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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. 1C, No. 21
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 6, 1988
Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
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OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - Vice-
presidential candidates Dan Quayle
and Lloyd Bentsen clashed last night
in a campaign debate televised by all
three networks. The youthful
Republican pro-nounced himself
fully qualified for the high office he
seeks, while his Demo-cratic rival
said there is no "margin for error"in
the White House.
Quayle played the role of
aggressor in the opening moments of
the debate, con-stantly turning his
answers into attacks on Michael
Dukakis even as he defended his own
readiness for the vice-presidency.
"If qualifications alone are going
to be the issue in this campaign,
George Bush has more qualifications
than Michael Du-kakis and Lloyd
Bentsen combined," he said.
Bentsen, on the other hand, was
asked about his differences with
Dukakis on such issues as aid to the
Nicaraguan re-bels, the death penalty
and gun control.
"We agree on so many things, on
the vast majority of the issues,"
Bentsen replied. He spent his two
minute re-sponse saying that he and
Dukakis agree on cutting the budget
deficit and on a trade policy that will
"stand tough for America."
Quayle said Bentsen "didn't tell
you very much about what Gov.
Dukakis would do..."
"I don't blame Sen. Bentsen for
not talking about Gov. Mike
Dukakis," Quayle said. "If I had to
defend the liberal policies of Gov.
Mike Dukakis I would-n't talk about
.it either."
Bentsen took aim at Bush,
recalling the vice-president's vote in
favor of a budget plan to curtail
Social Security cost-of-living
"Democrats will protect Social
Secur-ity," Bentsen said, accusing
Quayle of voting eight times to cut
benefits and saying that Bush cast a
tie-breaking vote against a cost-of-
living adjustments and that Bentsen
himself had voted that way twice.
Quayle said that he had voted only
to delay cost-of-living adjustments
and that Bentsen himself had voted
that way twice. He added that
Democrats try "time and time again
to scare the older people of this
Workers fight gusty winds in preparation for today's inaugural picnic in honor of University President James Duderstadt.
Cameron Walker (left) and Darren Tweedy (right) set up a tent for the event.
Inauguration Schedule
10:10 a.m. Academic Proces-
sion. More than 300 robed dele-
gates will walk from the Rack-ham
Building to Hill Auditorium.
10:30-11:30 a.m. INAUGU-
scheduled to offer greetings to
the new president include State
Treasurer Robert Bowman on be-
half of Gov. James Blanchard, and
John DiBiaggio, president of
Michigan State University. Lo-
cation: Hill Auditorium, (No tickets
11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. All Sudent
Picnic. Hosted by the Committee
for the Inauguration. Students are
invited to eat their noon meal un-
der a tent, featuring music by The
Sun Messengers and The Sama-
ratins. President Duderstadt is
scheduled to speak to the group
late in the afternoon. Location:
Palmer Field (by the Hill Dorms).
3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. University-
wide Reception. Hosted by the
Committee for the Inauguration.
Featuring the photographic exhi-
bition "A Gallery of Presidents,"
prepared from the Michigan Histor-
ical Collections of the Bentley
Historical Library. Music provided
by students from the School of
Music. Location: Power Center.
October 8
8 p.m. - "Some Enchanted
Evening at the University of Michi-
gan" opera gala benefitting the
Presidential Graduate Fellowship,
established to honor President
Duderstadt's inauguration. The
Schools of Music and Business
Administration, the College of En-
gineering, and the Rackham Grad-
uate School will host. Location:
Power Center. Call 763-1478 for
9:30 p.m. - midnight -
"Enchanted Evening" supper and
dancing. Location: Rackham.
October 10
7:30 p.m. - Women of Michigan
lecture and reception. Mary Good,
chair of the National Science Board
will speak. Location: Rackham
Smeal urges
women to, lead
In a speech last night, Eleanor
Smeal, founding president of the
Fund for the Feminist Majority and
former president of the National
Organization of Women, called for
women to run for positions of
political power so they may shape
their own destinies.
Smeal spoke to a crowd of 30 as
the first highlight of the Michigan
Student Assembly's "Women's
Smeal's visit to the University
was the first stop in a nationwide
tour of college campuses to promote
FFM's "Feminization of Power
Campus Campaign." Modeled after a
national campaign to encourage more
women to run for public office, the
Campus Campaign will attempt to
inspire more students to run for stu-
dent government positions.
Smeal called for college women to
become leaders because she believes
women who feel comfortable in
positions of power when they are
young may someday run for public
office. Seniority is one of the most
powerful political weapons, she said.
See Smeal, Page 8
Prof. discusses
racial stereotypes
Speaking a few days ago about her
experiences as a Native American,
Charlotte Heth expressed the reveal-
ing, albeit facetious, feeling that
Americans have as many stereotypes
about Native Americans as they do
about outerspace inhabitants.
A professor of music and director
of the American Indian Program at
Cornell University, Heth visited
campus for the past week lecturing in
music classes and talking to students
about Native American culture -
specifically its music - under the
auspices of the University's King-
Chavez-Parks program.
Heth, a member of the Cherokee
Nation of Oklahoma, said she is
witnessing a nationwide rebirth in
the appreciation and acceptance of her
heritage. Native Americans are re-
turning to their culture and searching
for lost parts of their music, dance,
and costume, she said.
But she is disturbed by the persis-
tence of racial stereotypes which de-
pict Native Americans as sneaky,
savage and "always half-naked in all
kinds of weather." Heth used as an
example the children's game of
"playing cowboys and Indians."
"If they were dressed and dancing
in... pow wows, respecting the cul-
ture, that's fine," she said. "They
don't play Mexican. They don't play
These prejudices along with fed-
eral government actions to relocate
Native Americans to cities and take
away their aboriginal lands pro-
foundly damage the pride Native
American youths have in their race,
she said.
Heth once took her nephew on a
trip to Jamestown, Virginia, where1
they viewed a tour guide film which
depicted "massacres" of white
colonists by local Native Americans.
She said the youngster, like many
7 Chileans
z y Lvote on
P inochet
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -
- Chilean voters turned out early and
s' in huge numbers yesterday for a re-
ferendum to determine whether Gen.
Augusto Pinochet will remain in
office until 1997 or make way for a
popularly elected president.
Opposition leaders predicted the
result would go against Pinochet.
- Officials said long lines were
slowing the vote and might delay the
count. Delays also were reported in
opening some polling stations be-
{ cause of technical problems or late
arrival of monitors.
Alberto Cardemil, Interior Mini-
stry undersecretary, said only 20.094
percent of 22,248 voting tables at
1,000 polling places nationwide
were operating at 2 p.m. (1 p.m.
KAREN HANDELMAN/Daily EDT) which meant some would
Preacher Mike Caulk (far left) speaks to participants in yesterday's rally for lesbian and gay close later than expected. Law re-
male rights. The demonstration was sparked by two recent anti-homosexual incidents on quires voting tables to remain open
campus. for nine hours.
LaGROC Drotests Christian song, Interior Ministry officials esta-