. The ad then advocates turning to a variety of administrative sources for cases of harassment such as the Affir- mative Action Office, Student Discrim- ination Policy Administrator, and the Department of Public Safety and Secu- rity. Students who turn to these sources for help or protection will only succeed in helping the University con- ceal the harassment which takes place here. Teaching assistants are accountable for their actions, but not to the same degree as the administration, which provides no training for TAs (or other students) on the issues of racism and sexism or even discrimination in gen- eral. By running the ad, LSA-SG chose to join the administration in holding TAs up to a standard which is not applied to any other member of the Univeristy community. There is no course of ac- tion in the ad for students who have been harassed by an administrator or the Department of Public Safety. By implicitly suggesting that TAs are a major part of the harassment problem at Michigan, LSA-SG is running inter- ference for the administration's own discrimination and failure to address the problems of harassment put forth by student organizations. The University still harbors the likes of LSA Dean Peter 0. Steiner and Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), who have pro- moted racism and homophobia through remarks and actions made in their ca- pacities as University administrators. Telling the administration about TA harassment of students will either lead to a cover-up - as several complaints to the Tell Someone campaign have - or the administration will choose to discipline an employee on a completely different criteria than it applies to its own bureaucrats. Don't Tell Someone, so the University can cover it up. Even worse is LSA-SG's collabora- tion with the administration in encour- aging students' to attack other students (in this case graduate students) rather than working on a campaign for education about discrimination. The administration has no right to punish teaching assistants, or students in gen- eral when it refuses to create a manda- tory course on racism, recruit minority faculty and students in representative numbers, and pay women faculty and staff members as much as their male counterparts. Students having problems with other students should turn to the anti-racist, anti-sexist student organizations for support, not the administration. LSA- SG should spend its money and time working against harassment through means such as the mandatory class rather than writing propaganda for the administration. University needs a new ad To the Daily: When I graduated in May, the University had just selected a new president: a president who, although having a back- ground in engineering, has supposedly committed himself to the goals of a liberal educa- tion. There was much concern during the selection process in regards to the emphasis the new president would place on teaching, as opposed to re- search. Those who have been around the University commu- nity are aware of this conflict. While I feel I received a supe- rior education at the Univer- sity, ignoring the gradual ero- sion of the values inherent in a liberal arts education has clearly been wrong. Indeed, my and others' avoidance of the issue is what has led me to write the University today. What in- spired me to start this letter? Anyone who has watched a Michigan football game on television and seen the promo- tional piece for the University knows exactly why I'm writ- ing. The piece creates a picture of a university wholly different from that which I attended. Or does it? The advertisement speaks solely of research, engineering, and technical ex- science, or a foreign language? The University would do well to model its promotions after those of Indiana or Min- nesota, who, although arguably less distinguished than Michi- gan, have promotional pieces that are much more attractive to a budding liberal arts major than is Michigan's. I'm not advocating that the University replace its emphasis on techni- cal education with an emphasis on the liberal arts, but it would be nice if Michigan could at least strike a balance. It's fine to mention the slick "high tech" corridor the University has helped create, but distin- guished achievements in the liberal arts should be high- lighted as well. I only hope that those of you at the University right now do your best to obtain a great and thorough education. Be con- cerned about the issues raised herein. My pride in having graduated from the University lies with a lot more than only its technological feats and ca- pabilities. Let's reexamine the priorities at Michigan. And let's film another promotional clip, one that reflects the Uni- versity I know has existed, a university in which I would like to continue to believe. -Mark Perrin November 7 Review Superstar is a great musical. One of the things that makes it great is its brutal honesty about Christ and what we hu- mans make of Him; it serves to warn us of the dangers of hypocrisy, and that's good. but to take it as a blanket indict- ment of Christianity in general is to miss the point. Ms. Colquitt writes, for example, of the apostles' (sic) "am- bition" implying Christian "hypocrisy" ("Then when we retire we can write the gospel/(sic) so they'll all talk about us when we die (sic)"). Does she think Christians at- tribute the gospels to any other source? Stone tablets, perhaps? Maybe she has us confused with the Mormons. -Catherine Arnott November 7 and the Bible is very clear in these places. For example, Romans 1:27, I Corinthians 6:9-10, and especially in Genesis 18:16-19:29, where God destroys Sodom and Gamorrah for their rampant homosexuality. Let there be no mistaking this fact: people who believe the Bible literally believe that homosexuality is a sin. What shall we do here at U of M, then? There are many Christian groups on campus (Campus Crusade, Intervarsity, Naviga- tors, Christians in Action, and others) which believe the Bible literally. Thus, there is a high likelihood that they believe homosexuality is morally wrong. Shall we withdraw recognition from every Chris- tian group on this campus? This would surely be religious discrimination in its purest form, for MSA would be act- ing against these groups on the basis of their religious beliefs. -Kevin J. Clarke November 2 Mail Dave Bible says anti-gay is Okay To the Daily: I have some contentions about Jim Randall's letter con- cerning the CCF controversy, entitled "CCF removal lauded," (Daily, 11/1/88). Randall pro- fesses to be a homosexual and a Christian, and makes several allegations which I would like to discuss. First, he says that in places postcards To the Daily: I recently heard on the air (WNIC, Dearborn) an appeal of a friend or family member of a child in West Palm Beach, Florida who is dying of bone cancer. The kid is trying to break the world record for re- ceivinry the most nngtcardsg 7 Tf il l4~~T(bi~UWindk, a Ct'l~k fd-11r 'nnli v7 s m 1 C C\ cl +11, d I k m