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November 17, 1988 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-17

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The Michigan Doily - Thursday, November 17, 1988 -Page 11

'M' wins
Michigan justified its high
rankings in preseason polls with an
impressive 97-75 exhibition victory
over the Yugoslavia National Team
last night at Crisler Arena.
Yugoslavia had won two out of
three games on its American tour
.antil it faced Michigan. It had
previously beaten Miami (Fla.) and
'Michigan State and lost on a last-
second shot to Georgia Tech.
"This is the most excellent team
-we've faced so far," Yugoslavia coach
Janez Drvaric said. "They impressed
* me as much as the United States
Olympic team."
MICHIGAN coach Bill Frieder
?V as not as enthralled with his team's
?performance. "It was a good game for
us, but we have a long, long, way to
go," he said. "We still have to
improve in all areas of our game."
Nevertheless, there were many
}bright spots for the Wolverines,
including the play of sophomore
Sean Higgins. He scored a career-
,high 23 points in his first start as a
!Wolverine, including five-of-five
oshooting from three-point range.
"I got a lot of open jumpers
;,tonight, said Higgins. "I don't know,
-Af I'm behind the line or not, I just
shoot them."
FRIEDER said: "Higgins played
well. He showed me that he's got to
-be in the lineup because he can
' Preseason All-America forward
-:Glen Rice also had an outstanding
.game, pouring in 30 points on 12-of-
_19 shooting from the field. Point



.scores 15 points

guard Rumeal Robinson chipped in
with 15 points and eight assists.
Frieder experimented with many
different lineups. He started the game
with center Terry Mills, forwards
Rice and Higgins, and guards
Robinson and Mike Griffin. Frieder
then shuffled in six more players.
The Wolverines will sport many
different rotations throughout the
season, according to Frieder. "The
lineup will deviate depending upon
what opponent is thrown at us," he
Michigan dominated from the
start, scoring the first seven points of
the game. The Wolverines then reeled
off 13 straight points midway
through the first half to make it 34-
14. Yugoslavia outscored Michigan
21-11 to end the half, cutting
Michigan's lead to 45-35.
The Wolverines opened it up in
the second half. Their biggest lead
was 95-71 after Loy Vaught took a
Kirk Taylor pass and reverse dunked
the ball, bringing the crowd of
10,150 to its feet.

This is a story for the simple guy.
This is a story for the guy who
struggled, who was frustrated, yet
continued. This is a story for the
good guys.
It is the story of Wolverine left
wing Mike Moes.
Is there anything bad about this
guy? Is there any dirt to throw to
muddy his face? "He's an altar boy,"
teammate Billy Jaffe said.
Defenseman Randy Kwong,
Moes' former roommate, said, "The
guy doesn't have a dirty bone in his
body "
MICHIGAN coach Red
Berenson said: "There is no question
that Mike was the type of kid we
wanted to come to Michigan. He's a
clean-cut, hard-working student."
Yet somewhere in his hidden past,
there must be something. And there
is. Get this.
"He trys to drink out of the back
of his glass when he's watching
nature shows," says his current
roommate, center Rob Brown. "Most
people try to drink out of the close
side. Mike tries the far side."
Mike Moes is your plain-pocket,
hard-working kind of guy. Loves the
outdoors. Loves to hit the wilderness
in Northern Canada. Fish. Canoe.
The kind of guy who camps in the
woods and cooks a steak - then
gives it to the bears.
A GOOD GUY. But a guy who
went through all sorts of frustration
last season.
Did you ever hear of someone
who practically rejoiced when it was
determined he had mononucleosis?
Mike Moes did.
Last year, the junior led the team
in assists with 27. But he wanted to
accomplish more. He wanted to
continue to develop. He wanted to
have energy and spunk. He wanted to
put the puck in the net.
It wasn't happening.
"He really struggled last year
around the net," said Berenson. "He
made a lot of good plays and picked
up a lot of assists, but he had a lot of
bad luck scoring goals."
HE ALSO had mono.
"I got benched a couple times,
which is frustrating," said Moes.
"You're improving and then all of a
sudden you feel like you're going the
other way - then you're really
frustrated. When I finally found found


Blue's Mr.


Junior Mike Moes adds stability and versatility to the Michigan hockey team. Mdes,
recruited as a center, has played both left wing and defense for the Wolverines this season."

At first glance, ther
seem to be much room fo
on the Michigan men's
It has an Olympic go
in junior Brent Lang,
banking in the national p
chance to be the best t
Two of this year's ro
Namesnik and Eric Wund
not only made room for
but are blazing a trail
hope will lead to Olymp
their own.
seven events between th
two meets this season. T
only Michigan swim
multiple wins.
"They are defin
swimming future at Mich
Michigan coach Jon L
"Namesnik is everything
and more."
Namesnik, a three-
school All-American, wo
yard backstroke,
breaststroke and bu
Michigan's first meet.
It is no surprise then t
,events are the 200 and 400
medleys, which compris
strokes. "Hopefully, I c
help there for more tea
Namesnik said.
That shouldn't be too
jiamesnik nearly qualifie
Seoul, Korea, for the
Olympics. He ended up pt
in the 400 individual m
eighth in the 200 d
American trials. Two
eventually went to Seo
United States in each even
specialist, also helps fill
Vie Michigan lineup. "Sor
So fill Jan Olson's sh
rreaststroke," he said.



MAN The shoes of senior co-captain and
e wouldn't American 200 breaststroke record-
r new stars holder Mike Barrowman also need to
swimming be filled. Barrowman will not
compete for Michigan until January
ld medalist due to the Olympics.
a No. 3 Wunderlich also participated in the
olls, and a Olympic trials, finishing seventh
eam in the overall in the 200 breaststroke. So
' far this season he has won a 200
okies, Eric breaststroke race against Michigan
erlich, have State and the 500 freestyle event
themselves, versus Bowling Green.
which they Urbanchek has been a little
pic gold of overwhelmed by their performance.
"My intention was to give them a
eady won year before becoming the backbone
em in only of the team. Namesnik is going to be
hey are the a backbone this year."
mers with S E N I O R co-captain Alex
Alvizuri has also been impressed.
itely the "They have great chances, top
higan," said chances, to make the Big Ten team."
Urbanchek. Both Wunderlich and Namesnik
I expected also feel that they can help the team
when the important meets come
time high around.
)n the 200- "We'd like to win the Big Ten
freestyle, again," said Namesnik. "If we qualify
tterfly in enough people for the NCAAs, (a
national championship) could
hat his best happen."
0 individual Wunderlich said, "We're going to
se all four win it in the next four years." The
an provide Wolverines' team includes 11 first-
m points," year swimmers and only seven
difficult as Each swimmer also has high
ed to go to individual aspirations, both in
Summer collegiate and international
lacing sixth competition. "I'd like to win the 400
nedley and (individual medley) in this year's
uring the NCAAs," Namesnik said.
swimmers Wunderlich said: "My goal would
ul for the be to score in the top three in both
it. breaststrokes. And each year I'd like
a butterfly to make the trip to World
a void in Championships or Pan Pacifics and
nebody has eventually to the Olympics."
Des in the Urbanchek sees this goal as
perfectly reasonable.

out I had mono, it was almost a
A relief. An excuse.
And then this year. As
discouraging as last year might have
been on a person's mental well
being, this year has been a boost.
Ya gotta have faith. And
everyone's got faith in the guy
whom teammates call "Slick" and
say has a patented wink.
MOE S already has scored five
goals, last year's total output. But
people aren't talking about Mike
Moes' goals. They sure aren't talking
about frustration. They're talking
Moes moved to left wing at the
start of the season, because of a
shortage of wingers and a surplus of
centers. The transition was a success.
"I like having him on my line,"
center Todd Brost said. "You can
always count on him for a point or
two every game. We work well
Against Bowling Green and again
versus Ferris State last weekend,

Moes moved to defense due to a
crisis which saw five players ejected
and consequently suspended. Mr.
Versatile - now a converted
To be honest, he got beat. At
least once. He'll admit it. He'll point
out an instance. His teammates rib
him for it.
YET FOR A GUY with only
average backwards skating skills' and
who had played defense only once
before in junior hockey, his.
performance stood out. He received
all kinds of accolades, which
embarrassed him.
"I did well, sure, but a lot of guys
did well," Moes said. "It's sort of
embarrassing when everyone says,
'Oh, he was a key factor.' Everybody
played a key role, just maybe not as
Moes may be the boy next door.
On his street's sidewalk located in
what Moes calls "God's country,"
(that is, his hometown of
Burlington, Ontario) his collegiate
life turned toward Michigan.

It started out innocently enough.
A walk home from school. But this
time an out-of-town friend was
visiting Moes' neighbor. Moes,
being the polite guy that he is, began
conversing. They asked him about
hockey for he was a town star. .
He didn't know it then, but he
was talking to a Michigan hockey
alumnus. visiting from Dallas, who
asked him to consider Michigan. The
alumnus passed word to Berenson,
and as Moes said, "the restis
There are other sport stories these
days. Stories of improprieties.in
athletics, stories of drugs, steroids
and cheating.
This isn't. Instead, it's a sim le
story about someone who does a
consistent job one day after ano ier.
It's a story of a person whs
overcome past frustrations. It'she
story of a hard worker.
An old-fashioned story you caild
say - about a-simple guy from a
place he calls "The Gatewayto
Canada" who's doin' okay.

Continued from Page 10
BENTLEY started The Black
Cats wrestling program in 1970 to
give kids from Flint a chance to
wrestle in the summertime. The team
soon became known throughout the
"He always went the extra mile,"
Fisher said. "Every week in the
summertime he took us all over the
state. He (used) his own money to
make us better wrestlers. He said
anyone could join as long as they
went every Tuesday and Thursday.
Hair Styling with
a Flair
- 7 Barber Stylists
Opposite Jacobson's

"If I had some other coach in
Flint, I would have just wrestled the
guys around me and not have had the
exposure. I was able to wrestle guys
from Iowa, Minnesota, California.
That makes you a much better
wrestler." Under Bentley, Fisher was
the world junior champion.
Bentley has reached out to all
types of people. People like Anthony
Crater, a state and junior national
champion at Northern, and currently
a wrestler at Washtenaw Community
"I WAS always on the bad side
of things, a street kid," Crater said.

Look at the
of the air;
They do not sow or
reap, nor store away in
barns, yet your
heavenly father feeds
them. Are you not
much more valuable
than they?
Who of you
by worying
can add a single
hour to your life?
Discover the
wisdom in the
words of Jesus!

"A kid who wasn't in school often,
didn't care about nothing. I joined the
wrestling team just to wrestle -
didn't think about going to college.
He told me to study and read. I never
read the newspaper or books before,
now I read the newspaper every day."
Waters said: "He sacrificed his
weekends for us. Nowadays, you
don't get coaches who will do that.
He didn't do it for the salary. He
could have made lots of money in
some other field."
"Wrestling has provided me with
fine people, fine athletes, things that
Crystal Mountain
Ski Weekend just
$69per person
group rate
Includes two nights lodgingin
an area motel, day and night
skiing Friday through Sunday.
Great Times with
Good Friends
Get your friends together and en-
joy 22 downhill slopes or 26
kilometers of cross-country trails.
Plus nightly activities, entertain-
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for ourspecialrateswitextrasav-
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I feel are real important. I've gottli' a
lot out of it- Will, who I regard as
a son. Without wrestling, coachg,
teaching, I wouldn't have tqgse
things. Maybe I would have ,14d
some other things, nevertheles; I
have no regrets."

The University Activities Center
SOUNDSTAGE: New Talent Night, Nov. 17.
Rain, Under the Influence, and Neo-Vogue.
10:00 pm. U-CLUB, $2.00
IMPACT DANCE THEATRE: Dance workshops for
non-dance majors. Nov 17, 7-8:30 pm.
Anderson Room
SOPH SHOW: Presents the musical, GREASE.
Nov. 17,18,&19, 8:00 pm.
Mendelssohn Theatre, $5.00


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