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November 22, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-22

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 22, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily






Grab a Garg DAVID LUBLINER/Daily
LSA senior Mark Davalos hawks copies of the new edition of the Gargoyle humor magazine on the Diag
yesterday. Gargs will be on sale the rest of this week and after Thanksgiving as well. See review, Page 5.
Bush picks cabine mem bers

The University's faculty government has
still not come to agreement over the
administration's proposed faculty discrimina-
tion and harassment policy.
A motion to approve the proposed policy
with modifications failed to pass in a straw
vote yesterday, 27-23 with one abstention, at
the faculty Senate Assembly's monthly
The motion was referred to a drafting
committee which will work out specific
points of contention in the policy and report
to the assembly Jan. 9, for further debate, said
Social Work Prof. Beth Reed, chair of the
Senate Advisory Committee on University
THE MOTION to appoint a drafting
committee to examine the policy passed
unanimously. Reed said SACUA will appoint
the committee next week.
The proposed policy outlines procedures
for dealing with accusations of discrimination
or harassment made against faculty and staff
The Senate Assembly has tabled the policy
twice, while proposing many revisions. But
faculty revisions do not guarantee actual
changes in the policy by the administration.
"We can't be sure that anything we propose
will get into the document," Reed said.
MANY FACULTY members say the
University should formulate a policy to pro-
tect faculty and staff against discrimination
and harassment.
Others, however, are concerned that the
policy may infringe on professors' academic
freedom - the right to speak their minds on
any subject.
But yesterday, assembly members debated
how to change specific points in the policy,
and indicated that the policy is nearing accep-
For example, Medical School Prof. Peter
Smouse, who has opposed the policy in the
past, said the most recent version is "getting
closer" to an acceptable policy. "We've al-
ready said that we favor and need a policy," he
said, adding that it needs work in several ar-

FACULTY MEMBERS said the draft-
ing committee should consider several points
in the policy - defining academic freedom,
protecting against false harassment and
ensuring that the policy protects students and
administrators, in addition to faculty mem-
The current policy would provide for a
monitoring committee to check the progress
and effectiveness of the policy once it is im-
plemented. Currently, the University has no
single policy to handle complaints of dis-
crimination or harassment made against fac-
ulty. Such complaints are specified in several
different faculty and staff guidelines.
use safer'
at 'U'
Setting pheromone-traps and mulching are
two of the environmental safeguards the Uni-
versity has implemented in its move away
from chemical to natural pest control.
The move to natural pest control is part of
the University's effort to protect the commu-
nity from poison and pollution, members of
the plant and business offices told the faculty's
Senate Assembly yesterday.
"The University tries to use insecticides as
infrequently as possible," said Douglas Fasing,
director of plant operations.
Every year, bugs called scales and elm-bark
beetles attack magnolia trees and elms around
campus, and every year the University must
either spray insecticides or use other methods
to curb the damage caused by the bugs, Fasing
See Pests, Page 2

Washington (AP)- President-elect
George Bush reached again into the
Reagan Cabinet yesterday to retain Dick
Thornburgh as attorney general and Lauro
Cavazos as secretary of education. He also
named former White House aid Richard
Darman for "perhaps the most difficult
job," budget director.
Thornburgh and Cavazos, like Treasury
Secretery Nicholas Brady, were late
additions to the Reagan team. Bush told a
news conference that "in all likelihood"
those three will be the only direct
They join James Baker, the former
treasury secretary whom Bush has chosen
to be secretary of state, as conerstone
c har e
An Ann Arbor man was arraigned
yesterday after allegedly raping a
woman in his parked car in the
Maynard Street parking structure
early Sunday morning, Ann Arbor
police said.
Omar Rabahi, 35, demanded a
preliminary hearing yesterday in
15th District Court on a charge of
third-degree criminal sexual conduct,
police Lt. Dale Heath said. He said
the hearing has been scheduled for
Nov. 30.
At a preliminary hearing, the
prosecution must show that they
have sufficient evidence to warrant a
Third-degree criminal sexual con-
duct involves rape using physical
force but no weapon. St
The woman left the nearby Nec- re
tarine Ballroom shortly before 2 fry
a.m. Sunday when she was allegedly ho
See Police, Page 3 ab

members of Bush's new Cabinet. The
president-elect said yesterday, "I will
keep my commitment to bring in lots of
new faces."
Bush swore in Cavazos, 61, the first
Hispanic-American to serve in a
Cabinet, in September as sucessor to
William Bennet at the Department of
Education. Bush had promised to appoint a
Hispanic to his own cabinet if elected.
Thornburgh, 56, former governer of
Pennsylvania and onetime head of the
Department of Justice's criminal division,
replaced the embattled Edwin Meese in
August. Bush said Thornburgh's priority
as the nation's cheif law enforcer will be
"combating the scourge of drugs."

Darman, 45, was deputy White House
chief of staff and then deputy treasury
secretary under Baker before taking a job
with an investment firm last year. He has
worked in six cabinet agencies: Defense,
Justice, Commerce, State, Treasury and
Health, Education and Welfare.
Bush also got some private advice from
former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald
Ford, who headed a commission that has
made reccomendations for the next
Bush rejected a General Accounting
Office report that dismissed his "flexible
freeze" proposal for cutting the budget
deficit. The report said that tax increases as
well as military and Social Security cuts
would have to be considered.

Anti-racism groups
protest fraternity actions

Between 100 and 150 people,
representing at least nine student or-
ganizations and the University's
Concerned Faculty, marched from
the Diag to Kappa Sigma Fraternity
to tell the fraternity the anti-racist
community will not tolerate racist
acts occuring at its house.
And they demanded that the Uni-

versity - which recently approved a
student anti-discrimination and dis-
criminatory harassment policy which
does not apply to any off-campus
group, including fraternities and
sororities - must take responsibil-
.ity for harassment committed by all
The mix of students, faculty, and
Ann Arbor residents gathered in front


of the graduate library and heard LSA
junior Susan Rhee tell once more
her account of the events of a party
held Oct. 7 at the Kappa Sigma
house, where she and five other
Asian American students were
racially harassed by a white male
When the six people left the
party, the man remarked, "The
chinks are leaving, ah-so," and
bowed his head with his hands
clasped. He immediately disappeared
into the house, and was never found
or identified.
Since thefi, Rhee and members of
the University of Michigan Asian
Student Coalition have discussed the
incident with Kappa Sigma Vice
President David Wigler and President
Ron Bauer, and on Nov. 10 began
informal mediation with Kappa
Sigma members through the
University Affirmative Action Of-
During those talks, UMASC de-
manded a statement from the frater-
nity saying Kappa Sigma does not
condone racist acts like the one on
Oct. 7 and a formal apology from
See Protest, Page 2


udents chant and carry signs yesterday in protest of racist
marks allegedly made by a guest of a Kappa Sigma
aternity house party last month (above). People in the
use (right) react to the protest, which was attended by
out 200 students.



Ecology group wants mandatory recycling

Ann Arbor households will be forced to
recycle their garbage if a mandatory recycling
ordinance - proposed last week by the Ecology
Center of Ann Arbor - is approved by the Ann
Arbor City Council.
The introduction of the ordinance was
precipitated by an impending need for more
landfill space in the city.
Unless the city receives permission from the

dumping) because of the limited capacity at the
landfill, and they agreed."
University Director of Plant Operations
Russell Reister said the University must now
dump its waste in South Lyon, Michigan,
northeast of Ann Arbor. The additional distance
from the University to the dump has increased
the cost of disposing the University's waste,
Reister said.
Although the city now has a voluntary

will: number one, impress on the public the
sense of urgency that really exists in dealing with
solid waste; and number two, it will help in
starting to alleviate the solid waste problem,"
Garfield said.
Paper, cardboard, metal, and brush are a few
types of recyclable materials.
Despite Garfield's optimism about mandatory
recycling, Ann Arbor city officials were less

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