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October 21, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-10-21

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In Weekend Magazine:

special issue:

and surrealism

Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom

Vol. IC, No. 32

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 21, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

Ford plugs public


Former President Gerald Ford and Former
Federal Reserve Board Chair Paul Volcker urged
about 150 students yesterday to pursue careers in
public service during a forum at the Gerald R.
Ford Presidential Library on North Campus.
Ford and Volcker were two members of an
eight-person panel from The National Commis-
sion on the Public Service - a group of 37 cur-
rent and former leaders in government, business,
labor, and academia - formed to combat what
they call the "quiet crisis," in which fewer high
quality public servants seem to be entering gov-
Yesterday's forum was one in a national series

of dialogues with prospective civil servants and
current government employees, designed to as-
sess attitudes toward public service and what im-
provements can be made.
Students, mostly from the Institute for Public
Policy Studies, brought up a number of con-
cerns, but the relatively low income of civil ser-
vants seemed to draw the most attention.
Members of the panel, particularly Norman
Ornstein, agreed that low pay is a major reason
why the "best and brightest" avoid public service
and lower the quality of government. Ornstein is
resident scholar of the American Enterprise Insti-
But others thought money was a secondary
consideration to the job rewards that come with

public service.
"I've been in civil service all my life. I have
no money. But others envy the experiences I've
had," said Robert Schaetzel, former Ambassador
to the European Economic Community.
Volcker said the commission wants to address
the concern, also brought up by students yester-
day, that the clout of political appointees over-
shadow the role of career bureaucrats.
Participants also said students often choose
private sector employers because the government
agencies do not recruit as aggressively.
"The only government agency I'm familiar
with recruiting is the Central Intelligence
Agency, which is not welcomed around here,"
Ford said.

... lauds public service

talk on
Ann Arbor-area candidates for the
U.S. Congress and the state legisla-
ture tried to woo local business lead-
ers yesterday with promises of in-
creased access to capital, more com-
munication on issues like child care
and minimum wage, and no tax in-
creases, during a Chamber of Com-
merce candidate forum.
State Sen. Lana Pollack, a
Democrat running against U. S. Rep.
Carl Pursell for Michigan's Second
Congressional District seat, presented
a five-point stance on business to
over 150 businesspeople gathered at
the Ann Arbor Inn.
She called for a "level playing
field," of fairness and equality in in-
ternational business dealings, aid to
education, increased access to capital
for businesses, keeping business
costs competitive, and support of
further growth in science and tech-
While Pollack said she favors a
program of comprehensive health
care to be available for people with-
out it, she said she is "not crazy
about mandating health care to busi-
ness" because it could increase busi-
ness costs.
Pursell was unable to attend be-
cause Congress is still in session. "It
would be nice to have him back,"
press secretary Gary Cates said. "I
don't know if we're necessarily being
hurt (by his absence)."
Cynthia Hudgins, administrative
assistant for Pursell's Ann Arbor of-
fice, spoke for the representative.
"The record of Carl Pursell on behalf
of business is an excellent one," she
said, encouraging companies to con-
tact his staff on issues like mandated
health care benefits, parental leave
and child care, and the possibility of
See Politics, Page 2

'U' state
FLINT - The State Legislature
spends more money on each impris-
oned criminal than it does on each
University of Michigan student ev-
ery year, Regent Philip Power (D-
Ann Arbor) told the University's
Board of Regents yesterday.
"A policy where kids in state
colleges and universities are worth
less than a quarter of what criminals
(are worth) is a very bizarre policy
indeed," Power said during the
monthly regents' meeting.
Power said the state spends about
$20,000 per prisoner, but only
$4,403 per University student.
Spokespeople from the Michigan
Department of Corrections and the
Office of State Rep. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) confirmed those fig-
ures yesterday.
But State Rep. Morris Hood (D-
Detroit), chair of the House Appro-
priations Subcommittee on Higher
Education, said in a telephone inter-
view that Power was "shooting from
the hip, and he's got diarrhea of the
mouth." He asserted that the money
for prisoners comes from state
bonds, not the general fund, which
funds higher education. Hood in-
sisted that Power was "totally igno-
rant of the facts."
Power, however, said last night
that the operating costs to maintain
tlii'prison sysem and fund higher
education both come from the state's
general fund. He said Hood may have
confused such prison costs with
building prisons, which come from
capital outlay funds.
Power added, "I'll leave the per-
sonal invective to him (Hood)."
Every year, University and state
officials clash over the University's
state funding. And every year, Uni-
versity officials come back with less
money from the state than they re-
As a result, the University raises
student tuition, which in turn irks
state legislators. This conflict often
leads to harsh exchanges between
Lansing and Ann Arbor.
Today, the regents will vote on
their first proposal to the state in the
year-long budget formation process.
They postponed the vote yesterday in
order to hear testimony on tuition
increases during the post-meeting
PublicComments Session. But their
reasons became moot when two stu-
dents scheduled to speak about tu-
ition didn't show up at the Flint
This year, the request will be a
little different. Unlike past proposals
- which asked for a set increase to
meet University needs - the regents
will base their request on the state's
growth rate.
Based on a 6 percent state eco-
nomic growth estimate - which
may be a little high, according to the
University's state budget proposal
- the regents will request an 8 per-
cent increase from last year's state

See Budget, Page 2

Vote for Nobody
The Vicious Hippies, in an afternoon concert on the Diag, advocate voting for Nobody in the upcoming presidential
election as a way to express dissatisfaction with candidates who don't care about important issues. See Story, Page 3.

N. Irish-
LONDON (AP) - Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher's govern-
ment announced yesterday it will
abolish the right of suspects in
Northern Ireland to remain silent
under police questioning ending a
centuries-old pillar of British juris-
prudence. The House of Commons
said it planned to introduce similar
restrictions in England and Wales.
Effective early next year, this
latest measure in Britain's crackdown
on the Irish Republican Army pro-
voked outcries that historic civil
liberties are crumbling in Britain. It

lose right to stay silent

followed Wednesday's government
ban on broadcast interviews with
members of the outlawed IRA and 10
other militant groups in Northern
"Members of terrorist organiza-
tions are being trained to refuse to
respond to questions put by the po-
lice and this technique is increasingly
being adopted by those suspected of
serious crimes, including racket-
eering," Northern Ireland Secretary
Tom King said. "Justice is being
thwarted," he said.
At present, courts are not allowed

to take into consideration that a sus-
pect refused to answer police ques-
King said under the new law a
judge will be able to draw from si-
lence "whatever inferences appear
This means a court can regard an
accused's refusal to answer police as
an indication of guilt.
King said the change will be aim-
ed particularly at suspects who refuse
to respond when arrested and then
come up in court with a defense they
could have put forward immediately.

The new measure was virtually
certain of passage in the 650-member
Commons where Thatcher's Con-
servatives have a 101-seat majority.
Opposition Labor Party deputy
leader Roy Hattersley said the right
to silence was "an essential element
of a free society."
"To abolish the right to silence is
to place a terrible risk against those
who are verbally inadequate, those
who are afraid, who simply are
cautious and wish to speak to a
solicitor (lawyer) before saying
anything," Hattersley said.

Deposed leader Marcos
faces U.S. indictment,

government plans to seek an indictment today
of deposed Philippine President Ferdinand
Marcos on racketeering and fraud charges, fed-
eral sources familiar with a criminal invest-
gation of Marcos said yesterday.
U.S President Ronald Reagan, meanwhile,
indicated he would not intervene to stop a Mar-
cos indictment.
The charges would stem from a probe of al-
egations that Marcos stole enormous sums of
money from the Philippines and then engaged
in a series of illegal transactions with the funds
after fleeing to the United States.
The decision to take the matter to a federal
mrn A r..". .. T.... . - I -_ _ _ --

U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, whose of-
fice has been investigating Marcos, declined to
comment when asked by a reporter in New
York about his plans.

In Honolulu, Marcos spokesperson Gemmo49
Trinidad refused to comment on the report of Removal of the "A woman was
impending indictment and when asked if Mar- raped here" signs constitutes de-
cos knew, and what his reaction was, said: nial of the reality of rape
"He's been talking to his lawyers, so he See Opinion, Page 4
must know."
Of plea bargaining discussions, Trinidad said You can't hear him on com-
that "It's been all over the papers," adding , "I raercial radio, so don't miss Gil
didn't know about any deadline." Scott-Heren live this weekend.
In June 1986, four months after Marcos fled See Arts, Page 7

A U.

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