Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 8, 1988 ERSPEOTI VES The role of the University in world politics: Thored Richard Falk is a professor of international law at Princeton University and author of the recently pub- lished book, Revolutionaries and Functionaries: The Jual Face of Terrorism. His scholarly interests include -the role of political violence in the implementation of foreign policy and the relevance of civil disobedience in a nuclear age. Dr. Falk spoke recently with Opinion staffer Sandra Steingraber at a human rights tribunal in Toronto. D: What is terrorism? Does it have a ,definitive feature? F: My thesis is that terrorism should be understood as the violence that fails to respect the innocent and re- fuses to limit its choice of means and ends in accor- dance to prevailing notions of international law and morality. The differentiating feature of terrorism is this failure to restrict political violence to appropriate targets - that is to those which are in some sense instruments of an oppressive order or representative of a military es- tablishment engaged in armed conflict. D: How do we know who the innocent are? F: Well, of course, we never know anything of that sort in a definitive way, but I think that it is fairly clear that civilians that are not connected with actual combat operations in some way are innocent. I also believe as a consequence of this view that re- lying on nuclear weapons is a form of terrorism be- cause the weapons are inherently indiscriminate and cause an overwhelming amount of damage to civil- ians... Also, economic policies that sustain govern- ments in power that are failing to address the problems of the very poor (are forms of terrorism). D: With those kinds of structural policies in place, it sounds like international law is not a very powerful tool for c h e c k i n g terrorism. F: It is not an effective tool if it is viewed as a framework for state-to-state relations. But if it is also viewed as one of many instruments of social strug- gle... then one of the foundations of that opposition is to expose the illegality under international law of these au for4 policies and to reclaim for the citizenry the right and duty to see that international law is obeyed. D: In bringing about this accountability, what are the responsibilities of the citi- zenry? What should we be doing? F: Well, that of course is partly a tactical question which has to do with the local conditions one faces. A further element here is the whole relevance of the Nuremberg tradition established after World War II. Namely, that military and political leaders of the state were criminally accountable as individuals for state policies that violated international law - it was not an excuse for them to claim they were just following state policy. An extension of the logic of Nuremberg is one which says that individuals with the knowledge or be- lief that their government is engaged in crimes of state have an obligation to engage in non-violent forms of resistance that seek to challenge the propriety and the legitimacy of those policies. D: Is this happening in the United States? F: The efforts of nuclear resisters, opponents of apartheid, opponents of intervention in Central Amer- ica, and opponents of CIA recruiting have definitely changed the climate within which these issues are be- ing dealt with. That doesn't mean one altogether suc- ceeds because the militarized state is extremely power- ful and doesn't in any sense feel obliged to be respon- sive to the wishes of the citizenry. So it is a political struggle to try and promote these values associated with peace, and justice and adherence to international law. D: And civil disobedience, as formulated by Thoreau, has been used in these capaci- ties. Yet this was something developed in an earlier century. How does it need to be rethought? F: Thoreau believed that symbolic violation of legal obligations was a way of taking one's conscience seri- ously. By refusing to pay taxes that indirectly sup- ported the institution of slavery and the war against Mexico, he felt he was separating himself from the a nuclear age policies of the government. But now I think in light of the dangers of the nu- clear age and in the face of a series of American inter- ventions in Third World countries, the objective of much resistance activity is not to separate oneself from the policy but to change the policy. And to change the policy not by symbolic protest alone but by trying to expose the illegality and illegitimacy of the policy un- der standards the state in fact accepted under solemn in- ternational agreement... The means direct action - because Congress has shown it has not been able to effectively control state power. Covert operations, the capability of the CIA is institutionalized in government. No political party is prepared to challenge that. No Congressional debate has ever been carried out on whether it is legitimate to rely on nuclear weapons as a basis of national security. D: And direct action is more effective. F: Direct action is a form of struggle that uses law and morality as instruments of that struggle and tries to reclaim the relationship between popular sovereignty and legitimacy of political action. The people are the source of legitimacy and they can judge the state rather than be subjects of the state... We have to learn once again in the last part of the century how to be citizens rather than subjects. And that if all we do is vote in elections and send letters to Congressmen and look to Washington, we will indeed live in a terrorist world and be manipulated by a state that engages in systems of terrorism. D: Can direct action legitimately include violence? F: It is very important in the industrialized world to develop non-violent direct actions at this stage. To have recourse to violence is to shift the terms of the struggle into an arena where the state is at the maxi- mum advantage because it is the most adept at violent combat and would both be able to substantially dis- credit a movement of opposition and also have pretext for becoming more repressive. In certain circumstances of acute oppression in the Third World or elsewhere - let's say living in Chile or South Africa - I certainly wouldn't pronounce against the reliance on non-terroristic forms of vio- lence. I would take an unconditional position about all forms of terrorism because that does tend to contami- nate the whole political process. D: How do you see the role of the univer- sity in the United States? F: The university is a community which has a great mandate to test new ideas and be a center of criticism and challenge structures that are oppressive. This means bringing a certain measure of political concern back into the university. There has been an at- tempt to create a very sharp chasm between knowledge and action and to present the model academic as "objective" and "neutral." I think to be engaged in a positive way is a greater contribution to a vibrant intellectual life than this pretext of detachment and in- difference... As the change in the wider society is likely to come through the expression of new ferment by popular forces, similarly the development of these perspectives within the university is likely to come from the ac- tions of students... There is a kind of vested interest within the university in dealing with knowledge in a rather antis.:ptic way, so that those who occupy the commanding heights of university power feel that po- litical activity is antithetical to real education. Worldwide protests support the struggle: Palestinian fight goes on By Pam Nadasen Parallel to tne intensified popular resistance movement in the Israeli- occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, demonstrations in the United States and other parts of the world in soli- darity with Palestinian human rights have also intensified. Though resis- tance to Israeli repression has been continual since the 1967 occupation, the "current" uprising began last December. Since then, Palestinians have adopted vigilant and effective tactics. Most resistance takes the 'form of boycotts of Israeli goods, the closing of shops, mass resigna- tions, work strikes and mass identi- fication card burnings. As the Israeli military and gov- ernment responds to these mass demonstrations with social and eco- nomic restrictions, increased military presence in the territories and in- creased brutality, the vigilance of the Palestinian people becomes more apparent as they counter the Israeli brutality with stones, bottles and Molotov cocktails. The Israeli government, in addi- tion to tear gas, rubber bullets and flattening entire Palestinian villages, has resorted to mass arrests and de- tentions in order to quell this mass movement. The "no trial" order has made the "justice system" a closed and institutionalized process. The staggering number of detainees which the Israeli authorities brought in have forced the opening of in- ternment camps, such as Ansar 3 which holds 3000 people, to keep the overflow of detainees. (Guardian, 4-27-88, p.14) The prisoners are held in poor conditions with lack of wa- ter, open sewers, access to legal counsel and are rarely charged with a crime. These military, economic and social crackdowns by the Israeli government are part and parcel to the Israeli policy to maintain its illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Israeli authorities have attempted to isolate the Palestinian people from the rest of the world. They have not only cut off outside aid to the Palestinians, but have also sev- ered international phone lines and cut The extensive news coverage (though not so extensive lately) has sparked a string of demonstrations and rallies on campuses and com- munities across the United States. Progressive organizations and indi- ,viduals in Berkeley last March suc- ceeded in forcing the city council to vote on a sister city proposal with a refugee camp in Gaza. Unfortu- nately, the proposal was blocked by powerful conservative elements in Berkeley. But advocates of the pro- posal, far from seeing this as a de- feat, are determined to raise the issue as a city-wide referendum in Nov- ember. (Guardian, 3-30-88, p.6) Prime Minister Shamir's negative reception at Beverly Hills Park and the World Affairs Council in Cen- tury City signified much of the sen- timent toward repressive Israeli pol- icy. Hundreds demonstrated against the human rights abuses in the West Bank and Gaza. Shamir's response to the Palestinian demands has been much like Botha's response to the demands of Black South Africans: increased violence and press restric- tions. But the attempt to speak out against injustice, even outside Israeli control, is not without repercus- sions. Solidarity demonstrations in Egypt, Jordan and Morocco have been met with beatings and arrests. (Guardian, 3-30-88, p.17) In Madison, Wisconsin, 400 Arabs, progressive Jews and other members of the community turned out to commemorate Land Day last April. Protestors received threatening phone calls from counter-demonstra- tors and police harassment. Though the sacrifices and risks that activists take in solidarity with the Pales- tinian struggle are not nearly com- parable to the sacrifices that the Palestinians themselves must make, they are sacrifices nonetheless. Students at this university have also been aggressive in showing solidarity with the Palestinian peo- ple. In addition to demonstrations and rallies, there have been numer- ous speakers and educational activi- ties. Students on campus recently built a shanty on the Diag protesting the human rights abuses in the West guilty party. The United States gives Israel six billion dollars a year in foreign aid, supplying one-half of the Israeli defense budget and one- third of the Gross National Product. (Ghannam, Agenda, p.4) The illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza would not even be possible without U.S. aid. Thus it is neither adequate nor accurate to say that ac- tivists are simply "anti-Israeli pol- icy." The very policies that the Is- racli government uses against the Palestinians are being supported by the United States. Realizing this, activists are also vehement in in- dicting our government for its role in the Israeli oppression of the Pale- stinian people. Global opposition to Israeli pol- icy is not limited to one sector of the community. People of all colors - Black, white, Arab, Jew, Asian - have been vocal in condemning the occupation, the military aggres- sion and the social and economic policies of Israel. Earlier this year, several thousand Jews within Israel protested the human rights viola- tions in the territories. Protesting Israeli policy is not synonymous with condemning Jews. Thus, in the same way that the anti-racist move- ment on this campus does not necessarily imply an anti-white stand, opposing the policies of the state of Israel does not imply that one is anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic. The only way for us to put an end to the beatings, the harassment, and the economic exploitation, is to unite around this issue. On campus, students involved in the Latin Am- erican, Free South African, anti-ra- cist, and anti-lesbian-and-gay bigotry movements have already demon- strated their support and solidarity for those struggling around the Palestinian issue. With enough en- ergy and commitment we can end U.S. support of the Israeli occupa- tion and hopefully, Israeli control of the economy of the territories. A poster at an Ann Arbor dem- onstration protesting the murder of Jihad eloquently cap'ured the spirit of the rebellion in the West Bank RE :tar~h- d _. Pictures Continued from Page 5 rium. Posters said to please bring canned food for the homeless. I stopped at Barnes and Noble during my five-minute jog to Rackham and purchased a can of beans. I dropped the beans in a big box at the entrance to the auditorium as I entered the room. I found a comfortable seat alone, away from people. I did not stay for the full presentation of the pictures; I did not need to. I just needed to verify my understanding of the underclass to determine if their was hope of "re-humanizing" life for underclass America. During this showing, a Daily reporter did not question me. During this showing, I questioned myself and humbly asked: "How do you feel?" I went through a variety of emo- tions - shame, guilt, horror, dis- gust, helplessness, hopelessness, and hate. My integrity had been stripped from me. All the defense mechanisms I had erected to survive in a racist environment were gone. American Pictures article said "to call American Pic tures a masterpiece would be les than flattering." I suppose in 1988 the green poster with the provocative quest tion will appear once more. Again, I will make the journey to Rackhani with my can of beans. If it were not such a devastating experience; if people were not starving, it would almost seem funny - me and my can of beans. Many students who attend Big Ten universities are totally ignorant of how the other half (underclass) lives. Acknowledging the under- class, although depressing and em- barrassing for all, is an issue that needs to be brought to the forefront of communities, societies, and na- tions. Assuming they want to, under- class people like Charles Smith and Linda will never attend a Big Ten university. Students should know and understand "why." -Woolridge is aformer Daily news staffer. Students on campus recently built a shanty on the Diag protesting the human rights abuses in the it