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October 31, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-10-31

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 31, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

'M' sweeps
ice champs
SAULT STE. MARIE - Prior to Michigan's
weekend series against defending national champion Lake
Superior State, Michigan hockey coach Red Berenson
said it wasn't going to be a "Mission Impossible" for the
Wolverines to win a game in the Lakers' rink.
The Wolverines beat the Lakers twice, 5-4 in
overtime, and 3-1, Michigan's first series sweep ever in
Norris Ice Arena.
Mission accomplished.
"Every season we've had some highs, but this (sweep)
is a definite great achievement for the Michigan hockey
team," Berenson said. "For us to come up here and win
two against a team that won the national championship
is really a great feat."
The victories were Berenson's second and third against
Lake Superior in his five years as Michigan coach.
Michigan left winger Ryan Pardoski scored Friday
night's game winner with two minutes 37 seconds left in
the overtime period. Pardoski took a pass from Randy
Kwong at the blue line and backhanded it toward the net.
Lakers goalie Bruce Hoffort misplayed the puck, which
rolled into the net.
"Coach says whenever you get over the blue line, just
shoot, and anything can happen," defenseman Alex
Roberts said. "He was shooting at the net to get a
rebound; it was a fluke shot."
Berenson said: "I thought the team deserved to win
and I thought we were the better team each period. I
thought our team should have won without overtime."
Michigan (4-1-1) received most of its offensive
support Friday from co-captain Todd Brost, who scored
his first career hat trick. Brost scored a shorthanded goal
from 15 feet out at 14:13 into the game.
The Lakers took the lead on goals by Pete Stauber and
Mike de Carle, two of the top three scorers from last
year's team, but then Brost took over again, scoring on a
pass from co-captain Myles O'Connor.
The Wolverines went up in the second period, 3-2,
when right winger Jim Ballantine knocked in a rebound
of a Brad Turner shot. In the third period, Brost extended
Michigan's lead to two on a power play.
"(Brost) played great tonight. He played like a captain
and scored big goals for us," Berenson said. "He's a
leader for us, he played like one, and that's what it's all
w ,about."
h See Sweep, Page 11

Aid on
way to
Everything - including the
kitchen sink - was loaded into a 60
foot trailer of supplies destined for
Juigalpa, Ann Arbor's Nicaraguan
sister city, on Saturday.
In addition to the sink, twenty
volunteers packed $300,000 worth of
medical equipment, clothing, and
educational materials.
"For a country in as bad shape
economically as Nicaragua, the
amount of aid being sent down is
crucial," said Nicaragua Medical Aid
Project member Don Bessy.
Juigalpa, a central Nicaraguan
city of 33,000, is not near the Hon-
duran border, where most of the
clashes with Contras have occurred,
but there have been Contra attacks
close to the city, said Gregory Fox, a
member of the Sister City Task
Although these supplies are not
direct aid to civilian victims of the
war, Fox said, "everyone in
Nicaragua knows someone who has
been killed."
Fox, who has been to Nicaragua
three times, said, "Juigalpa is fairly
developed by Nicaraguan standards."
However, the regional hospital in
Juigalpa is poorly lit due to lack of
money for fluorescent lighting, he
said, and food often has to be cooked
outside over fires because the stoves
do not work properly.
The Sister City Task Force has
sponsored many events, such as
bringing the Mayor of Juigalpa and
later regional hospital Doctor Xavier
Luna Mena to Ann Arbor.
But the biggest project so far
was the donation of a "tren de
See City, Page 2

Inspiration Asociated Press
The Rev. Desmond Tutu visits the squatter community of Tentedorp in the far northern Cape Province Saturday.
Tentedorp's 500 citizens have been theatened with removal by the local Port Holloth town council.
State reacts to 'U' budget

The University's proposal for an 8 per-
cent increase in state funding for the 1990
fiscal year has a better chance of passing
than past budget requests, say state and
University officials.
The proposal is a "more reasonable re-
quest" than previous ones becausethe pro-
posed budget is based on the state's growth
rate and not the University's projected
needs, said State Sen. William Sederburg
(R-East Lansing), chair of the Senate
Higher Education Appropriations Sub-
If state appropriations are increased 8

percent, the University's tuition would in-
crease 8.9 percent. The current tuition for
in-state undergraduate students would rise
to $1,568 from $1,438.
"Michigan's proposal, personally, is the
most reasonable than in past years. In past
years it was a wish list," said Sederburg.
"They'd submit it, and they'd know we
can't do it."
According to Robert Holbrook, interim
vice president for academic affairs, Gover-
nor Blanchard's forced rollback of the
1988-89 tuition increases made the regents
change their approach. Blanchard had
threatened to deny all state funding to the

University if the proposed 12 percent tu-
ition increase for in-state undergraduates
was not reduced to his 10 percent limit.
"We started out knowing there was no
point in asking the state for $50 million,"
Holbrook said, referring to last year's
funding request. The regents are projecting
an increase "now rather than eight months
later and not pretending these issues don't
exist," he said.
The proposed appropriations are 2 per-
cent above the state's expected growth
rate, which is expected to be 6 percent next
year, Holbrook said.
See Request, Page 2

Kids trek for
treats on campus

The Goblins out for Halloween in
the dorms and Greek houses this
year are not all University students.
Although the same ghouls from
years past have been haunting cam-
pus this year, many of them are
much smaller.
Ghosts, witches, and vampires
ranging in ages from 6-12 have been
prowling the University this Hal-
loween season while participating in
trick-or-treating programs set up by
many fraternities, sororities, and
dorm organizations.
Sisters in Stockwell Transmitting
Ethnic Relations, the minority coun-
cil in Stockwell, organized a Hal-
loween party for children from As-
sociation for Kids with Social
Learning Disabilities and Arrow-
wood Hills Co-op, a group set up for
low-income families, for the first
time last night. Many Stockwell res-
idents transformed their dorm rooms
into ghoulish trick-or-treating sta-
tions, to which the children came for
However, in some dorm halls, the
trick-or-treaters, dressed in every-

thing from a Ragu can to a censored
sign, were nothing more than some
University students trying to have
some fun and get some free candy.
Tom Costantino, an LSA first-
year student who organized trick-or-
treating on one East Quad hall, said,
"We did it to bring back memories
of our childhood and to have a good
time with the other people on our
In addition, many fraternities and
sororities organized Halloween pro-
grams for underprivileged children.
Pi Beta Phi sorority, with the help
of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity,
brought 42 children to their house
Thursday, a large increase from the
25 that visited last year. The chil-
dren, who came from a low-income
housing center in Ann Arbor called
Hikone, painted their faces and ran
from room to room trying to get as
much candy as possible.
But watch out tonight - not all
of the fun is over yet. South Quad,
which is hosting trick-or-treating for
the Peace Neighborhood Center, is
just one place that will continue to
be haunted by howling children.

Profs: vampires
symbolize evil
The American fascination with vampires stretches far
beyond Halloween costumes and fake fangs, University
professors say.
"The vampire taps a deep religious and symbolic
reservoir in many people," said Communications Prof.
Jimmie Reeves. "The perversion of the symbols of
communion, the drinking of the blood and so on,
accounts for much of the myth's lasting power."
Reeves thinks vampire enthusiasm took hold in
America in 1979, with the premier of German director
Werner Herzog's film "Nosferatu, the Vampire." The
film was shown Saturday night at the Modern Language
Prof. Frank Beaver, chair of the communications
department and a nationally known film expert, believes
vampire movies reflect greater societal fears.
"The vampire is a metaphor for the evil that lurks in .
society," he said. "In vampire stories, you have a
frightened and deluded group of people being victimized
by a force largely beyond their control.
"We are fascinated by the vampire because he is a
horror greater than anything we can imagine for
ourselves," he said.
History Prof. John Fine thinks people still believe in
vampires, but more so in Eastern Europe than in
America. Fine is the author of "In Defense of Vampires:
Church/State Efforts to Stop Vigilante Action Against
'o Vampires," an article that appeared in the East European
Quarterly in 1987.
" See Fright, Page 5


SWING sets course of action

Parents want to end
Halloween parties

The definition of feminism must encompass the fact
that all women's struggles are not the same, agreed the
40 to 45 participants at the second annual Student
Women's Initiative Group conference.
The conference, held at East Quad on Saturday, was
designed to cultivate specific projects aimed at further-
ing the roles of women in the University, as well as
form task forces to work on each.
Women at the predominantly white-attended meet-

feminism. We have to include a large networking pro-
gram in our organization to avoid this."
The women attending the conference discussed the
fact that because the group is now unrepresentative of
the female population, SWING faces inadequacies both
in being able to recognize issues pertaining to all
women and in developing projects to further those is-
To institute these internal changes, SWING mem-
bers said they will implement the projects of their new

Some local parents would like to
see an end to Halloween parties in
Ann Arbor elementary schools, but
decisions to plan alternative events
or cancel the celebrations have been
left to individual schools, said
school administrators.

The strongest objection voiced by
parents, including members of the
Word of God interdenominational
Christian community, is to teachers
who dress up in witch costumes.
"I don't have a problem with my
son participating in classroom par
tipe- said 1Word of God adminkitra.

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