6 OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, October 26, 1988 The Michigan Daily Puerto Rico still a U.S. colony By Josd Batista, Pedro Bonillo, Jesus Irizarry, Jorge Jimenez, Jose Norat, Ivette Perfecto, Lisa Ruiz It is sad that in this country so little is understood about Puerto Rico. It is espe- cially sad that one of our own compatriots has written a letter that effectively clouds the issues important to our country (Daily, 10/19/88, letter from Mr. Veisquez-Rivera). We shall try to clarify some of the points that Velksquez-Rivera obscured. It is an historical fact that united States troops invaded Puerto Rico in 1898, and have occupied the island ever since. Today the U.S. military occupies 13 percent of our national territory, and the U.S. gov- ernment dominates our civil institutions. That we had been occupied before by the Spanish is hardly relevant(indeed, immediately before the U.S. invasion, Spain granted Puerto Rico autonomy which allowed for more rights as a nation than we have ever had under U. S. colonial rule). At the time that other Latin Ameri- can countries were gaining their indepen- dence, Puerto Rico (along with Cuba) was retained as a colony of the United States. That Veldsquez-Rivera apparently does not know this history, despite his Puerto-Ri- can heritage, only speaks to the political 'bias that exists in the school systems of « The authors are members of the Puerto ican Solidarity Organization. both the United States and Puerto Rico, not unexpected in a colonial system. It is true that in 1917 Puerto Ricans were declared U.S. citizens(by the way, we were not asked, it was by decree from Washington). Is it not also true that the United States entered World War I shortly thereafter? And let us not forget that, in proportion to their population, more Puerto Ricans than other group died fight- ing in Korea and Vietnam. Just as Native Americans have been quite "free" to be cannon fodder in the Gringo's wars, Puerto Ricans have the "right" to be drafted but not the right to vote for the presidents that declare these drafts. But could we possibly come up with a better Orwellian twist than the suggestion that because two million Puerto Ricans live in the United States they do not want independence? Does this mean that the Cubans, Jamaicans, Haitians, Mexicans, El Salvadoreans, Guatemalans, and many other economic and political refugees that currently live in the United States want. their countries to be colonies of the United States. Forty percent of the Puerto Rican population lives in the United States be- cause life in Puerto Rico is difficult. Our official unemployment rate is 20 percent, but most honest observers put the actual rate at closer to forty percent. Our industry exists only because a handful of multina- tional corporations take advantage of giveaway tax breaks, and our agriculture has been completely destroyed. Yes Puerto Ricans migrate to the United States escaping difficult conditions, just as Mex- icans do. Velhsquez-Rivera apparently is confused, as are many U.S. citizens, about the political status of Puerto Rico. There are three status options for Puerto Rico: An independent country, a state of the United States, or a colony (in official newspeak, colony is called commonwealth or "free associated state," an important propaganda point since few would agree to be a "colony," but commonwealth sounds more acceptable, "free associated state" even better). There are two main political par- ties in Puerto Rico and numerous minor ones. The question of official status is neither officially nor informally associated with either of these political parties. Indi- vidual Puerto Ricans feel strongly about the question of political status indepen- dently of their party affiliations. Several of the signatories to this letter voted for the Popular Democratic party in the past (presumably the party that Velasquez- Rivera refers to as the pro-commonwealth party), yet none of us supports the colo- nial status of Puerto Rico. While it is probably true that the majority of pro- statehooders on the island belong to the New Progressive party, it is by no means true that all the members of that party are pro-statehood. The only party that offi- cially and actually has the political status question at the foundation of its existence is the Puerto Rican Independence Party (Partido Independentista Puertorriqueno), to which none of us belongs, in spite of the fact that we are all independence ac- tivists. Do not be deceived by those who wish to cloud the issue of political status by associating it with current official po- litical parties. But even if current political parties in Puerto Rico were unequivocally aligned with one or another political status, a vote under current political conditions would not be possible, according to international law. According to the United Nations, colonial elections are illegal. National sovereignty is an inalienable right and cannot be contravened through colonial elections, which is why the United Na- tions has ordered the U. S. to transfer pride and commitment to national identity, to anyone who regards themselves as a true patriot. We are Puerto Ricans and we are proud. We are willing to fight for our country. Is this so surprising? Would not the vast majority of U.S. citizens say the same thing? As the many popular ac- counts of the Soviet invasions of the U.S. (e.g. Red Dawn) suggest, U.S. citizens would defend their country and resist the invasion with their lives, even if it dragged on for 90 years. We Puerto Ricans I I 'U.S. citizens would defend their country and resist their inva- sion with their lives, even if it dragged on for 90 years. We Puerto Ricans are doing nothing more, and have been for 90 years. sovereign powers to Puerto Rico and al- low the Puerto Rican people to decide what sort of relationship we want with the U.S. For any sort of elections to decide about political status, the U.S. must first decolonize the country. When Puerto Ricans vote today in Puerto Rico they vote for particular candi- dates for a variety of issues, the vast ma- jority having to do with national (i.e. Puerto Rican) questions, and having noth- ing whatsoever to do with the political status question. On the other hand, there is a popular slogan, not published or official, but known to every Puerto Rican in the world - "En el corazon de cada Puertor- riqueno hay un independentista "(In the heart of every Puerto Rican is an indepen- dence fighter). What this means is not surprising to anyone who feels a sense of are doing nothing more, and have been for 90 years. While many U.S. citizens (and apparently even some Puerto Ricans) do not know this, it is certainly the case that U.S. intelligence agencies do. If the Puerto Rican independence movement were nothing more than a "small vocal minority" it would not be the subject of continual political harassment and attack from the FBI. Indeed the fact that the vocal ones are in the minority is a consequence of the long history of repression of inde- pendence workers. A striking example of that repression will be discussed by one of its victims today at 7:30 in the East Con- ference room of the Rackham building. We urge all who wish to learn about the situation in Puerto Rico to attend this session. That includes you, Senor VelSsquez-Rivera. a I - I k 4MitbIgaflIBadQ Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Disabilities conceal assaults 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor MI 48109 Vol. IC No.35 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Libeaebirth eraacontrol THE UNIVERSITY'S Health Services will make a new form of birth control - the cervical cap - available to women next week. But the procedure which Health Services uses for the dispensation of prescription birth con- trol requires women to attend a two 'hour lecture before they can make an appointment to get a prescription. Although the cervical cap was re- cently approved as safe and effective, it simply adds to the list of birth control devises which place the responsibility upon women. Health Services dis- penses condoms, however, without a mandatory lecture and free of charge. Because women are the only people who must get prescriptions for birth control they are the only people forced to attend this lecture. The consequences of a mandatory lecture are patronizing and offensive, and it is a minimally ef- fective way of educating people about birth control. When women seek birth control it is a personal and serious event in their lives which requires individualized care and has different implications for every woman. No one should be forced to discuss these issues in an open forum. One of Health Services justifications for this mandatory lecture is efficiency. They claim that because of the time factor involved it is not possible for women to have individual counseling within the context of their scheduled appointments. This is an unacceptable excuse. Through tuition, students at the Uni- versity pay for health care. If Health Services is unprepared to deal with the individual needs of students it is their responsibility to create a staff which is large enough and effective enough to provide personal, individualized care. Another justification for this policy is education. While it is necessary for people to be educated about birth con- trol, Health Services is doing a poor job of it: only requiring women to at- tend this lecture. Not only does Health Services allow men to be completely removed from the educational process, it presupposes that every woman seeking birth control is uninformed. This serves only to alien- ate women, and, combined with the public nature of the discussion, could cause women to not seek birth control from Health Services. Health Services could more effec- tively use their time and energy to edu- cate people about the issues which sur- round birth control. Coordinating pro- grams in dormitories or at orientation for new students would reach more students, and would also encourage men to become educated about birth control. Birth control should be dispensed free of charge and without mandatory lectures. By Patricia Krohn During court proceedings, a blind woman was not allowed to touch the face of her assailant in order to identify him. The assailant went free. A man, severely disabled with Cerebral Palsy, was sexually assaulted by his personal care assistant. He never told any- one. He was afraid that he would have to go back into a nursing home. A mentally retarded woman tried to tell about the neighbor who was touching her on her "private parts." She wanted him to stop. The people she told found it "difficult to believe." Sexual assault is a common experience of people who have disabilities. While the reporting rates tend to be low, the Seattle Rape Relief Project found that 75 percent of the disabled people they studied had been sexually assaulted at least once. Of these, 99 percent of the time, the assailant was known to the survivor. There has been little attention given to the problem of sexual assault of persons with disabili- ties. Much of the invisibility of the victim- ization comes from the lack of informa- tion about sexual assault of people with disabilities. Crime statistics do not reflect the disability as they do other demographic features, such as age, gender, and race. The numbers are lost and so the reality of the issue goes unrecognized. Additionally, there are numerous disin- centives for persons who have disabilities to report the sexual assault. All the factors that keep non-disabled women from reporting also effect people with disabili- ties. The perceived lack of criminal justice Patricia Krohn is Director of the Washt- enaw County Assault Crisis Center. response, the victim blaming, and the feelings of guilt and responsibility for the assault, make reporting difficult: For peo- ple with disabilities, the focus becomes their disability rather than the crime that was committed. Added to the victim blaming, the blame is placed on the dis- ability itself as the factor for the assault. The blind woman may, indeed, be able to identify her assailant by touching his face. Although the means for identification may be different from those who rely on vision, it is an ability that she possesses. Reporting sexual assault is especially difficult for the person with a disability the truth of what she says or the reality of the sexual assault. To begin to address the problem, ser- vices for sexual assault prevention and ed- ucation should be available for persons who are differently abled. Workshops and classes are commonly held in inaccessible places, making it impossible for some people to attend. The lack of transporta- tion is also a contributing barrier to full utilization of these programs. More educational material on sexual assault needs to be modified to address the unique or special needs that a disabled person might have. Self-defense courses can be 'For people with disabilities, the focus becomes their disability rather than the crime that was committed. Added to the victim blaming, the blame is placed on for the assault.' the disability itself as the factor q who is assaulted by the personal care at- tendant. The ability to live independently is called into question as a result of the sexual assault. The very real fear of insti- tutionalization influences the reporting of the sexual assault. When the proposed so- lution is to remove the person with the disability from the community, it counters the fact that they have abilities that make them important, contributing members. It also negates the fact that the places tradi- tionally available to "protect" the disabled, such as nursing homes, group homes, etc., have historically been. sources of abuse. The woman who is mentally retarded is well aware of her experience. She may use language that is familiar to her in talking about the assault, rather than using "proper terms." But that does not diminish designed for persons with disabilities. Al- ternatives to standard moves that accom- modate and emphasize the abilities of the person are difficult to explore but can be developed with an understanding of disabilities. The risks for sexual assault are not just the result of the disability as some would believe. It is the outcome of an assailant's power over the victim in an environment of secrecy. To break the secrecy, the per- son with the disability needs to be be- lieved, needs to be see as credible. People with disabilities need to have greater ac- cess to educational information, to support services, and access to recourse through the criminal justice system. Together, centers for independent living and rape cri- sis centers can get the word out and begin to move toward the remedies. ett rs + the a r _ . F ~ -- r r' ----- i ' . - . . $ 4 I r -T & A M v*6og Soo ,l 9jjOO / Education about rape To the Daily: At least three rapes have oc- curred in the past two weeks, and the police have suggested a connection between at least two of the rapes. Yet only a handful of people are aware of this and more importantly, fewer are aware of the implica- tion of that statement, in re- gards to women's personal 0 'af-t tails to this topic. Another reason that this is being kept quite is to protect the University, our precious university. The University doesn't want its name associ- ated with something as horrible as rape, despite its occurrence. Additionally publicity would cause the University to ac- knowledge a problem that it has tried to deny for so long. Now is the time for the community to become mobi- lized to try and achieve mean- ingful change, that will make all of our lives better. be done, women shouldn't have to live in fear. -Pamela Linnemann October 22 Vote for right to choose To the Daily: I am sick of hearing how people don't want their tax dollars spent on something they are morally against. I am morally against my tax dollars going towards weapon's re- oppression of human rights that is most obviously sexist but also socio-economically biased. Will their (those "morally opposed" individuals) consciences be appeased when these unwanted children are abandoned at birth in a trash hopper or are abused and ne- glected as they grow? And yes, "unwanted"is the correct word. The infamous "5-year waiting lists" to adopt infants are due to the high demand for healthy, white children. You and i know that in most cases, wel- fare mothers are most likely not going to produce a healthy, VA$ tDA SIG D AMX \ INAVS SM DW ES I