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Ninety- nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 46 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 10, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
Battle against
Prop. A rages on
Pursell prevails over
Pollack, 54-45%, in race
Though Proposal A passed, ban-
ning state-funded abortiom .n , ;
women in Michigan, the battle is
not over.
Fifty-eight percent of Michigan
residents cast their votes for the pro-
posal, Tuesday, while 42 percent
voted against it on, said a
'spokesperson from the State Elec-
tion Commission in Lansing.
"We are very pleased with the
victory and the spread of the vote.
It's good that the people of the state
Incumbent University regents
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) and
Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) emerged
from Tuesday's election triumphant,
beating out challengers Republican
Cliff Taylor and Democrat Thomas
Baker, embarking on his third
eight-year term on the Board of Re-
gents, was very positive about his
"I'm very grateful to those people
on campus who were supportive of
me, of which there were many," he
said. "I think the people of Michigan
know my record and the things I
represent, and they reelected me be-
cause they're satisfied with my rep-
resentations of their interests."
BAKER has come inder fire
fronr many student groups over the
past few years for his stances on
South African divestment and gay
male and lesbian issues.
Varner was unavailable for com-
Baker led all candidates with
1,304,877 votes in the statewide
contest. Varner came in a strong
second with 1,250,439 votes.
Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey)
had mixed feelings about the out-
come. "I would have preferred my
party to win, but we have two expe-
rienced regents returning," he said.
VOTERS reelected the current
regents, but Brown said he did not
feel this necessarily indicated confi-
dence in the current Board of Re-
gents. "Regental elections are a re-
flection of how state offices go, and
you can't read anything into them,"
he said.
' Republican president-elect George
Bush carried Michigan by a wide
margin, but voters chose Democrats
for some state seats.
The Democrats kept control of
the Michigan House of Representa-
tives, although the Republicans
gained three seats, and Democrat
Donald Riegle was reelected to the
U.S. Senate.
Libertarian regental candidate
James Hudler, of Sylvan Township,
attributed the outcome of the race to
the lack of attention voters pay to
the Board of Regents elections.
"I DON'T think people study
the regental races very closely. If
they had, I think the results would
See Regents, Page 3
Readers respond to the "myth of
the Black rapist."
See Opinion, Page 4
Art exhibit scales the Berlin Wall.
See Arts, Page 7
finally had a chance to speak," said
Barbara Listing, president of Right
iv Lif in Michigan and chair of the
Committee to End Tax Funded
THE PROPOSAL will take
effect in mid-December, once the
State's Board of Canvassers has cer-
tified the votes, Listing said.
Margie Long, spokesperson for
People's Campaign for Choice
which battled for months against
Proposal A, says that although the
See Prop. A, Page 2
After tense hours of uncertainty,
U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Ply-
mouth) emerged as the winner over
State Sen. Lana Pollack, retaining
his seat in Congress for a seventh
Pursell received 119,897 votes, 55
percent of the total, to Pollack's
97,829 votes, 45 percent.
Pollack, a Democrat from Ann
Arbor, left her reception at the
Howard Johnson's on Carpenter Rd.
at about 1:30 a.m. yesterday morn-
ing, after learning that two voting
machines in Northville and two in
Livonia had malfunctioned and
weren't going to be repaired until
later in the morning. At the time,
she was leading Pursell by several
thousand votes.
P U R S E L L who was resting
yesterday, trying to recover from a
cold he caught last weekend, released
a statement from his Ann Arbor of-
"I am extremely pleased with our
strong finish to this campaign," the
statement says. "My re-election has
benefitted from the support and dedi-
cation of many volunteers and con-
tributions from across the Second
District. Our finish in the'55 percent
range shows the strong voter support
for returning a representative to
Congress who cares about fiscal re-
sponsibility and works hard on behalf
of the District.
"Considering the amount of
money spent by my challenger, I am
See Pursell, Page 2
...ekes out victory
After the
A polling place in
in hour-long lines
lines to cast their
the Michigan Union stands, vacant yesterday after throngs of voters waited
to vote in Tuesday's election. Voters throughout campus waited in long
ballots for the presidencial, senate and congressional races.
LSA to consider draft
'diversity' requirement
President-elect George Bush yes-
terday staged a splashy, flag-waving
return to Washington and said he
hoped to nourish a "new era rich with
possibility and full of of hope." He
went with Vice President-elect Dan
Quayle to the White House to accept
President Reagan's congratulations
and promise of a smooth transition.
Bush made his first Cabinet ap-
pointment with unusual swiftness,
naming longtime confidant James
Baker III his secretary of state.
At his first presidential question-
and-answer session with reporters,
Bush noted Quayle will enjoy the
same "access to the papers, access to
the intelligence, and access to the in-
formation" that he said he has had in
the No. 2 slot.
Democrat Michael Dukakis took
his final bow on the 1988 campaign
stage at a news conference yesterday
in Boston. He congratulated Bush on
his victory, but said it was based in
large measure on campaign "distor-
"I gave it my best shot," said the
Massachusetts governor.
Bush is headed for likely conflict
with a strengthened Democratic maj-
ority in Congress, but Republicans
say he can ease his entry into office'
if he gives assertive and moderate dir-
ection on the budget deficit, housing
and the environment.
Democrats go into the 101st
Congress with slightly greater maj-;
orities in both Houses. Bush said he
would do his best to work with the
new Democratic Congress.
With a close Florida race still
The president-elect has
nominated his campaign
manager and former Sec-
retary of the Treasury Jim
Baker for Secretary of
The LSA curriculum committee
formed a subcommittee Tuesday to
write and propose an LSA "multi-
cultural studies and diversity" course
requirement. But it neither approved
nor rejected a proposal for a required
class on racism.
Last month, a group of students
and faculty proposed that LSA create
University Course 299, an inter-
disciplinary study of racism, and
require it of all LSA students.
The committee hasn't abandoned
that proposal; the subcommittee will
continue to review it, said Jack
Meiland, LSA assistant dean for
curriculum and long-range planning.
BUT OTHER committee
members have said the committee
will not agree to require UC 299.
Some consider the class's focus too
narrow; others want to see the course
tested before it is required.
Instead, "most people on the
committee support some sort of di-
versity requirement," said committee
member Ashish Prasad, an LSA se-
nior. The four-person subcommittee,
headed by Prasad, hopes to draft such
a requirement by Dec. 6.
Unlike the mandatory class pro-
posal, this one would allow students
to choose from a variety of courses,
Prasad said, such as Third World lit-
erature, gender studies, and compara-
tive civilizations. It could also in-
clude UC 299, which the committee
has approved as an elective.
"Racism should be understood
cross-culturally. By focusing only
on the problem of- racism in the
United States, UC 299 is, in a
sense, parochial. People want a
broader requirement," he said.
requirement continue to oppose such
a "diversity" requirement. "The main
point is that we're interested in see-
ing the University live up to its
commitment to promote understand-
ing of racism. A diversity require-
on at least 55 seats in the new Sen-
ate, a gain of at least one.
They strengthened their command
of the House by acquiring at least
259 seats - a gain of two from the
100th Congress, with three races still
to be decided.
With 99 percent of the vote
counted yesterday, U.S. Sen. Donald
Riegle had 61 percent of Michigan's
vote, to Jim Dunn's 39, a slightly
closer race than the polls had pre-
Nearly complete totals of the
presidential election showed Bush re-
ceiving 54 percent of the popular
vote to 46 for Dukakis. Bush won 40
states and 426 electoral votes; his
rival won 10 states and the District
of Columbia, for 112 electoral votes.
"I'm not sure what the mandate
is," said Sen. Rudy Boschwitz (R-
Minn.), chair of the National Rep-
ublican Senatorial Committee. By
retaining a Republican White House
and Democratic Congress, he added,
voters are saying "they're relatively
satisfied with the conditions they
Bush and Quayle take office on
Jan 20.
See Class, Page 3 being tallied, Democrats could count
Out-of-state enrollment
at 'U' down from '87-'88
Enrollment for first-year out-of-state students de-
clined nearly 1.5 percent from last year's totals, Uni-
versity officials said, a drop which they attribute to the
University's four-year plan to lower the percentage of
out-of-state students.
Non-resident students comprised about 35.5 percent
of 4,600 first-year students this year, according to
Robert Holmes, assistant vice president for academic
affairs. He said that last year about 37 percent of 4,463
first-year students were from outside Michigan.
The drop in non-resident students will cut the Uni-
versity's total revenues by more than a half-million
dollars, according to Holmes, because non-residents pay
about three times more tuition than in-state students.
serving the Michigan community of students," said
State Sen. Joseph Conroy, (D-Flint), a leading propo-
nent of the legislation.
THE BILL passed the Senate but failed in the
House, Conroy said. A small committee of legislators
and University officials adopted in January a plan that
will lower non-resident enrollment to about 30 percent
of the student body by 1991.
The University agreed to at least a one percent de-
crease in out-of-state students every year for four years,
Conroy said.
The decrease is a "first-step," said Conroy, who
added that the University has been complying with the