Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 10, 1988 -
The University of Michigan Union October 10 to October 16, 1988
Pocket Money
... and a great social life,
exciting and fascinating
interactions with people, and
free admission to the U-Club
are yours if you qualify to
work for Michigan Union
Food Servi . Lots of
different ki of positions
are available. Come to
Room 2400 or Room 1310
Michigan Union Monday
through Friday, 8am-5pm,
for an application!'
An equal opportunity, af-
firmative action employer.
. ....
While they're waiting in the welfare lines
Standing at the doorsteps of those armies
of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
.Sitting around waiting for a promotion...
Volunteer of the Week:
Patric McFarlane
Tracy Chapman,
Talkin'About a Revolution
1 hYL
You must know how to
recognize, appreciate, and
obtain sharp tools if you
are to be a woodworker.
"Little Jim" is one of the
best sharpeners on the
planet. Let him show you
Student Woodshop Wed-
nesday Workshop
with Brian "Little Jim"
October 12, 7-10pm
$5.00 registration fee
The Woodshop, a part of
the Michigan Union Office
of Arts & Programming, is
located on the Thompson
St. side of the SAB. Call
763-4025 for details.
Tracy Chapman shouldn't
have to sing about this.
There just shouldn't be
people' who can't read,
people who don't have a
house to live in, children from
broken homes, people who
can't see. But there, are.
And you can help them.
Don't just listen to the radio
and wring your hands.
Volunteer to help people.
It's .so easy-call Project
Project SERVE--Students
in Educationally Rewarding
Volunteer Experiences-
exists to guide you into a
volunteer experience best
suited to your needs. Proj-
ect Coordinator Anita Bohn,
who received her Master's
Degree in Social Work from
U-M last year, says, "Most
people would be thrilled to
help somebody in need. It's
just a question of realizing
how easy it is to help, how
important it is, and how much
they can benefit from it." She
continues, "Project SERVE
will make it so simple for
people to help others, they'll
be involved before they
know it."
Funded by one of the Un-
dergraduate Initiatives
Grants, Michigan Union's
Project SERVE will provide
opportunities for students to
get involved in community
service. Individuals and
student groups will have
access to information about
Patric McFarlane is looking for volunteers. A senior Child
Psych/Education major, McFarlane is an administrator of the Metro
Detroit Youth Foundation's Twelve-Together Program. This program,
held this year at Ann Arbor's Community High School, is designed to
reduce the incidence of hich schoolers dropping out.
"We use retreats, peer counseling, group counseling and home
visits," says McFarlane, "to help make sure that each team of twelve
students makes it through high school-together."
If you're interested in helping Patric McFarlane with this project,
or if you've come to realize that community service can be an impor-
tant part of your life, call Project Community/Project SERVE at 763-
3548 or stop by Room 2205 Michigan Union.
Besides his work with the Twelve Together Program, Patric
McFarlane works with Mott Children's Hospital, SAFE House (a
shelter for abused women and children), is an RA at MoJo, and is a
shift supervisor for Ozone House, a home for runaways.
both ongoing and one-day I
service projects in over 300 I
community agencies and I
University departments. In- I
formation will also be avail- 1
able about independent
study and action research
opportunities as well as the -
possiblility of being teamed
with a faculty/staff member
to work together on a serv-
ice project.
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The University Club
Monday - Friday,
4-8 pm
Happy Hour
Tuesday the 11th:
Reggae Night
with DJ Tom Simonian
Wednesday thel2th:
To be announced
Thursday thel3th:
10:00 pm
Soundstage: Flashback,
sponsored by UAC
Friday the 14th:
9:30 pm
New Music Night
with DJ Tom Simonian
Saturday the 15th,
9:30 pm
Club Night
(New Music and House)
with the Pip
The University Club is a
private club for U-M stu-
dents, faculty, staff,
alumni and their invitod
While Project SERVE plans
to be fully operational in
January, some information
is available now. If you are
interested in volunteer op-
portunities, call Michigan
Union's Project Community/
Project SERVE at 313-763-
Arts in
the Union
; s
au nm
Michigan Union Ticket Office
On Sale Now!
Peter Bellamy
From England. Master of the concertina.
Tuesday, October 11
8pm at the Ark
Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats and Magicians
Non-stop entertainment for the whole family!
Wednesday, October 12
7pm at the Power Center
The Smithereens
New Jersey's greatest rock band
Thursday, October 13
8pm at the Power Center
Bushkin and Batteau
Superb Singer/Songwriters
Outstanding Variety of Music,
athors of "Hp §irm:th nt of Am*.,,,
Open every day.
Service charges where applicable.
"The Beast" Returns!
Sam Kinison
Vile, abrasive and hysterically funny
Sunday, October 16
7:30pm at Hill Auditorium
Billy Bragg
Post-punk protest balladeer
Monday, October 17
7:30 at the Power Center
Latin America's finest
Mercedes Sosa
"The Voice of the Americas"
Wednesday, October 19
8pm at the Power Center
Gil Scott Heron
October's Theme:
The Art of
Music at Midday
Thursday, October 13,
12:15-12:45, Pendleton
John Hildebrandt
Doctor of Musical
Arts(DMA), Piano
Music at Midday happens
every Thursday from
12:15-12:45 in the Pendle-
ton Room. Enjoy an in-
formal, pleasant interlude
with us-you'll find it
much more profitable than
is a half-hour in front of
the (shudder) television
For information on future
performances, watch this
space. For information on