a OPINION Friday, November 11, 1988 The Michigan Daily r Fraternity complicit in racist act By UMASC, UCAR, POWER, FSACC, IPASC, AALSA, and Delro Harris This article was written to clarify the incident cited in the Daily article (11/2/88) entitled "Policy Doesn't Include Greeks." On October 7, 1988, six Asian Ameri- can students were victims of racist remarks at a Kappa Sigma fraternity party. While on their way out, a man in the doorway said, "Oh, look, the'chinks are leaving. Ah-so," and proceeded to clasp his hands together as he bowed. When they asked for personal apologies, the man told one of the brothers, "I didn't do such a good thing," and hid himself in- side the fraternity house. Members of Kappa Sigma refused to look for him. The students were told that the racist in ques- tion was "a good friend of an uncle of someone in the house" and that "it was just a joke." One of the brothers explained that the man who had made the comment had expected the Asian Americans to laugh with him. This article is authored by University of Michigan Asian Student Coalition (UMASC), United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR), People Organized for Women, Equality, and Rights (POWER), Free South Africa Coordinating Commit- tee (FSA CC), Indian and Pakistani A'nerican Students Council (IPASC), Asian-Amerfican Law Students Associa- tion (AALSA) and Delro Harris, a junior in LSA. The University of Michigan Asian Stu- dent Coalition (UMASC) fails to see the humor in this remark. Racist acts such as the ones displayed on the night of October 7th are responsible for oppression of peo- ple of color everywhere. By allowing such acts to go unpunished and unchallenged, members of Kappa Sigma were actively participating in a racist act. By laughing at such "jokes," as many Kappa Sigmas did, vorable attention from the University community. UMASC member Susan Rhee, who was a target of the racist remark, wrote a letter to Kappa Sigma which detailed the inci- dent and asked for a written apology from the house. She and another UMASC member hand-delivered the letter directly to David Wigler, vice-president of the frater- nity. 'Racist acts such as the ones displayed on the night of October 7th are responsible for oppression of people of color everywhere. By allowing such acts to go unpunished and unchallenged, members of Kappa Sigma were actively participating in a racist act.' have started." First, UMASC strongly questions the relevance of the offender's possible war expesences. Wigler seemed to believe that the possibility that this man tought in Korea or Vietnam justified his racist act against "a bunch of Asians." Second, it was highly unlikely that a fight would have broken out that night. The offender had obviously fled the scene to avoid confrontation. Wigler's statement that "a fight might have started" was a trumped-up excuse. Third, Wigler implied that the house was not responsible for comments made by a non-brother, but stated that the fraternity WOULD be responsible for a fight started by that same non-brother. Wigler evidently did not consider racism a liability for the house. Wigler's state- ments demonstrated that he found racism acceptable under those circumstances. When UMASC members were unsatis- fied with the vice-president's comments about protecting the offender, Wigler of- fered his personal apology, saying, "I find this kind of thing terrible.aI would never do such a thing." Later, at a Kappa Sigma meeting, Wigler was quoted as saying, "[Susan Rhee] is oversensitive... she's making a big deal out of nothing." David Wigler's patronizing statement clearly ex- emplifies his racist and sexist attitudes. Also, as a representative of his house, David Wigler is jeopardizing the reputa- tion of Kappa Sigma fraternity. Wigler's duplicity in making two speeches to two different audiences clearly show that Wigler's only concern was to protect himself from liability. In the weeks following, these events occuned: -In a note on the UMASC office door, Wigler and president Ron Bauer claimed that UMASC "did not exist" according to MSA, Campus Info, and the Union. Yet they were able to find UMASC's Michigan Union office. -In this note, Wigler placed the responsibility for rectifying the situation on UMASC members who were victims of the racist act. -Over the phone, Wigler accused UMASC of "blackmail" and "defamation of character." -In a subsequent call, Ron Bauer repeated these gross accusations and revoked all previous verbal apologies. He stated that he would have no further contact with UMASC and hung up. -In response to the November 3 Daily article, other Kappa Sigma members informed UMASC that this was the first time they had heard the details of the Kappa Sigma -- UMASC situation. -On November 6, a Kappa Sigma member met with UMASC and UCAR members, explaining that Kappa Sigma members opposed the actions of Wigler and Bauer. -On November 7, Wigler brought UMASC's letter to a Minority Affairs Committee meeting and stated, "legally, you can't do anything to me... I can't check people's morals at the door." Wigler's and Bauer's racist actions are completely reprehensible. UMASC and UCAR demand that the fraternity of Kappa Sigma denounce these racist acts. a I they encouraged such behavior among their peers and perpetuated harmful stereo- types. After the students explained that they were members of UMASC, and that the incident would be brought up at the next meeting, there were several desperate ver- bal attempts at apologies from a few members of Kappa Sigma. However, the students never received an apology from the offender himself. If the members in question had truly felt that what had hap- pened was wrong, they would have looked for the man and asked him to apologize, instead of just appeasing the Asian Americans to save the house from unfa- After reading the letter, Wigler said, "I don't understand what you want... this man is not a brother of the house." They replied that, in addition to a written apol- ogy, UMASC wanted the members of the house to realize that by not looking for the man who made the comment, the house was condoning his behavior. Wigler then replied, "I can honestly tell you now that I would not have forced the man to apologize if I had been at the door my- self... we have to avoid fights at all costs because that could be a liability to the house... what if this man fought in Viet- nam or Korea? If we forced him to apolo- gize to a bunch of Asians, a fight might I i W Y r W Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 11 . ......... ..... ..... . . .. X. ........... . . . .. ....... er tne dt .. . ............ ... .............. ............................ ....................... ................. ....................... .......... ... . .. ....................... .............. .................... . . .... . ......... ............. .......... ....... ........................ ii 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. IC, No.47 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Young and in prison LAST MONTH, Tashikko McKaye became the first juvenile offender to be remanded to adult district court in Washtenaw county. This denial of jus- tice extends beyond the month McKaye has been incarcerated without trial; it is I national trend to punish young people gather than rehabilitate them. -The decision to use adult court comes under new legislation which allows 15 aid 16-year-old offenders to be tried and sentenced in adult court. This in- &reases the already unacceptable num- bers of youth in the prison system. Implicit in sending McKaye to adult cpurt on the seniousness of his offense is an assumption of guilt on the part of jhe accused. Juvenile offenders cannot hiave committed an offence serious gnough to merit consideration as an $lult if they are innocent until proven giilty. ~Unfortunately, the remand of McK- Sye is not an isolated case. In the last ,nonth alone, Washtenaw county has seen two seventeen year olds sent to iult court where they face penalties rrom 15 years to life imprisonment. f4iese two juveniles - and another 15 year-old who is awaiting a waiver to alult court --have been lodged in the ipunty jail prior to their trial. "' , . ar entnrn~-ifo -u,,nr Itt-1t 4. the time and usually do not receive the benefit of council. Juvenile court is supposed to compensate for this by being informal and paternal. Adult court, on the other hand, views guilty pleas as cheap and expedient convic- tions rather than a rational lenient or paternal punishment. Holding juveniles completely re- sponsible for their conduct and judging them beyond hope for reform are both cynical and cruel. Young people are formative and the environment which they are placed in determines who they are and what they become. Incarcera- tion teaches them to hate society and trains them to be better criminals. Already deprived of the right to vote, to gain credit, to sign a lease, and to hold a job without a permit - it is a further betrayal of fairness to jail young people who have no control over the subsistence elements of their lives. Young people are deprived of their rights because society considers them unable to conduct themselves responsibly. The court should not hold them responsible in some cases and not in the broader context. Race and class factors underlie juve- nile detention in the same way they do for adults. All of those "offenders" under 18 who have been held in adult lockups are non-white and the majority come for the Ypsilanti area. In McK- aye's case, he is still being held on a $20,000 bond which he cannot pay. Prison is not a place for 15 and 16 year-olds to learn socially acceptable behavior; rather, it is in prison where these young people become forever damaged. Those who go to prison for any rea- son are more than twice as likely to re- t-- A -r- a1,n - wrrt o thnp i Solidarity with SALSA To the Daily: Commitment: n. The act of committing; a giving in charge or entrusting. A pledge to do something. The state of being bound emotionally and intellectually to a course of ac- tion. Leadership: n. The position or office of a leader. The capacity or ability to lead. Diversity: n. The fact or quality of being distinct in kind. Variety and multiformity. When a university adminis- tration commits itself to changing leadership in a new century, it cannot passively publish inaccurate information as evidence of its positive steps toward diversity. For this rea- son, the Hispanic Law Student Association (HLSA) and the Latin American and Native American Medical Association (LANAMA) stand in solidarity with SALSA in their demand for a recall of the report One Year Later... A Commitment to Leadership. Diversity cannot be obtained without recognizing the indi- vidual entities first. Latinos, Asians, American-Indians, and Blacks deserve the equal respect of the decision makers on campus when considering the opportunities which will be made available. One Year Later demonstrates the insensitivity and aloofness of the administration toward Latino students by its neglect of accu- racy. The report, compiled in one week, failed to identify ap- propriate student organizations and department programming. Latino student organizations on campus vary from ethic sub-group (Puerto Rican, Chi- cano, Cuban and others) to academic/professional interest. We are not a homogeneous group to be falsely described as a single entity. The departmental programming, Latino Studies, still remains on an "Ad-Hoc" status with the qualities which make up their diversity. We are the unknown minority on campus. LANAMA and HLSA see the "continuum" of the University of Michigan as inaction. One year Later does not portray the qualities of leadership nor commitment. Rather, those qualities come from an admin- istration willing to verify facts an make the campus a more lively environment based upon its awareness of the diverse student population. Because we refuse to accept the role of the unseen and un- heard minority, HLSA and LANAMA stand with our her- manas and hermanos of SALSA in their demand for a recall of the inaccurate report and a re-release of true data about the Latino population on campus. Mediocrity subverts the pursuit of diversity. -HLSA and LANAMA November 9 Help fight famzine To the Daily: On Thursday November 17, the World Hunger Education and Action Committee, WHEAC, is sponsoring a fast for world hunger. This annual campus-wide event encourages members of the University of Michigan community to sup- port WHEAC in its plans to raise money for Oxfam, a world famine relief agency, and local community programs to feed the hungry of Ann Arbor. Individuals participate by fore- going dinner on this day and donating the money that would have otherwise been spent to the cause of fighting world hunger. Students have signed agreements in their dormitories to donate the value of their meal to WHEAC. By actually fasting for a day, one can experience a very small fraction of the anguish which starving people of the world feel every day. It sometimes takes a bit of suffering to re- mind oneself that there are en- tire populations struggling to vtav aie in Thid.A W .rld political instability, govern- ment corruption, and civil strife aggravate development in the Third World. Unfortunate climatic conditions are intensi- fied and perpetuated by the ab- sence of an adequate sociopolitical infrastructure. As we can observe through history, droughts do not in- evitably end in widespread starvation and death; many so- cieties have a sufficient buffer- ing capacity to survive climate anomalies. The myth that famine is caused by a lack of food must also be contested. The prob- lem is not lacck of food, but rather, a discrepancy in access to food. Because of difficulties in transporting food and sup- plies, and because of the fre- quency of sabotage in starving nations, many people continue to go hungry despite generous food aid. Long term develop- ment aid and plans for political restructuring are necessary. By donating to organizations such as WHEAC, you can help finance emergency and devel- opment aid to those suffering in Third World nations. - This money will be applied to edu- cational programs, early warn- ing systems technology to de- tect famine conditions, and will also constitute political pres- sure to various regimes to change policies, all of which can mitigate world hunger abroad. We ask you to recog- nize an assist those less fortu- nate than yourself and join over one million people who participate in this annual fast to fight world hunger. During the week of Novem- ber 14, there will be a number of slide presentations, speeches, and an international feast. A benefit concert will be held on Friday. Please follow "The List"for times and loca- tions. -Liz Borock for WHEAC November 1 UHS is nate, for example, that almost all contraceptive methods place, responsibility for their use on women. It is also unfortunate that comprehensive education and counseling cannot be made available on an individual basis to every woman requesting contraception from UHS. We disagree, however, with other assertions made about CEP. : Women seeking prescription contraceptives from UHS are required to attend a lecture, but they are by no means com- pelled to participate in any dii- cussion. Secondly, men are welcome at the lectures and encouraged to attend. To require each woman who comes to a lecture to bring a man, how- ever, assumes that every woman seeking contraception is involved in a monogamous relationship. Evaluations of the program written by those attending the lectures do not indicate that the lectures are "patronizing, offensive, and minimally effective"; they indicate that the lectures are informative, help them make decisions about the contraceptive method(s) they will use, and make them feel comfortable with the topic of birth control. Several partici- pants have commented that they are glad that the peer edu- cation program is available, because they wouldn't know where else to get such com- plete and frank information. The CEP not only covers every contraceptive method currently available in the United States, including absti- nence, but also addresses such topics as contraceptive deci- sion-making, and educates par- tic ipants on how to practice Safer Sex. Given the current status of the AIDS epidemic, it would be negligent of UHS not to provide this information to"E students. Finally, the CEP gives lec- tures at dormitories, fraterni- ties, and sororities; provides information at orientations; and uses male educators. Had the Daily's staff been aware of these facts, it could have presented a more accurate and balanced picture of the CEP. -Karen Smith