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November 04, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-04

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IA Weekend Magazine:

Special issue
The '88



Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom

Vol. IC, No. 42

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 4, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

Blue in
need of
jug for
A game, the Michigan defense's
pride, the Little Brown Jug, a Rose
Bowl bid - all these will be on the
line when Minnesota invades Mich-
igan Stadium tomorrow (3:30,
televised by ABC).
Minnesota has yet to win a
conference game (0-3-2, 2-4-2
overall) and the oddsmakers don't
even feel the game is really on the
line (Michigan is favored by 30) -
but history and Bo Schembechler say
differently. When Minnesota last
visited Ann Arbor, they knocked off
an undefeated, second-ranked Mich-
igan team in a huge upset, 20-17.
"Don't think this isn't going to
be a tough game," says Schem-
bechler, Michigan's head coach. "It's
a very similar situation (to 1986).
They came in. We were highly
LAST YEAR in Minneapolis,
the Golden Gophers threw another
scare into the Wolverines, taking a
17-7 halftime lead before falling, 30-
20. Darrell Thompson, rushed for
157 yards in the first half and 201
yards overall, the only back to ever
break the 200-yard mark against a
Wolverine defense.
That's where the defense's pride
comes in.
"If they let it happen again, I
swear I'm gonna tackle him,"
Schembechler said, referring to
Thompson's 98-yard run last year.
Touted as a possible Heisman
candidate, Thompson is only fourth
in the Big Ten in rushing. His
average gain per carry is down a full
But that doesn't stop
Schembechler from worrying. "Of all
the backs in the conference, he's
given us the most problems."
THOMPSON says he doesn't
See Jug Pg 11




Vice President George Bush told
several thousand supporters during
two stops in Michigan that he
almost feels sorry for his Democratic
opponent, Michael Dukakis, and the
challenge he faces.
"I'd hate to be my opponent,
going all over the country telling
everybody how bad everything is,"
the Republican presidential candidate
told a cheering, mostly student crowd
at a rally at Catholic Central High
School in Lansing. "He's got a
problem: He can't get elected unless
things get worse and they won't get
worse unless he gets elected."
Bush's brief appearance in
Lansing followed a stop in Grand
Rapids, where he was joined by
Gerald Ford in the former president's
Bush's visit was his second to the
Republican stronghold of Grand

Rapids and his sixth to the state
since the GOP national convention.
It followed a visit to Detroit by
Dukakis on Tuesday as well as two
separate Michigan surveys that
showed the Massachusetts governor
pulling virtually even with Bush.
Bush continued his assault on
what he said were Dukakis's liberal
"I represent the mainstream views
and values and they are your values.
If I win this election it will be a
mainstream manddte, a rejection of
the failed liberal policies of the past,"
he said. "As for taxes, let the other
side raise those - hold the line on
A handful of hecklers in the high
school gymnasium chanted, "U.S.
iout of El Salvador," and held a sign
reading, "We are pro-life. We oppose
the many murderous policies of


Physiology graduate student Ruth
the Coliseum. Both are members
every Thursday.

Wood (left) and LSA junior
of the University's Fencing

Michael Weinberger fence in
Club, which holds practices


The media have given the thre
rapes" committed last month in
much attention, and as a result, ma
are frightened they may become a
next victim.
But this type of rapist does not
them their greatest threat.
A much greater threat to them a
they know.
The FBI reports that of all the
ported nationally, 80 percent are "ac
rapes" - those committed by acq
friends, neighbors, dates, co-work
members, service people and oth


rape: A
victim knows.
e "stranger In Ann Arbor, acquaintance rapesc
Ann Arbor 65 to 80 percent of all criminal sexua
any women (the phrase used in Michigan to descri
stranger's This fact is not obvious to women
the culture in which they live perpet
present to myth that acquaintance rape is not "re
"Anyway you cut it (rape) is st
ire the men scary," said Julie Steiner, director of
versity's Sexual Assault Preventi
e rapes re- Awareness Center. "It is no more sc
cquaintance it's a stranger rape than when it's an;
uaintances, tance rape."
ers, family- Ms. Magazine conducted the firs
er people a wide survey of date rape on college c

comprise in 1985. Dr. Mary Koss, a psycholog
1 conduct fessor at Kent State University; Ohio,
be rape). female students if they had had sexua
because course against their will through the us
uates the threat of force (the minimal legal defini
al" rape. rape). Of those who answered yes, o
ill really percent then identified their experience x
the Uni- The study also concluded that "one in
ion and 12 men admitted to having fulfilled t
ary when vailing definition of rape or attempted
acquain- yet ,virtually none of those men ide
themselves as rapists."
t nation- "(The acquaintance rapist) doesn't.
-ampuses stereotype of the crazy man with a ba

y pro- his head jumping out of the bushes with a
asked knife," said Steiner. 4
l inter-
eof or Women who have been raped by an ac-
tion of quaintance often blame themselves for having
nly 57 been assaulted, and so have another reason to
s rape. believe they haven'ttruly been raped. Women'
n every encounter questions like, "if you didn't know
he pre- this guy, why'd you go back to his apart-
d rape, ment? Were you drinking?" said Steiner.
ntified "It's never the person's fault who was
fit the raped," emphasized Steiner.
ig over See Rape, Page 2

Speaker:'88 race
ignores issues

The most disturbing part of this
year's presidential campaign -espe-
cially within the past few months -
is the blatant avoidance of issues vi-
tal to minorities, said University of
California-Irvine Prof. Bernard
Grofman in a speech yesterday.
Sponsored by the University's
political science department, Grof-
man presented his political criti-
cisms to about 30 faculty and stu-
dents in a speech entitled "Race and
Politics: Electoral Institutions and
Their Political Context."
- Grofman said today's political
climate is "extremely polarized
amongst racial lines in a way that
has not been the topic of much me-
dia coverage."
But he faults both parties for de-
liberately avoiding important
minority issues in an attempt not to
alienate white voters.
P "You never see Dukakis cam-
paigning in the ghettos," said Grof-
man. Avoiding such pressing issues
in an attempt to appeal to the "status
quo" will hurt the country, he said.
"For me it's frightening," said
Grofman. "The polling booth is one
of the few places left where you can
express views, and support candi-
dates, and send a message that you
can no longer say in public."
Grofman cited the South as a re-

He said, for instance, that
Mississippi has changed from being
a stronghold for the Democratic
party, to now being the third-most
Republican state in the country.
Similarly, he cited another
political-racial sway in Chicago.
Despite the recent influx of minori-
ties in that city, for instance, he
suggested that white ethnics who
once were traditionally Democratic
have deserted their party.
'The polling booth is one
of the few places left
where you can express
views, and support candi-
dates, and send a message
that you can no longer say
in public.'
Prof. Bernard Grofman
Consequently, within this elec-
tion, Democrats are trying to "woo
the white voter" by becoming less
associated with minority, specifi-
cally Black, issues. Grofman
pointed out certain campaign tactics
used by the Democrats, such as only
allowing Dukakis to speak in certain
areas and focusing less attention on

Yesterday afternoon, a group of
about 50 people picketing outside the
Student Publications Building de-
manded an immediate reversal of
4 N.. xwhat it condemned as racist and sex-
ist Michigan Daily news coverage.
<E Speakers said what they view as a
disturbing pattern of insensitive,
biased journalistic practices by the
Daily was brought to a head recently
by its printing last Friday of two
different composites of Black men,
JESSICA GREENE Daily which Ann Arbor police believe to
fields heated questions from demonstrators yes-
See Daily, Page 2

Daily Editor in Chief Rebecca
terday in the Daily offices.


Apathy reigns in Election '88

"An election year?"
"We're electing a president? Next
"Where are the posters? The lawn
signs? The buttons?"
To many observers, University
students are not paving much atten-

have never been turned on in the first
place. If they have been turned on,
now they have been turned off by
certain aspects of the campaign."
Others question Markus' conclu-
Jack Walker, Chair of the Univer-
sity's Political Science Department,

all that unusual. "The campaigns in
the 19th century were awfully nega-
tive," he said.
Leaders of Students for Bush-
Quayle and Students for Dukakis-
Bentsen denied that all students are

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