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November 07, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-07

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom

Vol. IC, No.43

Ann Arbor, Michigan -Monday, November 7, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily


The first request for formal hear-
ing under the University's anti-ha-
rassment policy is settled: the ac-
cused student must attend an educa-
tional "gay rap" session. The com-
plainant is pleased with the outcome,
he said, but believes the policy's ad-
ministrator exercises too much con-
trol over the process.
The complaint, filed by business
school senior Mark Chekal after a
student in his Entrepeneurship 483
class told a limerick about homosex-
uality, was settled by mediation.
The gay rap was one course of ac-
tion Chekal recommended to Interim
Policy Director Cynthia Straub, with
the intention of educating and not
punishing. "The system does educate,
and that's what's needed in discrimi-
nation," Chekal said.
But Chekal said he is concerned
that the policy gives too much power
to the administrator. "That power can
be abused," he said. "[The adminis-
trator] can totally affect the out-
According to the policy, "the Ad-
ministrator will conduct a prelimi-
nary investigation to determine
whether the matter has been satisfac-
torily resolved informally and
whether there is sufficient evidence of
a violation of the policy to initiate
formal mediation or a formal hearing

Slip slidin' away JESSICA GREENE C
A cold, wet, but happy Michigan cheerleader plays on a Slip 'n' Slide Saturday during a rain-soaked Michigan-Minnesota
football game. The Wolverines won, 22-7.
ame, lB

In the case of formal mediation,
the administrator meets with all par-
ties to resolve the conflict and has
the final say.
The complaining witness may
appeal the administrator's decision to
an appellate panel, consisting of four
students and one tenured faculty
member. The students will be chosen
from lists submitted by each school's
student government. The University
president, with the advice of the fac-
ulty Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, will appoint the
possible faculty members.
Chekal said he felt comfortable
with the judgment of Straub but was
worried about the selection of the
permanent administrator. "I hope to
God this person isn't manipulative."
he said. "That scares me."
Straub said. she had been told the
position would be filled by the mid-
dle of November but that the com-
mittee choosing the administrator has
not made a decision. She said she felt
the system was working effectively
and stressed that all parties involved
in the cases will evaluate the policy.
Julie Murray, the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly's Student Rights
Chair, agreed that the administrator's
power is a problem. "That was one
of the big problems with the policy,
See Policy, Page 2


Michigan wanted to go out like it came in -
with no losses in the Big Ten or in personnel -
and maybe even have its offense roll up some
serious numbers.
Minnesota wanted its first Big Ten win this
year and to reclaim the Little Brown Jug.
Instead of serious numbers, Michigan got a
number of serious injuries, including a broken
collarbone to quarterback Michael Taylor that
will sideline him at least until the bowl game.
Instead of the Brown Jug, the Gophers were
victimized by Brown (Demetrius) and a

juggernaut Michigan running attack led by Tony
Boles (32 rushes, 186 yards). They also got a 22-
7 loss.
"When you get into a situation like we had
losing our quarterback... combined with the
weather, I'm just glad we came out with a win,"
Michigan coach Bo Schembechler said.
A cold, steady, gusting rain endured the whole
game, ending just minutes after the final gun.
The results seemed to be affected by the
sloppy conditions - five fumbles, only 18 pass
completions, and three punts less than 25 yards.
While Boles excelled, Darrell Thompson, who

rushed for 201 yards against Michigan last year,
was held to only 47 yards.
Michigan fullback Leroy Hoard had an easy
explanation for Boles' success and Thompson's
woes. "We have one of the best defenses in the
country, and they don't."
Boles gained 115 yards in the first half - two
more yards than the entire Minnesota offense.
Boles gained 50 yards on Michigan's first
drive but was not able to get into the end zone,
being stopped twice from inside the three. Mike
Gillette gave Michigan the lead with an 18-yard
See Injuries, Page 8





Dukakis ignores

needs of Black voters

In the words of Manning
able's grandmother, "If you


know where you're going, any road
will get you there."
But the road Black Americans
take, Marable said, must lead to a
better organized, more institutional-
ized Black Solidarity Movement.
"Solidarity means nothing unless
it has an institutional base," Marable
told a crowd of about 60 on Friday.
Black Freedom Schools, structures
of fund-raising, and nationally dis-
tributed newspapers devoted to Jesse
Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition
are ways to institutionalize solidar-

ity, he said.
Marable, an author and chair of
Black Studies at Ohio State Univer-
sity, was brought here by the Black
Student Union in early observation
of Black Solidarity Day, which will
be officially recognized today.
His speech, entitled "The Election
'88: Is the Black Vote Being Taken
for Granted?" addressed the political
situation confronting the Solidarity
Movement and failures of the Mi-
chael Dukakis' presidential cam-
"By political situation, I mean
the conjuncture of economic issues,
rising unemployment and systemic

unemployment, educational underde-
velopment, and the growing tide of
racism that one sees across the
country, particularly on college
campuses," he said. Marable also
discussed the legal system's move-
ment away from civil rights and the
social consequences, such as Black
on Black violence.
Marable said the future of the
Solidarity movement also depends
upon how well it is rooted to his-
"When there is no struggle in the
streets, our understanding of history
can become very different," he said.
See Vote, Page 2

" "
The computer virus that infected
computer systems nationwide last
week found its way to Ann Arbor
early Friday morning, said Vice
Provost for Information Technology
Doug Van Houweling.
While the damage from this at-
tack was minor, University systems
research programmer Hans-Werner
Braun said the attack has serious
implications. "The bad thing is that
it was very easy for a student to
write a program and get into the
machines," said Braun. "It was cer-
tainly a lucky situation. It was more
of a warning than anything else."
In the University's case, a slight
slowdown of the University's
medium-powered computers began at
1 a.m. Thursday. Braun received a
call at 4 p.m. from the University of
California-Berkeley's computing of-
ficials, informing him of the na-
See Virus, Page 2

Politicians fear few will vote

Arkansas Republicans are con-
cerned about voters who would rather
hunt deer than go to the polls. In
California, officials worry that the
lengthy ballot will keep people
away, and Oklahomans think the
negative tone of the presidential race
has simply turned voters off.
With only 50 percent of the
eligible voters expected to turn out
for tomorrow's balloting, one of the
lowest percentages this century and
down from the 1984 figure of 53
percent, Republicans and Democrats
alike are keenly aware that getting

people to vote will be their No. 1
In Arkansas, where the deer-
hunting season opened Saturday, Re-
publicans mounted a direct-mail
campaign encouraging hunters to get
an absentee ballot if they won't be
back from hunting in time for the
Coalition '88, a group of gay men
and lesbians and others who want
two California AIDS initiatives
defeated, will have hundreds of
volunteers on Election Day erecting
"human billboards" at 70 major
intersections in Los Angeles urging

voters to get out and turn down the
two propositions.
Says state GOP chair Bob Naylor:
"I'm very concerned that people will
be confronted with long lines at the
polls, get early results from the East
Coast and absentee ballots, and say,
'What the heck. I won't vote.'
Reasons for the small turn-out
predictions vary, but many pundits
point to laws requiring registration
several days or weeks before the
election. In many countries, regis-
tration is done automatically through
the mail.



Andy Beantry, left, and Andy Fang, sophomore pledges of
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, rake leaves in front of the fra-
ternity house yesterday. They were forced to rake leaves on
the day of the first snowfall because they missed the pledge
class's original work day.

Students hope petition will keep driver on route

Bob always stops his bus at the corner for
Slate students; says "hi" to all of his riders: and

doing. Everybody knows him, and everybody
loves him."

is based entirely on seniority, which is some-
thing the union feels very strongly about."

no more hospital drivers with more seniority
left, Cunningham said. Himebaugh is not the

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