0 Page 6- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 16, 1988 CLASIFIED ADS 764-0557 LOST & FOUND FOUND: Watch in front of East Engineering. Call 764-1714. LOST: Floating heart key chain with 3 keys. Lost friday, 11/4, behind The Student Publi- cations Building (between Maynard & Thompson near Williams). If found call Merry at 764-0557 or 996-9368. Please leave a message. FOR SALE '79 OLDS OMEGA. New brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message. COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769-5705. Com ters, IBM & clones, printers, etc. Good prices & service. Call 747-9400. FENDER PRECISION bass. Great condition. $250. 936-1300 days, 668-0364 nights. FUJI 10 speed, 19" frame, excellent condi- tion. Call 995-1784 anytime. HOME/CAR stereos/speakers/TV's/VCR's rmid-hi end. Save big $. 668-1011 after 5. LaCrosse and umpire equipment for sale. Call Roger at 662-611. PARKING SPACE near campus avail. Jan.- Aug. $140/term. Must sell call 665-8849. PIONEER REC., tape deck, eq., CD, timer & turntable. Also Kenwood car stereo & speakers, Concord amp. 769-7573 Dave. SIZE 7 emerald-green gown with matching shoes for formals or occasions. Worn only once. $120 or best. 996-90457. FOR RENT LARGE BDRM., study, bath. Share living rm. kitch. (w/ 1 person), great location, parking. Jan. 89. Call 662-5636. LARGE SLEEPING ROOMS w/ or w/o pa ing. Excellent campus location. 668- LEASE FOR SALE: Jan-May '89. Single rm. in big 6-rm luxury apt. Modem, pkg. Pref. female. 663-9244. Leave mes. LEASE FOR SALE. Great efficiency. Huron Towers till 9/89 $415 p/. Heating, parking included. 763-8538. LEASE FOR SALE: Avail. Dec. 22 sinle or double. Key location. Furnished. Utilities. Laundry. Parking. Fun roommates! 994- 0647 MALE SPACE in coop for spring term. 909 East U. 996-5962, call anytime. NEED A CHANGE of scenery? Lrg. rmn. avail.Jan. 89 in BEAUTIFUL apt. Best loc. on campus-VERY SAFE! Incl. lndty., heat, option for pkng. Do it now! 995-0166. NEEDED WOMEN aged 18-45 preferably those who have had a child to act as mod- els/instructors for pelvic examination by sophomore and junior medical students. $2 /hr. Call U of M Department of OBGYN, 764-8123. ROOM AVAILABLE in 2 bedroom Island Dr. Apt. Take over lease Jan. -June '89. $297.5D/mo. Negotiable. Call 764-7519. SINGLE ROOM in house for winter term. Meals avail. $400 w/meals. $290 w/o. Pkg., great house. Call Ray 769-0374. SUBLET AVAIL. 12/22. One bedroom, spa- cious apt. at 515 Lawrence. Air free, covered parking, heat and water included, laundry, quiet.$495/mo. Call 930-2635. TWO ROOMS LEFT in newly renovated 5 bedroom house with two full baths and two livim rooms. Across from U. Hospital. $230 &.$275. Call Sherry at 761-9766. Unive I ity Tower\ (3 5 536 S. rrest :Aw ^Arm Abor. '48104 (31) 761-2680 PERSONAL ANN, AMY, AND BETH: You guys are the best housemates but don't thinki paid for this -- PETER CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT BUSHI DOUG E FRESH The University of Michigan's Finest!!! FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES: Any party favors at the lowest prices. Call The Button Men, Rick or Louie at 665-1161. FREE men's & women's HAIRCUTS. Hair- cut models needed for cutting seminars and classes. Apply at Timm's Pace Hairhand Body Salon. 2295 S. State St. North of Eisenhower or contact Michael Sharp at home. 581-5053 (Detroit). HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON!Love Howard. I LOVE ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MASS MEETING for volunteers to help w/ auction to raise $ for A2 homelesss. 1210 B.School, 7pm, Wed. 12/11. 747-7380. MODELS/ACTORS WANTED for TV & print work. M/F. No experience. 663-6398. Michael Jeffreys Mode l& Talent Agency. MOS-A-MOS AND JANNE-WANNE, Looks like we're Rose Bowl-bound! Get ex- cited and Go Blue to you! Love, COMEEO! RELAX INSIDE OUT Earth Wisdom Music offers the largest selec- tion of new age music in the midwest. Cas- settes, LP's CD's for relaxation and creative ambiance. Ieaturing Kitaro, George Winston, Fresh Aire. Also guided imagery and sub- liminal self-help and study tapes. Listen be- fore you buy. 314 E. Libertya(near 5th & Lib- erty). 769-0969. Open daily at noon. RESEARCH SUBJECTS NEEDED COCAINE USERS The U of M Alcohol Program is conducting research on the effects of stopping cocaine use. We are looking for persons who require hospitalization. If you or someone you know is concerned about a cocaine problem, con- tact 764-9190. Inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. ROSE BOWL PROMOTIONS! Have an idea for shirts boxers, etc.? Have them printed at Word Silkscreen- best prices, good delivery. 665-6031. GIANT FLEA MARKET Used household items, furniture, jewelry, vintage clothing, junque, 150 dealers, 6-10 Fri. eve., 10 am-6 pm Sat. & Sun., 214 E. Michigan at Park, Downtown Ypsilanti, 487-5890.971-7676. STUDENT SERVICES HELP WANTED Achieve Your Maximum Potential Score on the Feb. 11th Exam " 8 Class Sessions focus on the actual Exam - Organized, Up-to-Date Materials . Comprehensive Exam Strategies " Videotapes for Additional Practice Professional Instruction - Affordable Tuition ENCL996-1500 Test Preparation 1100 South University AUTOMOTIVE :'W FORD TEMPO GL 5 speed. Runs great. Asking $2500 or best offer. 764-7909. FOR RENT $200/mo. Fully furnished. Own room in 2 bdrm. apt. avail able in Dec. 663-8263. 1321 Wilmot 2 bdrm: furnished, heat/water inc. Dispos., a/c, carpet, in modern bldg. Off st. parking. Rick 662-1617. 3 BEDROOMS AVAIL. FOR SUBLET- Begin Jan. 89. Great location btwn. E. Univ. & Packard. Fully fum.-beautiful-big. Parksing laundry. Females only. 663-0441. 3 BEDROOMS in a house, together or sepa- rate, great location, washer and dryer, great house large rooms, rent $275/pr room. Call Tom, have or John at 747-9181. A GREAT LOCATION - Church and South U. I space available in bi-level apt. Available in Jan. Call 769-6267. AMAZING LOCATION! Female roommate needed. Single room in 6 bedroom house. Washer/dryer, dishwasher. Call: 663-7379. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS on Hill & State, clean, kitchen, $239. For male. 995-3276. BEST SECRET ON CAMPUS! Henderson House Co-op. winter leases avail. Inexpen- sive, undergrad. women please apply. 1330 Hill St. Call 668 -6774. CAMPUS TERIFFIC HOUSE newly fur- nished & remodeled for 6. Avail. Jan. 1. 769- 6478. DELUXE 2 BDRM. on Forest. Modem, newl furnished secured building. 2-4 people. Avaablenow or in January. Rent negotiable. 769-6478. EFF. for rent very close to campus Jan. 89- Aug. 89 Cheap 665-9097. Very nice. EXCELLENT LOCATION- Next to mud bowl on S. Univ. Avail. in Jan. Rent neg. Fully furnished. Males only. Call David 996- 1237. FESTIVE VEGITARIAN HOUSE. Black Elk co-op has winter lease avail. Room and board, approx. $300/mo. Call, ask for Austen's lease at 662-4414, refer to ad. FULLER AT STATE- large 2 bdrm. Fur- nished. $525/mo. Includes heat & parking. Call 663-6829 or 1-528-1767. HUGE ROOM FOR 2 A stellar house on Oakland w/ 3 cool girls. 2 Bthrm. dshwshr., heat incld. Safe. GOR- GEOU§. (My mom would live here!) Call Jill at 996-9685. DORM DOINGS LEASE FOR SALE in Baits W'89. Female double--bargain price. 764-4071. LEASE FOR SALE in Alice Lloyd W '89. FEMALE DOUBLE. Call 764-5903 for info. GREEK GAB To the men of DU: Thanks for the great season: The football games and tailgates were incredible fun! The Women of Chi Sigma FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We specialize in all PARTY FAVORS!!! Featuring unique as well as traditional ideas for your next party favors. Call The Button Men for the lowest prices. Rick or Louie 665-1161 Sunday breaktast presented in your home. For anniversaries, birthdays, fraternity formals or to make any other Sunday special. Call 761-NBED (6233) for reservations or Christmas gift certificates. CUPID'S HELPER DEAR POOZER Thanks for being such a cuddly bunny. You're a grrrrrrreat cub. Love, Honeybr. ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL ATTENTION: Supreme Course Transcripts, the LS&A lecture notetaking service, is now located at Al agraphics Printshop at 715 N. University. omplete set of lecture notes available for your classes. 663-6816 for info. VOTE In the LSA Elections ***************** ALL KINDS OF FANCY SOAPS. Village Apothecary. 1112S. University. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe * ACROSS 1 Considered 6 Kid 10 Charge 13 Song, often golden 14 Length x width t"The World According to 1Q English playwright 18 VIP transport 19 Fencing moves 20 Fall behind 21 Too bad! 22 The bottom line Z3 Motorist's asso 25 Walden, e.g. 21 Archeological sites 28 Precarious position 32 Plates with metal 35 English and irish canines 36 Violinist Ma 37 Stew pot 38 Do away with completely 42 Computer adjunct 45 Uninterested 46 Sound 47 Batter, in Bonn 4 Business abbr. 49 Impiety 52 Negative contraction 55 TLC dispensers 57 Part of a sentence 59 Wicked 3 Proficient 4 Vex 5 Harangue 6 Chew the fat 7 Spoken 8 John Paul Jones captured this 9 Left 10 Partner of pass 11 Columnist Bombeck 12 Poems with epic themes 15 One of Queen Victoria's prime ministers 17 Plains Indian 24 Donkey's cousin 26 Turner or Cole 27 Fair Lady Eliza 29 Trapper's trophy 30 Heraldic band 31 St. Petersburg resident 32 Blue-green 33 Vagrant 1 2 3 4 5 13 16 34 Indian peasant 39 Pertaining to: Suffix 40 Swizzle stick 41 Puffing adder 42 Greek letter 43 Cowboys' home 44 Comprise 49 Lazy - 50 - roll (winning) 51 Hawaiian birds 52 Remove, in printing 53 White House office 54 Shaving mishap 56 58 61 Read in haste Mine entrance Iraqui city on the Tigris ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: LAUD TODAY ACRE ELSE OPERA RHEO SING IN I NTHERA IN STARS ANY 10 INS AMATI SYN ALAD RESTS OSLO SEMELE TRIG TAU THESUNSHINEBOYS HAL GAPE BE I RUT ERIC SAMOA REPS 0RD ENDED EARED ENO TSARS CHAPTERANDVERSE COTE RACER ETTA EYES GLESS DEUS 11/16/88 LET YOUR AGGRESSION out on an '89 Daytona and win a Daytona for a year. Today 10-5, Crisler Arena lot. Bring license. PAY MSA-NO WAY! VOTE PEF-Paul Eric Feschuk-Independent/Democrat (who wouldn't think of asking for pay...) THE U.S. Gov't. Executive and Legislative branches aren't one-partybodies. Don't vote for a one-party MSA. Vote PEF Paul Eric Feschuk-Independent -Democrat STUDENT SERVICES ****'*' A-1 TYPING On campus. Profes- sional. Rush service available. 668-8898. **TYPING & WORDPROCESSING** Fast/professional/campus/Sandi/426-5217 BUDGET TYPING SERVICE! Term aprs, thesis, resumes. FAST & ACCURATE 8- 2227. LINDA'S WORD PROCESSING Fast, Friendly,Service $1.25 per double spaced page Ph one' 66-8622 NEED A FRENCH TUTOR? Call Diane at 994-4679. PIANO LESSONS. Casio rental available. Free trial lesson. 994-0371. QUALITY TYPING & WORDPROCESS- ING Fast, efficient. Call Joy 764-6771. RESUMES JUST $11; paers $2.00pg. -ck./editingdeliv. incl. iscounts avai-. NRIC WORD PROC.--930-0364. TYPECRAFT TYPING fast, quality typing. Low rates. Cathy 769-7549. TYPING SERVICES-$2.50/page-Letter Quality. Call 663-1871. TYPING, WORD PROCESSING cassette transcription. Rush jobs! Thelma 74 -7470. WORD PROCESSING for your typewritten needs- laser printing. Free pick up anddeliv- ery. Anne 429-4261. WORDPROCESSING: $1.50/page. S3llchecked/Laser printed. Call Steve 764- RESECH HIORMATION Largest Library of information in U.S. - all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD 800-351-0222 1 Or,rush $2.00 to. Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave #206A Los Angeles, CA 90025 BLOOM COUNTY NMB - NCLEX-RN FMGEMS."CGFNS FLEX - NDB - TOEFL Kaplan can open doors by giving you the best possible preparation whether you're taking the NMB, MSKP, FMGEMS, NCLEX-RN, CGFNS, NDB I, II, or TOEFL. You'll recieve expert audio lectures, Test-N-Tape drills, and comprehensive study guides. What's more, Kaplan's test-taking techniques can give you an extra edge on these pitfall-prone exams. So do what over 1 million test-takers have done-call Kaplan. We just might be the key to the doors you want opened. IMKPLAN STANLEY H.KAPLAN EDUCATONALENTER L THE WORLD'S LEADING TEST PREP ORGANIZATION Call 662-3149 today! 203 E. Hoover " Ann Arbor HELP WANTED *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and knowledge of Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Corputerland, 1898 W. Stadium,' Ann Arbor, MI 48103. *DISPLAY* Act Now! SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT Join PIRGIM's Clean Water Campaign. Help stop water polluters & have fun doing it. Flexible afternoon/pms, Mon.-Sun., $30- $40/day. Cal Sam 662-9797. ADVERTISING SALES-Now hiring Ac- count Executives for The Michigan Daily Display Ad Dept. Business background a plus. Applications available it The Michigan Daily senior staff office, 420 Maynard. Ap- plication deadline November 3. ATTENTION Some jobs pay well. Some jobs change the world. This job does both. Work for the Michigan Citizens Lobby. Work full/part time. Hrs. 2- pm.Earn $275/wk. full time. Call 9-5,663-6824. BABYSITTER Needed occasionly for week- end nights and Sat. days, car nice/ not neces- sary. Price neg. Call 995-9367. BOOKKEEPING/CLERICAL HELP: 10-15 hrs. per week, schedule somewhat flexible. Position available immediately. The Bagel Factory. 663-9780. BUS PERSON- 11:30am to 2pm Mon.-Fri. Sze-Chuan West Restaurant, 21g1 W. Sta- dium, 769-5722. CAPTAIN QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE needs drivers with cars and people to answer the phone. Part time. Call 747-7044. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Learnuse computers.eWill train. Relability a must. Morning hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763-6770. DENTIST: Great career opportunitin Toledo area, private practice setting offering terrific salary with benefit packe. Send re- sume to Kenneth J. King 6029 anley Rd. Maumee, Ohio 43537. DO YOU QUALIFY FOR WORK-STUDY? Do you want to work in a friendly, dynamic, stimulating financial office? Are you respon- sible and conscientious? Do you have good analytical & organizational skills? You can earn $5.50-6.50/hr. GO TO THE WORK- STUDY OFFICE & look at job 1307, 1308 & 1309. WE WANT YOU! FRESHMAN WOMEN NEEDED for re- search project on taste preference. $10 paid upon completion of study. Free individual- ized daily caloric need established free bod fat estimate. For more information call 747- 0218. GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS news per re- porter for medium sized Northeast Mi news- paper. If interested in challenging yet re- warding career, phone Bill Speer, ditor of the Alpena News 1 (800) 448-0254. MAUDE'S is looking for reliable, enthusias- tic people for waitstaff, bartenders & host po- sitions. Apply in person Monday - Friday from 2-5pn. NEED PEOPLE-Distribute flyers door-to- door, set your own hours $5.50hr. Call Marc 769-4954. NEEDED: PART-TIME person on livestock farm near Ann Arbor. Call evenings persis- tently 995-0859. NOW HIRING -- Full & part time cashiers. We will train. Uniforms furnished. Blue Cross/Blue Shield, benefits & paid vacations. Apply in person at 2991 State St. Shell, at the corner of tate and Eisenhower, Ann Arbor. OFFICE CLERK for corporate headquarters. Light tyin & shipping for busy office. Part time, flexible schedule, 20+ hrs./wk. Call Christi at 994-1212. OUTSIDE CLEAN-UP. $5.50 per hour, must have car, be dependable. 677-1754. PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS. Must have car. $4/hr. plus tips & mileage I or 2 nights per week. Appply in person after 5pm Omega Pizza 101 Washtenaw Place near Couzens Hall. PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD!!!!! If you find an error in your classified ad, please call the Classified Correction Hotline-764-0557. The Michigan Daily is only responsible for errors in classified ads if notified by 5:00 pm on the first date of publication. THANK YOU ! ROUTE DRIVER. The Detroit News has openings for home delivery drivers in Ann Arbor.Early morning, 3 hours per day. Must have dependable vehicle. $130- 70 per week. 973-7177 between 9-5. SALES POSITIONS -FULL AND PART- TIME. Good communication skills and sales experience a plus. Hourly+commissions. Ap- ply in person. Kinko's copies 540 E. Liberty. TELEMARKETING Excellent part-time job. Need aressive & motivated people to work Mon-Thur 5-9prn & some Sat *0-2pm. Previous sales expe- ence helpful. Must have clear speaking voice. Guaranteed hourly commission & prizes to sell subscriptions for The Detroit News. Call 973-7177. WAITRESSES/WAITERS Imm. openings for: Full and Part-time. Flexi- ble hrs. and emp. meal allowance. Exp. not needed but a pleasant hel ful attitude is mandatory. Apply daily at: 3315 Wash. Big Boy, near mHuat ronPkwy. WANT TO GET PAID for talking on the phone? Research facility needs interviewers. Absolutely no sales. Very flexible schedules, 10-40 hours/week. No experience needed. $5/hr. Homemakers, students, and Seniors encouraged to apply. Call 994-0975 for taped info. DataStat, 94-0540. WARM AND EXPERIENCED BABYSIT- TER needed for our 2 1/2 yr. old girl. 10+ hrs. per wk., in our Burns Pk. home. Prefer non-smoker w/own transportation, & refer. Yr. commitment. Please Call 769-2875 WEEK DAY MORNING ATTENDANT for quadraplegic- Get ready for day. Paul 973- WORK FOR ACADEMIC credit or volun- teer at Pound House Children's Center this winter. Credit with Project Outreach and Project Community). Located at Hill & E. Univ. Come over ofr a visit or call 764-2547 for more information. RETAIL SALES Do you enjoy helping people in solving problems? Then, Michigan's most progressive office product's dealer needs you as a full-time sales person at its North Campus store. $4/hour to start, 90 day increase, medical/dental benefits, employee discount. Experi- ence preferred, willing to train. Apply in person. Macauley's Office Products 1759 Plymoth Rd., Ann Arbor Ask for Cheryl UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN STUDENTS The department of Patient Transportation has a need for patient transporters. Flexible hours between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Fri- day. Interested applicants are urged to call the Patient Transporta- tion Office at 763-6660. A non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. WHY ARE YOU IN COLLEGE? " To learn new things? " To experience lfe? * To face new challenges? ",To meet new people? *To have fun? ....: *For your ,future? DO IT ALL AT **THF MICHIGAN DAILY**.; The Midhigan Daly Classi- fied.;Department i eeking mature, dependable stu- dentS for Winter 1989. Inter ested in startingimmedi- ately? Call! 764-0557 or drop by The Student Publications * Building. 420 Maynard St by Berke Breathed THE BAHAI FAITH Uniting The World One Heart at a Time HELP WANTED PERPECT FOR STUDENTS! Part time jobs with MAJOR telemarketing company working evenings. $5-$8/hour. Located 2 BLOCKS from Student Union. Call 996-8890. Ask for Mr. Rush. GOING PLACES A REAL DEAL ROUND TRIP DETROIT- LA $128 Leave Nov. 18 Return Dec. 3764- 0550 Day 995-2494 eves. ACT NOW for spring break- prices won't last! Nassau from $299, Cancun from $349 Call Charlene 665-0504, Kiki 769-8499. Call now before it's too late! NEED A BREAK? Cabins w/ fire lace. Re- sort located on lake, surrounded y forest. Outdoor spa. X-skiing. Cozy romantic, get- away atmosphere. NightlyN-58. Travers City area. (616) 276-9502. ORIENT SUPERFARES Ban ok fr. $859, Hong Kong fr. $759 Seoul fr. $699 Taipai fr. $719 Tokyo fr. $781. REGENCY TRAVEL, 2(39 S. State. Call 665-6122 for details. SPRING BREAK Acapulco fr. $489. Bahamas fr. $419. Jar maica fr. $509. Puerto Vallarta fr. $549. Ask about ACAPULCO Hotel El Cano SPE- CIAL. REGENCY TRAVEL, 209 S. State. Call 665-6122 for details. SPRING BREAK HOTEL-AIR PACKAGES Acapulco from $489.00 Bahamas from $419.00, Cancun from $5$9.00 Puerto Val- larta from $579.00 -- FABEk TRAVEL, Liberty at Maynard, 769-9011. TR E TRAVEL FREE SPRING BREAK! Fraternities & Sororities invited. For information about being a Campus Travel Rep. call 800-826-9100. Ask for Steve or Janet. YOUTH FARES*STANDBYS*DISCOUNTS $50 deposits on sprin breaks. Contiki, AESU,18-35 yrs., TopDk, CIEE tours. Cabl or visit Student Travel Breaks Downtown Ann Arbor Kerrytown Shop 407 N. Fifth Ave. 663-4400 or 483-5040. MISCELLANEOUS MUSICAL GUITARIST AND BASS PLAYER wanted for band forming next term. Call Stephanie at 663-1460. 1-WAY Ticket Det.-Boston Nov. 23° ({I15pm) $60. 747-0421 (Day), 769-5622 FOR SALE 2B- ball-tix for Yugoslavia 11/16 Grambling 12/2S. Dakota 12/3 $5 ea. 764, 0550 days, 995-2494 eves & wknds. MUST SELL Round trip tkts. Det.-White Plains Dec. 20 return Jan. 8. Call Laura at 763-2700.° PLANE TICKET- Round trip: Det.-Newark. Det. leaving 12/22, returning 1/8. Best offer Call Joe at 764-9623. ROUND-TRIP TICKET TO LOS ANGE LES- During Thanksgiving Break. Wedg Nov. 23 to Sun. Nov. 27 * $240 *. Call Christopher 996-0255. Leave message. WANTED U-M basketball-Top $$ paid for BLUE season tickets 763-8247. WANTED: U-M Basketball tickets. Blue tief only. Call 668-6282. ROOMATES *FEMALE ROOMMATE* needed for W '89. GREAT LOCATIONI Share 2 bedroom apt. with nice people. Call 930-0152 anytime. AVAILABLE JAN. 1 bdrm. in terrific house. Newly remodeled and furnished. 769-6478. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELYI Beautiful 2 bedroom on Walnut in modem secured building. Dishwasher. Also, large 2 bedroom in old west side where quality is a bargain. 668-6906. AVAILABLE FOR WINTER: 1 bdrm. in a, large, modern furnished 2 bdrmi. apt. FE- MALE only. ( uiet and convenient location.. 761-3392. FEMALE ROOMMATE for W term. Share apt. on S. Forest near S. Univ. $190/mo. incl. util. & laundry. Call 995-5589. GREAT Gals/Great location!Female room- mate needed for W 89. Share 2 bdrms. Apt. 5 min. from campus. Call 995-5625. HELPI Make our house complete. 2 house- mates desperately needed to join 5 great girls in 7 bedrm. house, winter term. Low rent, parking, laundry, single rooms. Close to campus. Call: 761-1079. JAN-MAY '89. Co 2 bdrm apt. avail. on S. Forest & S. Univ. Security 24 hrs laundry H2O heat, study lounge, fumisied. Call, ASAP' 769-5342. JAN.-MAY 89' Non-smokingdfemale roo- mate 2 bed. apt. Security laundry. S. Forest and S. Univ. $21 8+Eec. 61-1961. ROOMMATE WANTED to share a 1g. bdrm. in fun house, great location only Jan. to May lease. Price neg. Call 995-1204. SUBLET: Single in 7 bdrm. house. Jan.-Aug. $235/mo. Call Will at 761-BARK. WILLING TO SHARE an apt. with 2-4 peo-4 ple in the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area. Willing to pay $150-200/mo., + util. Am an easy go- erson who gets aloe well w/ others. Cal cllect (616) 375-1396. ,, q II IL TICKETS *ROSE BOWL '88* Complete package including game tickets. Call 562-68170 or 1-800-263-9372. ' 4 4 6 7 14 17 '+I 4'I LU 29 30 31 mr5 AM/K PummK/. NE r _________________________ --- --- _____________________________________ 1 i 7C I4-. , 06 i i