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November 01, 1988 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-01

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Students offer
dental services

The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 1, 1988 - Page 5
Class offers

The dentist. For many people,
the word conjures up thoughts of
sharp metal instruments, Muzak,
and drilling.
While not a perfect substitute
for the reliable family dentist -
however painful that thought may
be - students can find affordable
and dependable dental care only
minutes away at the University's
School of Dentistry.
The School of Dentistry has
been offering a full range of dental
services to students as well as
non-students since it first opened
in 1875. Although advertising is
scant, over 14,000 people are
treated annually for services rang-
ing from dental checkups to oral
At the clinic, first and second
year dental students take care of
simpler treatments, such as teeth
cleaning, while third and fourth
year students treat patients with
more complex problems. Masters
degree clinical students, studying
to be specialists, perform work in
their specialty field. The most
complex problems are taken care
of in the faculty clinic, where
treatment is comparable to a pri-
vate practice.
Although all services are su-
pervised by faculty members,
some students are still hesitant to
visit the dental school because
they fear an inexperienced student
may make a slip up.
"I would go to the clinic only
if I had a problem which couldn't
wait," said first-year LSA student
Jocelyn Carlin. "Otherwise, I'd
wait to go home."
"Occasional mistakes can occur

during treatment," said Dr. Daniel
Snyder, interim assistant dean for
Clinical Affairs. "However, they
are immediately addressed and
taken care of."
"The frequency of any mistake
happening here is not greater than
the frequency of an occurrence in
private practice," added Dr.
Frederick More, associate dean of
the dental school. "The quality of
service here is comparable to pri-
vate practice. The only difference
is that service here is slower, be-
cause the students aren't as
Of the students who visit the
clinic, many come because the
prices are substantially lower than
those charged by private dentists.
Teeth cleanings, for example, cost
$21. Most insurance plans are
also accepted at the clinic.
In addition to dental services,
the clinic sponsors two annual
community projects. The first,
which took place earlier this fall,
is a mouthguard clinic where ath-
letic mouthguards are custom-
made free of charge. The other
project is a Dental Health Day,
which takes place in the spring.
On this day, free dental examina-
tions, blood pressure screenings,
and oral cancer screenings are pro-
Despite the high quality of ser-
vice given at the clinic, improve-
ments are still being made to
make patient care more efficient,
More said. A computerized man-
agement system is being devel-
oped which will improve the effi-
ciency of financial transactions
and enable patient and student
progress to be monitored.

1 0
So you've finally decided to be-
come a doctor. You may have made
this decision after suffering through a
semester of organic chemistry, or
you may have known all along.
You've made your ultimate career
Not quite; you need an area of
specialization. The choices, however,
are quite numerous. Medical fields
span everything from nursing to
neurology. Your could be a surgeon
or a hospital administrator; a phar-
macist or an opthamologist or any
number of things in between.
The University offers a solution.
The course "Perspectives on Careers
in Medicine, Dentistry, and the Al-
lied Health Profession" provides in-
sight for the bewildered student
interested in the health professions.
Fran Zorn, an LSA counselor and
lecturer with the Comprehensive
Studies Program and the Residential
College, started the course about 14
years ago to help students. She says
that she was aware of the number of
students who were interested in pre-
med, but were "confused."
She brings in speakers weekly to
her home to familiarize her 25 stu-
dents with areas within the health
"The main focus," Zorn said, "is
to confirm which area in the health
profession the students want to
"I often joke that this course
should be called 'stereotypes
smashed' because it gives the stu-
dents a whole new perspecitve on the
areas covered."
The speakers come from diverse
economic and ethnic baclgrounds.
Jose Valdez, a Hispanic University
alumnus, spoke to the class about
his missionary work in the Philip-
pines. Valdez now works as a physi-


cian's assistant at Harper Grace Hos-
pital in the Detroit area.
"This class is about 60 percent
minority students. I think it's
important for me to provide them
with role models. That's why I ask
back minority students who attended
Michigan and are now in professional
schools or practicing," Zorn said.
The key part of the 4-credit course
according to Zorn is the self-invei-
tory in which students examine their
values, personal skills, interests, and
conceptions of specific health
professions. The students redo the
self-inventories regularly as they
learn more about specific areas and
their feelings change.
Zorn feels that this enables them
to understand where they stand rela-
tive to their c-reer choices. The stu-
dents themselves seem to agree.
"I feel that it (the self-inventory)
gives me a chance to look at myself
and my values in a way that I never
would have on my own. It gives me
a different perspective on the health
professions," said Scott Sanders, an
LSA sophomore in the course.
The students must also complete a
special project investigating an area
of medicine that they haven't consid-
ered previously. They then write an
evaluation of themselves in that pro-
Susan Mancarei, a pre-pharmacy
junior, is enjoying Zorn's class. "I
think that it's probably the best class
I've ever taken. I've always known I
was a science-oriented person, and the
medical field is so exciting to hear
"(Zorn) makes you think about
professions and considerations you
otherwise might not have thought
about. For example, the other day we
were asked about the geographic area
where we'd work. I'd never even
considered that," Mancari said.

Dental senior Lisa Tartagli
ing at the School of Dent
mother, Florence, of Okem
In addition, More said, Greater
emphasis is being placed on pa-
tient care at the school. As evi-
dence, a comprehensive care pro-
gram is being developed in which
patients with several needs will be
treated by only one student, in-
stead of several - similar to pri-
vate dentists who address all of

one prepares a tooth for crown-
istry clinic. In the chair is her
their patients' dental ailments.
Also, a recall clinic, which will
periodically remind patients to
come in for examinations, is ex-
pected to be adopted school-wide.
The clinic, located in the den-
tistry building, is open daily from
9 a.m. to noon, and from 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m.

Police Notes

Ann Arbor police said they are
investigating four weekend burglaries
in the campus area, but no arrests
have been made in connection with
any of the incidents.
Tools valued at $600 were stolen
from a residence in the 300 block of
North Thayer St. Saturday, Sgt. Jan
Suomala said. He said the thieves
gained entry into the residence by
prying open a door.
A $350 videocassette recorder was
stolen from a residence'in the 1100
block of Maiden Lane Ct. Sunday,
Suomala said.
Suomala said $300 in
miscellaneous items were stolen
from a home in the 300 block of
South Division St. Entry was gained
through an unlocked door, he said.
Thieves apparently entered a
residence in the 800 block of Oxford
Rd. through a window Sunday,
Suomala said, but nothing was
known to have been taken.
-By Nathan Smith
Hair Styling with
a Flair
- 7 Barber Stylists
Opposite Jacobson's

'Paper Chase' actor
Houseman dies at 86

MALIBU, Calif (AP) - John
Houseman, the producer who terrified
millions with the "War of the
Worlds" and won an Oscar for
intimidating his students as the
imperious law professor in "The
Paper Chase," died yesterday. He
was 86.
Houseman died at his seaside

home before dawn, said Ivan Goff, a
family friend and scriptwriter. Margo
Harley, a longtime friend and
colleague, said he had spinal cancer.
Houseman brought a magnetic
eloquence to the role of Professor
Charles Kingsfield in "The Paper
Chase," which he first played in the
1973 film and then in the television

Sexism workshop JOHN MUNSON/Daily
Kata Issari, a counselor at the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, reads from
a list of facets of society which are individually sexist, at a workshop on sexism at the
Michigan League yesterday. The audience broke up into small discussion groups to com-
plete the lists.
Calif. may lower car premiums

In this state infatuated with cars but
infuriated by soaring auto premiums,
the insurance industry has raised a
record $42.6 million for a campaign
to defeat consumer-backed ballot pro-
posals that would slash rates by at
least 20 percent.
The contest over five conflicting
auto insurance rerform measures on
Nov. 8 ballots has grown into the
most expensive political struggle
ever waged outside a political con-
All told, a combined $60 million
has been poured into a political war
pitting consumer advocates, insurers
and trial lawyers against one another.
Industry analysts express fears that
support for the tougher rate-cutting
measures could spawn a nationwide
"insurance revolt."
More immediately, if Californians-
approve more than one of the five
conflicting measures, it could likely
trigger court battles that would pro-
duce unexpected hybrids.
But polls show Californians lead-

ing toward approval of Proposition
103, the deepest and broadest of the
measures on the ballot.
Proposition 103, supported by
consumer advocate Ralph Nader,
would lower almost all rates by an
immediate 20 percent below Nov-
ember 1987 rates. It would require an
additional 20 percent cut in insurance
rates for good drivers.
It would also give an elected in-
surance commissioner control over
future rate increases, limit use of ter-
ritorial rating to set auto insurance

premiums, and subject the industry
to state antitrust and unfair business
practice laws.
The rush to reform auto insurance
was spurred by rates which have risen
40 percent between mid-1985 and the
end of 1987, according to legislative

Business School
Looking Ahead
to the MBA
The Harvard University Graduate School of
Business Administration seeks top graduates
with a career interest in general management.
An Admissions Officer will be on campus
NOVEMBER 3, 1988
to speak with students about work experience
and the two-year MBA Program.
For more details and to sign up for an information
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