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November 15, 1988 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-15

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Men's Swimming
vs. Wisconsin
Friday, 4 p.m.
Canham Natatorium

Tuesday, November 15, 1988

vs. Ohio State
Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Yost Ice Arena
Page 9

-The Michigan Daily



Seay's story a rare one
in today's sports world
In today's world, money, drugs and holdouts dominate the sports
pages. In the past, however, this was not the case. But the times have
changed and so have attitudes about what is expected of an athlete.
When today's players leave college and enter the pros, the first thing
that concerns them is money. The contracts they receive often lead to a
life in that all too dangerous fast lane.
Indeed, athletes seem to be more concerned with money and drugs than
with keeping their image intact.
Until the 1980's holdouts and drug suspensions were never heard of.
The athletes performed their jobs and did not allow outside forces to
interfere with them.
JOE DELANEY and Gale Sayers are just two examples of the rare
kind of athlete who went out of his way to help others.
But there are few athletes today who inspire the youngsters of our
One of these rare individuals is Mark Seay. Mark Seay? Who's he?
Mark Seay's story is a very inspiring one. Three weeks ago, he was
just another college football player at Long Beach State. But all of a
sudden he made the news.
No leaping, one-handed catch. No touchdown dance to match Billy
'White Shoes' Johnson. And no drugs. If it was none of these, what could
he have done to move from relative obscurity to national recognition?
How about taking a bullet in his chest?
The night before Halloween, without actually realizing what hefwas
about to do, Seay jumped in front of a young boy, shielding him from
gang gunfire.
Seay was not thinking about the consequences of his actions. From
the wounds he received, he lost a kidney.
HE FORGOT about his ability as a football player and where this
could take him. He was looked upon as a nifty receiver who had the pos-
sibility of playing in the NFL - the goal of all amateur football players.
This did not enter his mind, because if he were to start thinking about
all the different possibilities, would he have really stepped in front of
gunfire to protect someone he did not know?
Will I die? Will the kid die? Will we both die? Why am I going to
save a stranger's life? What about my possible football career? If he had
thought about all of this, he might have left the scene.
Seay is someone that people can look up to in today's world of sports.
Years earlier, former Kansas City Chiefs running back Joe Delaney
tried to perform heroics of his own. Delaney tried to save two little kids
from drowning but forgot that he did not know how to swim himself.
In his rescue attempt, Delaney put his life on the line along with a
promising career. He saved one of the boys, but lost his life trying to
save the other.
He will be remembered not only for his achievements on the field, but
also for his heroics. He died courageously, and not by drugs as some of
today's athletes do.
The story of Gale Sayers is also an inspirational one. In accepting the
award for the most courageous football player of the year in 1970, after
returning from knee surgery, he talked about his teammate and backup at
halfback, Brian Piccolo.
SAYERS talked about their friendship and how they roomed
together, as it was highly unusual for a Black and a white to live together
during those days. Sayers mentioned that Piccolo had a tremendous heart
"and great courage which allowed him to play, despite suffering from
cancer. People were amazed to learn of Piccolo's disease as Sayers was
accepting his award.
It was for Brian Piccolo that Sayers accepted the award.
Sayers put his achievements behind him, and allowed the spotlight to
be focused upon someone he thought deserved the attention.
Seay acted in the spirit of these athletes' heroism, and deserves to be
put into that same category - as an athlete who did not let drugs and
money interfere with his job, but went out of his way to protect an
unknown youngster.
Seay is someone who others should always remember - if not for his
gridiron gains, then for his courage and humanity.

The r
"For the first time since I've been
here, the Ohio State game means
nothing," Michigan head coach Bo
Schembechler said yesterday. "We
already clinched the Rose Bowl. I
think we'll rest most of the team, but
considering the Buckeyes' record, we
should roll over them anyway."
Okay, that sportswriter's fantasy
never occurred. Instead, Schembechler
and a bunch of Wolverine players
gave all the expected reasons why
Saturday's game means so much to
The Teams
Yeah, Ohio State is 2-4-1 in the
Big Ten (4-5-1, overall). But it beat
LSU earlier in the year and its latest
effort was a 24-24 tie with Iowa.
"How can you look past Ohio
State?" said tight end Derrick Walker.
"They tied Iowa in Iowa City."
Michigan (6-0-1, 7-2-1) also tied
Iowa in Iowa City earlier this season.
"They've demonstrated that they
can beat a nationally-ranked team,"
said Schembechler. "There are still
some outstanding players on that
Meanwhile, Michigan is still
hurting. Tony Boles and Chris Horn
will both likely return to the
backfield, but linebackers J.J. Grant
and John Milligan and quarterback
Michael Taylor are still out.
Taylor said he is hopeful of'
returning for the Rose Bowl, but it
will be a number of weeks before he{
can even test his arm. {
Revenge and Pride
The Buckeyes topped Michigan
last year in Ann Arbor, 23-20,
capping off a frustrating regular
season for the Wolverines.
"We have a vengeance out for Ohio
State," safety David Arnold said. "We
feel we have something to prove."
"Michigan-Ohio Sate - you
remember it forever," Walker said.
"They beat us last year."
Meanwhile, Schembechler and his
players expect the Buckeyes to be
playing their hearts out.
"I think they're out to prove their
pride." said Walker. "This would
make their season."
The Championship
Michigan may have its tickets to
Pasadena, but a loss Saturday could
put them into a tie for the conference
title, making their Rose Bowl berth a1



Wolverines were able to escape the grip of Illinois last
birth. On Saturday, the Wolverines will try to finish the


John Kolesar and the
to clinch a Rose Bowl

regular season with a victory over arch-rival Ohio State.

result of a tiebreaker.
"We've worked hard enough," said
defensive tackle Mark Messner. "We
don't really want to share it with'
anybody. It would really tarnish the
memories of this season."
"From our standpoint, it's a very'
big game," said Schembechler refer-
ring to the championship factor.
The last time Michigan won the
conference outright was in 1982. Its
last undefeated Big Ten season was
The Rivalry
"It's always a big game. It always
will be," said Schembechler of the
season finale with the arch rivals from
the south.
On the signs around the football
practice building, goal number one for
1988 is to beat Notre Dame, Mich-
igan State and Ohio State. So far,
they've only done one of the three.
Just because goal number two (Big
Ten and Rose Bowl championships)
has been partly reached, doesn't mean
the first goal has been forgotten.
"(Bo) let it be known with fire in
his eyes that this game is important,"

Messner said.
"This is Ohio State," flanker John
Kolesar said. "Throw out the records.
Throw out all the hoopla. Throw out
Many questions asked of the
Wolverines tried to elicit a victory
guarantee like Jim Harbaugh's circa
"I'm not Jim Harbaugh," laughed
Kolesar. Arnold predicted a win but
emphasized that it was not a
Tight end Jeff Brown came closest
to falling into the trap. "You know
who SHOULD win." Brown said.
"We should prevail."
Schembechler was willing to make
a guarantee but not about the game's
"I promise you we'll come down
there and play hard," Schembechler
said. "You can count on that."
Blue Banter
-At his last regular season press

luncheon, Schembechler reflected on a
much-improved performance this year
over 1987.
"Last year was a less than normal
Michigan team, mainly due to the
poor coaching job I did," said Schem-
bechler. "I really wasn't feeling well.
It wasn't right for me to be the
coach." Schembechler said he told the
team he owed them something.
Schembechler didn't think he'd get
that chance after undergoing emer-
gency bypass surgery. "I was just
thinking about surviving, living.
When I heard the doctors say, 'he will
coach again,' I felt like I had been
given a gift."
"I guess it's up to the players
whether I did a good job." From the
look on his face, you could see
Schembechler was pretty satisfied.
-The Wolverines have nine
turnovers for the season. Last year,
going into the Ohio State game, they
had a staggering 26.

The Women's Law Students Association
The Lesbian/Gay Law Students and
The National Lawyers Guild

\YoVfJlh V©UE

VC3 (a

" Seek the help of the professor of the course
y Seek the assistance of the head of the department
{ Student counseling services - 3100 Michigan
Union, 764-8312
" Office of the Ombudsman - 3000 Michigan Union,
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center -
3100 Michigan Union, 763-5865
" Lesbian and Gay Male Programs Office - 3118
Michigan Union, 763-4186
. Affirmative Action Office - 108 Fleming Admin.
Building, 764-3423
" Office of Disabled Student Services - 625 Haven
Hall, 763-3000

Indulge your senses with an elegant Sunday

breakfast presented in your home.
saries, birthdays, fraternity formals,
any Sunday special.


Poached eggs in flaky
puff pastry shell (Vol-
au-vent) with mush-
room/shallot cream-
sauce on a bed of
either canadian bacon
or spinach (in the man-
ner of eggs benedict)
with pan-fried


Layered torte of open-
faced egg-white om-
elettes, alternating with
purees of avocado/
watercress, red
roasted pepper, and
mushroom/shallot ...
with almond/sesame/
pistachio/tof u/spread
and mixed roasted
pepper salad.


For anniver-
or to make
Waffle with fresh fruit
sauce and cream or
pure maple syrup...
served with mush-
rooms/gruycre om-
elette or scrambled
eggs ... with choice of
bacon, canadian ba-
con, or breakfast sau-
sage ... with pan-fried



Smoked assortment of
salmon (2 types), yel-
low fin tuna, sturgeon,
and mussels ... with
caviar, egg/caper
salad, tomato/red on-
ion salad, dilled sour
cream and dijon


Breakfast sirloin steak
(5 oz.), with sauteed
mushrooms and white-
wine deglaze ... with
choice of mushroom/
gruyere omelette or
scrambled eggs ...
with pan-fried

(Toast optional with any entree)
(Choose one item within each category.)

Speaking on pornography and her
latest book: Intercourse
Friday, Nov. 18, 4:30 p.m.
Rackham Auditorium
free admission
Andrea Dworkin is a feminist and author of

- Bagel, croissant, coffee
cake, crumpets, blue-
berry muffin, or sour
dough baguetteu...
with whipped butter or
soy margarine.
-Fresh fruit salad, ber-
ries and cream, or sau-
teed apples.

Breakfast-In-Bed blend
- premium coffee,
Ghirardelli hot choco-
late, tea, or milk.
Fresh-squeezed or-
ange juice, grapefruit
juice (fresh-squeezed
in season), or home-
made tomato juice.

I i


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