0 OPINION Friday, November 4, 1988 ,*- Page 4 The Michigan Daily EieanensaUdenlg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Health school opposes 'A' Vol. IC, No. 42 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Nuclear weapons plants are harming the people around them; Toughen regulations LAST MONTH, THE Department of Energy admitted that the government was aware of industrial accidents and safety violations at many of the na- tion's nuclear weapons plants. These plants, which are owned by the government, are run by private companies with very little govern- mental oversight. These plants are not regulated by the same standards that apply to nuclear power plants within the private sector and generally escape even minimal government scrutiny. By allowing these weakened standards, the government's skewed priorities have victimized its own citizens and the environment. The government's emphasis on production rather than health or safety can be seen in the biannual evaluations of the plants. Only 10 percent of the evaluation encompasses a plant's level of environmental contamination, health standards, or the overall safety of the weapons plant. Up to 50 percent of the evaluation depends upon the plant's ability to meet production goals. It is possible to attain a rating of "excellent" with an abysmal environmental and safety record. Plants that receive a rating of "excellent" receive monetary rewards from the Department of Energy. This system rewards high production levels while it devalues the importance of health and safety standards. This state of affairs directly contra- dicts with what Marlin Fitzwater, the President's spokesperson, stated in re- gards to the government's nuclear weapons plants. Fitzwater asserted that "safety is the first consideration when it comes to operating these [nuclear weapons] plants; production is the sec- .ond priority." This is clearly not the case, as actions refute the words the government has spoken. Three of these nuclear weapons plants have been closed down since August. The Savannah River plant in South Carolina and the Rocky Flats Plant in Colorado were closed due to technical and safety problems. Inspired by mounting public concern, the work- ers of the Feed Materials Production Center in Ohio went on strike for better safety conditions, as well as wages. They succeeded in shutting the plant down. The government let the situation de- teriorate until people's lives were in danger, instead of taking the proper safety precautions. This was a direct result of the government's policy of rewarding production instead of safety; yet, the government has chosen to deny culpability. In 1986 an environmental group suc- cessfully obtained 19,000 pages of government documentation of ra- dioactive emissions from past and pre- sent nuclear weapons plants. These documents revealed that plant managers and government officials permitted poor health and safety conditions to continue because they believed the na- tion's security was more important than the public health hazard the plants cre- ated. For some reason, the notion that continued production and safety could go hand in hand escaped government officials. The federal government has consis- tently denied the fact that the health of people working at or living near weapons plants has been negatively affected by radiation or poor safety standards. According to B.J. Cooper, a White House spokesperson, problems with leaking nuclear weapons plants are not seen as a "policy" issue, but rather a "management" issue to be handled by the Energy Department. By belittling the issue and its importance, the White House is trying to deny responsibility. While the Reagan administration takes credit for the heroic rebuilding of the nation's defenses, it refuses to acknowledge its responsibility to deal with problems that were created when the power plants increased production. C. Anson Franklin, chief spokes- person for the Energy Department said, "We have known that this was a public crisis waiting to happen...[and we] could see there was going to be a day we had to face up to conditions in the weapons complex." The government can no longer deny its responsibility to deal effectively and swiftly with the health and safety problems it has created and ignored. Perhaps one day the government will take preventative measures instead of relying ' on its ability to hide the mistakes it has made. - By The Public Health Student Association Executive Committee The Public Health Student Association of the University of Michigan joins the Michigan Public Health Association in opposition to Proposal A. This proposal, which advocates the elimination ofmedi- caid funded abortions, controls the avail- ability of vital medical resources on the basis of ability to pay. We believe that this is unacceptable for a society in which 75% of the population favors universal access to health care. The emotion surrounding abortion often obscures the issue. We, as officers of the Public Health Student Association, do not purport to speak for every student in the School of Public Health. We do, how- ever, feel justified in our strong stance in opposition to Proposal A. A referendum held in the School of Public Health two weeks ago resulted in a three to one margin of support for the People's Cam- paign for Choice (the organization which represents opposition to A). This support will be demonstrated by a monetary contri- The members of PHSA's executive committee are: Gayle Haberman, Carolyn Paden, Genevieve Stewart, Luis Vazquez. bution to PCC and with the appearance of our name in an advertisement in the Ann Arbor News. As health care professionals, we are concerned about low-income women obtaining abortions later in their preg- nancies because they will need to spend several months gathering funds for costly abortions in private clinics. Risk of complications increases for women who delay an abortion until the second tri- mester of pregnancy. We worry about the health of the approximately 5000 women who will be forced to give birth to unwanted children in the event that Pro- posal A passes. Statistics show that econ- omic hardship increases the health risks faced by unwanted children of low-income women. The fact is that abortion is legal in the United States. Therefore, it is a medical service which must be available to all women, regardless of their economic status. Proposal A will not be the end of assaults on the right of women to obtain abortions. The next step will involve attempted abortion bans in health insur- ance plans for state and local employees. Then private insurance plans will come under attack. It is all too easy to ignore the needs of low-income women by not voting or by voting yes on Proposal A. By the time the anti-choice organizers begin to deny abortions to middle-income, women, it may be too late to protest. Vie must recognize the strategy of those wh support Proposal A. They won't stop until' their objective has been achieved, until safe, legal abortion is no longer an option for anyone. We criticize proponentshofProposal A for their hypocrisy. We have noted Ad attempts on the part of the Committee tO End Tax-Funded Abortions and various s - called "pro-life" groups to increase the availability of birth control or prenat'ai care. Neither do we see proposals which advocate day care for working women. We do not hear these groups call for increased spending for education, which would ins crease the standard of living of low-income people. In fact, limiting access to health care, as advocated by Proposal A, would have an extremely negative impact on the health of low-income people. The 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court guarantees women the right to choose abortion as an alternative to pregnancy. If Proposal 'A passes, that right would be denied to lo'- income women because of their inability, to pay. Therefore, a commitment to uni- versal access to health care dictates a NA vote on Proposal A. L .,,-. ..Letters to the editor . . . : . . .k . LL.. - ... .. ..... ........... . . . - .....- -*' _ . * * *. .: '~4MNG1~NNEVADA T'EXA ~ "c>.ONO " ' % ' .. \r~ . t t . " -i 'SPA' wants salary, too To the Daily: As members of the Student Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC-The School of Natural Resources' Student Govern- ment), we are greatly interested in Mike Phillips' $1000 per semester salary proposal for all officers of MSA (Daily, 10/28/88). We would just like to say that we voted last night, and all SPAC members present agreed that we, too, would like $1000 per semester. All of us at last night's meeting hold jobs. This time commitment greatly limits the amount of time we can devote to repre- senting our student body. Not only would $1000 per semester allow us to quit our jobs and work toward better representa- tion of the School, but it would also give us more time to hug trees (thus gaining that all-so-important work experi- ence without working). We realize that Phillips may feel that only assemblies (MSA) are entitled to a salary, so we agreed that since there is already an "A" in "SPAC," we would become "SPA" (chang- ing "advisory" to "assembly"). "SPA" sounds much more natural resourcey than "SPAC," anyway. When you write our check for this term, you will need to know how many members need checks. Well, every student in the School is automatically a member and the role of presi- dent is rotated each week. That means every student in the School is president. We sug- gest you contact Dean Harrison Morton for the exact student enrollment number. Thank you again, Mike, for this, perhaps your best pro- posal so far. You have the en- tire SNR (that's slang for School of Natural Resources) behind you. After all, how can we all remain president if we hold other jobs? -SPA (formally SPAC) Jim Bull, President Mike Faricy, President Kate Jensen, President Joan Klassen, President Sandra Madison, Presi- dent the Middle East comes from those who advocate cutting ties with America's most reliable ally, Israel. Such people do not understand the strategic importance a true ally in the Middle East holds for the United States. America's prestige is fre- quently undermined by its con- fidence in the stability and reliability of Arab govern- ments. Iran's holding of American hostages following the Iranian revolution was ex- tremely humiliating. Kuwait's threat to invite the Soviet Union to oversee commerce through the Persian Gulf if the U.S. refused to protect Kuwaiti ships, was nothing less than hostile blackmail. The refusal of "moderate" Arab states (such as Saudi Arabia) to grant the U.S. landing rights at their air bases while the U.S. was en- suring the unimpeded passage of the Arabs' oil through the Gulf, and the Iraqi attack on the U.S.S. Stark, further illustrate the precarious nature of diplo- macy with Arab autocracies, many of which are ruled by fa- natical dictators. Unlike the Arab states, however, Israel has never refused American requests for assistance, or acted to in- creasesthe difficulty of crucial American objectives. The main reason the U.S. maintains strong ties with Is- rael, however, is because as long as Israel is strong, Amer- ica does not need to become militarily involved in opposing Soviet, or Chinese-backed ex- pansionism in the Middle East. Every Israeli man and woman must serve three years in active military service, followed by thirty to forty-five days in the reserves, annually, until the age of fifty-five. American economic and military aid to Israel is not given so that Is- raelis are released from the re- sponsibility of defending their country, it is given so that Is- rael can defend itself from hos- tile Arab nations, and in doing so, protect American interests. As Frank C. Carlucci, the American Secretary of Defense recently wrote, "The origins of our alliances are strategic--not philanthropic. We do not maintain alliances as a favor to our allies--we do so because it is in our interest" (Defense '88, July/August, 1988). -William R. Horwitz October 2 Headline diag were specifically speaking against Proposal A and speak- ing for women's rights to tax- funded Medicaid abortions. The wording of this proposal is awkward which creates con- fusion for voters. It is the media's responsibility to in- form the public of the facts, not perpetuate this confusion. After making such a grave mistake that affects the deci- sions of many voters, the Daily has a responsibility to re-inform the public with the correct information. The cor- rection that ran the following Monday was difficult to find even when specifically searched for. Readers of newspapers notice headlines, not small corrections hidden within a newspaper. Furthermore, the lasting impression of an article is the headline, not a minor correction run three days later. I am personally offended at your meager attempt to remedy this careless and harmful error. -Judy Greene November 3 Don't label Federalists To the Daily: The level of left-wing igno- rance and intolerance on this campus never ceases to astound me. In a recent letter to the Daily, Julie Stein whined about the University's "host- ing" this year's Federalist Society National Symposium.. She hurled numerous epithets at the Federalists, calling us "ultra, ultra-conservatives," "apologists for racism," "right- wing demagogues," and "Reagan-Bush-Noriega pup- pets." She said that the whole situation made her "damn sick." First, neither the University nor the Law School had any role in bringing the Federalist Convention to campus. It laas been organized solely by laW students. Second, your characteristics are laughable. The Federalist Society is an organization of conservative law students whose goal is not the composition of a political add legal agenda on the student body, but the promotion of open forums and debates on salient issues in the legal world. Our aim is not the sti- fling of diversity, but the very opposite: In a law school where the overwhelming ma- jority of students consider themselves "liberal" or "verI liberal," the presentation :Q1 conservative ideas advances tl goal of diversity. Past Federalist speakers haye included not only conservatives like Justice Scalia, Judge Bork, and Ed Meese, but also un- abashed liberals like Abner Mikva, Alan Dershowitz, Nat Hentoff, and Laurence Tribe. Ir) the past year, the Michigan Federalists have sponsored dis cussions featuring Frederick Schauer (a non-conservative, Robert Sedler (an ACLU member), and Sallyanne Pay ton, who is not only a non conservative, but also - are you sitting down, Ms. Stein? - a woman of color. -Todd Ehlman October 26 The Daily welcome; letters from its readers. Bringing in letters on Ap- ple Macintosh disk is the fastest way to publish a letter in the Daily. Readers should include their name and phone number for verification. Questions call the opinion page editors or staff at 747-2815. FI A~ !;;'; '7 Ali