OPINION Page 4 Monday, October 31, 1988 The Michigan Daily b ' £idb4gan Vzd1 j Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Reason fails protestors 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor. M! 48109 Vol. IC, No.38 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the D.aily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed article.s, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. In praise of witches . A GROUP OF PARENTS, members of. the Word of God religious community, have asked the Ann Arbor Public Schools to eliminate witch costumes and other Halloween Activities from elementary school classrooms. In other communities, Parent groups are trying to remove "Casper the Friendly Ghost" and "Esmeralda the Good Witch". They don't want their children exposed to What they see as a celebration of the occult and the evil power of witches. Although their position is extreme, it. pales in comparison to that taken by their predecessors in the Catholic Church of the 16th and 17th centuries. The Church was responsible for taking the lives of millions of women condemned to burn as witches, a massacre which has yet to make it into our history books. Unchallenged, this anti-woman attitude has continued into the present, as illustrated by these groups' efforts. The popular image of the witch now is the haggard, ugly old woman casting spells and brewing pdtions. Witchcraft is seen as pure superstition. This. image is a tremendous distortion which has led to an almost complete ignorance of the meaning of these women's deaths. (Of those killed in the witch burnings, one in a hundred were men.) The word witch, comes from Wicca, an ancient goddess religion in Europe. The women who were killed as witches were generally. peasants - either Wiccans or others the Church wished " to suppress, among them midwives, healers and lesbians. These women were convicted of witchcraft by the Church, whose evidence included trials by- drowning - if she drowns she's innocent, if not she's a witch - and confessions' after weeks of gruesome toiture. this holocaust against women happened at a time of sudden change in a society which had been very stable for hundreds of years. In the turmoil, the Church and others were fighting to maintain and consolidate their power. The . Judeo-Christian religions had already been identifying goddess worship with devil worship for. centuries (the goddess' consort was a horned god of the hunt, who became the model for the Christian devil), and it was an easy step to begin burning those considered heretics. The midwives and traditional women healers were accused by the new male medical profession of achieving their results by witchcraft. Actually, the. traditional means of healing, now' considered "old wive's tales," were often more scientific than the doctor's methods. Generations of observation of results had given women healers a wealth of information. In fact, many of their herbs are the basis of medicines in use today in modern medicine. The doctors, on the other hand, were trained in the classics, with no laboratory experience at all. By blaming the healers' superior results on witchcraft, the doctors neatly removed their competition: midwives and healers were a special target of the witch burnings. All the religions which worshipped the goddess also honored nature. (Halloween was one of the eight festivals of the changing seasons.) The image of witches has been greatly maligned through the centuries. Real witches were women and men who worshipped the goddess, in a religion which honored the natural world. Other women accused of witchcraft were healers, midwives, and women who just didn't fit in the patriarchal order set out by the church and medieval society. Tonight we should remember them, honoring their courage, and mourning the loss of so many lives. By Brian Burt The letters in the Daily on October 24 that criticized the actions of the inauguration protestors disturbed me. . Jeff Ritter accuses the protestors of whiny, spoiled behavior - an a d hominem and question begging argument that fails to define or justify a standard of "mature" behavior at protests. Such arguments do little more. than trivialize important issues. Similarly, Mark Knoll derides MSA president Mike Phillips for his impolite display of dissatisfaction with Duderstadt. on e ~ U ~Of course, Phillips and the protestors were impolite. A protest is inherently impolite., Protestors believe they. have, impolitely, been excluded from decisions that directly affect them and have exhausted polite methods of change. Since when is impoliteness against the law? And yet four students are facing criminal charges. If you think that polite, reasoned arguments affect University policymakers, you need only talk to the two MSA representatives who attempted, politely, to talk to Public Safety director Leo Heatley about campus security's actions at the inauguration protest. They'll tell you that not only did Heatley impolitely refuse to discuss the matter, but that he impolitely threatened to arrest them for trespassing if Brian Burt is a PhD. candidate and TA in the Department of English. . they persisted in asking questions. This incident is indicative of what happens here when you try to proceed politely through "proper" channels. If "polite" methods changed anything, then "impolite" protest would be unnecessary. Sadly, Ritter and Ten Ashe (in another letter) play a particularly cruel- game of Blame the Victim. They unfairly and mistakenly only question the actions of the protestors. But what about the protest's wider historical context? Why draw the boundaries of the debate so narrowly by focusing only on protestors at one protest? Did the protestors deputize campus. security guards while completely ignoring student input? Did the protestors choose a gung-ho laser weapons researcher as the University's president? Did the protestors implement a protest code despite student objections? And at-the protest, did the protestors have guns, handcuffs, and billy-clubs at the ready? Were the protestors rubbing Heatley's or Duderstadt's face into the pavement, as the officers at the protest did to Rollie Hudson? Did the protestors flip any officers on their heads? Ashe should think hard about this last question. She describes an Ann Arbor police officer's assault on Sandra Steingrabera s follows: "I saw no brutality. I watched from a high-up ledge and saw Sandra Steingraber go down. This was going too far and now someone went and got herself hurt." Ashe has completely severed cause from effect here, has erased human agency -- and thus responsibility -- for the violence perpetrated against Steingraber. Perhaps Ashe's "high-up ledge" was so high up that clouds fogged her vision completely, and she could not see an Ann Arbor police officer twice Steingraber's size flip Steingraber on her head. Had Ashe been at Kent State after the Ohio National Guard gunned down four anti- Vietnam War protestors, would she have argued that the protestors deserved to die since they went to a disruptive protest and put themselves in a position where they might possibly get in the way of National Guard bullets? And if University security forces were not seeking confrontation and were merely trying to keep uninvited people out of Hill, why did they decide to array 20-30 security guards and armed police officers outside the Auditorium rather than just inside the doors?- Wasn't this a strategy designed to intimidate protestors and incite police violence? - I saw protestors, arms at their sides, attempt to enter a public building. I saw officers respond by throwing people down the steps of Hill. I saw people standing around an unmarked car containing police and an arrested protestor. I saw officers, with no warning whatsoever, wade into this crowd and begin shoving people, some to the ground. At this point, not once did I hear any officer warn the protestors that they were breaking the law. Not once did I hear any officer threaten to arrest protestors if they did not move. If the protestors were breaking a law by standing around an unmarked car, why didn't the police arrest them? Why did the police choose to toss people aside instead? Why would the administration have chosen a deliberately confrontational path that led inevitably to arrests, police intimidation, and brutality? I challenge. Duderstadt or his hired gun, Heatley, to .justify their actions in a letter to the Daily. 4 Don't hesitate to report rape,! By Carrie Bree On October 26 therd was a comnmunity meeting concerning the recent reports of - sexual assault in the Ann Arbor area. The meeting was organized by the Sexual As- sault Prevention and Awareness Center, and was attended by representatives from SAPAC, the Department of Public Safety, and the Ann Arbor Police. The purpose of the meeting was to address questions and concerns regarding security both on and off campus, information about the recent as- saults, and what the University and police are doing about it. Officer Jerry Wright of the Ann Arbor police confirmed that there have been three reported sexual assaults in this area since. September 22. They suspect that it may be the same assailant, but are unsure. They have increased the number of patrols in those and nearby areas in response. to this, as well as given higher priority to' calls concerning prowlers or suspicious persons. Dialing 911 (off-campus phones) is not strictly for emergencies. It will connect you with the Ann Arbor police, who then prioritize calls depending on the urgency of the situation. Do not hesitate Carrie Bree is a student volunteer for SAPAC. to call if you feel at all threatened: The police also provide security surveys, in which they will come out and inspect the security around your home, apartment, etc., and notify your landlord if the secu- rity around your home.is-not satisfactory. This service is free, and anyone interested should call 994-2979. If you live in a dorm, dialing 911 will 'connect you vith the Department of Pub- lic Safety. They will respond to all calls from campus, including the calls from the emergency phones. If you need assistance and are near an emergency phone, all you need to do is pick it up, and the DPS will dispatch someone to the location. Other services include the Nite Owl bus service which runs from the Undergraduate Library to locations covering much of the area (maps are available); Safewalk, a walking service which will escort you between any two locations within 20 minutes walking of campus (# 936-1000). The DPS also provides escorts to and from locations on campus, but primarily in emergency situations. All of the services mentioned above are free. In order to keep things in perspective, it is important to remember that 90 percent of all rapes occurring on college campuses are acquaintance rapes. This means that the chance of being assaulted by someone you know is greater than the chance of being assaulted on a dark street by a stranger. This does not mean that the dan- ger does not exiSt, and that fears are not valid. Take precautions! Use the services provided by the university and the com- munity. Be aware of your surroundings, and trust your instincts. If you feel threat- ened, act on it. Don't be afraid to draw at- tention to yourself. The question of whether there are more rapes occurring now than there have been in the past is difficult to answer because rape is the most underreported of all crimes. It is probable that the number be- ing reported has increased, but that the number of actual rapes occurring in the area this year is close to the numbers from other years. The important' thing is that more people are aware of the situation, and that more people want to do something to change it. If you have any questions or concerns, or want more information, the SAPAC office located at 3100 Michigan Union, (763-5865). There is also a 24- hour crisis line available for information, reference, and questions, as well as crises. It is the responsibility of the Daily to report on information that is crucial to the University community. The next time a meeting is held providing this informa- tion, the Daily should attend. 1 E - .9 (T i:: Letters to the editor :<; :::..... ....... _ ..... _ ... ... w _.._.. ... ...... .... ...._..... Mexico's debt relief:. Welfare for big banks. AN ITEM THAT PASSED without much nctice was the recent decision of the Reagan administration to extend Mexico approximately $3.5 billion in debt relief. This was not however a case of Reagan doing the unthinkable (aiding the people of an impoverished nation). Rather it was Reaganism at its best (using taxpayers' dollars to fuither the rich in their difficult quest to get richer.) At $100 billion in the hole, Mexico is currently up to its neck in debt. An astonishing three-fourths of Mexico's export earnings must be paid out on the interest alone. Mexico is now a capital exporter, a financial absurdity which has imposed incredible hardships on the Mexican people. Living standards for peasants and workers have declined comes in. Reagan recognizes that Mexico's ruling party (the PRI) is being put in an untenable position. In order to help it -through these difficult times, Reagan is giving 3.5 billion in debt relief to help meet this year's interest payments. This should allow the PRI to get through its current political crisis without giving in to pressure to default on the debt. Virtually every government in Latin America is in almost exactly the same situation. Third World debt now is well in excess of one trillion dollars, and very few nations have any real hope of being able to pay off this debt. If a major debtor such as Mexico were to default, there would be a tremendous danger-of nations throughout the Third* World refusing to pay back loans. What mnaln h+Ain n.. rnm t.ho k Protest Feds on campus To the Daily: Julie Stein's insightful comments ("New Pres Panders to Right Wing," Daily, 10/24/88) present the need for the student body to act quickly to counter President Duderstadt's callous action of inviting the ultra-white, ultra- right Federalist Society to host their national convention at the law school next semester. . With diversity a critical goal, how can we as students sit idly by while Duderstadt's Federal- ists attempt to feed us their cornucopia of hatred, racism, sexism and bigotry? It is no secret that the Federalist Soci- ety, under the mask of the "Framers' Intent," supports a variety of racist and sexist vie,- The thnnaht of Mr blind to his hypocrisy? If it is true that Duderstadt is kissing up to the far right now that it appears Dukakis will lose, he has no right to use our univer- sity to further his racist and sexist aims. I call on UCAR, the MSA, and all others who are dedicated to fulfilling diversity here at Michigan to protest Duder- stadt's offices and demand that he not let the Federalists on our campus. We have enough problems, President Duderstadt; furthering your goal of increasing the ultra-white, ul- tra-right wing constituency on campus has no place in aca- demics. -Mike Cohen October 24 Israel's policies. A o nv .. a,,_ 4- disturbed by what seems to be a case of moral degeneration on the part of Israeli leadership. Last week, eight Israeli soldiers were killed by a car-bomb. This was indeed an act of cru- elty and barbarism. I sincerely believe that the individuals re- sponsible for this should be captured and brought to a fair trial. Unfortunately the Likud- dominated Israeli government is of a different opinion. They have responded with a series.of four air-raids in which dozens of Palestinians were killed and many others were left home- less. To call this an overreac- tion would be to make an ex- treme understatement. Present Israeli policy . is morally wrong: In order to succeed in this policy, Israel would have to at least .come close to utterly annihilating the Palestinian population.. At a minimum, Israel would have to crush the Palestinian cu1ture. On the other hand, if Israel does not go to such extremes, the policy is doomed to failure as it will only intensify Pales- tinian nationalism. In this case, Israel is killing Palestinians for the sake of ex- pressing their military machismo. Both of these alter- natives are unacceptable. Let me repeat that I am not opposed to the existence of Is- rael. It is indeed wrong for a people to be denied from hav- ing a homeland. The point to remember is that it is still wrong if the people lacking a homeland are Palestinian. Israel should take the moral high- ground of aggressively pursu- ing peace. Instead, Israeli lead- ers have chosen a policy that can only lead to more senseless killing of innocent people by both sides. -Gary Sutnick October 27 4