a OPINION Monday, November 14, 1988 The Michigan Doily I Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. iC, No.48 Ann Arbor. MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Diversity means les The power of weaving LAST WEEK THE Socially Active Latino Students Association, SA.L.S.A., demanded the recall of the Annual Report on Minority .Affairs published by the Office of the Presi- dent, the Office of Minority Affairs, the Office of the Provost and Vice Presi- dent for Academic Affairs and the Of- fice of the Vice Provost for Minority Affairs. S.A.L.S.A. has proven that the administration lied in its Report and demands that they be accountable for their actions. The administration must respond immediately to the demands of S.A.L.S.A. if we are to believe that they are truly in pursuit of diversity as they claim to be. Members of S.A.L.S.A. have tried to get the attention of Duderstadt for over two weeks. They have used all the "proper channels" of communication; they have written him letters and tried to schedule appointments with him. He has repeatedly ignored their attempts. Rather than to respond to the charges with sensitivity and support, the ad- ministration has ordered the printing of more copies of the Report. This week- end it was distributed to the principals of 39 Chicago area high schools in a minority recruitment drive. The report lists the Committee On Hispanic Studies as being the Latino student equivalent of the Center For African and Afro-American Studies. This is a lie because the committee does not exist. When questioned about this the response was that the report was typed in a hurry and mistakes were made as a result of that. It seems, however, that mistakes made in haste usually result in omissions rather than in additions. It takes time and planning to invent fake organizations and assign them titles. There are numerous other inaccura- cies and problems in the Report. Sev- eral minority student organizations were omitted; events which never hap- pened are included in the calendar of events (one of the events described as an "ethnically oriented cultural event" is the futuristic, satirical film Brazil ); there is no mention of resources avail- able to Native American students. In fact, a picture used in conjunction with the statement "Environment For Diver- sity" is of a Native American student who graduated 20 years ago. And we are to believe this report accurately represents the current status of the University of Michigan. The Report On Minority Affairs is deliberately deceptive. It proves that the role of the report is not to inform peo- ple about the University but to sell the school. The fact that all of the mistakes are attributed to hastiness shows that this is not a priority job for the admin- istration. The report is indicative of the attitude embodied in the statement "Blacks and other minorities" which is used so of- ten at this University. Recognition must be given to every distinct group which makes up the minority student community. Until administrators do that, it is difficult to believe they are committed to improving the lives of all people of color at this University. It is, however, very easy to believe they want to make themselves look good. by Sandra Steingraber Wood and cloth. Both useful. Both beautiful. Had I walked into my house last week and saw my new housemate Lynne sitting on the living room floor constructing furniture, I undoubtedly would have been curious and inquired about the project. But as it was, I walked through the room and saw her winding skeins of yarn into balls. Something about the piles of brightly colored strands made me smile politely and keep walking. The next night: Lynne again bent over piles of yarn and more detached smiles of greeting from me. And the next night the same. It was not until I noticed the spinning wheel on the front porch and overheard a breakfast conversation about the various shows in which Lynne's work was appearing that I realized I was sharing a house with a bona fide professional weaver. Suddenly curious, I wanted now to approach her but was forced first to confront my original feelings of disaffected politeness (and perhaps a touch of disdain?) engendered by the sight of her raw materials. Such a reckoning does not really require a complex analysis - it does seem to reveal much about the socialization of our sensibilities. Traditional women's crafts - weaving, quilting, embroidery - at once represent both the trivialization of women artisans in Western culture and the triumph of these artisans over the tools and materials of their own oppression. If we view the intricate patterns of a woven sweater with a more patronizing eye than we view the functional beauty of a piece of handcrafted furniture, then what does this say about the objects and their observers? What symbolic elements of women's work should be embraced and what rejected? This predicament has been made no easier by the packaging of women's crafts by the capitalist patriarchy as artsy- craftsy "kits." As far as I can see, they effectively function to relegate bored, lonely, dependent women to trivial forms of labor. When I see a woman bent over a heap of yarn, I see my mother's women friends hard at work manufacturing tiny c. embroidered pillows and excrutiatingly cute needlepoint portraits of large-eyed children. Soap operas droning in the background. I wanted no part of that world. Of course, neither does my housemate the weaver. On the other extreme, in other cultures, the needlework of women has served revolutionary and nationalist purposes. The weavings of Guatemalan Indian women have long functioned to keep alive the history of a people whose government is hellbent on destroying. So powerful are some of these weavings in symbolizing cultural identity, that it is actually considered subversive to weave cloth in particular patterns of particular colors. There are shirts one can be shot for wearing. Oromo women in Ethiopia told me similar stories. One of the first things the Ethiopian army does when it comes into a village suspected of harboring guerrilla sympathizers is to gather the women together and confiscate their sewing needles. Then they execute their husbands. How forms of oppression can be transformed through art into expressions of power is something another friend of mine, Barbara Westermann, thinks a lot about. A sculptor, Westermann explores in her work what she calls "the phenomonology of dwelling" - where we live is who we are. Her obsession with the home - rooms, homes, doorways, windows, huts - flows out of the attention which women as housekeepers are socialized into. Significantly, Westermann's sculptures are wrought in traditionally masculine materials (steel and iron) and are most undelicate and unbeautiful in composition. In thinking about how to approach my housemate about her work, I tried to think about what I know about women weaving. In high school, I played the part of Penelope in an English class rendition of Homer'sThe Odyssey. For ten years, Penelope staved off bands of stupid and unwanted suitors by daily weaving a shroud and nightly unweaving it. Very smart. But the larger purpose of this ruse was to remain pure and patient while her husband found his way back from a distant and pointless war. Very ridiculous. And in thinking about women's weaving, I have been thinking about my own writing, which has been alternately praised and criticized for its "confessional" and "synthetic" forms of discourse (as contrasted, I suppose, to "dispassionate" and "analytic"). What about women's work should be embraced? And what rejected? This column is a forum for issues such as these, woven as they are into fabric of all of our lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................ M7 .......... vol, It L, % x ... ..................... ............ ........... ..... .. .... . ......... . ........ .... . ...... . --- - ---- -- -- ........... JESSICA GREENE /Daily Facing locked doors Everyone needs UC 299 To the Daily: Your front page article of Tuesday, November 8, on the University Course 299 on racism inspired a thought. This course, from which many of our students, faculty and administrators could surely benefit, is under consideration as a required course for LS&A students. It occurred to me that this might be inappropriate in that it might be too restrictive in attempting to educate those in need of the concepts of such a course. The thought occurred to me that, given the commitment to this cause by President Duderstadt and, of course, the deans of the many schools in the University, that the students of the College of Engineering, the School of Public Health, the School of Music, the Division of Physical Education, the Schools of Pharmacy, Law, Medical, Dental and Graduate Studies, and any others I have not mentioned, might also benefit from having to take such a course. Would it not be consistent with the purpose of such a course to provide its insights into the quality of interactions between all members of our species to all members of our university community instead of singling out students of LS&A, a group of people who might possibly be somewhat less needy of the lessons of such a course than the groups who seem to be excluded from its required audience. Perhaps this concept ought to beadded to those that the President's office has under consideration as part of its commitment against racism. And while we are at it, why not provide the benefits of this course to still others in our .nivers..ity -n.m:,nn...-ac to take UC 299, including the final exam. After all, the racism virus is like any other virus; it can get in there and at the right (or wrong) moment express itself. No one is immune! -Robert E. Beyer Biology Professor November 8 Education does not 'justify' To the Daily: I am a peer-contraceptive ed- ucator for the University Health Service, and I read your editorial "Liberate Birth Con- trol" (10/26/88) with disap- pointment. The Contraceptive Education Program (CEP) has been misrepresented in that ar- ticle. It is true that in order for a woman to receive a prescrip- tion form of birth control (birth control pills, di- aphragms, and soon cervical caps), she must attend a two hour lecture which educates participants about all contra- ceptive methods available to them at UHS. This lecture teaches a decision-making pro- cess so that a woman alone, or with a partner, can make the decision that works best in her particular circumstance. Men are encouraged to attend lectures, but they cannot be re- quired to come because they are not the people who will be re- ceiving prescriptions. The re- quirement exists for women because their bodies will be the ones altered by the prescrip- tion. Though this may seem unfair, the fact that currently available prescription forms of birth control are for women is not a function of UHS. Please do not blame UHS for the sex- ist history of birth control. Efficiency is not a "justification" for the CEP re- quirement; it is a legitimate reason for the program to exist. The Gvnecoloiv Clinic is the Similarly, education should not be shunned as a "justification" for the program; this education is necessay. While some women may know all about the options available to them, many women on campus do not. From my experience as a lecturer, I know that there are some very misinformed women seeking contraception. UHS does not "presuppose that every woman seeking birth control is unin- formed"; rather, UHS knows from experience that many of these women are uninformed. Only through education can women make an intelligent de- cision. We do not pretend to teach everything about contra- ception in two hours. We can give women an educated basis from which to form their deci- sions. Participants are provided with reading materials to take home as well as information about additional pertinent re- sources. The author of "Liberating Birth Control" obviously did not do her homework as pro- grams are presented in residence halls throughout the term at the request of staff. It is true that no program is provided during new student orientation, but this is the choice of the Orientation Staff. The University Health Ser- vice seeks to educate people not only about health issues, but about the health care pro- cess as well. Their goals are not to be a model for social chage, but to teach students to have realistic expectations of health care. I am willing to bet that the author of the editorial has not attended a CEP lecture, nor in- vestigated the UHS objec- tively. I urge her to do so at her earliest convenience. -Sara Spinner October 28 UHS lectures are the only sex who become pregnant. Where the Daily edi- torial falls short is in its at- tempt to criticize the Contra- ceptive Education Program (CEP) that Health Services of- fers. First the Daily claims "the consequences of a mandatory lecture are patronizing and of- fensive, and it is a minimally effective way of educating peo- ple about birth control." From this statement it is obvious that the editorial board has not attended a CEP lecture. The format of each lecture is casual and friendly, certainly not pa- tronizing and offensive. As to its effectiveness, after my last lecture on Monday night, four of fifteen people present re- sponded in surveys to have CHANGED THEIR MINDS about what type of contracep- tive was better for them. Addi- tionally, not one complained of being patronized or offended. CEP educators are trained to be sensitive to the fact that contraception is a personal and serious decision. We are trained to give people who might not know all of the facts the basic rudiments necessary to make such a personal decision. If the editorial board had been at even one lecture they would know that no one is "forced to dis- cuss these issues in an open forum." Certainly discussion and questions are encouraged, but ba no means demanded. The main message is this: Because many women are in- terested in prescription birth control it becomes possible to implement a program to edu- cate them. It is illogical to say that because we cannot require that men go to similar semi- nars we should discontinue the educational program that we are providing for these women. Incidentally, these lectures are open to and attended by the general public, both male and female, on Monday nights 7-9 p.m and Tuesday afternoons 3- ,. . - - . I I FRIDAY'S DEMONSTRATION marks the second time since the term started that campus security officers have used force to stifle student dissent from the University administration. Students angry at the lies and. misrepresentations in the new Annual Report on Minority Affairs gathered in the Fleming Administration Building to express their anger and present University President Duderstadt with their demands. Deputized security 0 .'..' C.* Fcus officers Leo Heatley and Robert Pifer responded by denying the protesters access to the elevators and trapping several of them inside the stairwells. This episode is the latest in a series of events which confirm the University administration's motive for requesting the denutizatinn of camnus security of- And on Friday, the two deputies prevented students from entering a public building to express their legitimate grievances to Duderstadt. The deputies claim that there were too many people to allow upstairs. But when the protesters offered to send five representatives instead of all going up together, they were still refused access. Since Heatley and Pifer have been deputized, the effect of their actions has been to shield the administration from being accountable to the rest of the University community. Protest is often the only way students can make their voices and opinions heard, and Fri- day's protest demonstrates that it is also often the only way to get results. The leaders of the protest had been trying all week to meet with Duder- stadt, but it was not until they refused to leave the building that their request for an appointment was granted. The administration is using its deputies and its new protest policy to deny students their only effective means of expres- sion. Its goal is to repress student protest, thereby avoiding accountabil- ity, and eliminating one of the few av- enues for student input. I I Ie