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November 11, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-11

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In Weekend Magazine

*University junior talks about her life as both a
student and a prisoner - Tom Waits and Disney?

Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 47 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 11, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
Minority report sparks protest

At noon today on Regents Plaza, at least four stu-
dent groups will lead a protest to demand the immediate
recall of "One Year Later... Commitment to Leader-
ship," the University administration's 1987-88 report
on minority affairs.
"It's probably one of the worst mistakes the admin-
istration has ever made, a major screw up," said LSA
junior Delro Harris, chair of the Michigan Student As-
sembly's Minority Affairs Committee, which has en-
dorsed today's demonstration.
Campus organization representatives are protesting

the report - released last August by the Offices of the
President, Provost and Vice President for Academic
Affairs, and Vice Provost for Minority Affairs - be-
cause it is filled with significant factual errors and
THIS REPORT is one tool the University is us-
ing to showcase its accomplishments toward reaching a
"diverse, multi-cultural" campus, the primary goal of
University President James Duderstadt's "Michigan
The 106-page report, among numerous other errors,
names "the Committee on Hispanic Studies" as one of
the University's ethnic studies programs.

But the Campus Information Center, the Student
Organizations Development Center, Minority Student
Services, the Socially Active Latino Students Associa-
tion, and other campus organizations, have said the
committee is nonexistent.
The report was compiled last summer by Shirley
Clarkson, Duderstadt's assistant, who said she had to
work "very fast" to complete it before fall term. She
acknowledged the document contains mistakes.
CLARKSON SAID she mistakenly wrote
"Committee on Hispanic Studies" where she intended
to refer to the University's Latino Studies Program. "I
probably got the name wrong. I remember writing it

down," she said.
But not only was the intended reference to the
Latino Studies program wrong, said SALSA members
Elsa Barboza and Anne Martinez, the report also fails
to describe the program.
"There's no way that anyone can interpret
(Clarkson's meaning) from what's written there," Mar-
tinez said. But the "ethnic studies" chapter of the report
contains two pages about the Center for Afroamerican
and African Studies, she noted.
Martinez and Barboza discussed the report with Vice
Provost for Minority Affairs Charles Moody Monday.
See Report, Page 2

Illini are last
thorn in 'M'
bowl plans
OK, Illinois, it's time to show your real self..
Chicago or Peoria? Skyscrapers or silos? Concrete or
What football team is going to play in Michigan
Stadium at 1 p.m. on Saturday? One whose former coach
said he was ashamed of it last year and was picked for the
Big Ten cellar this year, or one that in thel0th game of
the season is playing for the league championship?
"At the beginning of the year, everybody was talking
about Michigan State and Indiana," Michigan running
back Leroy Hoard said. "No one ever mentioned Illinois,
but as it ends up, that's who we're playing."
Last season, Illinois won only three of 11 games
overall and only two of eight in the conference. The team
closed out its season with a 28-10 loss.
To Northwestern.
Coach Mike White left and was replaced by former
Wake Forest and Kansas City Chiefs coach John Mack-
ovic. White didn't leave much behind.
Only 15 seniors were listed on the roster at the.
beginning of the season, and only five of those lettered
in each of the three previous years. And only two players
on offense and three on defense who were starters in 1987
emerged from spring practice as starters this year.
The 1988 season started out much as expected, with a
44-7 loss to Washington State and a 21-16 loss to
Arizona State. Since then, Illinois' record is 5-1-1. The
Illini are 4-1-1 in the conference, one game behind first-
place Michigan.
"Our players have a real understanding and a feeling
that they can -be successful," Mackovic said. "Whether
that's different than before, I don't know."
It seems different, based on White's tirade after last
season's come-from-ahead 17-14 loss to Michigan.
See Illinois, Page 11

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for collider
Dept. of Energy rejects
Michigan, five others

Texas emerged from the pack of
seven state finalists, which included
Michigan, as the preferred location
for the world's largest Super-
conducting Super Collider, Depart-
ment of Energy Secretary John Her-
rington said in an unexpectedly early
announcement yesterday.
The decision, moved up from its
original mid- to late-November date,
came two days after the election of
George Bush, and several representa-
tives from the losing states have
speculated the decision was political.
Texas was chosen, Herrington
said, because it received the highest
combination of ratings in six
technical categories and fulfilled the
site selection committee's goal of
finding a location that would en-
hance "the research productivity and
effectiveness of the Super Collider at
a reasonable cost of construction and
operation, with a minimal impact on
the environment."
The collider will be the largest
particle accelerator in the world and
will use about 10,000 superconduct-
ing magnets to propel protons
around a 53-mile underground path
until they collide and break up into
tiny particles.
Texas received four outstanding
ratings - more than any other state
- and two "goods" in of six techni-
cal categories. Each finalist was rated
satisfactory, good, or outstanding in
these categories: geology and ease of
tunneling, regional resources such as
schools and airports, environment,



Fort Woet Daas
Collider TEXAS
200 mAd"

setting, regional conditions, and
States were not ranked against
one another, but Michiganreceived
two outstandings for regional re-
sources and conditions, two goods,
and two satisfactories.
Eight senators from Michigan,
Illinois, Arizona, and Colorado have
requested that President Reagan es-
tablish a bipartisan commission of
physicists to review all seven of the
finalists sites and ensure that the
best site was chosen.
"The Texas decision has a strong
smell of White House politics," said
Sen. Donald Riegle (D-Michigan).
Governor James Thompson (R-
Illinois) said that he believed the de-
cision was a "political slap in the
face to the Illinois congressional
delegation," citing that Illinois
members did not have as much clout
as the Texas delegation in Congress.
See SSC, Page 2

Ann Arbor resident Frank Paul scalps tickets in front of the Union.

Ticket scalpers try to rake it in

Attracted by the demand for
football tickets, an army of
scalpers descends on campus a few
days before each football game.
They stand in front of the
Michigan Union, football tickets
in one hand and wads of cash in
the other, knowingly breaking the
law each time they sell their tick-
But these scalpers are "not the
biggest concern" for police, who
have to deal with more serious
crimes, said Det. Douglas Barbour
of the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment. The police and Athletic
Ticket Manager Al Renfrew are

more concerned with apprehending
ticket thieves than scalpers. And
very few of the tickets that
scalpers sell have been stolen,
Barbour said.
RENFREW said he wasn't
aware of the scalping in front of
the Union, and that he does not
believe it is "a real problem."
If the University or a resident
complains, Barbour said, the po-
lice will investigate the scalpers.
Despite their lack of attention
during the week, the police post
plainclothes officers outside the
stadium on football Saturdays. An
average of one scalper is arrested
at each game, Barbour said. The

tickets are confiscated for evi-
dence, and the scalper is arraigned
in court. Scalpers found guilty
must pay a $25 fine, as scalping
is only a "civil infraction." But
the loss of tickets is what hurts
the scalpers most.
Good scalpers say they can
make $2,500 from one season of
Michigan football games. Most of
their money comes from the
Michigan State and Ohio State
games, which generate an average
of $1,000 each, one scalper said.
They usually handle an average of
25 tickets a game.
would identify himself only as

Jose, said the most he ever made
from one game was $1,400, but
that the best scalpers have made
$3,000. To be successful, scalpers
must work from Wednesday to
But if things don't go their
way, the scalpers stand to lose
Bad weather, for example, can
hurt them. When rain kept fans
away from last week's game
against Minnesota, some scalpers
were forced to sell two tickets for
$1 to come away with some
"It's better to have a handful of
See Scalpers, Page 2

Bush, Reagan meet
to begin transition

Fifteen- and sixteen-year-olds
should not be remanded to adult
See Opinion, Page 4
Courtney Pine rides the 'Trane to
See Arts, Page 8

Ann Arbor commemorates
Kristallnacht anniversary

dent Reagan took the first steps yes-
terday toward an amiable transition
of power to President-elect George
Bush, leaving instructions for Cabi-
net officers and other political ap-
pointees to turn in their resignations
by InaugurationDay, January 20.
The new president and the old met
with White House chief of staff
Kenneth Duberstein and later at-
tended a Cabinet meeting as Bush
began the work of assembling his
The vice president made his first
Cabinet appointment on Wednesday,
naming campaign chairman James A.
Baker III secretary of state. He has
told reporters he wants to name the

decisions of the government."
Bush on Wednesday promised a
"brand new team" when he takes of-
fice. But Treasury Secretary
Nicholas Brady, Attorney General
Dick Thornburgh and Education
Secretary Lauro Cavazos all have
been mentioned as possible holdover
One man viewed as likely to re-
ceive a major post in the new adm-
istration is outgoing Governor John
Sununu of New Hampshire, who
campaigned energetically for Bush
and was instrumental in his critical
victory in the New Hampshire pri-
mary last February. He said he hadn't
been offered any post yet.

For the first time in 50 years, about 600 people
gathered in Ann Arbor last night to commemorate the
Kristallnacht, the turning point for the persecution of
the Jews all over Germany and Austria.
"The horror of broken dreams will not have to be
ni ahtmnroC nmnrP aftert nniat," cn i Rhh

for religion was forgotten," he explained.
The reasons, then, for the holocaust are very con-
troversial, and many people do not understand why it
all happened, he said. Loewenberg denied that it
stemmed from a German desire to control Jewish
property. That could have been accomplished without

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