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November 23, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-23

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 23, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

'U' profs. react to



Last week's Palestinian Liberation
Organization meeting in Algiers -
which resulted in the body's adoption
of a resolution implicitly recognizing
the state of Israel, renouncing
terrorism, and declaring the occupied
territories an independent state -
drew criticism from some University
professors and support from others.
Political Science Prof. Raymond
Tanter, a former member of the

National Security Council staff under
President Ronald Reagan, called the
PLO resolution "a policy-forcing
event." He said the proclamation was
a move by the PLO to gain Amer-
ican support, rather than a serious
effort towards a peaceful settlement
with Israel.
But Bob Haurt, director of the
Office of Ethics and Religion, said
the PLO resolution was a "positive

"One should take any opportunity
available to move ahead with a
peaceful settlement in Israel," he
said. "Instead of just easy dismissals,
a creative response is what we need
to see."
Last week Israel called the PLO
resolution "double talk" and, accord-
ing to the Associated Press, said it
did not recognize Israel or renounce
The United States also rejected the

resolution, calling it a "unilateral
act," and saying the conflict must be
resolved through negotiations and not
resolutions such as the PLO's.
English Prof. Alan Wald disputed
Tanter's assertion that the PLO
proclamation was not a sincere
attempt at peace with Israel. He
criticized recent "U.S. and Israeli
rejectionism" of the PLO's peace
"Any attempts to discredit the

resolution will only make the
situation worse," Wald said.
History Prof. Todd Endelman said
the PLO resolution may be a
"stumbling block" to peaceful nego-
tiations because it does not explicitly
recognize Israel. Endelman added that
it is not the United States'
responsibility to satisfy Palestinian
demands. However, "at some point
Palestinian aspirations will have to
be satisfied," he said. "The problem

is not going to disappear."
Wald disagreed, instead calling the
"anti-Arab nature of the U.S. media a
major stumbling block that must be
overcome if we are" to achieve peace
and end violence in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip.
The PLO, Wald said, is portrayed
as a terrorist organization seeking to
destroy Israel, when, in reality, it is
See Mideast, Page 3

S. Africa OKs




from Angola

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP)
The government yesterday an-
nounced it had joined Cuba and An-
gola in approving a U.S.-mediated
plan to remove 50,000 Cuban troops
from Angola and set the stage free for
the independence of South-West
Africa, also known as Namibia.
"The hard nut that had to be
cracked has been cracked," said For-
eign Minister Pik Botha, whose
government for years has linked the
independence of Namibia to a Cuban
Botha said negotiations were tak-
ing place in New York to establish
an acceptable system for verifying all
phases of the withdrawal, which is
expected to be conducted over a 27-
month period.
If this matter is resolved said
Botha the three countries would sign
a formal agreement and the United
Nations would proceed to set a
timetable for implementing its plan
to hold independence elections in
"With this step, all three govern-
ments have signaled their acceptance
of the Geneva understandings," said
spokesperson Charles Redman.
Implementation of a U.N. security
council resolution governing the in-
dependence process in Namibia is
expected begin six to eight weeks af-
ter actual signature of the agree-
ments, he said.
The parties also must work out
final details of the U.N. role in the
region and of verification of Cuban
troop withdrawal from Angola Red-
man said.
At U.N. headquarters in New
York, Secretary-General Javier Perez
de Cuellar-also expressed pleasure at
South Africa's announcement and
urged all the parties to "redouble their
efforts" to arrange a final settlement.
The U.N. Security Council's
Resolution 435 adopted 10 years ago,
outlines a one-year transition period

20W) mes AFRICA
during which elections would be held
for an assembly to draft a constitu-
tion for an independent Namibian
Botha, said he mistrusted the U.N.
collectively but had faith in Perez de
Cuellar, who ensured South African
officials during a recent visit here
that the elections would be overseen
The troop withdrawal plan was
drafted by negotiators in Geneva last
week. Cuba and Angola announced
their acceptance on Friday.
Cuban troops have been support-
ing the Angolan government since
1975 in a civil war against South
African- and U.S.-supported rebels of
UNITA-the National Union for the
Total Independence of Angola.
Details of the peace plan have not
been released. Sources have said the
plan calls for the Cubans to withdraw
over a 27-month period, gradually
moving troops northward away from
UNITA's strongholds near the border
with Namibia.
UNITA was not party to any of
the talks and does not recognize the

These turkeys wait to be--slaughtered for Thanksgiving dinners at Webster's Turkey. Farm, a family farm in Saline which is
closing after 44 years of business. See photostory, Page 2.
MSA passes resolution
condemning Tagar Consumer
BY MIGUEL CRUZ Against Tagar," a reaction to wording offended Arab students. Price IndeX
The Michigan Student Assembly on the wooden school bus built by The resolution passed by MSA


last night passed a resolution that Tagar last week on the Diag. The includes t
will revoke their recognition of the proposal was tabled at last Tuesday's formal ap
pro-Israel student group Tagar if it meeting. of Tagar
does not make amends for actions the The bus, erected last Monday to workshop
assembly considers discriminatory commemorate Israeli victims of a Tagar con
against Arab-Americans. recent terrorist attack, originally had benefit the
Both Tagar and the Ad Hoc the words "Stop Arab Terrorism" Crescent's
Committee Against Anti-Arab painted on its side. Later that that Tagar
Racism rallied at MSA last night to evening, the wording was changed to Diag.
discuss the "Resolution for Action "Stop All Terrorism" at the behest of

he following demands: a
ology from Tagar; that all
's members attend a
on racial attitudes; that
nduct a bucket drive to
International Red Cross/
Lebanon Relief Fund; and
remove the bus from the
See MSA, Page 2

D Mulroney sees victory as 'clear mandate'

TORONTO (AP) - Prime Min-
ister Brian Mulroney said yesterday
his party's election victory is a "clear
mandate" for the free trade agreement
with the United States, and he hopes
to implement it on schedule Jan.1.
Mulroney's Progressive Conser-
vative Party won 170 of the 295
House of Commons seats in Mon-
day's election, concluding a tough
contest fought on the issue of the
trade pact Mulroney and President
Reagan signed last January.
The Liberal Party led by John
Turner, who ran a one-issue cam-

paign calling for cancellation of the
agreement, won 82 seats and Ed
Broadbent's socialist New Democrats
got 43 seats. Broadbent also opposed
the deal.
Reagan congratulated Mulroney in
a telephone call Tuesday from his
ranch in Santa Barbara, California.
"In recent years, relations between
the United States and Canada have
been marked by cooperative dialogue
and a remarkable record of mutually
beneficial achievement," he said in a
statement released by the White

Mulroney said in a nationally
televised news conference, "The
Canadian people have given us a
clear mandate to implement the free
trade agreement. We intend to do so."
He said he spoke to President-
elect George Bush yesterday and was
waiting to meet with him before
Bush's inauguration in January.
Not since 1953 had a party won
two consecutive majorities, and the
Conservatives had not managed it in
this century.
It was not as big, however, as the
1984 landslide that brought Mul-

roney's party 211 seats in a house
with a membership of 282 at the
Campaign portrayals of the future
under the free trade agreement were in
stark contrast.
Turner and other opponents
claimed it endangered Canada's
extensive social and health care pro-
grams and even its sovereignty. They
said a nation of 25 million people
would be overwhelmed by the eco-
nomic powerhouse to the south.
The prime minister said guaran-
teed access to the huge U.S. market

insures Canadian prosperity.
He said Canada is mature and
fully able to compete without the
system of high tariffs it began con-
structing in the 19th century.
An extensive advertising program
by business groups helped in the
final days.
About 75 percent of Canada's
17.5 million voters took part in the
election. The Conservatives got 43
percent of the popular vote, the
Liberals 32 and the New Democrats
20 percent.

Oct. 87 Sp. 88 Oct.'W
+0.3% +0.4
Consumer prices, driven by
increases in fall clothing
and auto insurance, rose
0.4 percent in October -
for an annual rate of 5.1
percent, the Labor Depart-
ment said yesterday. But
analysts are split on what
it signifies.

Schedule errors cause
troubles as CRISP nears

This winter's LSA course guides and time
schedules for all University schools are
sprinkled with errors. But these errors are
typical, professors say, because the informa-
tion must be submitted more than a month in
Some errors are rather minor ones, such as

Another registration problem this term is
that Student Verification Forms, which stu-
dents need to go through CRISP, are being
mailed late for juniors and seniors.
The Registrar's Office began sending
SVFs in the mail last year, rather than having
students wait in often long lines. But this
year, a conflict with the firm that was sup-

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