Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom Vol. 1C, No. 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 20, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily '89-90 tuition may BY STEVE KNOPPER Student tuition may increase an- other 9 percent next year if the Uni- versity's first budget request to the state goes as planned. Today, the University's Board of Regents will unveil its initial request for 1989-90 state funding - the first step in a yearlong budget formulating process.. If the regents approve the pro- posal during their monthly meeting in Flint today, they will forward their request to the State Legislature for negotiation. But the initial figures may not look anything like the final Univer- sity budget - usually completed in September. "If it were an ideal world, this is how it would be," said Vice Presi- dent for Government Relations Richard Kennedy. "It is not a perfect world." This year the University is taking a different strategy to increase its state funding. In recent years, Uni- versity officials lobbied state law- makers for more funding than they needed, anticipating that state politi- cians - working under their own budget crunch - would give them less than their request. They would then increase tuition to make up the difference. Instead of requesting a certain amount of money to meet its own go up 9% Regents to vote on state request needs, this year the University will ask for 2 percent more than the state's own growth rate. For example, if .the state's econ- omy grows by 6 percent next year - an optimistic estimate, according to the executive report of the Univer- sity's budget request - the Univer- sity will ask for an 8 percent increase in state funding. Such a request would be more plausible than the University's past efforts, said State Sen. William Sederburg (R-East Lansing), chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcom- mittee on Higher Education. "It may be overly optimistic, but neverthe- less, it's realistic," he said. "That's one of the more realistic budget re- quests made by the University in some time." granted that request, the University would not have raised tuition at all. Instead, the state gave the University a 2.7 percent increase, even lower than the University's ex- pectations. To balance the budget, the University raised the total tuition pool by 12 percent This year, out-of-state students are paying 12 percent more than last year. In-state students are paying 7.5 percent more, and all students have paid an additional $30 in fees, or $60 per student. Recently, students have suffered from skyrocketing tuition - a 25 percent boost over the last three years. "It's going to come out of stu- dents' hides again," said LSA first- year student Will Curl, a member of the Michigan Student Assembly's External Relations Committee. Based on a 6 percent increase in overall state revenue, a 9 percent tu- ition increase would balance next year's University's budget, accord- ing to the proposal. But if the state economy grows less than 6 percent, tuition could go up higher. According to the executive report, the University will increase its spending by $51 million. Of that, the University needs $33 million to maintain its current activities. State appropriations and tuition See Request, Page 3 Here, drink this KAREN HANDELMAN/Daily LSA sophomore Angela Andresen, Alpha Phi sorority member, hands out free apple cider as part of The Pan Hellenic Association's participation in Alcohol Awareness Week. I. i Rapes could be linked BY NATHAN SMITH Ann Arbor police said yesterday there is "very little doubt" that a man who sexually assaulted a woman at gunpoint in her South Forest Street apartment Tuesday also raped a Vaughn Street woman about three weeks ago. Lt. Dale Heath said the descrip- tions of the attackers in each case are similar, both assaults occurred during the day and both involved a gun. Sgt. Thomas Caldwell said there "isn't very much doubt that it is the same perpetrator." Sgt. Jan Suomala said a woman was in her room at the apartment complex in the 700 block of S. For- est at about 12:30 p.m. Tuesday when a man entered, pulled out a handgun and sexually assaulted her. The man fled the apartment after the victim told him that her room- mate was returning home, Suomala See Rapes, Page 2 Last year,1 quested an 11 crease from the the University re- percent budget in- state. If the state had Bush talks defense " Police delay new gun policy at UM. BY NOAH FINKEL AND LAURA SAGOLLA SPECIAL TO THE DAILY DEARBORN - The last time George Bush spoke at a Univer- sity of Michigan campus, he was nearly drowned out by protesters here in Ann Arbor. But yesterday Bush picked a slightly different - and more re- served - venue for a campaign stop: the University of Michigan- Dearborn Ice Arena. And rather than celebrate the anniversary of the Peace Corps - as Bush did here in 1985 - the vice president delivered a speech on defense and foreign policy in front of 3,500 UM-Dearborn stu- dents, veterans, and Republican party leaders. Bush strayed from his usual stump speech topics like the Pledge of Allegiance and prison furloughs. "This is not an event for polit- ical rhetoric," he said, outlining Dearborn what he thought the differences were between him and Democratic Presidential Candidate Michael Dukakis on Soviet relations. "The liberal Massachusetts governor seems to think that all we need to do is offer Moscow economic inducements and a less aggressive, less threatening, So- viet Union will be the result. He is wrong. "Instead, our course must be steady, consistent, and realistic... Let me be clear: Peace through strength works." Bush then made a pitch for a closer military alliance between the U.S. and Western Europe, challenging Dukakis: "Today, I call upon my opponent to join me in a bipartisan reaffirmation that we are not going to reduce our troops in Europe unilaterally!" Although Bush's speech was repeatedly interrupted by thou- sands of protesters outside the Michigan Union when he was in Ann Arbor three years ago, the Dearborn crowd seemed very re- ceptive to his visit yesterday. "The students here are thrilled, surprised, and honored that he would show up here," said Doug Donakowski, a senior in UM- Dearborn's Engineering school. Even UM-Dearborn's College Democrats were excited. "It gives a good reputation to our university," said Scott James, a member of the College Dems. Before the speech, a group of 25 Democrats rallied outside the arena, chanting "Bush-Quayle- Just Say No" and "Bush-Quayle- Ayatollah." Inside, the group dis- played their pro-Dukakis posters, but remained silent. The stop was Bush's second visit to the Dearborn campus. He appeared there in 1980 while run- ning for the Republican presiden- tial nomination. Tom Scharfenberg, President Bush of the UM-Dearborn Student Government, said Bush came to the campus because of its proximity to Detroit's Metro Air- port and its generally conservative climate. University Regent Dean Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said Bush opted for Dearborn over Ann Arbor because of his tight schedule. Baker said that in 1985 Bush was "treated rudely and poorly" when he visited Ann Arbor. "We'll bring him to Ann Arbor when he's President," added Baker, who. is running for re- election to the Board of Regents. BY MARK KOLAR The Ann Arbor police decided yesterday to delay its proposal to al- low police officers to carry 9mm semi-automatic weapons. The police administration made the decision voluntarily, though the department did feel some pressure from the Ann Arbor city council, said Ann Arbor police Lt. Gerald Miller. "The city council decided to make it an issue," he said. Miller stressed that the weapons mentioned under the policy are semi- automatic handguns, not fully auto- matic ones. Only one bullet at a time will fire when an officer squeezes the trigger, not a "spray of bullets," he said. "The state police are going to is- sue these weapons on the first of the year," Miller said, adding, "we're not out of line by asking to equip our of- ficers with the same types of weapons they meet on the street." City council member Ann Marie Coleman (D-First Ward) said she was glad the policy was put on hold. She said she wants to hear more discussion on the semi-automatic issue before forming an opinion. "I think it's an item we need to be very concerned with," she said. Coleman added that she wanted to know how the officers will be trained, and why the council wasn't consulted before police made the de- cision in early October. City council member Kathy Ed- gren (D-Fifth Ward) felt today's decision was appropriate because it would give more time for public dis- cussion and further analysis. "I'd like to have more information about why they feel they need (the new guns)," she said. Edgren added that the city could face lawsuits if any officers used the semi- automatics improperly, and that she was concerned about the type of weapons training the officers would receive. "We hope that our police would be trained adequately to use the guns," she said. Republican city council member Jerry Schleicher (First Ward) said he was disappointed by yesterday's po- lice decision. Schleicher said the police depart- ment is entrusted with protecting the public, and that the semi-automatic proposal is a "volunteer policy by the police." "It's really not a council policy to make a determination of what type of equipment police should use," he said, adding that the new weapons will cost the city nothing because the officers must buy their own semi-au- tomatics. Edgren said the council would probably discuss the semi-automatic policy at a meeting in early Novem- ber before passing any resolutions concerning the weapons. a New students miss orientation BY NOELLE SHADWICK Participants at an informal minor- ity student orientation program held last night in the Michigan League discussed current University issues and ways for new students to get in- volved in activities outside the class- room. Although few undergraduates at- tended the program, many graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni showed up for the two-hour event. A variety of topics focusing on students' ability to succeed in the University were discussed. Low self-esteem is one of the pit- falls students commonly face at the University, participants said. others are waiting for you to fail," he said. Participants agreed that students need a strong support system. To See Miss, Page 2 Lawmakers assail nuclear plant safety WASHINGTON (AP) - Twelve lawmakers, worried that the nation's nuclear deterrent may be compromised by safety problems at American weapons plants, asked U.S. President Ronald Reagan yes- terday to reassure Congress the the Savannah River plant near Aik- en, S.C., in August after the plant operator, Du Pont Co., ignored an unexplained power surge while re- starting the reactor. Recent congressional testimony