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October 19, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-10-19

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom

Vol. tC, No. 30

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 19, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

Michigan basketball player Sean
Higgins may soon find himself
embroiled in the midst of what is
potentially the largest college bas-
ketball scandal in recent history.
The National Collegiate Athletic
Association released 18 allegations
against the University of Kentucky
basketball program over the weekend,
several of which reportedly involve
No names have been released in
conjunction with the allegations, but
Kentucky Colonel Sports Editor
Tom Spalding, who is familiar with
the investigation, said, "It is just a
matter of time before Higgins' name;
formally comes out."
Higgins is unavailable for com-
ment, as Michigan basketball coach
Bill Frieder refuses to let him talk to
the media.
"I'm not going to let Sean talk,"
Frieder said last night. "He talked to
the NCAA and Kentuckytalked to
"This would have been much 9
easier if Sean had just said there was Associated Press
nothing irregular in his recruitment." Gov. James Blanchard greets Democratic presidential candidate Mike Dukakis yesterday at
See Higgins, Page 10 Western Michigan University. Dukakis was in Michigan for nearly the whole day.


Mi c h
Michael Dukakis made his
seventh campaign stop in Michigan
yesterday, confidently asking cheer-
ing supporters, "Is there any doubt
we're going to win Michigan?"
In his second appearance at Wes-
tern Michigan University, the
Democratic presidential nominee
went on the offensive, saying Re-
publican George Bush has "the flags,
the balloons. But no convictions, no
ideas, and no plans."
Acknowledging that he is the
underdog in the presidential race,
Dukakis told a crowd of about 600
that the Republican are already
"popping the champagne corks in
their penthouses."
Despite polls showing Bush with'
an increasing lead over Dukakis, the
Massachusetts governor made it
clear he was not giving up the fight.
"I've got news for those Repub-
licans: we're going to be the ones
doing the celebrating on Election
Night," Dukakis said.


Later, Dukakis toured the Mc-
Louth Steel Corp. plant in Trenton,
south of Detroit, and spoke to about
1,000 workers at the employee-
owned plant.
Dukakis also picked up on his
"good jobs at good wages" theme at
the plant. He told the cheering steel-
workers, "These are jobs we're
looking for. Jobs that put dinner on
the table for you and your family.
We can't be a country where we're
all flipping hamburgers and taking in
each other's laundry for $3.35 an
Yesterday evening, Dukakis
spoke to 2,000 supporters at a fund-
raiser at Cobo Hall in Detroit. The
event was closed to the media.
Supporters paid $300 each to hear
Dukakis' speech and $5,000 per
couple to dine with the Democratic
nominee afterwards.
Attendees, all Dukakis supporters,
appeared impressed.
See Dukakis, Page 2

Ferraro speaks to 300 at 'U'

Former Vice Presidential Candidate Geraldine
Ferraro, speaking to nearly 300 people at
Rackham last night, expressed confidence that a
representative number of women in this country
will eventually enter high political offices.
"We have not yet achieved equal opportunity
with men, but voters are learning. With our help
they'll get there, and so will we. It is just a
matter of time," she said.
"Someday a woman will be elected to office
not because she is a woman or in spite of the fact
that she is a woman, but because she has the
confidence of the U.S. that she can lead," she
Women must be willing to take the risk of
running for public office if they are going to
increase their limited presence in the political
world, she said. Using a technique she said she
"borrowed from Reagan," Ferraro "talked about
the movies" to illustrate her point.

In the movie, Chariots of Fire, one of the
characters considering running a race said, "If I
can't win, I don't want to run." His wife retorted,
"If you don't run, you can't win."
Even when a woman's campaign is
unsuccessful, and she does not win, her campaign
has nevertheless been worthwhile, Ferraro said.
The campaigning has been "like throwing a stone
in a lake."The ripple effect is felt everywhere."
Ferraro added that "the current administration
is hostile to women's issues," which is one
reason why women must seek to better represent
themselves. Women have a definite political
agenda of their own which men now in power
will not address, she said.
This "gender gap," which is strongly
Democratic, is incredibly powerful, Ferraro
noted. Had there been no gender gap, the
Republicans would have achieved majority in
Congress - and with such a majority, Congress
would have elected Robert Bork to Supreme

Court Justice, she said. Women must note this
collective power and begin to use it.
Ferraro expressed disgust not only with the
current administration but also with perceptions
of women in the political world as a whole.
When a reporter approached her during her
campaign, Ferraro was dismayed to find he did
not want to question her about the gender gap, or
other issues women leaders considered important
that year, but instead asked for her to "take a
position on miniskirts."
In response to a question from the audience,
Ferraro recommended the University create a
"consciousness-raising program" to combat
racism and sexism here. She said the program
would be similar to one she knew of at The
University of South Florida, in which students
spend a week "studying prejudice." She suggested
the University attempt to anticipate racism,
rather than simply react to individual occurrences.

Former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro spoke last night
about women in politics at Rackham Auditorium.

Israeli Chief Justice
recognizes the P.L.O.

Israeli Chief Justice Jonathan
Livny yesterday paid an unexpected
visit to the Law School and delivered
an equally unexpected message to
about 50 students who attended.
Livny, who is currently touring
the United States, said the only real
solution to the uprising and
continuing violence in the occupied
territories of the West Bank and Gaza
Strip is direct negotiations with the
"Israel will have to cut a deal
with the Palestinians, and the Pales-
tinians are represented by the
P.L.O.," he said. "We must be will-
ing to accept a Palestinian leadership
(in the occupied territories) if we are
to negotiate a political settlement."
Livny, who is Chief Justice of
the West Bank's Military Court, said

he is likely to lose his job when he
returns to the West Bank. "What I
say is regarded as blasphemy (in Is-
rael)," he said. "But we are looking
for a Zionist Palestinian leadership,"
of which we will never find.
Livny's radical departure from
standard Israeli policy towards the
P.L.O came after a short analysis of
the Israeli legal system and its han-
dling of the Palestinian uprising.
Israel is experiencing a "total
breakdown of the legal system in the
West Bank," he said. "The legal
system is not built to handle an up-
rising of a population, and cannot be
handled by courts of law."
Livny focused on a part of the le-
gal system that has been under
scrutiny from, among others,
Amnesty International. According to

Amnesty, Israeli soldiers routinely
arrest those they suspect are "leaders"
behind the uprising and those who
throw rocks. After arrest, the
protestors are subsequently detained
without charges for up to six
They are detained for "long peri-
ods of time," Livny said, because of
the courts' inability to deal with the
increasing number of those arrested.
According to Livny, around 8,000
Palestinians have been arrested and
detained, although the current system
is only able to accommodate up to
To "make room," he explained,
makeshift camps have been created
for the detainees. These detainees
usually remain in the camps for
See Chief, Page 5

Paper chase ROBIN LOZNAK/Doily
A group of students gather at the University Law School information
table during Pre-law day in the Union Ballroom yesterday. About 800
students attended the event. See Story, page 5.

The LSA curriculum committee
yesterday expressed its approval for
the contents of University course
299 - proposed earlier this month
as a college-wide course on racism
- but have yet to decide whether the
course should be required for all LSA
students, committee members said.
After two hours of discussion, the
committee motioned to recommend
the course to the LSA executive
committee with two suggestions:
Only faculty or graduate teaching
assistants should lead the class
discussions; and the course should be
supervised by a committee of faculty
But last night, some of the
faculty members who developed and
proposed the course said they also
want students included in its
"It will be important to keep
students involved in running the.
course," said Philosophy Prof. Liz
Anderson. "We want that
acknowledgement that students are
central to its success, that students
have been the most vigilant agents

Students simulate stock market

One year after the infamo 's
"Black Monday" crash, more than
15,000 college students will be
competing for $25,000 in a simu-
lated stock market contest.
They will be participating in the
first annual AT&T Collegiate In-

15,000 to compete for cash
prizes in national contest

students to experience situations they
normallywouldn't encounter.
Andrew Krasner, a business
school junior, is more skeptical
about the educational value of the
competition. "Without a whole lot of
knowledge, the competition is
mostly guesswork," he said. "If they

will be the winner.
The challenge was conceived by
former Boston stockbroker Tim

ment in itself. "The college market is
important to us," he said. "College
students make a lot of long distance

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