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October 07, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-10-07

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I An undercover look at Fraternity Rush *Buzz Alexander
S-ie! 9 The Blues color Ann Arbor this weekend
Ninety- nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 7, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily



Duderstadt crowned
eleventh president

Kickoff, 12:15, Ch. 7
Blue to
Stake on
You know it's the week of the
Michigan-Michigan State football
game when the air turns crisper and
the leaves change color.
You know it's the week of the
Michigan-Michigan State game
when the intensity in practice rises a
A. nd you know it's the week of
the Michigan-Michigan State game
when the state suddenly divides itself
depending the color of one's blood
(blue or green).
The 81st meeting between the
Wolverines and the Spartans takes
place Saturday at Michigan Stadium
(12:15 p.m., Ch. 7). Seventeenth-
ranked Michigan leads the series, 52-
"Hey, let's face it, we've been
looking forward-to it," Michigan
coach Bo Schembechier said.
Michigan State coach George
Perles said, "It's a very important
game in the conference. It's a very
important game in the state of Mich-
igan. About half the people pull for
one, and the other half pulls for the
other team, so there's a lot of, I'd
guess you'd say, teasing."
The game holds extra meaning for
See MSU, Page 12
3 bars to
close for
selling to
Two campus-area bars will close
their doors for several days in the
next two months after being con-
victed of selling alcoholic beverages
to minors, a Michigan Liquor Con-
trol Commission official said
A third bar will face proceedings
today, the official said.
The Nectarine Ballroom and The
Count of Antipasto - known
commonly as Charley's - negoti-
ated settlements out of court
Wednesday, said Verna Foote,
supervisor of hearing and proceed-
ings for the MLCC. Both estab-
lishments will raise their minimum
entrance age from 18 to 19, spokes-
people for the bars said.
DOOLEY'S is charged with
four counts of selling alcohol to,
minors and will be in court this

afternoon, Foote said.
The Nectarine Ballroom was fined
$2,500 and will close for 10 days,
said bar manager Michael Bender. He
said the bar, charged with three
hk counts of selling alcohol to persons

Oblivious to pandemonium out-
side Hill Auditorium yesterday,
hundreds of students, alumni, fac-
ulty, as well as past and present
University officials, watched as the
University crowned James Duderstadt
its 11th president.
Duderstadt, who was formerly
University Provost and Engineering
Dean, assumed the presidency Sept.
1. Yesterday, after a two-hour cere-
mony, Regent Paul Brown (D-
Petoskey) formally ,invested Duder-
stadt with the powers of the office.
In his speech to the packed house,
Duderstadt said the University must
learn from the tradition of its past
while moving into the 21st century.
The school, he said, must be
"responsible and responsive to the
people who founded it."
"IT IS a University built and
sustained through the commitments

and sacrifices of your ancestors," he
said. "And it is a University that
must be preserved and strengthened
through your commitments today if
it is to serve your descendants to-
Duderstadt also reaffirmed his
plans to incorporate "diversity" into
the University as it moves into the
Before the ceremonies, about 3Q0
people donned academic robes and
caps - including former Presidents
Robben Fleming and Harold
Shapiro, and former Associate Vice
President for Minority Affairs Niara
Sudarkasa - to march in a proces-
sion from Rackham to Hill Audito-
Outside the auditorium, protester's
took issue with Duderstadt's selec-
tion, the inauguration's elaborate
See Event, Page 2

Ann Arbor police arrest LSA senior Rollie Hudson, a protester outside Hill Auditorium.
Hudson was among a group of students protesting the inaguration of Pres. Duderstadt.

Protesters m
Ann Arbor police arrested two students protesting
the inauguration of University President James Duder-
stadt yesterday morning and campus security arrested
another - the first student to be arrested since two of-
ficers were deputized this fall.
A fourth student protester was taken to the Univer-
sity Hospital after an Ann Arbor police officer flipped
her and threw her to the ground.
About 30 protesters gathered at 10 am in front of
Hill Auditorium, the inauguration site, carrying signs
reading "Duderstadt: not our choice" and "Duderstadt is
illegal." The signs refer to the University's Board of
Regents recent confidential presidential search which,
the students allege, violated Michigan's Open Meetings
THE CHAIN of events began when five police
and security officers prevented about 15 protesters from
entering the auditorium. The Ann Arbor Police, after
repeatedly throwing off the oncoming protesters, ar-
rested LSA senior and Daily opinion staff writer Rollie

ar ceremony
Hudson, whose finger was cut and his hair and ears
pulled in the process of arrest.
The protesters, then numbering about 50, followed
the arresting officers and Hudson to an unmarked gov-
ernment car, which the protesters shook and surrounded
to prevent it from leaving.
Several Ann Arbor police officers pulled out billy
clubs and tried to push back the protesters. Police offi-
cer Richard Blake picked up Rackham graduate student
and Daily opinion staff writer Sandra Steingraber and
threw her to the ground, where she landed headfirst and
laid until an emergency unit from the Ann Arbor Fire
Department arrived and carried her away in a stretcher.
"Cops pulled her and threw her on the ground with a
vengeance," said LSA junior Laura Shue, who was
standing close to Steingraber. "There was no need to
use that much force. I've never seen anything like it.
They don't need guns if they're that brutal."
BLAKE would only say he didn't recall the inci-
dent with Steingraber because "there were numerous
See Protest, Page 5


James Duderstadt was officially named 11th president of the
University at inauguration ceremonies yesterday.






Ann Arbor Police will be able to
carry quicker, faster-loading hand-
guns while on duty, under the terms
of a new departmental policy uncov-
ered yesterday.
Police Chief William Corbett
said his officers need the increased
firepower of semi-automatic
weapons to even the odds against
better-armed criminals, particularly
drug traffickers. Ann Arbor Police
currently carry .38 caliber revolvers
which must be manually reloaded,
Corbett said, while the automatic
weapons making their way onto the
streets can fire off long bursts with-
out reloading.
"It's absolutely demoralizing, a
very frightening experience to con-
front one of those automatic
weapons. You are in mortal fear that
Ann Arbor CiyPoiead
University Public Safety officer~s
clash with protesters at Prsdent
James Duderstadt's inauguration.
Opinion, Page 4

'Our police
partment should


Corbett said the officers will be
trained in the use of the new
weapons. before carrying them on

as equally



the people

Rape .Awareness

deal with.'
- City councilmember
Mark Ouimet (R-Fourth
you are going to die right now,"
Corbett said. "The firepower is just
BUT the new policy has not
been brought before the Ann Arbor
City Council, and one councilmem-
ber vowed to fight rearming police.
"It is laughable, this new internal
policy," said Jeff Epton (D-Third
Ward) when told of the new policy.
"And that it would somehow en-
hance the safety of the public and the
police personnel is equally ridicu-
City councilmember Mark
Ouimet (R-Fourth Ward) said he was
not aware of the new policy but
added, "our police department should
be as equally equipped as the people
they deal with."
At mo tfive n tn rnnnri1m rnarnlnc

About 20 of the 120 officers on
the force now have placed weapons
for the gun's, according to David
Burke, president of the Ann Arbor
Police Officer's Association. Burke
said each gun will cost about $400.
"I haven't decided to buy one yet
but I'd feel a whole lot safer with the
increased firepower," said Burke.
CORBETT said the new policy
was spurred by three recent incidents
in which Ann Arbor Police encoun-
tered automatic weapons on duty.
In one of those cases, a car was
stopped on Main Street for a routine
traffic violation on July 6. The two
arresting officers found one of the
car's occupants. armed with a nine-
millimeter Luger, an illegal sub-
machine gun, and a .357 Magnum
revolver. The driver, Leambo De-
zombolis, was convicted Wednesday
in Washtenaw County Circuit Court
for illegal possession of the guns.
Earlier this year a man shot at an
Ann Arbor police officer at the
intersection of Jackson and Maple
with an automatic weapon. Shortly
after that there was a shooting inci-
dent in the Pine Valley Apartments,

sites around
See story, page

A group of women spray painted nearly 300
campus where rapes have allegedly occured.

Chileans celebrate


s defeat

Toni Morrison

speaks the


r %

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