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November 02, 1988 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-02

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Page 12 - The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, November 2, 1988

The Schef's Specialty


What would you do if you were
coming out of college and were
looking for employment, and you
found a company that was interested
in your services in the form of a $10
million contract for five years?
Probably spend the first million
on Bic pens to make sure the ink
wouldn't run out when you were
signing on the dotted line, right?
You wouldn't turn it down,
would you?
Who would?
Los Angeles Clippers' first-round
draft pick. That's who.
The Clippers offered Manning a
five-year deal worth a reported $10
'million. He broke off negotiations.
Can you believe it?
True, he won the John Wooden
award last season as the best college
basketball player in the nation. Yes,
he led his team to a dramatic national
championship victory despite being
heavy underdogs. And he was the
first player taken in the draft. But
who does he think he is rejecting an
offer like that?
I CAN counter each of those
facts with reasons that show he
doesn't even deserve an offer like the
one he received.
1) Chuck Nevitt, the journeyman

NBA center, has more career assists,
rebounds, and points than Manning
has and you don't see him holding
out for more money.
2) Manning could not lead the
U.S.A. to a gold medal in Seoul this
past summer.
3) Gary Grant, the ex-Michigan
guard who was also drafted by the
Clippers, signed for a little less than
$400,000 a year. I know Grant is no
Manning, but is Manning worth
more than five times as much as
So what does he want?
"I don't think that's any of your
concern, or anyone else's at this
time," said Manning's agent Ron
Grinker, a Cincinnati based lawyer.
"If I didn't think he was worth more
than that, I would have accepted their
WITH KANSAS being placed
on probation by the NCAA
yesterday, just short of the "death
penalty," it makes you wonder.
Exactly what did they offer Manning
to come play for them, besides
giving his father, Ed, an assistant
coaching job?
I do understand that Manning
must take all he can from the
Clippers. Countless athletes have

ng's greed
ighs talent
experienced financial difficulties
when their'careers ended abruptly
with injuries. Many more have
searched for work after their playing
days. I can't blame Manning for
trying to get what he deserves -
which is a lot. But, I can blame him
for being greedy.
Why should any of us care what
he makes? We're not signing his
paychecks. But we are paying jacked
up ticket prices at basketball games
to help out with these skyrocketing
salaries. We are paying increased
prices at the concession stands
because general management has
gone overboard.
Then, in a couple years when we
want to take our children to a
basketball game, we're going to have
to think twice about whether we can
afford to buy tickets. Let alone, if
we can afford to buy our children
popcorn and ice cream and a
yearbook at the game.
That's not right.
I compliment Clippers' GM
Elgin Baylor for not giving in to
Manning. But I condemn his, and
every other GM's, behavior in
letting salaries escalate to such
proportions in the first place.
Athletes and their agents have
become spoiled. What difference does
it make if Manning makes $10 or
$15 million a year? Would it be that
hard to live off of $10 million for
the rest of your life?
Apparently, Danny Manning
thinks so.
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Kansas slapped
with probation
MISSION, Kan. (AP) - Kansas was hit with a three-
year probation yesterday for recruiting violations in its
basketball program and became the first NCAA
basketball champion ever barred from defending its title.
The NCAA stopped just short of imposing the death
penalty, which would have shut down the basketball
program for at least one season. In addition, the
Jayhawks will not be allowed to give any paid campus
recruiting visits in 1989 and will be stripped of one
scholarship during that period.
The report by the Infractions Committee said the
investigation was begun by a telephone call from a
"confidential informant" dealing with the recruitment of a
"highly visible transfer student-athlete."
News reports have linked former Memphis State guard
Vincent Askew to the probe although the NCAA
announcement identified no one.
David Berst, assistant executive director for
enforcement, confirmed that no one who played on the
27-11 championship team at Kansas was involved in any
serious violations.

Kansas basketball coach Roy Williams and
guard Milt Newton look on at the press
conference yesterday where the terms of the:
team's three-year probation were disclosed.

Continued from Page 1
Another Wolverine headed for the
NCCC is senior Dan Goldberg, who
reached the semifinals of the Volvo
competition. Goldberg defeated
USC's highly ranked John Carras, 7-
6 (7-4), 7-6 (7-5), before being
eliminated by Brown, 6-3, 6-3.
Goldberg conceded that Brown
outplayed him, but he added that he
is trying to make the tough
transition from playing a
predominantly baseline game, to
incorporating into his game a more

aggressive style.
Says Washington of his senior
teammate: "Dan plays a unique
game. His opponents are not used to
his style, and that's an asset to him."
Apparently quite an asset, because
Goldberg has enjoyed much success
at Michigan. He reached the finals of
the coveted NCAA tournament two
seasons ago and in a meet with
Pepperdine, he bested NCAA
champion Robby Weiss.
Entering last weekend's
competition, Goldberg was rated
eighth in the nation. He foresees
advancing slightly, quite possibly
into the top five, heading into the

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Overall, Michigan scored decisive
victories over many premier players.
The Wolverines defeated the top two
students from USC, as well as the
number one players from UCLA,
LSU, and Cal-Berkeley.
Eisner's squad has won the Big
Ten Championship 18 of the past 20
seasons, but it faces surprisingly
stiff competition this season, thanks
to a fertile recruiting crop. The team
is favored to win the conference once
again this season because of its
Michigan consistently contends
on a national level, last season
finishing third as a team in the
NCAA's. The team is largely
underrated according to Goldberg.
"There's sort of a cold weather myth
about us that midwestern teams can't
be that good," Goldberg said.
This may dbe the year the
Wolverines dispel that myth.
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