0 OPINION Page 4 Friday, October 28, 1988 The Michigan Daily 46 Se fiadmanQan Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Rape of lesbians Vol. IC, No. 37 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor. MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion " of the Daily. AidNic MONDAY THE REAGAN administra- tion announced that it will not send disaster aid to Nicaragua where Hurri- cane Joan left 50 people dead and 300,000 homeless, 10 percent of the population. Accusing Nicaraguan President Ortega of using "the storm as another platform for propaganda against the contras," the Reagan ad- ministration has refused humanitarian aid for political purposes. Earlier this month when Hurricane Gilbert struck Jamaica the Reagan ad- ministration committed over $125 mil- lion in food, medical supplies, and technical assistance. The Jamaican government is closely allied with the United States and U.S. multinational corporations. The Nicaraguan people are deemed less worthy of aid because their government justly refuses to abide by the conditions attached to support from the United States. The Jamaican government is accept- able to the Reagan Administration be- cause of acceptance of free market ide- ology and the return of the bauxite mines to the U.S. multinational Alcoa. Nicaragua, however, refuses follow free market doctrines which would al- low the exploitation of its people. Contra-aid supporters and apologists for U.S. intervention often claim that the United States has a mandate to in- terfere in Latin America for the good of the Latin American peoples. Politically this logic is questionable but it does provide a good argument for giving humanitarian aid to countries which lack the resources to repair the destruction from natural disasters. The same people who have been so passionate about protecting the supposed opposition press in Nicaragua are not concerned about Nicaraguans' need for shelter. Marlin Fitzwater, President Reagans Press Secretary, asserts that Ortega could not be trusted to use the aid for disaster assistance. Yet, after Nicaragua was devastated by an earthquake in .araguans 1972 the United States was quick to send millions in aid. These desperately needed funds found their way into the the personal coffers of the corrupt Somoza dictatorship. There is no guarantee with any gov- ernment, including many U.S. allies, that aid will not be misdirected. This is a suspect argument when it is applied only to countries which our govern- ment does not support such as Nicaragua. Fitzwater also pointed out that Ortega has not requested aid and would prob- ably not accept it if it were offered. This is a reference to the recent Nicaraguan law making it illegal to ac- cept any type of U.S. aid. Ortega was completely justified in passing this law since it is not accept- able to be indebted to a country whose money funds the contras, killing many more people than any hurricane. The United States and the economic institutions which it controls (such as the World Bank) attempt to extract po- litical and economic concessions from recipient countries. Ortega is responsible for the welfare of the Nicaraguan people and Nicaragua's self-determination. If the United States offered aid without de- manding that Nicaragua become an- other Jamaica, he would surely accept it. Finally there is the argument that the United States does not give money of any kind to governments it does not support. This is not true. The United States does not support the Islamic fundamentalist principles of either Iraq or Pakistan and yet has given both millions in military aid. This seems to be a particular grudge against Nicaragua. By refusing Nicaragua disaster aid the United States has once again proven that our interventions in Latin America do not spring from any con- cern for Latin American peoples but are a transparent grab for political and economic influence. By Billie Edwards Rape is experienced by the person as one step removed from homicide. This vi- olent invasion of a person often renders the victim helpless and powerless. Sur- vivors of a sexual assault typically experience a wide range of emotions in- cluding shame, humiliation, terror and rage. When sexual assault is perpetrated against a lesbian, these issues are greatly magnified due to the oppressive and hos- tile environment surrounding lesbians and gay men. Both lesbians and heterosexual women struggle with whether or not to report a rape. The lesbian, however, has the added dilemma of whether she should also dis- close her sexual orientation. If the lesbian rape survivor decides to both file a com- plaint and disclose her sexuality, she risks further humiliation from a judgmental system at the very moment when she is most vulnerable to the opinions of others. If a lesbian who has been sexually as- saulted chooses to report the incident she becomes involved in a process that has multiple and repeated steps of personal vulnerability. Each step requires that she not only recount the experience of the rape, but that she also declare herself a lesbian. She must go through this dual ordeal each and every time she tells her story. Whenishe calls the police she must as- sess their sensitivity and their skill in working with the issue of sexual assault, while weighing the practical and emo- tional consequences of telling them she is a lesbian. Revealing her sexual identity to the police is no small feat due to the per- vasive homophobic attitudes prevalent among police officers, not to mention the fact that homosexuality is illegal in most communities and/or states. When dealing with the medical profes- sion, the lesbian is faced with the same dilemma. Although Ann Arbor is an ex- ception, many emergency room personnel Billie Edwards is Coordinator of the U-M Lesbian Programs Office. have not received specialized training in handling rape cases. It is also not unrealistic to assume that lesbians may face insensitive medical care. If she goes to a rape crisis center for help and support, her assessment of whether to come out to them must take into account that many of these centers were established by women who assume heterosexuality on the part of rape sur- vivors. Although women in general appear less homophobic than men, discomfort with lesbianism is common. The judicial system continues to ac- tively demonstrate it's hostility toward lesbians and gay men. How comfortable can a lesbian be working with a system which consistently and overtly discrimi- nates against her? Prosecuting attorneys may insist that she remain silent around the issue of her sexuality for fear of jeop- ardizing her chances of gaining a convic- tion. The legal system continues to re- victimize sexual assault survivors through-out the judicial process. To reveal her sexual identity in the courtroom, a lesbian takes the risk of being publicly ridiculed and harassed. It is not uncommon for sexual assault survivors to seek professional help to work through their trauma. It is most critical that she be open with her therapist. Healing cannot occur unless a trusting and open relationship exists between client and therapist. Unfortunately, many therapists are either judgmental or uncomfortable with lesbianism. Moreover, group therapy is often the treatment of choice in working with sexual assault. By the time she gets to this stage of the process the lesbian rape survivors may have experienced such homophobia, discrimination and rejection, that she may need a lot of support and en- couragement to risk further rejection by group members. Because most groups are led by heterosexual therapists and made up of mostly, if not entirely, heterosexual women, the risk of rejection is real. . If the lesbian rape survivor is not out to her personal network of support, family, friends and sometimes religious commu- nity - the same dilemmas are present. If a lesbian decided to be open with her fam- ily, pastor, and friends, she may risk los- ing them permanently. At the very least, they may not be able to support her, at a time when she needs their full support the most; while they deal with the double shock of her sexual assault and her coming out to them. A large number of lesbians are in rela- tionships. Their lover is the most impor- tant and critical support. If she does come out as a result of her rape does she allow her lover to support her publicly? Her lover may not be in a position professionally, politically or personally to come out. Because one in four women are sexually abused by the age of eighteen, there is a strong possibility that her lover is also a survivor of either childhood or adult sexual assault. If this is the case, the situation between the couple can be ex- tremely complex and painful. The rela- tionship will endure severe stress at a time when a rape survivor needs maximum support. If the survivor of sexual assault is a lesbian, the issues of recovery are com- pounded, the trauma and stressors are magnified. This is today's reality. This reality can change. Each of us can help make the societal climate more accepting and less condemning of lesbianism. We can stop assuming that everyone is heterosexual, providing a more open envi- ronment for lesbians to self disclose. We can pressure the legal system to educate itself about issues- of homosexuality. We can challenge the medical profession to be more accepting and humanistic in dealing with lesbians and gay men. We can insist that social service agencies provide ser- vices sensitive to the needs of homosexu- als. We can support families in their struggle to accept a child that is different. These problems can seem so over- whelming that it may sound hopeless. This is not true. Change is possible. The fact that this article has been printed and that you are reading it demonstrates that change is occurring. C U I AP distorts South African vote By FSACC and UCAR On October 26, the Daily uncritically absorbed a dangerously misleading Associated Press release on the recent seg- regated and undemocratic elections in South Africa. The story which carried the outrageous headline "Riots mar S. African elections" implies that the elections re- flected some real democratic process which was hampered by Black protest. On the contrary, the elections are cosmetics de- signed to further conceal the crimes of the Apartheid regime and give it legitimacy in the international community. To frame the AP information in this context is a tremendous disservice to Daily readers and promotes racist notions about the'nature of Apartheid and opposition to it. The article emphasizes that this is "the first time people of this racially separated nation will have cast ballots on the same day," without explaining that Blacks have previously been allowed to vote in local so-called tribal elections, but never in na- tional elections which actually decide pol- icy. The Oct. 26 balloting was no differ- ent. Blacks are still de facto disenfran- chised. "Botha is (simply) trying to use the elections to co-opt enough black sup- port to continue white minority control" (Detroit Free Press, 10/21/88). The Free South Africa Coordinating Com- mittee and the United Coalition Against Racism are student anti-racist organiza- tions. Daily's message that the elections were "marred" by protesting Blacks sets a tone which blames Blacks for somehow ruining the elections. The article states that "so few (Blacks) are registered and no local candidates represent major organizations opposed to...apartheid," but ignores the very reason why Blacks boycotted the elections: African National Congress and other apartheid opponents "see the elections as Botha's government is making "tentative moves toward reform." Reform? Is the physical torture of children and other bla- tant violations of human rights reform? What the hell does the Daily mean? If the Nationalist Party is not "staunchly pro- apartheid," then what is it? In essence, the Conservative Party is ultra-fascist, and the Nationalist Party is only fascist? This is not a substantive difference. The Daily's glaringly irresponsible 'The Daily fails to critically examine and expose Botha's out- rageous claim of "broadening democracy" in South Africa. Rather than refute this claim, it focuses on "differences" be- tween Botha's National Party and the Conservative Party.' 4 an opportunity to send the government a message that Black South Africans refuse to participate in a process dictated by whites" (Free Press) and which gives no real power to the majority of South African citizens. Even in farce elections only a fraction of Blacks are eligible. The Daily fails to critically examine and expose Botha's outrageous claim of "broadening democracy" in South Africa. Rather than refute this claim, it focuses on "differences" between Botha's National Party and the Conservative Party. The ar- ticle categorizes the Conservative Party as "staunchly pro-apartheid," but says that coverage included several references to violence by Blacks without any analysis of the historical context. Armed struggle by Black South Africans is a response to centuries of brutal economic exploitation and nearly half a century of non-violent resistance which was answered with bul- lets. The real violence is the daily brutal- ity of Apartheid and the international community's silence. If that silence is to be broken, the media must be more responsible in exposing the crimes and lies of the fascists who rule South Africa. Otherwise, our generation will be guilty of complicity with fascism, with the sorry excuse - we were unaware. I I Letters tc~~~ the 4!~~~~.5II1............................... .'24 0*****......****~ .. . A view of the city of Bluefield after Hurricane Joan hit the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. An Interior Ministry official said that 99.5 percent of the city's buildings were destroyed. Stop passing up Protect victims' privacy To the Daily: In last week's Crime Beat (10/19/88), the Daily printed the address of a survivor of sexual assault and demonstrated complete insensitivity to the issue of violence against .., rrnvs A 4:+ - n.. ,r m n. i - ple Organized for Women Equality and Rights (POWER) demanded that the Daily adopt and enforce a policy to protect the privacy of sexual assault survivors. POWER worked with the Daily to write a set of guidelines that stated explicitly that it was against Daily policy to print survivor's names, ad- dresses and other identifying information. The Daily owes a public apology to the survivor and the a policy against printing the names and addresses of the vic- tims of sexual assault. This is intended to protect their privacy and encourage women to report sexual assaults. The Daily apologizes for printing the ad- dress on Oct. 19 and will not continue to print such material. Tired of sexism To the After hearing this harsh statement, I started to watch and listen more closely to how men act toward people. I have heard men talk a lot about get- ting some " " tonight. How selfish? I have seen men checking out "chicks" in front of a table that was promoting sexual assault awareness in the fish bowl. How defeating? I have seen men walk by a WAND (Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament) table an 1a- __ ~xy arrv , e A AT SATURDAY'S homecoming foot- ball game against Indiana a dead tradi- tion received a second wind. Passing up, the practice of lifting a person, usually a woman. and handin o- that charged with assault by the Ann Arbor police. The Ann Arbor City Council affirmed this stance when they legis- lated that passing up is a crime, specifically assault, punishable by a jail .