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October 10, 1988 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-10-10

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 10, 1988 - Page 5

Students vie for scholarships

Kurt Heyman, a University
alumnus who is studying law at the
University of Chicago, says he
wants to run for Congress someday.
Heyman is one of seven Univer-
sity students who have received the
Harry Truman Scholarship - a
merit-based award that sponsors col-
lege sophomores who want to pur-
sue careers in public service.
The program - which offers up
to $7,000 a year for tuition, books
and room and board - is unique be-
cause it bridges the last two years of
undergraduate study with the first
two years of graduate school, said
Bert Hornback, who has advised
University Truman applicants since
the program was begun in 1977.
It is also one of the few grants

Seven have won awards for

establish a life-long affiliation
many valuable contacts in the:
of public service.

field. ;-

future government


that demands that students be serious
about public service so early in their
college career, Hornback said.
To qualify, students must be
sophomores in the top 20 percent of
their class, be a U.S. citizen or a
U.S. national, and must demonstrate
an interest in a career in government
or related public service at the fed-
eral, state or local level.
The Foundation's definition of
public service emphasizes leadership
abilities in careers at all levels and
functions of government. Recipients
are not limited to studying only his-

tory, political science, or public ad-
ministration. The Foundation also
encourages government careers in
other fields such as agriculture, en-
gineering, or foreign languages.
Applicants must write a 600 word
essay addressing a specific public
policy issue, submit three letters of
recommendation, and answer three
shorter questions about their public
service experience. This year's dead-
line is October 28.
Both Heyman and James Beall, a
junior majoring in political science,
said the Truman scholarship will

Beall, who applied for the award
last fall, said he wrote his essay on
congressional campaign financing
reform. He also worked for a Detroit-
based civil rights organization called
Focus: HOPE, and for the American
Bar Association's Commission on
Legal Problems of the Elderly.
Heyman, who wrote his essay on
international trade, worked on the
Gary Hart campaign, was the presi-
dent of the Honors Student Council,
the associate publisher of the
Michigan Review, and worked as an
anchor for WCBN news in Ann Ar-

Native American symbols may be banned

A Michigan Civil Rights Com-
mission report, to be released at the
end of the month, will recommend
either modifying or eliminating the
use of any Native American symbol
for a team logo.
The use of Native American
nicknames and symbols by Michi-
gan high schools and colleges rein-
forces negative stereotypes, accord-
ing to the commission.
A commission survey found that
62 Michigan high schools and three
Michigan colleges use Native
American nicknames or logos. Lo-
cally both the Eastern Michigan
University Hurons and the Ypsilanti
High School Braves were cited for
having Native American nicknames.
Ypsilanti assistant football coach
John Dignan felt the nickname was
not racist, adding "We've always
been the Braves since time begun.
No one even really thinks about it.
Our uniforms don't even say 'Ypsi',
they just say 'Braves'."
Another assistant football coach,
Jerry Hayes, concurred, saying the

school's use of the name Braves is
not derogatory, but rather it is an
"honor to them (Native Americans).
It's something named after them."
"It perpetuates a stereotype that
this society has maintained for the
last four centuries," said Nina Mc-
Fadden, a Michigan State University
graduate student who conducted the
survey for the commission.
"It makes Indian people very one
dimensional. It discounts the very
real problems facing Native Ameri-
cans today," she added.
Art Stine, district executive for
the commission's community ser-
vice bureau, said some school offi-
cials have been willing to make
changes as a result of the survey.
Administrators from Lansing
CALL 764-0557

Sexton High School, whose teams
are called the Big Reds, recently met
with local Native Americans who
said they would like to help develop
a more flattering logo.
Local Native Americans watch for
offensive references, said Arnold

Sowmick, chair of the Saginaw
Chippewa tribe. He added that mostr
people he has talked to are neutral as
long as the depictions aren't degrad-
ing or offensive.
-The Associated Press con-
tributed to this story


f ..J


Dennis Dicks, music director of Faith Lutheran Church,
sings1"I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" yesterday at a dedi-
cation ceremony for the "Garden of Revolution" - a burial
site for AIDS victims - at Arborcrest Memorial Park.

Trivia Tournament
Register 4-Person Teams
Now for the Oct./Nov.
Open Tournament!

I -

Continued from Page 1.
"I think it is touching that
someone was willing to give. It's
a gesture that comes from the
heart. It shows that there are peo-
ple willing to give their support,"
he said.
More than 70,000 people in
the nation are now diagnosed with
having AIDS, said Scott Plakun,

a speaker and president of the
Wellness Networks, an AIDS
support group.
"We are here to remember per-
sons with hopes, dreams, fami-
lies, lovers - persons with real
lives. Hopefully they will rest
more peacefully with our
thoughts," Plakun said.
The ceremony coincided with
the national AIDS memorial ser-
vice in Washington, D.C. last

Registration Deadline

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call 763-11J7 -_.:..



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October/November Events
MONDAY, Oct. 10. "Overview of the Seven Liberal Outcomes of
Professional Study" -- Dr. Joan Stark and Dr. Malcolm Lowther, 2219 SEB,
12 noon.
Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education Research Seminar.
TUESDAY, Oct. 11. Welcoming reception for Dean Cecil Miskel -- for
School of Education students, 1322 SEB (Tribute Room), 4 to 5:30 p.m.,
For information, call (313) 763-4288.
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 12. Information meeting for prospective School of
Education graduate students, 1211 SEB (Dean's Conference Room), 6 p.m.,
presentations by faculty, staff, and students.
For information and to reserve a space, call the Office of Academic Services,
(313) 764-7563.
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 12. Welcoming reception for Dean Cecil Miskel -- for
School of Education students, 1322 SEB (Tribute Room), 5 to 6:30 p.m.,
For information, call (313) 763-4288.
THURSDAY, Oct. 13. Welcoming reception for Dean Cecil Miskel -- for
School of Education faculty and staff, Whitney Auditorium, SEB, 10 a.m.
For information, call (313) 763-4288.
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 19. Reception for Donald L. Bemis (MA '63), recently
appointed Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1322 SEB (Tribute
Room), 4 to 6 p.m., refreshments.
RSVP: 1001 SEB, or call (313) 763-4060.
FRIDAY, Oct 21. "Factors Influencing Minority Success in Graduate
Education," Dr. Michael Nettles, Senior Research Scientist, Educational Testing
Service, 1322 SEB (Tribute Room), 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Research Seminar sponsored by the Center for the Study of Higher and
Postsecondary Education, Program in Higher and Adult Continuing Education, the
Meeting on Researching Education, and the Program in Curriculum, Teaching,
and Psychological Studies.
FRIDAY, Nov. 4. Alumni-in-Residence Program, "The Changing Need for
Teachers in Michigan: Looking to the Future - 2000," Dr. Donald Bemis, State
Superintendent of Public Instruction, keynoter; panelists: Dr. Roy Phillips, vice
president, Miami Dade Community College; John Elliott, president, Detroit
Federation of Teachers; Richard Ballard, teacher, Ann Arbor Schools; Garnett
Hegeman, Jr., superintendent, Inkster Public Schools; Dr. Clarence Stone, chair;
Dr. Foster Gibbs, moderator; 8:15 to 10 a.m., Schorling Auditorium, SEB.
FRIDAY, Nov. 4. Dr. Carl Berger and David Jackson will be guest speakers
at the monthly bi-weekly colloquium series, Meeting on Researching Education,
1211 SEB (Dean's Conference Room), 3 p.m. (Topic to be announced.)
SATURDAY, Nov. 5. Annual Meeting of the Education Alumni Society,
conducted by the Board of Governors, Pioneer High School East Cafeteria, 8:30
a.m.; followed by general meeting at 10 a.m. with Dr. Donald Bemis, State
Superintendent of Public Instruction, speaking on new directions in the State
Department of Education; lunch at 11 a.m.
Reservations and prepayment required for lunch. For information on alumni
events, contact the Dean's Office, 1111 SEB, or call (313) 763-4288.
FRIDAY, Nov. 11. Reception in honor of Dean Cecil Miskel, by
Invitation only, Vandenberg Room, Michigan League, 6 to 8 p.m.

; .


Hear Ye Here Ye

1HANI(YOU to everyone in the University
and the greater Ann Arbor communities
who celebrated with us by participating
in our 25th Anniversary Open House
activities last week. We sincerely ap-
preciate your interest in our research
programs on hearing and on the treat-
ment and prevention of hearing loss and

head and neck cancer. Please come back
and visit us any time.
Kresge Hearing Research Institute
Department of Otolaryngology
University of Michigan Medical Center

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