q4 OPINIoN Thursday, October 6, 1988 Page 4 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. ILo ter i IIL2 Mazrui's views challenged Vol. !C, No. 21 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Support dl THE anti-Apartheid and Pro-Palestinian Liberation shanties stand on the diag to remind the University community of the struggle for self-determination continuing in the Israeli occupied territories and South Africa. ' On October 4, 22 Palestinians were shot and 150,000 put under house-arrest by the occupying Israeli government. In South Africa, at least 800 Black South Africans are held in detention without charges, in addition to over 25,000 po- litical prisoners including thousands of children. Although many such shootings and ar- rests occur everyday, little news of it ap- pears on the front pages of American newspapers. This inattention helped to remove important issues from the pub- lic's attention. The shanties are a means of fighting this by reminding people of the terrible living conditions under which fellow human beings must live. The anti-apartheid shanties replicate the make-shift dwellings that the majority of Black South Africans are forced to live in as a result of apartheid. By law, 87 per- cent of South Africa's land area is re- served for exclusive use by whites who make up only 17 percent of the popula- tion. Many of the 24 million Black South Africans have no alternative but to live in shanty towns. The apartheid system re- fuses to recognize their legitimate de- mands for decent wages, living condi- tions, and the all encompassing demand of self-determination. Families of ten to twelve people are forced to live in shanties the size of those on the diag. The living conditions of many Pales- tinians in the Israeli occupied territories is similar to that of the Black South Africans. The Israeli government has ag shanties confiscated one-third of the West Bank and Gaza, an area now inhabited by 1,500 to 2,000 Israelis. 650,000 Pales- tinians live on the remaining 82 square miles of the West Bank and Gaza, mak- ing the Gaza Strip the most densely pop- ulated area in the world. The homes of Palestinians and Black South Africans are regularly demolished by the Israeli military and South African security forces respectively. Entire houses and neighborhoods have been bulldozed and set on fire as a form of collective punishment, in order to force Palestinians and Blacks into submission. Attacks on the University shanties are not simply random acts of violence or vandalism. Rather they are attacks on what the shanties symbolize - the struggle for liberation in South Africa and the Israeli occupied territories. They are attacks like those of the security forces in Israel and South Africa who hope to stop political protest by violently attacking families and their homes. The shanties have been torn down or knocked over a total of twenty times since the first anti-apartheid shanty was built in the spring of 1986. One of the anti-apartheid shanties was burnt down completely in June, and another removed by the University in an apparent attempt to quell the actions of protest. Out of sight, out of mind. The shanties are considered an eyesore by many people on campus. They are meant to be, for the systems of oppres- sion against which people struggle inter- nationally for self-determination are ugly. Palestinians and Black South Africans also see shanties as eyesores. Support their struggle for self-determination through solidarity with the anti-apartheid and Palestinian Liberation shanties. CHILEANS voted yesterday on the fu- ture of their military dictatorship. This junta has only allowed Chileans to vote twice in the past fifteen years. Chileans are ostensibly being given a chance to voice their opinion via a plebiscite. The choice is simple: a yes : vote means continued rule by the mili- tary under General Agusto Pinochet; a no vote carries a great deal of uncer- tainty. If the "No" vote wins, there is a plan that purports to return Chile to "democracy." In more candid mo- ments, Pinochet has called this plan a "dictatorship of democracy." However, many Chileans fear that not even au- thoritarian democracy will be allowed should the people reject military rule. A fraudulent plebiscite in 1980 gave approval to a constitution setting up the structure of the "dictatorship of democracy." Under this plan, the president and his national security council would rule over a hopelessly weak congress. Nine members of the congress would be appointed by the military for life terms, one of the many indications of the non-democratic nature of the constitution. Besides this strangled form of gov- ernment, the plebiscite itself is fraught with problems. Voters are intimidated by arbitrary arrest, murder, and torture. The coalition of thirteen organizations opposing Pinochet have been severely restricted, harassed, as well as vio- lently disrupted during marches and Nonetheless, the opposition has helped register over six million voters, as well as carry out political education pertaining to democracy and participa- tion. Help has come from a surprising quarter, the United States. US support is ironic. Fifteen years ago the CIA and the Nixon administra- tion supported Pinochet's rise to power. Fifteen years later, the US is ilse hope trying to support democracy in Chile - democracy the CIA helped destroy. US support comes to Chile in the form of technical assistance. Various groups in the US receive government money to hold educational seminars, support registration, and help ensure an accurate count of the vote. All of these groups have the support and approval of Cynthia Brown, associate director of America's Watch. With the history of intervention that the US has in Chile, one wonders about the current relationship between these two nations; Pinochet has reorganized the econ- omy. Inflation is low, unemployment figures have dropped, and Chile ser- vices its foreign debt regularly. Chile appears to be a model debtor nation. Unfortunately, the majority of Chileans are not benefitting from the apparent economic boom. In the words of economist Andr6s Zelasco, a Columbia University professor, ".. . too much money is being spent on de- fense and luxury goods. More money needs to be spent on the people. It's the same criticism that can be made of the Reagan administration." Because of Chile's profit margins, it receives no direct economic or military aid from the US. Furthermore, when the US made funds available to the op- position groups, Pinochet decried it as imperialist intervention. US policy is difficult to define. Both Republicans and Democrats claim to support a return to democracy, but fail to cite any goals other than continued stability in Chile. No one can predict Chile's future. Both the military and the people of Chile are poised between hope for true democracy or continued murder and repression. One can only hope for the return of the pluralistic, tolerant, democratic, and stable society Chile had before Pinochet took power. Israel-South Africa ties negligible To the Daily: In a recent Political Science lecture my professor remarked that if a person had strong enough preconceptions he/she could find the "facts" to "prove" that the Blacks in South Africa really want to be oppressed or that the Holocaust did not exist. This is the exact method which Prof. Mazrui uses when he alleges that Zionism and apartheid are "sister doctrines." The denunciation of Israel's relationship with South Africa always includes condemnation of the supposed close military relationship between the two countries in arms sales, mili- tary advice, and nuclear cooperation, and Prof Mazrui's diatribe is no exception. The evidence, however, does not support any such allegations. What are the facts? Between 1963 and 1975, over $1 billion of arms and war materials were sold to south Africa; France being the largest supplier. Other arms have been sold not only by Western countries, but also by the So- viet Union, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria, sometimes through German and Austrian agents, and by Jordan, which sold British Centurion battle tanks and the Tiger surface-to- air missile system. Military trade between Israel and South Africa has been a very small part of South Africa's arms trade. South Africa is believed to have a Belgian licence to manufacture Uzi submachine guns. These past Israeli sales are insignifi- cant, both from a financial and military point of view, in comparison with those of other countries. Despite a 1977 United Na- tions Security Council Resolu- tion, reaffirming a 1963 UN arms embargo declaration, sales of arms to South Africa have continued, albeit in a more se- cretive manner than before. Is- rael has stated on many occa- sions that it abides by the 1977 security Council Resolution. However, other signers have not been so faithful. In 1980, France sold South Africa 360 air-to-surface missiles, Mirage F-1A fighter aircraft, and ar- mored cars. Italy has supplied training attack aircraft. In spite of the constant at- tacks in international forums there is no evidence to confirm any nuclear cooperation or col- lusion between South Africa and Israel. Israel repeatedly de- nied such cooperation. France, on the other hand, has built a nuclear power station, which includes two reactors and two turbine generators near Cape Town, and China has supplied the enriched uranium. It is true that trade between Israel and South Africa has in- creased since 1973 (as of 1986), but it remains insignificant. In 1986, Israel's imports from South Africa amounted to 0.5 per cent of the latter's total exports, and its exports were 0.9 per cent of South Africa's total imports. Israel's imports from South Africa in 1986 amounted to 1.9 per cent of its total imports, while its exports amounted to 0.9 per cent of its total ex- ports. Trade between the two coun- tries is between one-fifth and one-sixth that between South Africa and the countries of Black Africa, which in 1986 amounted to $808 million in exports and $243 million in the Dutch Bureau could only trace about half of the South African imports, it is likely that Arab oil exports to South Africa are even more extensive than these statistics show. In fact, if we assume that the proportions of untraced oil corresponds to those of the known amounts, then Arab oil exports to South Africa would reach almost 2.5 Billion a year. These figures would make Arab trade with South Africa larger than that of Germany 2.0 Bil- lion, Japan 1.4 Billion, Britain 1.3 Billion, United States 1.2 Billion, and Israel 65 million. -Keith Hope October 3 PLO opposes settlement To the Daily: I am writing in response to Dr. Mazrui's personal "insights" which were pre- sented in the September 22 and September 23 issues of the Daily. Mazrui attempts to draw similarities between South Africa's mistreatment of its Black population, and Israel's dealing with Palestinians liv- ing in Israeli-occupied territory. It is difficult to figure out whether Dr. Mazrui wishes to belittle the plight of the South African Blacks, or if he simply does not understand the Arab- Israeli conflict. Under apartheid, South African Blacks are denied the basic human rights which are guaranteed to whites. Mazrui seems familiar with the fact that Arabs living within Israel have the same rights as Israeli Jews (except that Arabs cannot fight in Israel's military). But instead of using this fact as evidence that unlike South Africa, Israel is fair and demo- cratic, Mazrui suggests that Arabs only have equal rights because they are the minority within Israel and giving them equal rights would not threaten Israeli society. Of course, us- ing such twisted logic, Mazrui must certainly also believe that the United States is a racist, repressive government in which non-Christian, non- whites are permitted to vote only because they make up the minority. Perhaps the PLO's brand of democracy, in which moderate Palestinians, and dis- senters within the PLO are brutally murdered seems more just to Mazrui. . Mazrui accuses Israel of op- posing a homeland for the Palestinians. He forgets that. the Jews were the only ones who originally accepted the UN partition which granted home- lands to the Jews and to the Palestinians. He ignores the fact that the alleged representa- tive of the Palestinian people, the PLO has consistently called for ridding the region of Jews. But perhaps this is evidence that the PLO truly is represen- tative of the Palestinian peo- ple. According to a poll of West Bank and Gaza Palestini- ans, conducted by the pro-PLO newspaper Al Fajr, 77.9 per- cent of those surveyed reject a two-state solution to the re- gion's problems, and 60 per- cent want instead to establish a state founded on Islamic law or a combination of Islamic law and Arab nationalism (NYT May 6, 1988). Mazrui's most appalling suggestion, however, was that Israel is comparable toNazi Germany. The precise term in the September 23 Daily was, "Judeo-Nazism." It is difficult to imagine what Mazrui hoped perhaps he should have famil- iarized himself with this fact which was printed in the April 4, 1988 issue of U.S. News & World Report: "Israel has never acted to negate the very existence of the Palestinian people - while the Palestini- ans and many other Arabs have sworn death to Israel." -William R. Horwitz September 25 Mazrui was not attacked To the Daily: Whoever titled Professor Mazrui's letter in last Wednes- day's Daily "Misquoted and Harassed," had me in mind. I am the person Professor Mazrui referred to as "The In- truder" throughout his letter. He explained this unflattering nickname by stating that "She was not a member of my class." Obviously my perfect attendance record in Professor Mazrui's Poli. Sci. 479 class had gone unnoticed but my re- quest for an override had not, and I have the slip to prove my place in his class. Thus, when I showed up in his regular class the day after his public lecture, I did so like I had every other Monday and Friday. But this time I spoke out. Professor. Mazrui stated in his letter that I introduced my- self as Jewish and belonging to a Jewish organization. I stated only that I had heard his lecture the previous night and had something to say. Being a stu- dent in his class, I felt no need to introduce myself and I do not belong to any Jewish organizations. I did state my name to his T.A. as I left his room that day but Professor Mazrui chose not to use it- when he slandered me in his letter. Professor Mazrui's answer to accusations of anti-Semitism is that people are confusing "anti- Israel" with "anti-Semitism." If he actually believes this claim, he is outrageously underesti- mating people's intelligence. However he must be aware that people have caught on to his true prejudice or he wouldn't have resorted to using the Daily to defend himself against students and then lying to make his points. It's absurd that a man who has kept close company with notorious killer, Idi Amin, can be so obviously intimidated by students. Yes, people know the difference be- tween anti-Israel and her poli- cies and anti-Semitic. Professor Mazrui dedicated a portion of his lecture to defaming the character of Jews in the Diaspora and Israelis. He told a story about a group of Israelis building an airport in Africa. He spoke of their rude behavior in a restaurant. It would have been appropriate to start the story with "Hey did you hear the one about the five Israelis..." It was painfully apparent then, that Professor Mazrui is not just anti Israeli politics and policies but anti-Semitic and racist. Professor Mazrui quoted me correctly on one point in his letter. I did say that "[he] is a dangerous presence on this campus." And I believe that. As I told him in his class his job as a professor is to teach the facts and truth. Instead he is distorting the facts to teach his own hatred. He is abusing his position as a professor. As a Professor, he is able to address large audiences and is suppos- edly a credible speaker. Unfor- tunately, he is teaching hatred and teaching it to unhappy people. -Nancy Gardner October 3 Nazi parallel unjustified, To the Daily: While I do not support all of Israel's actions at present, I feel that Mazrui's parallels are en- tirely unjustifiable. The situa- tions in Israel and South Africa stem from different causes, in- volve different factors, and seek different goals. The apartheid government of South Africa seeks to maintain the status quo; a continuum of political and economic oppression. Is- rael, throughout its history, has repeatedly attempted to ne- gotiate and compromise, in at- tempt to alleviate the tensions of the Arab/Israeli conflict which has raged for centuries and is NOT, as Mazrui con- tends, the result of "Israeli im- perialism." 4 Mazrui takes his allegations one step further - equating Israel with Nazi Germany. To equate Israel's treatment of the Palestinians with Hitler's ex- termination of eleven million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and political prisoners is sim- ply appalling. The forced similarities in ideologies, methodologies and goals are entirely unfounded. To support his incorrect as- sertions, Mazrui repeatedly refers to the views and state- ments of Israel's Meir Kahane. However, Mazrui neglects to mention that Kahane is an ex- treme Israeli radical who repre- sents Kach, a small very mili- tant Israeli faction, not the consensus of Israeli public opinion. By using Kahane as a spokesman, Mazrui immedi- ately invalidates his statements - the equivalent of allowing Lyndon LaRouche to speak for the American public. Clearly, the Jewish people do not have a monopoly on human suffering. Nor do the Blacks of South Africa or the Palestinians in the occupied territories. As a student of Po- litical Science and as a human being aware of worldwide op- pression, I refuse to accept the words of the philosopher Thomas Hobbes that life must be "a struggle of power after power that ceaseth only in death." I feel that our only hope for peace lies in dialogue, compromise, and mutual re- spect, NOT in hatred, blatant distortion, misrepresentatiod, and slanderous one-sided ap- peals. We just celebrated the an- niversary the March on Wash- ington. Martin Luther King did not walk alone, he was ac- companied by leaders and sup- porters of varied religions, races, ideas and cultures. Only by working together, only by joining forces - not by alien- ating, attacking and castigating others - can we realize our dreams of a brighter future. Frustrated by Prof. Mazrui's words and my own fearful si- lence, I quietly left the am- phitheater. I hope that the next time I'm in a similar situation I'll have the courage - and the support - to speak out. -Miriam A. Kleiman September 23 4 4 ..._ _ _ _.._ _ I SAYS& -me CIA IS WYING 4&To SAWTAF- KACEIN 'RM/ TT NNS N 6E A LSA~V of WG"iLy CLSJS j1TEAL&NGCe ABSOLUJTELY! MA Ft- LE cCouLD KE Pos$?LY VNOW TI4A ? Daily Opinion Page letter policy Due to the volume of mail, the Daily cannot print all the letters and columns it receives, although an effort is made to print the maiority of material on a In I' i