7-- 9 0 6 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Opinions SEPTEMBER 1988 SEPTEMBER 1988 Student Body U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER1 U THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER By presenting a wide range of opinions and ideas reprinted from hundreds of campus newspapers, we hope to enhance the quality of campus life as we in- form, entertain and engage theonational student body. Weacknowledge the commitment of student journalists across the nation, supported by their media advisers and journalism professors, to report the activities, issues and con- cerns of their fellow students. EDITORIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER Sheena Paterson-Berwick ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Mike Singer DIRECTOR OF CAMPUS RELATIONS Dick Sublette EDITORIAL Managing Editor: Karen Bollermann Julie Du Brow, Senior Editor Rebecca Howard, News Features Editor Brent Anderson, Life and Art Editor Marc Bona, Dollars and Sense Editor Mark Charnock, Student Body Editor Liz Camfiord. Assistant Editor ADVERTISING SALES Sales Supervisor: Ava Weintraub New York: Marc Bessinger, Joseph Finkelstein, Karen C. Tarrant West: Laurie Guhrke, Athar Siddiqee, Claudia Malis, Sales Assistant Midwest: Lame Meyers, Inc. CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION Operations Manager: Annalee Ryan Ross Fischman, Bulk Sales Troy Renneberg, Assistant RESEARCH Director: Steve Nachtman EDITORS ON FELLOWSHIPS Brent Anderson, Daily Nexus, U. of California, Santa Barbara Marc Bona, The Daily Iowan, U. of Iowa Mark Charnock, The Breeze, James Madison U., VA Rebecca Howard, Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State U. CHAIRMAN: Albert T. Ehringer VICE CHAIRMAN: Tay Yoshitani DR. J. DAVID REED, Immediate Past President,1 Society for College Journalists, The Eastern News,1 Eastern Illinois U. FRED WEDDLE, Immediate Past President, 1 Western Association of University Publications Managers, Oklahoma Daily, U. of Oklahoma MONA CRAVENS, Director of Student Publica- tions, Daily Trojan, U. of Southern California EDMUND SULLIVAN, Director. Columbia Scho- lastic Press Association, Columbia U., NY TOM ROLNICKI, Executive Director, Associated Collegiate Press DR. DAVE KNOTT, Immediate Past President, College Media Advisers, The Ball State Daily News, Ball State U., IN U. is published six times a year by The American Collegiate Network, 3110 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405. Tel: 213-450-2921. Copyright 1988. All rights reserved. DR. FRANK RAGULSKY, Manager of Student Media, Daily Barometer, Oregon State U. JAN T. CHILURESS, Director of Student Pub- lications, University Daily, Texas Tech U. W. B. CASEY, Publisher, Daily Iowan, U. of Iowa ED BARBER, General Manager, Independent Florida Alligator, U. of Florida HARRY MONTEVIDEO, General Manager, The Red & Black,U. of Georgia BRUCE D. ITULE, Manager of Student Publica- tions, State Press, Arizona State U. ERIC JACOBS, Immediate Past President, Col- lege Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers, The Daily Pennsylvanian,U. of Pennsylvania BPA Consumer Audit membership applied for August 1987. P.- SPOR TS PROFILE Playing for pay Should college athletes get a stipend for their efforts? Page 20 CLASSR OOM Sports and courts Professor John Scanlan lays down the sports law at Indiana U. Page 20 Save yourself Peer group offers guidance to children of alcoholics. Page 21 I I -9- A half-million helps Athletic money is keepinj some U. of Iowa academic programs afloat. Page2 College track gets tripped ujr in budget-balancing shuffles 1 1 New homeless shatter 'psychotic' stereotype By Dan Morrison The Daily Tar Heel U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Twenty-five years ago, a social work- er would have spoken of the "homeless" in terms of foster children and run- aways. But the meaning of the word has changed, and so have the people it de- scribes. Americans could ignore the homeless in 1960 and 1970 because they weren't considered people worth saving. The old woman talking to herself on a park bench wasn't viewed as a victim of the economy, but rather as a woman who needed psychiatric help. The casual observer had cause to feel this way. The period from 1960 to 1980 was one of "forced emancipation" of America's mentally ill from over- crowded mental institutions. A bankrupt Indiana farmer ... now sits next to the confused old lady on the park bench. Experts estimate there are as many as 3 million people sleeping in card- board boxes and huddling over street vents. But in 1988 those 3 million are not all psychotic. A growing number cannot afford to live decently. A bankrupt Indiana farmer who once put food on American tables now sits next to the confused old lady on the park bench. A 1986 article in Society magazine a. S 5 w r f r " wMa r e .T:: - r < U Q- XU stitution is behind him. The Latin American poor are poor only by our standards. We see pictures of them barefoot and carrying heavy baskets down dirt roads and assume they are "poor." Most don't even realize they are poor until we bring it to their attention. Latin Americans have been sensitized to a life of poverty from birth. Ninety-nine percent of them will always be poor. The American poor, however, are a minority. The United States is the only country in the world where a citizen can legally live on the streets. For the American blue-collar worker who once brought home $200 a week, the thought of poverty hits hard. A Col- ombian coffee picker has few expecta- tions placed on him by society. If he was born into a coffee-picking family, he will pick coffee. An American, on the other hand is expected to rise to his God-given ta- lents, and anything short of that is often considered a failure. It is true that a majority of America's homeless have a history of alcohol and drug abuse, as well as mental disorders. But among their ranks is a growing number of economic misfits-single adults and entire families who have fal- len through the cracks. Their plight makes headlines and exposes a gaping wound in American society that de- mands more than a mere Band-Aid. q ,. J ., P '° f ... e ;: x ,- . " ..." mn in Q O- CD= O0 Y'. ~ . . entitled "The New Poor" states that ear- ly in this century, the poor were mostly uneducated immigrants with little job training. The ethnic barrier has been broken. The article says that "the new poor are a much less homogenous group that includes structurally unemployed persons .. . the mentally ill and the 'voluntary poor'." The Society article also points to the reduction in affordable housing. Be- tween 1971 and 1978 the number of single-room dwellings in New York City fell from 170,000 to 14,000 due to "tax abatements and condo conversion." Society says the "voluntary poor" are "remnants of the '60s counterculture, ... who are drawn to the simplicity of street life." Included are people like 40- year-old Joyce Brown, a former stenog- rapher who is suing the city of New York for taking her off the streets. Her case brings to light a major difference be- tween the American homeless and their brethren in foreign countries. The United States is the only country in the world where a citizen can legally live on the streets. If a college dropout wants to soul-search while living like a pauper outside a bus station, the Con- By Lisa Marcoff The Minnesota Daily U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities You're on the couch again. You've been there a lot lately. While you watch soapy reruns on the tube, you remind yourself of the half-dozen other things you should do - finish homework, write over- due letters, face the corroded lasag- na pan in the sink - but you know won't get done. Life is a drag and you're not sure why. Friends call, but you let the answering machine take your place. The pajamas you've been liv- ing in for days are grimy, you're choking up at commercials and purposeful work seems like a fan- tasy. It may or may not have occurred to you that you're depressed. It can be sneaky, this thing called depression. If you feel down for more than a couple of weeks, "it's probably more than just moodi- ness," said Beverly Caruso, a psychotherapist with the Oak Grove Psychotherapy Association in Minneapolis. Head and body aches, agitation, ZE66-S( Jool=1 pa! _3dVdSM3N 33SS3UO 901706 -VZVOINO saems paelun Pel!B 11 A6eSSeON OOBlSOd ON 111 By Lana The Purdue Purdue U., T he discontinuation of track programs at major universities is becoming a growing concern of the U.S. track and field community. While Purdue U. is one of the lucky schools, track programs at Oregon State U. and Northwestern U. have been cut in part to balance their athletic department's budget. "There was a long-term study done in the athletic department trying to deter- mine how to use our expense versus in- come budget," said Ken Kraft, associate athletic director at Northwestern. "We discussed a wide range of sports and we ultimately came down to track. Track and cross country are the only year- round programs we have. That's one reason why it's more costly." NI 4bae+airp c, 0n+ of-'a in farina )t06 VO 'U3luO eiueS II - IweIS ujew OiLL .edea zolAjaS apeae 33110 01VNOI.dNO4L1n IGV AS OIVd 38 IIM 3VISOd W VINVS tLC 'ON IIUNU3d SSV13 ISUH3 A'1d3H S3Nisfl Bandy Exponent IN said Mike Corwin, associate sports in- formation director at Oregon State. "(U. of Oregon) put $650,000 into their program (per year). Trying to com- pete with that ... and other budget de- ficits caused the situation," Corwin said. "It isn't something we looked for- ward to. We hope to bring (track) back through fund-raising, but this devas- tates our program for the next couple of years." "The colleges are the training grounds ... if they fall to the wayside, there may be mass problems." - MIKE POEHLEIN Fifty percent of Oregon State's athletes will return to the school in the fall, the others will transfer and the program's three full-time coaches will look elsewhere. Their contracts expire in November. The situation is about the same at Northwestern. The former coaches are interviewing for jobs as coaches at high schools and other colleges. Although a large number of tea members were seniors, the others a "doing different things," Kraft said. " number of them are transferring withi the Big Ten. "There are some that are staying ai we expect we will have a track club ini ated by the students themselves." Corwin said he doesn't know if the fallen programs are any indication the future of NCAA track. "They'll ha' to take it case by case. If the athlet department is solid and healthy, I'd sa no. In any case, I'm sure it'll be a la resort." Northwestern's decline was uniqi because it is a private school and h problems generating revenue, sa Mike Poehlein, men's track head coa at Purdue. "The rest of them (in the Big Ten) a very stable; probably more so than an body else in the country." "It's a tragedy that it happened, but don't think it will affect others,"' sa Sam Bell, head track coach at Indian U. True, the country's strong progran will continue to work as a feeder syste for track and field, but Poehlein is we ried about what effect cutting trac programs will have on future U. Olympic teams. . He also said that was a major topic discussion at a meeting he attended June at the U.S. Olympic Training Ce ter in Colorado Springs, Colo. "The colleges are the trainin grounds," Poehlein said. "... if they fa to the wayside, there may be mass pro lems." Northwestern's Kraft agrees that th current trend could mean trouble. "Track is the glamour sport of th Olympics," he said. "What will happe to our teams two or three years dow the line? I don't know the answer that." Forgotten art of listening needs a renaissance People urged to communicate better By Stephen Buckley The Chronicle Duke U., NC A friend of mine says the key to deal- ing with conflict is communication. She has a point. In everything from world crises to parent-child rela- tionships, open and honest com- munication is essential to achieving understanding and progress. The problem, however, is not that folks aren't talking. Lord knows the world is overflowing with "great com- municators," men and women who possess the enviable ability to come across with power, clarity and eloqu- ence. Instead, there appears to be a dearth of good listeners. Listening has become a forgotten art, especially in day-to-day relations. Parents teach good manners, instill values and shape their offspring into responsible, upstanding human beings. However, moms and dads rarely encourage their children to be good listeners. The old warning "Stop, look and listen" has been replaced with "Look both ways." One reason for the de-emphasis on listening may be that parents refuse to listen to their kids' ideas and opinions. In a great number of parent-child situations, the deaf are leading the deaf. The irony is that listening is neces- sary for success in almost every pro- fession. The best doctors hold their pa- tients' thoughts in high esteem; lawyers must be able to hear what their clients are saying-or not saying-before they can advise or de- fend. Ted Koppel, the host of ABC's "Nightline," is commonly referred to as the best interviewer on television. What really sets Koppel apart is his ability to keep interviewees from rambling off the subject or squirming around the issue. Koppel can do this because he is a superb listener. Consider Jesse Jackson, whose push for the Democratic presidential nomination shocked political experts and skeptical columnists alike. Voters cited a variety of reasons for supporting Jackson, and the most im- portant of these was the perception- especially among the working class and the poor-that this candidate lis- tens to the people. Listening is just as important on a more personal level. Some of our most nagging frustrations occur when we feel someone doesn't value what we say. In failed marriages, a common complaint is that one spouse did not listen to the other. The same goes for suicide victims, who often leave notes that essentially say, "No one was listening." Some may argue that to point out the importance of listening is tanta- mount to observing that the sky is blue. But that doesn't solve the prob- lem. The world is teeming with people yearning to be heard. Witness the re- cent popularity of radio counseling shows and telephone party lines. Without question, there is much vir- tue in being able to express one's thoughts effectively. Nevertheless, we should cultivate a balance in our thinking, so that we listen as intently to the other half of the conversation. Our world does not only need open mouths. It also needs open ears. 11 i i 11 vOn n ^er lrt ve' clii lic. tionship or job, when symptoms have become chronic or if you are acting destructive or are inclined to do so. Because a good offense is often the best defense, try to head off those low moods early. But whatev- er you do, get off the couch. drinking remains the primary health~ problem, according to campus officials and student surveys. Officials credited much of the decline to students' increased awareness about the dangers of drugs following basket- ball star Len Bias' cocaine-induced death. That increased awareness was See COCAINE, Page 21