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November 18, 1988 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-18

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The Michigan Daily

Friday, November 18, 1988

Page 7


Iso + Bobs

for one




= Collabo


for band forming next tern. Call Stephanie at


IF you're a fan of innovative dance or "new" music or
just some avant garde (but not tacky) entertainment,
look no further. The collaborative efforts of Iso and the
Bobs will offer a different kind of performance to the
Ann Arbor audience this weekend.
Iso, a group of four dancers, describe themselves as
"one moment exaggerated and crazy, the next ecological
and metaphysical, childish and clever. Unclassifiable:
they stand alone... they wink at painting. sculpture,
video, animated cartoon, and at science fiction films."
Iso obviously has the talent to "stand alone," yet they,
choose to collaborate with another group to make their
art form all that much better.
That other group is The Bobs, a quartet of first class
musicians, incorporate all types of music to form their
vocal style. The Bobs are "funny, intricate, compelling a
capella singing." Like Iso, the Bobs were successful
artists on their own and realized the goodness that occur
if they were to collaborate with Iso.
A few years ago, the Bobs were invited to see Iso

rative creativity
(formerly called Momix) perform. Iso had heard an alb
bum of the Bobs and thought they would enjoy seeing
their dance concert. Having known little about dance, the
Bobs accepted the invitation and wound up loving
The mutual admiration society between the two:
groups came to a head when they collaborated for the
first time in July of 1987 at Lincoln Center's "seriduf
fun" concert series. Ever since, this marriage has been a
If your idea of entertainment is a movie or rock
concert, this is your chance to see what else is hot in,,
performance art. Don't divorce yourself from the.
opportunity - Iso and the Bobs is a must-see show!
ISO AND THE BOBS will be performing one night-
only as part of the Michigan Theater's Serious Fun Se
ries on Friday Nov. 18 at 8P.M. Call 668-8397 to re-
serve tickets. Box office hours are Mon.-Fri. 11-6 and'
Sat. 12:30- 4. Tickets are $17.50, but with a
student I.D., tickets are two for the price of"

WComplete package including game tickets.
Call 562-6810 or 1-800-23-9372.
AIRLINE TICKET: Detroit to NY Kennedy,
Nov. 23. Cheap price! Call 996-9277.
AIRLINE TKT. Det.-N.Y. Rnd. Trip,
Thanksgiving. Call 996-0527.
FOR SALE 2B- ball tix for Yugoslavia 11/16
Grambling 12/2 S. Dakota 12/3 $5 ea. 764-
0550 days. 995-2494 eves & wknds.
ONE-WAY TICKET to Laguardia from De-
troit. Leaves Wed. the 23rd. at 4:05. $63. Call
Liam 769-0447.
PLANE TICKET- Round trip: Det.-Newark.
Det. leaving 12/22, retuming 1/8. Best offer.
Call Joe at 764-9623.
PLANE TICKET: Detroit to Newark one-
way Dec. 22. Best offer. 665-9459.
Round trip tkt Det-NYC Nov 21 retumn Nov
26 $100 Call Freddy 996-9645.
ROUND TRIP TICKET to Phillyfor X-mas
break. Call John at 996-4859.
LES- During Thanksgiving Break. Wed.
Nov. 23 to Sun. Nov. 27 * $240 *. Call
Christopher 996-0255. Leave message.
RT PLANE Ticket: Det.- Phili. Nov. 24 (am)
- Nov. 27 (pm) Call 995-4073.
SELLING I way ticket: Detroit to Boston
December 22--a.m. Best offer. Call Leslie
WANTED U-M basketball-Top $$ paid for
BLUE season tickets 763-8247.
WANTED: U-M Basketball tickets. Blue tier
only. Call 668-6282.

The members of Iso were once a part of the Philobus dance
troupe and share a similar style.

Vampire Lesbians laughs
in the face of conservatism


AVAILABLE JAN. 1 bdrm. in terrific house.
Newly remodeled and furnished. 769-6478.
abedroom on Walnut in modemn secured
building. Dishwasher. Also, large 2 bedroom
i old west side where quality is a bargain.
large, modem furnished 2 bdrm. apt. FE-
MALE only. ('uiet and convenient location.
FEMALE RMMT. to share room in 2 bdrm.
apt. Great location- 1 1/2 blocks off camppis-
172 block off Hill. n/s, very large a/c, 24hrs.
Security, parking & laundry. $2 2/mo. 769-
FEMALE ROOMMATE for W term. Share
apt. on S. Forest near S. Univ. $190/mo. incl.
util. & laundry. Call 995-5589.
FEMALE roommate for W tr. Share spa-
cious loft room, skylight, fireplace, beautiful
house, fun housemates. 665-1220..
GREAT Gals/Great location! Female room-
mate needed for W 89. Share 2 bdrms. Apt. 5
min. from campus. Call 995-5625.
GREAT SUBLET: from late Dec.-Sept. Own
rm. in b 2 bdrm. apt. Laundry in bldg. Park.
?Quiet. Convenient to both campuses. 820
uller Rd. Rent incl. all util. except elec.
$347/mo. Call 747-6384.
HELP! 1 1g. room in house. 1 or 2 people
W'89. 1018 E. University. 761-9458.
JAN-MAY '89. Cozy 2 bdrm. apt. avail, on
S. Forest & S. Univ. Secunty 24 hrs., laun-
dry, H20, heat, study lounge, fumishee. Call
A P 769-5342.
JAN.-MAY 89' Non-smoking female roo-
mate 2 bed. a®. Security laundry. S. Forest
and S. Univ. $218+Elec. 761-1961.
OWN ROOM or share in cool 2 bdrm. apt.
need rmmt. for W 89. Great, close S. Forest
location! Prkng., Indry , security. Rent $260-
300 by room choice. Going abroad so please
call ASAP 668-0569.
ROOMMATE WANTED to share a lg.
bdrm. in fun house, great location, only Jan.
to May lease. Price neg. Call 995-1204.
January 1. Hue apt sundeck, one block
from B-school. allenny at 668-1325.
WHAT-Everything under the sun, incl. fire-
place! Cheap, safe. Amy *996.2890.
Uniting The World
One Heart at a Time

THE Ypsilanti Press isn't sure that
they want to review the play. They
are afraid their readers might be of-
It is the longest running off-
Broadway comedy. This production is
the first to appear outside of New
York. The style of the play is not
controversial; in fact it is campy and
So why would the fine upstanding
citizens of Ypsilanti be so shocked by
reading a mention of the play while
they drink their morning coffee?
The problem is the play's ti-
tle.Vampire Lesbians of Sodom has
a slightly different ring than say,
Grease, which surely offends no one
but the women who plug dishwashing
detergents on T.V.
Performance Network is the only
group in the conservative Midwest
that has had the audacity to put on
this play.Vampire Lesbians of Sodom
and Sleeping Beauty or Coma are
two plays by Charles Busch. Al-
though they are not directly related,
they are commonly performed as
companion pieces, because their
bizarrely humorous style and similar
themes complement each other well.
Sleeping Beauty or Coma is a
take-off of the familiar fairy tale set in
'60s London. Beauty is a would-be
typist who enters into the mod fash-
ion world, only to succumb to a bad
acid trip that sends her into a coma,
hence the title. She is awakened in the
health-conscious '80s by a nutrition-
ist who has been experimenting with
llama enzymes. The nutritionist's
name is - what else - Craig Prince.
In this version of "Sleeping
Beauty," as in the original, "of

The problem is the play's
title.Vampire Lesbians of
Sodom has a slightly dif-
ferent ring than say,
Grease, which surely of-
fends no one but the
women who plug dish-
washing detergents on T.V.
course, everybody lives happily ever
after in the end," describes producer
Linda Kendall, who plays Miss
Thick, the evil stepmother character.
The ending of Vampire Lesbians
of Sodom is equally as prosaic. Al-

ror Picture Show." In true Rocky
Horror form, the show is going to be
performed at 11 p.m. in an effort to
catch the late night crowd as well as
to maximize the use of the theater.
Performance Network's production
of the Busch plays, which are very
campy and light, is a change from
their past productions, which "have
been more dramatic with a heavy
message," says Knox. But the plays
do have the "socially relevant theme"
which characterizes most of their pro-
"Lesbians are as taboo as vam-
pires. They are shunned from by
society," explained Kendall. "By
putting on this play, we are attempt-
ing to laugh at that taboo."

can't ignore her

though the title does not exactly con- VAMPIRE LESBIANS OF SODOM
jure visions of sugarplums and sun- and SLEEPING BEAUTY OR
sets, the play is about the better hu- COMA will run at the Performance
man values and the common need for Network, 408 W. Washington, until
s o toDec. 4. This weekend, there will be
someone to love. . performances tonight and Saturday at
The play goes through three time 8 p.m. and Sunday at 6:30 p.m.; the
periods. It begins in Sodom with the following two weekends, the per-
sacrifice of a virgin to Succubus, a formances will be at 11 p.m. Friday
lesbian vampire. By some mishap, and Saturday and at 9 p.m. on Sun-
the virgin does not die but becomesd
another lesbian vampire. This begins -_
an eternal (as vampires never die) ri-
valry between the two women. This W EEKEND
competition takes them from Sodom
to '20s Hollywood to '80s Las Vegas. MAGAZINE

T HERE is very little middle ground
where Ferron is concerned. You'll ei-
ther love her or wonder what the hell,
everyone sees in this quirky folk
artist. Find out on which side you
stand Sunday night when she returns
to Ann Arbor, after a two-year ab-
sence, for two shows at The Ark.
Ferron, whose name roughly
translates to "iron" or "rust," draws
much of her music from her working-
class background. She left school at
15 to do everything - from waiting
tables to factory work to driving aF
cab. It has only been in the last ten
years that she has seriously pursued

making her living as a musician. Her
reputation first grew by word-o
mouth in the lesbian/feminist com=
munity, but with the release of Tes
timony in 1980 and Shadows on a
Dime in 1984, both available
through Redwood-Records, Ferron fi-
nally received mainstream recogn-
tion. Shadows rated a four-star rav
from Rolling Stone and was listed on;
many critics' top ten lists.
. With her untamed voice and enig-
matic songwriting, comparisons to
Bob Dylan are inevitable. "Poor old
Dylan," Ferron comments, "It seems
like any songwriter that has a com-
plete thought is compared to him."
See Ferron, Page 8

The style of the play is "farcical,
silly and a lot of fun," says Peter
Knox, who plays two minor charac-
ters. "It is kind of like a Rocky Hor-

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