IW Page 8 Independent Libraries Enrich Research Environment The University Library is by far the largest, most comprehensive li- brary on the U-M campus. But it is not the only library, nor the only excellent one. Several independently admini- stered libraries contribute richly to the University's broad research environ- ment. They give special attention to distinctive collections that benefit re- searchers in many disciplines. Their regulations and policies may differ from the University Library's, but their goals in the interest of teaching and research are the same, which makes these libraries well worth knowing about and using. William L. Clements Library of American History 909 South University, 764-2347 Established in, 1922, the Cle- ments Library houses primary source material for the study of America from its discovery through the nineteenth century. The Americana include rare books, manuscripts, maps, music, prints, original art, and newspapers and periodicals in holdings of some 60,000 volumes, 1,000 feet of manu- scripts, 2,000 prints, and 40,000 pieces of nineteenth-century sheet music. The Clements is known inter- nationally for its collections of seven- teenth- and eighteenth-century Americana and for manuscripts relat- ing to the British side of the American Revolutionary War. Long known, also, for its collections pertaining to the American anti-slavery move- ment, the Library has greatly in- creased its holdings in Civil War soldiers' letters and journals, as well as in manuscripts generally related to social and economic history. The Clements Library may be used by U-M faculty members and students holding valid"identification. The collections are most useful to researchers who are already well prepared in relevant secondary litera- ture. Further details about using the Library's resources may be gathered in a meeting with a staff member. Gerald R. Ford Library 1000 Beal Avenue, North Campus, 668-2218 The Gerald R. Ford Library is part of a system of presidential librar- ies administered by the National Ar- chives and Records Administration. It collects, preserves, and promotes research into the history of the career of President Ford and of contempora- neous public issues. Collections in- clude millions of paper and audio- visual items accumulated by Mr. Ford and his advisors and assistants during more than a quarter-century of public service. Its related holdings include the papers of Arthur Burns, Federal Reserve Board Chairman, and records of the National Council for U.S.-China Trade. The Ford Library serves stu- dents, teachers, scholars, lawyers, journalists, government officials, and other citizens who have research interests in recent United States his- tory. Library staff members also conduct one senior-level course on the presidency each year, using the Library's collections as primary re- source materials. Kresge Business Administration Library School of Business Administra- tion, 764-7356 The Kresge Business Admini- stration Library is one of the nation's largest business libraries. Its 210,000 volumes cover such areas as account- ing and finance, business economics and public policy, computer and in- formation systems, corporate strat- egy and operations management, human resources management, in- surance, international business, law and history, marketing, organiza- tional behavior, real estate, and statis- tics and management science. The Library also maintains special collec- tions that hold corporate annual re- ports, lOKs and proxies, census data, Central Bank Reports, and working papers. Its Career Resources Center provides extensive company infor- mation files. Library borrowing privileges are extended to all University faculty, staff, and students. During certain posted hours in the regular school year, only Business Administration faculty and students, and others with permission, may use the Library. Further details are available at the Library service desk. Law Library Law Quadrangle, 764-9322 The Law Library is an important center for legal research not only for faculty and students in the School of Law; lawyers, judges, and scholars from elsewhere in America and from foreign nations also make extensive use of the Library's 660,000 vol- umes. The collection includes reports of American federal and state courts, court reports of Great Britain and the Commonwealth and of most Euro- pean and South American countries. Current and past constitutions of most nations and of the American states are also held. Legal documents of the United Nations, the European community, and other supra-national authorities are collected; the Library is a depository for EEC documents. Extensive holdings in the fields of Roman law,, international and com- parative law, trials, biography, and legal bibliography are maintained. LEXIS and WESTLAW online sys- tems are heavily used for research. Use of the Law Library is open to the U-M community under sepa- rate regulations, which may be ob- tained by calling or visiting the main public service desk. Michigan Historical Collections, Bentley Historical Library 1150 Beal Avenue, North Cam- pus, 764-3482 Established in 1935, the Michigan Historical Collections gathers and preserves materials documenting the history of the State of Michigan. The Collections also serves as the archives of The University of Michigan. Resources consist of manuscript and printed collections, as well as photographs, maps, newspapers, audio-visual materials, and ephemera.The Guide to Manuscripts in the Bentley Historical Library (1976) is the essential introduction to these holdings. The Bentley, a closed-stack, non-circulating research library, provides a quiet reading room and staff assistance for its users. It welcomes interest from the entire U-M community and issues a "Guide to the Use of the Bentley Historical Library" to acquaint researchers with its rules and services. Researchers requiring audio-visual materials are asked to make arrangements ahead of their visits. Other libraries Researchers are reminded that many academic departments, re- search institutes, and other units at U-M maintain their own private libraries. Upon request, some of these libraries admit visitors to their resources for work on specific re- search projects. Graduate Library Tours Each September, group orienta- tion tours of the Graduate Library, by far the largest and most complex of the University Library's facili- ties, are offered to faculty members and students. Schedules and sign-up lists are located at Circulation Serv- ices, Room 104 North. The University of Michigan University Library Robert M. Warner, Interim Director Carla J. Stoffle, Deputy Director Editor: Richard Parmater We sincerely thank the many librarians, staff personnel, and other members of the University community who have contributed their thoughtful words and ideas to this introduction to the University Library. fIL The University of Michi Library System 11 From the Library Director Whether or not you are a new student on the University of Michigan campus, you will probably discover some new information about Library services in this supplement. Certainly, everyone will be learning about our new online catalog, which we call MIRLYN. Even if you don't have time now to read this entire newspa- per, at least look at the article about this new automated way to get the in- formation you need for of all the pa- pers you're going to do this fall. In these pages you will find an overview of the various libraries across campus and you will find some information on the various special services offered to students, such as the Peer Information Counseling pro- gram and the Term Paper Assistance Program in the Undergraduate Li- brary. Each individual library also has brochures or leaflets that introduce its particular collection and services- look for those and ask the library staff for any questions you may have. The Library has always played a pivotal role in the life of the Univer- sity of Michigan. The very first ap- pointment made by the Board of Regents in 1837, at their first meeting, was that of the University Librarian. The continuing central focus on this institution has made the University of Michigan Library one of the greatest collections in the country, staffed by some serve the n brary Rob< Inter Dear Li bi Robert M. Warner Circulation: Moving Through the System Smoothly Regulations and Procedures for Borrowing Library Materials Make Access Easy and Fair for Everyone Excellence at the Cor Quick-reference Phone Numbers Graduate Library Building Circulation Svcs., 764-0400 Documents Ctr., 764-0410 Faculty Microcomputer Facility, 936-3306 Information Center., 764-9373 Interlibrary Loan, 764-8584 Map Library, 764-0407 Microform Reading Rm., 764-2389 Online Search Svcs., 936-2408 Preservation Ofc., 763-9316 Rare Books, 764-9377 Serials Svcs. & Records, 764-0503 747-FAST, 747-3278 Stacks Ofc., 764-0413 Undergraduate Library Building AGeneral, 764-7490 Microcomputer Ctr., 763-5406 Reference Desk, 763-4141 Reserve Svc., 764-7493 Buhr Facility Reading Rm., 764-9364 Stacks Ofc., 763-9089 A Library Needs Friends, Too! The Friends of the University of Michigan Library is an organization of faculty members, students, alumni, and other concerned per- sons who personally support the Library's work in building and maintaining one of the world's great research collections. Over the past two years, funds collected from membership fees and gifts have been given mainly to the Library's huge effort to save older, deteriorating materials. U-M students are invited to join the Friends at the special student rate of$10.00 per year. Members receive mailings about Library activities and invitations to special events that benefit the organization's work. Recent programs have included readings by the American writers Judith Guest and Marge Piercy. Membership forms may be ob- tained from the north circulation desk, 104 Graduate Library,and sent to the Friends in care of the Library Development Office, 818 Graduate Library. - I Library Hours Online A listing of regular and special hours for all University Library fa- cilities is available online through the campus computer network UMnet. Users should first enter the response UMLIBHOURS to to the "Which host?" prompt. Several commands can then be chosen: ALL - to see regular hours for all li- braries; LIST - to see a list of abbreviations for all libraries offering separate entries (each of which may be re- quested separately); SPECIAL - to see a list of special holiday or intersession hours. This information is updated regularly throughout the year. Copying with VendaCard Library patrons can easily make photocopies without coins by purchasinga VendaCardiat any dispensing machine. By "charging" value with $1 and $5 bills fed into the same machines, your encoded mag-tape card will always be ready whenever you need to copy material. A library is at the heart of every great university. Quiet yet vibrant with intellectual activity, it preserves the cumulative record of speculation, scholarship, and expression generated throughout the ages while also en- couraging fresh responses to experi- ence and knowledge. And it responds to change within its own resources, as well. Joining the traditional medium of print over thepast century have been such advances as microforms, photoduplication, audio/visual me- dia, electronic storage, searching and retrieval systems, and interlibrary telecommunications networks, all of which reveal, and indeed often gener- ate, new possibilities for scholarly activity. In any university, in other words, the library is part of a vital or- ganism that finds intellectual nourish- ment in new resources and technolo- gies, and in new accomplishments. The University of Michigan Li- brary has been growing and changing for a century and a half. Today its international reputation as a major research facility is firmly established. With hundreds of talented staff mem- bers, over 6,000,000 volumes, 66,000 serials, and burgeoning electronic systems, it serves the entire Univer- sity with a comprehensive body of collections and services. And as the fifth largest academic library in the nation, it stands as a leading partici- pant in interlibrary programs for re- source-sharing and preservation. As an entire system, the Univer- sity Library operates through a cen- tralized, coordinating administration on the one hand and a network of dis- tributed public service facilities on the other. What this means from the user's point of view is that our overall pres- ence in the U-M scholarly community is, first of all, the product of unified planning and development leading to a remarkably comprehensive, bal- anced collection of materials. But in The borrowing of library materi- als it U-M is currently coordinated through the Geac automated circula- tion system in the following Univer- sity Library units: Graduate, Under- graduate, Engineering, North Engi- neering, Taubman Medical, Natural Science, University Reserve Service, Art and Architecture, Public Health, Dentistry, and Music. Other libraries currently use manual systems for re- cording circulation. Eventually, all circulation records will be handled by the new MIRLYN automated system. The Geac system gives staff members the ability to charge books out to patrons efficiently, send over- due notices, and keep track of where the Library's materials are at any given time. Library patrons can use public Geac terminals themselves in the Graduate, Undergraduate, Natural Science, Taubman, and Engineering libraries. Searching by author, title, or call number, they can look for books to find out if they are checked out, and if checked out, when they are due, and determine what books are on reserve for a particular course. These Geac services will be phased out soon, as MIRLYN contin- ues to grow, but for now and through much of this school year, Geac will be your primary access point for infor- mation on the status of Library mate- rials. The Nuts and Bolts of Borrowing University Library borrowing privileges are extended to enrolled students and members of the faculty and staff. Guest privileges are ex- tended to faculty members from other Michigan universities, as well. Addi- tional exceptions and individual cir- cumstances, such as the privileges given by Dentistry and Medical li- braries to some local practitioners, are handled separately. Students must present their valid U-M identification card to withdraw items. Graduate Student Teaching As- sistants and Research Assistants may obtain faculty-level borrowers' cards by presenting their appointment card or verification letter to the Circulation Services secretary in Room 104, Graduate Library North. Students and staff members are See Circulation page 5 t T1 Access! A Access. It's the essential function of any library: getting you and research material together. At their most efficient, a library's access services are hardly noticed-- you need a book, you go to a shelf, acid there it is. Librarians have already anticipated the item's usefulness, perhaps years ago or a century ago, and you now stand with theevidence of their good judgment and foresight in your hands. The world has worked right! In a library as large and well chosen as U-M's, this is how routine searches usually turn out. But a re- he Long Arm of the University L lmost Anywhere for the Material term: that s conv of o majo work tivel: or tv the L at ha Univ erect situa nal c brary stude This more our r we h Univ stand Mich disco search library's true test of access comes when that book or microfilm, journal or photograph, musical score or map isn't where you'd like to find it. The empty feeling of knowing that there's one source that would supply an answer or bibliography or quota- tion just perfectly and that it's no- where to be found is one we've all ex- perienced. And it's one that the Uni- versity Library tries to set right as often as it can. We can't get you eve- rything you need, but we'll try to get you almost anything, from our own fa- cilities nearby or from collections half, afte Acc on t able case beer By I that Students in thefirst "computer generation" make the Microcomputer Center in the Undergraduate Library one of the busiest facilities on campus.