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November 18, 1988 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-18

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 18, 1988 - Page 5


funds up by


VP says

. The amount of money spent on
University research during the last
fiscal year increased 10 percent to
$234.6 million - the highest level
f research spending in the Univer-
,ity's history - Vice-President for
Research Linda Wilson told the Board
of Regents yesterday.
1, The annual report indicates a
strong increase in expenditures for life
§ciences and engineering and a slight
#ecrease in spending for the humani-

ties, physical sciences and social sci-
In her message to the regents,
Wilson said the report reveals "an en-
couraging picture at the University of
Michigan despite an increasingly
competitive environment."
AN UNUSUAL jump in re-
search dollars in medicine and engi-
neering fields accounted for much of
the increase, she said. The School of
Medicine has doubled its expenditures
over the last three years, while engi-

neering tripled research spending in
five years.
The three largest schools:
medicine, engineering and LSA, con-
trolled the lion's share of the research
budget. Their spending accounted for
64 percent of expenditures up from 60
percent last year. The University's
fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept.
Because of their size and number
of faculty, these three schools have

more opportunities for outside spon-
sors, Wilson said.
Research spending in the humani-
ties decreased slightly over the year,
Wilson said. The humanities are still
very active, she said, but they have
fewer opportunities for external
FEDERALLY funded research
is not expected to increase greatly in
the coming year, Wilson said in her
report, though modest growth is ex-
pected. The Department of Health and

Human Services is the largest federal
sponsor of University research, ac-
counting for 40 percent of federal
grants received.
In addition, Wilson expects a
greater number of faculty inventions
over the next few years, due to the
increased activity of the Intellectual
Property Office, which helps re-
searchers obtain patents. Thirteen
patents were issued last fiscal year,
and 81 are waiting for approval. It

takes two to three years to receive a
patent, she said.
The regents accepted the report for
the most part without comment, but
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
expressed some concern over a lack of
a firm measure of the overall success
rate of receiving external research
money. He suggested comparing the
University's ratio of funding applica-
tions to actual grants received vith
other universities as a way to monitor
the success rate.


Regents to vote


year's progress

Faculty members have worked to
:better understand minority con-
T cerns, as well as improve contact
swith students during the past year,
,members of the Senate Advisory
-Committee on University Affairs
-:told the University's Board of Re-
gents yesterday.
e The faculty is integral to the
jUniversity, said SACUA Chair
Prof. Beth Reed, in its multiple
,roles as teacher, researcher, and
part-time administrator. Some
professors focus on teaching, while
1some specialize in research, she
2 said.
The differences in priorities, as
well as differences in gender, race,
tiand class can be used to stimulate
the University community, Reed
x "Instead of allowing differences
to divide and separate us," she said,
'"we should address them head-on
Sand use them to generate vitality
i and creativity."
r Waiver
Continued from Page 1
oCongress not acted, the students
-would have had to pay the bills -
[totaling $2 million - this January.
.I The new legislation has no
[expiration date.
' "We all share with our students a
[reat sense of relief that this trau-
'matic period is behind us," Univer-
sity Interim Provost Robert Hol-
brook said in a prepared statement.
i =^0^

SACUA member Ed Chudacoff,
a professor in the School of Mu-
sic, said SACUA has tried to work
on issues of racism and diversity in
order to "become better informed
about racism, and develop an
agenda for faculty approaches (to
the problem)."
As one step, Chudacoff said,
SACUA is urging the entire fac-
ulty to approve the recently im-
plemented faculty and staff
discriminatory harassment policy.
The faculty senate assembly is still
debating the policy, and plans to
vote on it again at Monday's
SACUA members also stressed
to the regents many positive inter-
actions they have had with the
student body, since "faculty inter-
act with students more than any
other group."
Regents, however, "usually only
see students when they are un-
happy with something," said Reed,
a social work professor.
"We appreciate the patience exhibited
by our students during this long pe-
riod of uncertainty."
University President James
Duderstadt announced the decision at
the University's Board of Regents'
monthly meeting. Demetriades had
originally intended to urge University
officials to rule the waivers tax-ex-
empt during the meeting's Public
Comments section.
Instead, he took the opportunity to
express the relief of the University's
1,800 TAs. "I was going to hand out
cigars," he said, "But I forgot them."
0'ah ^Mh^Mh

on $57M
A proposal to begin surveying
sites for a $57 million center for
cancer and geriatrics research near the
University Hospital will be discussed
by the University's Board of Regents
this morning. The Board tabled the
motion after debating it briefly
The building, said Associate Inter-
nal Medicine Prof. Max Wicha, would
centralize cancer and geriatrics research
so doctors from various fields can
come together to study the same pa-
If the regents approve the study,
Wicha said building for the center
could begin in 1991, and could be
finished two or three years later.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor), said he had "no objection to the
idea," but he opposed the proposal
because he said the $57 million plan
didn't include enough background and
specifics for the regents.
Regent Veronica Smith (R-Grosse

Ile) concurred. "I don't think we get
enough information from the hospi-
tal. It bothers me... they should come
before us and tell us what their needs
are. I'd like to see a long-range plan."
Vice Provost for Medical Affairs
George Zuidema, who made the pro-
posal, said he will try to answer more
of Baker's specific questions today.
"We will let him know it's a well
thought-out, logical plan," he said. "I
think (the regents) wanted a chance to
think it over a little bit."
In other business, the regents
unanimously approved a $10 million
School of Social Work building on
the corner of South University 'and
East University.
The Social Work school has been
sharing facilities with LSA depart-
ments in the Frieze Building, whtch
have been "terribly inadequate," said
Social Work Prof. Jesse Gordon.

Anne Martinez, president of Socially Active Latino Student
Association, addresses the Board of Regents and President
Duderstadt during public comments yesterday.

Private gifts will fund
cost for the building.

half of the

Continued from Page 1
"We have to ensure that the rhetoric
of the Michigan Mandate turns into
reality," she said.
HECTOR GARZA, vice presi-
dent of the Hispanic Alumni Council,
said the University Affirmative Ac-
tion Office is "deplorable in recruit-
ment of Hispanics."
Duderstadt said that Charles Moody,

vice-provost of minority affairs, is
currently visiting a Hispanic
administrator in Texas to learn about
Latino issues. "We will make more
appointments in Minority Affairs and
in the Affirmative Action Offices,"
Duderstadt said.
MARTINEZ said she will be
traveling to Spain for 10 days and had
contemplated not returning to the
University because of her "frustration"
with the administration's handling of
Latino problems.

Continued from Page 1
Reed, a social work professor, said
yesterday that SACUA is currently
appointing members to the council.
She estimated that the council, which
hasn't met since last year, could
reconvene next month.

Jacoby said Duderstadt appointed
Assistant. to the President Shiriy
Clarkson and LSA Comprehensive
Studies Program Director Euniipe
-Royster to the council last week, and
Physical Education Academic Services
Director Harry McLaughlin till
continue his term from last ye4r.
These three will represent " the
administration on the council.
Phillips said MSA will appoint the
student members within two weeks.


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