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November 15, 1988 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-15

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 15, 1988 - Page 3

Leadership, Inc.
seeks students



Many of the world's future leaders
are sprawled all over the University
And tomorrow, Leadership Inc., a
four-year-old national group which
spans 200 university campuses, will
begin searching for those students to
help them hone their leadership
A group of University students
invited about 200 student organiza-
tions to send a representative to
tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
the Anderson Room of the Union.
After the presentation, students
can apply to attend a seminar in May
at the Sauk Valley Conference Cen-
ter near Brooklyn, Mich. Only 60
will be chosen to attend.
The purpose of the program, said
LSA senior Mike Schmitt, one of
the seven University students on the
local chapter's steering committee,
is for students to develop their
"natural leadership abilities" by
managing their "inter-personal and
inner-personal skills... and group
Leadership Inc. was formed
through a $3.5 million grant by Al-
pha Tau Omega fraternity. Origi-
nally, it was designed exclusively for

fraternities and sororities, but lost its
ATO connections in 1980. Cur-
rently, the group has a membership
of 350 students around the country.
The group has sponsored lectures
by such leaders as the presidents of
Coca-Cola and New York Univer-
Leadership Inc. will fund the
seminar, which will cost about
$1,200 per participating student.
Students who are planning the
seminar on campus have asked Uni-
versity organizations, such as the
Athletic Department, to help pick up
the cost.
Engineering Prof. Andrew Craw-
ford, who participated as a "cluster
leader" in a similar program last
year, will act as the group's adviser.
"My objective is to be a sounding
board for them," he said.
"(It was) through (Crawford's)
motivation that we got started last
year," Schmitt said.
The group is seeking 10 more
University professors to be cluster
leaders and head discussion groups of
six or seven during the seminar,
Schmitt said.
Students went to a national Lead-
ership retreat three years ago and ex-
pressed interest for a similar program
at the University.


DETROIT (AP) - Couples un- 1
able to bear children still can con-
tract for a surrogate mother as long
as the contract allows the mothero
freedom to decide if she does notv
want to give up the child, a judge
ruled yesterday.h
The American Civil Liberties
Union said the ruling by Wayneg
County Circuit Court Judge John 1
Gillis was confusing but apparently
means some surrogate contracts area
The ACLU had sought to haves
the statute outlawing pregnancy forI
pay in Michigan overturned, buts
Gillis reaffirmed his Sept. 19 findingN
that the law was constitutional.t
Gillis's opinion said: "This court
finds that the Michigan legislature
intended to prohibit all surrogate ar-
rangements where the surrogater
mother is compensated (other thans
other actual medical expenses as as
result of the pregnancy) and agrees to
voluntarily relinquish her parental
rights to the child.
"It is important to note that indi- L
viduals may still legally enter into i
surrogate arrangements where thereC
is no compensation paid to thee
mother (other than actual medicalt
expenses). All other situations must

be decided on a case-by-case basis."
Howard Simon, executive director
of the Michigan ACLU, said he
wants to have Gillis's order clarified.
"The ruling is radically unclear,"
he said. "I don't think it gives much
guidance... However, it does appear
that he is adopting the interpretation
that both we and the attorney general
agreed upon."
During the Sept. 19 hearing, as-
sistant attorney general Vincent
Leone said the statute prohibited any
surrogate contract that paid the
woman to give up her parental rights
to the child.
"It appears to have allowed us to
accomplish what we wanted to ac-
complish," Simon said. "There are
many, many couples for whom a
surrogate parenting agreement is the
only realistic option to start a fam-
The ACLU informally agreed to
Leone's interpretation of the statute
n court Sept. 19. Simon said if
Gillis agreed with the attorney gen-
eral's interpretation, the right to en-
ter a surrogate contract still exists in

CSJ ruling permits
Student Rights flyers

Associated Press.
3, 2, 1, blastoffA
BAIKONUR, Soviet Union - The Soviet space shuttle
Buran sits on its launchpad as scientists and technicians
prepare it for launching. The ship sucessfully lifted off
after engineers' concerns of ice and snow on the shuttle

A student court yesterday ruled
that a Michigan Student Assembly
committee can put up recruiting
posters which many have criticized
because they may resemble MSA
political campaign fliers.
The Central Student Judiciary
denied an injunction last night that
would have forced MSA's Student
Rights Committee to stop posting
its "Stop deputization" flyers de-
signed to recruit members for the
The injunction request, filed by
the Centerpoint party, claims the
committee posters are similar to
the campaign posters put up by the
Students Rights party that say
"Fight deputization."
Under MSA election guidelines,
assembly committees are prohib-
ited from campaigning or endors-
ing a party or individual.

LSA junior Paul Marquardt, the
plaintiff in thesuit, said the com-
mittee posters constitute an "intent
on MSA's part to campaign for the
Student Rights party... The in-
cumbents are cheating to help
those who support them win the
But while CSJ denied the in-
junction, it ruled that the Student
Rights Committee must not put
up the deputization posters within
50 feet of polling places.
By denying the injunction, CSJ
has forced the poster issue to a full
trial, which would take place after
the elections if Centerpoint
chooses to pursue the suit.
Marquardt said Centerpoint will
push the issue to its conclusion.
"If (some people on the commit-
tee) are found guilty in a trial, we
will bring impeachment charges,"
he said.

Students skip meal for world hunger

About 2,500 dorm dinners will not be eaten
Thursday night.
Instead, students in residence halls will fast,
and the money saved from their meals will go to
battle hunger throughout the world.
The price of a residence hall dinner is $5.80,
but many students say they don't mind giving up
a meal for a good cause. LSA sophomore Matt
Posthuma, a resident at Markley Hall, said,
"They need the money more than I need the cafe-
teria food."
The fasting will be part of an annual program
sponsored by the World Hunger Education-Action

Committee, a campus group.
Half of the funds raised from the donated
meals will be given to Oxfam America, an inter-
national organization that works closely with
people in Third World countries to alleviate
The rest of the money will be given to local
soup kitchens and shelters. "Hunger is a problem.
that exists not just in the Third World but also in
our own backyard," said LSA senior and WHE-
AC member Ivette Greenblatt.
Thursday's fast will increase awareness of the
world's hunger problem as well as helping to
raise money, said WHE-AC members.

"By giving up one meal, students concretely
understand hunger that most people in this world
experience every day," said Rackham graduate
student Mark Greer, a member of WHE-AC.
"Over half of the world population suffers from
malnutrition and inadequate caloric intake."
About 30 percent of all University residence
hall members signed up to donate this Thursday's
dinner to WHE-AC. Many fraternities, sororities,
and co-ops will also participate in the fast.
In addition to the fast, WHE-AC will sponsor
many other events this week to raise awareness
about world hunger, including a video presenta-
tion, bake sale, bucket drive, and benefit concert.

Puerto Rican panel
discusses land's woes




What's happening in Ann Arbor today

"Polish-Soviet Relations: Past
and Present" -- Prof. Norman
M.C. Davies, Rackham Amphithe-
atre, 8 pm.
SOLIDARITY: "Unions and
the 'Team Concept"' - Jane
Slaughter, Guild House, 7:30 pm.
"The Uprising and Declaration
of Independence for the State
of Palestine" - Prof. Nabeel
Abraham, Michigan Union, 7 pm.
Sponsored by General Union of
Palestinian Students.
Panel Discussion on the
Palestinian Intefadah - Partici-
pants are Robert Hauert and Terry
Ahwal, and an Israeli speaker, Rm.
138 Hutchins Hall, 7:30 pm. Spon-
sored by Arab-American University
Grads and the Palestine Solidarity
"Buddhism as a Way of Life in
Technological Society" - S.
Sunim, 1214 Packard Rd., 7:30 pm.
"Current Status and Future
Potential of FT-Raman Spec-
troscopy" - Dr. L. Bruce Chase,
DuPont Experimental Station, 1300
Chem. Bldg., 4 pm.
"A Computational Model for
Some Aspects of Second Lan-
guage Learning" - C. Moon,
1500 EECS, 4-5 pm.
"The Treaty Makers" - L.
Henkin, 100 Hutchins Hall, 4 pm.
"Structural Problems in Rub-
ber Elasticity" - R. Ullman,
1013 Dow, 4 pm. Refreshments,
3:45 pm.
"A New Look at Antidepres-
sants" - A. Rosenbaum, 3554 C.C.
Little, 7:30-9:30 pm.
"Organic Carbon Burial, Par-
tial Pressure of Carbon Diox-
ide & Delta Carbon 13 of Or-
ganic Matter" - M. Arthur, 4001
C.C. Little, 4 pm. Coffee & cookies,
3:30 pm.

China" - W. Baxter, Lane Hall
Commons, 12 noon. Brown Bag
"A View From Jerusalem" -
Rev. Na'im Ateek, 603 E. Madison,
12 noon. Forum and lunch.
"Una Silva de Quevedo: El
Amor y el Reloj de Arena" -
E. Asensio, MLB Fourth Floor
Commons, 4:10 pm.
"Prospects for a Global Moun-
tain Research Center" - Jack
Ives, 2040 Dana, 12 noon.
"Role of Co-Operatives in De-
velopment" - J. Burchfield and K.
Savoie, 2413 Mason Hall, 7:30 pm.
Michigan Economic Society:
"The Future of the Defecits" -
Dr. Edward Gramlich, 140 Lorch Hall,
5-6 pm.
Executive Committee of
SIGMA - 1211 SEB, 8:30 am-12
noon. Rackham student elections.
Lesbian and Gay Rights Orga-
nizing Committee (Lagroc) -
3100 Michigan Union, 8 pm.
U of M Archery Club - Coli-
seum, 7-10 pm.
TARDAA - 296 Dennison, 8 pm.
Christians in Action - Michi-
gan League Studio, 8:30 pm.
Human Rights in Columbia -
By Amnesty International, Canterbury
House, 218 N. Division, 7:30 pm.
WHE-AC Bake Sale - MLB, 9
am-1 pm.
Nicaraguan Hurricane Relief
Party - Reggae Night at the U-
Club, D.J. Tom Simonian, $3.
UM vs. OSU Blood Battle -
Pendelton Rm., Michigan Union, 12
noon-5:30 pm.
Choosing Your Major - Career
Planning and Placement Center, 4:10-

People must be aware of in-
creasing environmental problems
due to the growing Puerto Rican
industry, speakers said yesterday at
the first Puerto Rican Week event.
An in-depth history of agricul-
ture preceded a three-hour talk on
the values and consequences of
growing big business in Puerto
"Puerto Rico is at the stage the
U.S. was at 20 years ago (in terms
of environmental awareness)" said
speaker Jeffery Glogiewicz, a
Rackham graduate student.
Vivian Carro-Figueroa, who
works for the agricultural experi-
mentation station, said small
farmers have been alienated by big
wealthy industries. "Big sections
will continue to expand at the ex-
pense of the smaller sections," she
The Puerto Rican government is
in the process of instituting pro-
grams that would encourage fami-
lies to work in agriculture instead
of big businesses, but "I strongly
believe this is not the trend for the
future," said Carro-Figueroa.
Environmental problems facing
Puerto Rico result from toxic
wastes, chemical dumping, pollu-
tion from animal wastes, and waste
produced by pharmeceutical com-

panies, said Neftali Garcia, director
of Scientific and Technical Ser-
vices, a group that addresses com-
munity problems and health with
the Puerto Rican government.
He also condemned the depletion
of natural resources by big busi-
nesses, saying, "You cannot de-
stroy natural resources and say
that's progress and development."
Responding to a member of the
audience, Garcia said, "I don't
think the problem in Puerto Rico
is overpopulation or lack of natural
resources, it's our inability to uti-
lize them."
"Do you accept what big busi-
nesses bring and not worry about
the environmental effects until
they arise?" Garcia asked.
The sixth annual celebration of
Puerto Rican Week will continue
with speeches on Wednesday and
Friday, and a cultural night on
Fridays in The Daily

Jeffrey Glogiewicz speaks about agriculture and government
in Pueito Rico last night in the first event of Puerto Rican

Spend an evening with Dr. Timothy Leary
Speaking on the topic:
"Think for yourself, question authority."


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