OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, November 9, 1988 The Michigan Daily al b r £id ran 1aiI Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC No. 45 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Arrest the homeless? The real anti-Semitism MIAMI POLICE recently proposed a plan to improve Miami's image for tourism: arrest the homeless. The City Commission struck down one provi- sion, which would allow the arrest of anyone sleeping in a public area but is still considering the measures. The Miami City Commission did not, however, strike down other con- tentions which could empower the po- lice to arrest people for cooking and building shelters. Since the homeless are the ones who cook and build shel- ters, this would order their arrest. Po- lice would take away their means of feeding themselves and protecting themselves from the harsh elements of a tropical climate. The police proposed this policy be- cause Miami has no other way of deal- ing with the problem of the homeless - neither the city nor the county pro- vides any large shelters. The reasoning, according to public officials, is that the Miami winters do not imperil the lives of the homeless with freezing tempera- tures. In other words, the city and county do not care about relieving the home- less from their horrible living condi- tions. As long as they prevent them from dying, they think that they are doing enough. The proposal in no way solves the ,rreal problem: the need to improve the homeless' quality of life. Instead, it helps the city's thriving, winter; tourist industry by hiding the homeless, who tend to tamish the tropical paradise im- age. The policy, itself, would tarnish the image to the homeless who flock to Miami each winter from the North. It would also encourage the homeless al- ready in Miami to move to another city. Soon, these other cities might adopt similar policies seeing that it scared away the homeless in Miami and even- tually it might become a standard prac- tice for dealing with the homeless. Police tried to tone down this policy of arresting people for this "crime," saying that they do not plan on jailing them because there is not enough jail space. The police only want to hold them for a few hours and then deliver them to another area far away from the tourists. It is heartless enough not to provide them with shelters; it is downright cruel to remove them from their makeshift shelters, the only homes they have. The homeless are not criminals. Mi- ami city and county officials are the real criminals. Not helping the homeless is their crime, and they are trying to cover it up by hiding the homeless. Until they provide shelters for the homeless police should propose a different policy: ar- rest the officials. By Alan Wald The night of November 9-10, 1988, is the fiftieth anniversary of Kristallnacht (Chrystal Night) - a day of infamy in modern German history. Named for the shattered glass on the streets of German cities that followed a night of horrendous violence against Jewish people (nearly a hundred were murdered), synagogues, and shops in 1938, this vile pogrom was or- dered by Nazi leader Josef Goebbels to "avenge" a German diplomat allegedly as- sassinated by a Jew. This event should be studied and re- membered not just by descendants of the Jewish victims, but all humanity. Kristallnacht is generally regarded as the turning point in the evolving policy of Nazi anti-Semitic genocide. In the case of anti-Semitism, one only has to see the recent film Betrayed to be reminded that hatred of Jews is almost al- ways part of the ideology of the White Supremacist movements which are today growing in the United States. Moreover, a recent report of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith states that anti- Semitic incidents on college campuses are being reported at a faster rate this academic year than in the past. Recently Nazi swastikas were scrawled on New Haven's Holocaust memorial, and there is presently a swastika on the inside door of a Univer- sity of Michigan parking structure eleva- tor. Unfortunately, efforts to educate our own community about this real and dan- gerous anti-Semitism in the United States are obscured by fanatical partisans of the Israeli state, along with naive and confused others, who cry wolf about spurious "anti- Semitism." This is a false characterization that we see increasingly attributed to those who dare to voice opinions sharply critical Israeli state policies in the Middle East and elsewhere. Usually the ploy is to assert that it is the "way" in which the criticisms of Israeli state policy are made that reveals anti-Semitism, not necessarily the act of criticism itself; but the intentions and ef- fects are the same. It is time to declare forthrightly that the charge that those who are sharply in opposition to the repression, violence and racism exhibited by the Israeli state are in some sense "anti-Semitic" has become too normal on our campus and in our town. Such a vicious mode of debate must be countered before it does more damage than it already has. The most sensational incidents have been those perpetrated by the Union of Students for Israel, a tragically misguided organization that has carried on a cam- paign of harassment and smears against Professor Ali Mazrui of the Political Sci- ence Department. Because Mazrui coura- geously voiced some bitter truths about Alan Wald is a member of Concerned Faculty and author of many writings on the politics of Jewish-American intellectuals. Israeli state policies in regard to South Africa and to the Palestinian people, members of this organization have pub- lished a newspaper article, distributed fly- ers, and made statements in Mazrui's class declaring him "anti-Semitic." Regrettably, this mode of discourse has infected even those who should know bet- ter. On October 20, 1988, Benjamin Ben- Baruch, a Phd. student in Sociology at the University and chair of the Middle East Committee of the Ann Arbor Chapter of supposedly liberal New Jewish Agenda, published a letter in the Ann Arbor News charging local reporter Tom Rogers, and by implication campus minister Robert Hauert, with "anti-Semitic undertones." The basis for this charge was a statement by Rogers that "Hauert [who recently re- turned from the Middle East] refuses to 'talk of Jews as Nazis,' even though com- parisons can be made." Of course, anyone who follows political debate in Israel knows that, precisely due to the Holocaust experience, Israeli poli- cies based on "race" are frequently com- pared by Israeli dissidents to the racial policies of the Nazis. For example, it was only two years ago that Ben-Baruch and I heard Israel Shahak, professor of organic chemistry at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and chair of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, describe in a University of Michigan lecture the recent controversies in Israel over the exclusion- ary policies of the Kibbutzim based on "race." At one point Shahak told how Professor Asa Kasher responded to the proposal of the settlement Kiryat Arba to add to its usual racist-exclusionary membership clause an additional one to the effect that Palestinians also be barred from holding jobs such as removing the kibbutz garbage. Kasher pointed out the Nazi-like character of such policies and proposed that the name Kiryat Arba be changed to "Town of Nuremburg" ("kiryat" means "town" in Hebrew) after that German city where the Nazis passed their anti-Jewish legislation. The prestigious Hebrew weekly Koteret Rashit responded by pointing out that all the kibbutzim are just as racist. My own view is that comparisons be- tween Nazi German policies and Israeli state policies are far less appropriate than comparisons between Israel and South African apartheid. Nevertheless, it is re- grettable that even those genuinely critical of Israel, such as Ben-Baruch, feel it nec- essary to give further legitimacy to the use of the smear of "anti-Semitism" just be- cause someone argues his or her case in a different manner. But the problem here is even greater than the obvious fact that slandering harsh critics of Israeli state policy as "anti- Semitic" trivializes a serious issue and therefore does a disservice to those who bave suffered at the hands of the "real" anti-Semitism. There is also the irony that it is the harsh critics of Israeli state pol- icy, not the apologists for that state, who are the only ones promoting viewpoints that can bring about resolutions most fa- vorable to urgent necessity of Jewish sur- vival in the Middle East. For political (not to mention moral!) reasons, such a resolution has to be consistent with the defense of the rights of other people who have undergone horrendous persecution. The truth is that, in the long run, Jew- ish survival cannot be based on Israeli state collaboration in the oppression of Arab and other people of color (including Black Jews within its own borders). This is because we live in the late twentieth century when it is clear that, despite set- backs and delays, the people of former colonies and Third World countries are in the process of rising up against their own reactionary rulers. Not only the misleaders of the Israeli state (many of whom are not Holocaust survivors), but the general population (many of whom have suffered authentic persecution in Europe as well as in many other parts of the world) will pay the price for being on the side of the South African racists and the Latin American dictators - not to mention the price for outdoing the reactionary Assad of Syria and Hussein of Jordan in the persecution of the Palestini- ans! The first step toward a policy of har- monious existence with Arab peoples. and generally of support to the rights of op- pressed groups, is immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from the occupied territo- ries. In my view, the main lesson of the Holocaust should be the recognition of the failure of the non-Jews of Germany and the people of other countries to take action to halt the domination, disenfranchise- ment, displacement, and, finally, the de- struction of the.Jewish population (along with large numbers of Gypsies, Gays, Communists, Socialists, trade unionists and others). The lesson should not be that, after acquiring the third most powerful military force in the world, a formerly persecuted group should assume an arro- gant national posture, implement policies denying rights according to "race," and opportunistically ally with other powerful states regardless of the policies and prac- tices of those states. The worst way to commemorate Kristallnacht is to advocate Israeli state alliances with the powers of imperial domination against other oppressed groups. This can only increase anti- Semitism, because those oppressed will mistakenly confuse "Jews" with the perpetrators of Israeli state brutality, occupation, and expansion. Rather, our perspective should be to forge unity with the forces of progress to end the oppres- sion of all. For Jews in the United States, our own self-interest in the battle against anti- Semitism requires that our number one domestic concern be unity with people of color in the anti-racist struggle here. In regard to the Middle East, Jewish survival necessitates -uncompromising solidarity with the struggle for Palestinian self- determination. 0 Media-Botha alliance JUST A WEEK PRIOR to election day in the United States, the Weekly Mail - a critical South African newspaper -- was closed by government order. Although U.S. media, especially the ..Associated Press, promotes Prime .Minister P.W. Botha and the .Nationalist party as seeking reform, the reality is that South African elections are a sham, all news is run through a rmilitary censor, and the Botha regime continues to fund insurgent groups which destabilize the frontline states. Even in the Star, a newspaper still publishing in South Africa, the gov- -rmment did not attempt to explain the forced closure of the Weekly Mail, nor has the mainstream U.S. media dis- tussed the implication of military cen- sorship on the "facts" it continues to ':return from spokespersons of the Botha regime. In the Western press, the elections were hailed as a serious reform and perhaps even a move toward the Black : anchise. The AP returned numerous pictures of jubilant South African ,lacks celebrating for their chosen candidate. a The international corporate media re- =ported that the Nationalist Party, led by Botha, wanted to "broaden democracy" in South Africa by allowing Blacks to :vote on the same day as whites. How- -ever, the elections in which Blacks are allowed to participate were the so- called tribal elections. : Participation in these elections are painted by the Botha regime as Black 'support to continue white minority -'control. Black South Africans were not allowed to participate in the national elections which actually decide policy, nor have they ever been allowed. The closing of the Weekly Mail de- bunks the government's assertions of m y democracy, It is impossible to claim the elections are legitimate when the is- sues, especially criticism of the regime, cannot be debated in print. In a move to silence protest, the government banned calls for a boycott. No protest, no democracy. The real myth is the difference be- tween the Nationalist and Conservative parties. U.S. and uncritical South African press willingly obscure the likeness of the two ruling parties in or- der to maintain a false division in the white ruling class. The mainstream media depicts Botha's Nationalist party as favoring reform and the broadening of democracy while the Conservative party is termed pro-apartheid and seg- regationist. These rhetorical differences represent the same fascism. Any election be- tween the two parties is a choice between two equally harsh oppressors. The Weekly Mail's exposure of the Botha regime in interviews with 143 whites working against apartheid and opposing conscription constitutes an untenable threat to the working alliance between South Africa and the rest of the industrialized world. The Weekly Mail's coverage dam- ages the interest of the mainstream me- dia. Reporting facts which the majority ignores, such as cutting off the fingers of the dead for trophies and using their bodies as pillows, demonstrates the al- liance between Pretoria and the West and its media. The closure of other newspapers in South Africa - New Nation and South - and the expulsion of numerous journalists, including Free Press pho- tographer David Turnley, expose the regime's fear of information: critical and accurate media coverage influences the world response to apartheid. a 0 6 lR..... ! .-..TVI...... RT lOT} TT.ITTr 1Tr'IT.Y RRM MTNTl1"1l MT I A! .. ....... ....... err lwr f< Letters to the editor . ._ ., .. ..... ... . ... ...1 Integrity not objectivity To the Daily: I am writing in response to Brian Berger's article, "Growing Up, Prince-style" (Daily, 10/31/88). Let me just say how impressed I was upon reading this fine piece of jour- nalism. At first glance, I thought the article would be yet another boring record or concert review. Imagine my surprise/elation to discover that Berger had chosen to share some of his fascinating memories and adventures from adolescence with his undoubt- edly captivated audience, of which I now include myself as a devoted member. I cannot help but admire Berger's bold disregard for that tired tradition of journalistic integrity which dictates that reporters should simply report camp hijinks; I was heartbro- ken to read of Berger's numer- ous infatuations with members of the opposite sex and subse- quent rejections; and I share in his triumph as he related how he "was in awesome shape and... kicking ass in cross country as one of the best fifth men (sic?) in the state." When Berger so eloquently states, "it was great, and I did it all," I felt like I shared in the glory of it all right along with him. After a while, in fact, I forgot that I was reading an article about Prince, but I did not care. A lot of my narrow-minded friend dismissed Berger's article as merely a worthless piece of self-aggrandizement. But I dis- agree, and furthermore, I am waiting anxiously for the next installment in the continuing saga of Berger's life. I hope that he encounters no criticism from his readers or the Daily editorial staff in his quest to enhance our musical horizons with his own personal ac- counts. And even if he does meet some resistance, I am Prisoners fighting crack To the Daily: I am a prisoner here at S.P.S.M. and I have recently organized a group of men in- volved in creative art and writ- ing, and we all have one thing in common: we are all ex-co- caine abusers. We are striving to make a united effort to dis- courage young thrill seekers from submitting to the will of crack(cheap cocaine) through our poster expressions, quota- tions, and communication of our experiences through corre- spondence. It is a fact that every member of my group is a victim of the cocaine experience and each one of us has a tragic story to tell someone. We call our group Solid Contact. Please publish this letter for us. Our posters and writing we send free of charge to anyone interested and anyone can write to us at the address below. We leave you with this thought: Crack-cocaine plays a mel- low tune to wretched ears and slowly becomes a mournful taps to dying hearts and with- ered souls. -Antoinne E. Evans November 1 Write to: 138870 P.O. Box E Jackson, MI 49201 I I U :Visionl 'hest_ __ A F ~ U 2