thrill in
Miskatonic University, in Ark-
hon, Mass., is the fictitious setting
of terrifying, dark fantasy stories by
American writer Howard Phillips
But Miskatonic in Ann Arbor is
where these stories come to life.
About twice each term, the students
in Miskatonic gather to assume
mystical, possibly insane identities
and interact in horrifying situations.
It's all a game, of course. But un-
like most games, the object is not to
win or lose, but to remain alive and
ONE MEMBER, an expert on
Lovecraft and the game, becomes the
game master and chooses the sce-
nario. The game master then provides
information on each participant's
character, including skills, talents,
and level of sanity.
"It's like putting yourself in your
favorite H.P. Lovecraft story and
acting it out," said Debra DeRuyver,
an LSA senior.
Lovecraft's stories don't involve
the usual graveyards and werewolves;
the characters are humans.
But because many of Lovecraft's
characters border on insanity, staying
sane for eight hours can be difficult,
said Bryan Case, an LSA senior and
Miskatonic president.
THE GROUP of about 20 stu-
dents focuses on Lovecraft because
they consider him this century's
master of dark fantasy, and he has af-
fected every other author in the genre,
Case said.
In between role-playing games,
Miskatonic members meet regularly
to read their favorite horror or fantasy
stories. In addition, they commemo-
rate special occasions such as Love-
craft's or Edgar Allen Poe's birth-
"Listening to the stories usually
succeeds in scaring the hell out of the
audience," Case said.
"You can learn a lot more by dis-
cussing and hearing what other peo-
ple think," said Debra Deruyver, an
LSA senior.
IN ADDITION, Miskatonic
has a library of scenarios for role-
playing games, as well as about 200
books. Miskatonic members, who
have all contributed, are then able to
loan their favorites to one another.
The group, which would like to
become more involved with horror in
film this year, also publishes the
Miskatonic Review. Members who
have seen a new film or read a new
story write reviews in order to steer
others towards the good and away
from the bad.
"These are some of the most hor-
rifying stories ever written," said
The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 28, 1988 - Page 3
Group warns
alert, aware
LSA junior Nicholas Schmelzer, a member of students for Bush/Quayle, encourages drivers
during rush hour to vote for the Republican ticket.
Supporters for Bush/Quayle
sing raises b highway
Be aware. Trust your instincts,
and don't hesitate to call campus
safety services such as Safewalk or
the Nite Owl Bus. Although it may
seem unnatural, lock your doors at
all times, even when you're home.
As part of Sexual Assault Aware-
ness week, the Sexual Assault Pre-
vention and Awareness Center is
stressing that although there is no
way to prevent a sexual assault,
measures can be taken to decrease the
chances of it happening to you.
"If people see a suspicious person
around their house or in their neigh-
borhood, they should go ahead and
call the police - call 911," said
SAPAC Director Julie Steiner. "The
police want to be called."
DIALING 911 from any cam-
pus phone, including those in the
dorms, immediately connects you to
the Department of Public Safety.
Also, picking up a red campus emer-
gency phone will ring public safety.
"If you see someone following
you, all you have to do is knock the
phone off the hook," said Bob Pifer,
assistant director of public safety.
Public safety dispatches security
officers to any emergency phone that
is taken off the hook, and if a sexual
assault has occurred, SAPAC is im-
mediately notified.
But despite recent publicity over
stranger rapes, 90 percent of rapes on
college campuses are committed by
acquaintances, Steiner said.
To prevent acquaintance or ddte
rape, "it is important for men to lis-
ten and for women to express their
feelings," said Audrey Habermatn;
volunteer coordinator for SAPAC.
MEN MUST realize that itis
never all right to force themselves on
a woman, and that "no" means "ng "
SAPAC officials say. Women must
be assertive and must not feel
intimidated to say what they want;'t
In trying to prevent stranger rape
Pifer suggests that people try no to
be out alone at night and avO4
entering their home or apartment by
SAPAC officials, however, sayA
woman should be able to choose to
go out alone. But those who do can
take certain precautions:
Look assertive, and confident ati
all times. If you feel someone fof
lowing you, turn around and confrort
that person - a hostile stare is often
enough to scare away an assailant.
SCREAM, YELL, and try to
resist the assault as much as possi-
ble. In attempted sexual assaults,
about 50 percent of women escape if
they yell, and up to 85 percent escape
if they physically resist the assailant.
Safewalk, a free escort service, is
available at 936-1000, and SAPAC's
24-hour crisis and counseling line is
936-3333. For more information re-
garding available services, call
SAPAC at 763-5865.
Student supporters of George
Bush are taking to the streets, urging
motorists to vote for him.
Yesterday, seven students stood in
the median on State St. near the en-
trances to I-94, near Briarwood Mall,
holding signs saying, "The feeling is
strong," "Give Dukakis the gong,"
and "M Go Bush." They began their
campaign Wednesday and will wrap it
up today.
LSA junior Rose Karadshah, one
of the campaigners, said the project
by the freeway was "a little light-
hearted fun."
More than 400 people have joined
Students for Bush-Quayle '88, she
said, adding, "we've just got so many
antsy people waiting to get out and
help" campaign for the Republican
presidential nominee.
Not all responses were positive,
however. Nicolas Schmelzer, another
of the campaigners, said, "Lots of
people honk, some flip you off."
And as he said that, someone did. But
more people seemed to honk in sup-
port than in protest.
The campaign, Schmelzer said, is
based on an advertising campaign
once done by Burma Shave shaving
cream. That plan had people standing
on street corners singing praises of
their product. Many political cam-
paigns have copied this technique, he
The Bush campaigners seemed
optimistic their candidate would win,
but, Schmelzer said, "(Michael)
Dukakis has a good point that it's
not over yet."
Dukakis' daughter speaks
to Ann Arbor Democrats
Andrea Dukakis, daughter of Democratic presidential
candidate Michael Dukakis, ended a day of campaign
appearances across Michigan by telling a crowd of
about 75 campaign workers and supporters last night
that she is frustrated by the Bush campaign's attacks on
her father.
"When I see a commercial that says my father pol-
luted Boston Harbor, I get frustrated... to see an ad
about a furlough program when that program exists in
almost every state in the U.S., and on the federal level,
that's frustrating. That program was in California when
Reagan was governor, and resulted in two escapes. One
police officer was murdered and one woman was raped.
The 'L' word in this campaign isn't Liberal, it's Lies,"
said Dukakis, 22, during her speech in a Dennison
Building classroom.
She stressed that Governor Dukakis places a high
priority on education, adding that "my dad is going to
be a candidate committed to education for anyone who
wants to go to college."
Attacking Bush on economic issues, Dukakis quoted
the Republican position that, "'We don't need to raise
the minimum wage over $3.35.' And Bush is talking
about being the candidate for working people."
She concluded by stressing the importance of the
student vote and encouraging the campaign workers
present to increase efforts in the final days of the cam-
"Students care about these issues, they care about
the election, but they don't know how much their vote
matters," she said. Down playing the current trends
shown by opinion polls, she advised, "November 8 is
the only poll that matters."
Nine Bush followers wielding signs and posters
lined one wall of the room in the Dennison building,
fidgeting and cringing as Dukakis attacked their candi-
date, but refraining from the heckling which has tainted
many campaign events.
College Democrats members presented Dukakis
with a University of Michigan shirt after the well-re-
ceived speech.
In an interview following the speech, she addressed
some of the concerns voiced by the candidate's critics,
including especially his rumored lack of passion and
"I think the things that have been said about my dad
not being a warm person or a caring person are wrong.
He's someone that's in politics because he cares about
people, because he wants to make people's lives better.
I don't think that people have been able to see that side
of my dad in this campaign."
Police Notes
A robber forced a man out of bed
and to an automated teller machine
early yesterday morning, where he
stole a $200 withdrawal from the
man, police said.
Police Sgt. Thomas Caldwell
said the robber and another man
broke into a home, in the 700 block
of S. Forest, woke the victim at
about 4:30 a.m., and demanded
money. The victim answered that he
didn't have any money in the room,
but said he had a money machine
card, Caldwell said. He said the man
then took the victim to an automated
teller machine and forced him to
make the withdrawal.
Caldwell said police have no
- By Nathan Smith
0 I
Marine engineers endorse
Bush; Dukakis heads to Mich.
Andrea Dukakis, daughter of presidential candidate Michael
Dukakis, campaigns for her father in Dennison Hall last
George Bush pocketed an
endorsement yesterday from the
50,000-member Marine Engineers
Benenficial Association and said
his drive for the White House was
"all about creating jobs and
opportunity." Underdog Michael
Dukakis retorted that Bush's plan
to slash the capital gains tax was
a treat for the rich "and a trick for
the rest of us."
The pollsters' daily tidings
were good once again for Bush,
leader in all the nationwide sur-
veys. New polls showed a tight
race in New York, one of the
nation's most Democratic bas-
Dukakis made his way toward
Harry Truman's hometown of
Independence, Mo., and likened
himself to the man who won the
White House four decades ago in a
storied upset. "Harry Truman was
a fighter, and so am I," he said.
"My friends, this election is up
for grabs."
Dukakis will visit Macomb
Community College in Warren on
Friday at noon. The stop will be
the Massachusetts governor's
eighth trip to Michigan.
In the state election, Repub-
lican Jim Dunn said he ignores
polls that show him to be an
underdog, saying he will concen-
trate on issues such as abortion in
the final days of his campaign to
unseat Democratic Sen. Donald
"If people know about the
issues, I'm going to win hands
down," Dunn said at a news
conference, at which he refused to
discuss either his poor standing in
the polls or his campaign's finan-
cial condition.
your complete costume shop
A selection of Halloween ideas:
Medieval Lord and Lady:
a popular couple's costume
Knave of Hearts:
r .-
Krumm to direct
business operations
William Krumm, former director'
of the University's financial oper-
ations, has been appointed director of
business operations. He replaces
John Weidenbach, who was named
the University's associate athletics
director last April.
those are combined with his dedi-
cation and devotion to the Univer-
sity, the results will be exceptionaly
Krumm has worked at the
University since 1966, when he
began as an accountant. He has
served as director of financial opera-
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Tickets are on sale at the
Michigan Union Ticket
Office, PJ's Used Records,
Schoolkids' Records and all
-m outlets. To
charge tickets by phone
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