V W SIDE BAR Continued from Page 10 game in which one of the teams was nicknamed the Indians. A white student in the stands had dressed up as a stereotypical Indian warrior, including "war paint," and ran around making "war whoops" and menacing gestures. St. John's younger son was so disturbed by the derogatory image that his father was stirred to action. In an interview with Sports Illustrated, St. John stated, "I fig- ured I had tolerated that kind of stuff most of my life, and it was time I did something. What St. John did was convince the high school's student council and PTA that the nickname was racist and demeaning to Native Americans, and that the name of the school's teams should be changed(the school is now called the Lakers). The NCCJ's Min- nesota-Dakotas office offered their assistance to St. John, who pursued his campaign to the Minneapolis Board of Education, as did Mar- tin/Williams, who created the above poster. The Board ruled that any racially or ethnically denigrating team names in the schools must be changed. The NCCJ then started distribut- ing the posters nationwide, andbthe demand for them has been "steady," according to one NCCJ staffer. Other schools and areas have started reconsidering their nick- names; St. John told SI that his ultimate goal is to change the name of the pro football Redskins, which he considers "the most racist and derogatory" Native American nick- name of all. Unfortunately, though, it will be a long time before offen- sive, stereotyped images of Native Americans disappear from American society. For a copy of the poster, send $5 to: National Conference of Chris- tians and Jews, Minnesota-Dakotas Office, 100 N. 6th Street, Suite 531-B, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403. 0 W, Ws w w W W .......................... ................................_......._ ... :"L: 'Kansas' : Dorothy would be absolutely a Supporting cast, scenery upstage a bland Dillon and McCarthy ..---== --..-=- -=--m=--- FAVORITE JUNIOR I 12" MEDIUM PIZZA 1 with Pepperoni, Mushrooms, & Double Cheese - $6.95I Voted Best Pizza in Ann Arbor by # "The Michigan Daily" and "The Ann Arbor News" MAIN NORTH One Coupon Per Person Not Acceped at CAMPUS CAMPUS William St Restaurant or Dine-i atCoteIn 665-6005 995-9101 Expires 106-88 Ann Landers says... "Take myadvice" If you're looking forf a fun group to join, try the 1989 Michigan Ensian, U-M's award-winning, By Mark Shaiman If this was the Kansas Dorothy was going to return to after her romp through Oz, she would have been better off staying in Oz, even if the Wicked Witch of the West were still around With an opening statement like that it is hard to believe that Kansas has an interesting plot, but it actu- ally does. Doyle (Matt Dillon) and Wade (Andrew McCarthy) are two drifters who meet on a train. When Doyle unexpectedly robs a bank, Wade is coerced - at gunpoint - to participate. The two are then forced to split up to escape, and while running Wade saves the life of the governor's daughter, Lori Bayles (Leslie Hope). Being both a both a criminal and a hero puts a lot of pressure on Wade, along with falling in love with Lori and having Doyle be after him to get the money back. Al- though this sounds almost like a psychological drama, almost is the important word. The plot is a pretty good place to start with a discus- sion of Kansas, but unfortunately the film goes nowhere with it. Throughout the film there are sweeping scenes of Kansas wheat- fields accompanied by uplifting in- strumentals. The purpose of these interludes is unknown, for they add nothing to the story beside remind- ing the viewer that this was filmed last year before this summer's draught destroyed most of the crops. What is even worse is that as boring as these intrusions are, they upstage the actors. Dillon and Mc- Carthy both walk around with the same silly smile when there is nothing at all to laugh at. Dillon, even with greasy hair and a tattoo, just doesn't pull it off as a sleazy character. Part of this comes from the role being badly written too. While Doyle has prior court convictions, he hasn't committed any violent crimes, so when he's put in a potentially violent situa- tion, there is little fear that he will do any harm. Then there is Wade who is more concerned with intricating himself with the boss' daughter than extri- cating himself from his dilemma. His personal apathy extends directly to the audience. And when the viewers don't care about the main characters, then any theme this movies may have had is pointless. See KANSAS, Page 7 moo . I HUNTER is co LLECTORS PBS-esque British m captures Waugh 's sat Andrew McCarthy and Matt Dillon are waiting for a train bound fi all-campus yearbook. They're having a MASS MEETING Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 7:30 pm, Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St. Reporting, photography, editing, layout, artwork, business, advertising --it's more fun than professional counseling. The new Hunters and Collectors release FATE is. available now at: _ y 523 E. Liberty Store hours Mon. - Sat. 10-9:30 Sun. 12-8 By Andrea Gacki Take one pastoral English coun- tryside, insert several members of the British upperclass, and stifle the emotional responses of everyone involved. The result should be a television series typically seen on Masterpiece Theater. If you'd like film to be the chosen medium, just add spellbinding cinematography to every scene, and you'll have the film A Handful of Dust. An adaptation of an Evelyn Waugh novel and directed by Charles Sturridge, A Handful of Dust easily fits the genre of a British melodrama set among the very wealthy. In its depiction of a marriage ruined by infidelity, how- ever, the film is not without nov- elty. Tony Last (James Wilby) is the patriarch of an English manor called Hetton, and he detests the social life of London. Content with the quiet beauty of his coun- tryside, amiable Tony oversees his beloved Gothic mansion and gently counsels his son John Andrew on the importance of being kind to so- ciety's less fortunate. His beautiful wife Brenda (Kristin Scott Thomas), bored and weary of gaudy Hetton, desires to at least be al- lowed to invite some visitors to the manor. Enter Mr. John Beaver (Rupert Graves), a dreary young man who attracts Brenda's interest. She be- gins to take trips into London, and eventually rents a flat under the guise of taking an economics class. One would expect this romance to be passionate and justifiable, but it's not, and thus it proceeds to de- stroy the Lasts' marriage and to send their lives into odd, seemingly impossible fates, all handled quite sardonically. With this portrayal of infidelity and its aftermath, A Handful of Dust refreshingly skirts conventional heart-wrenching sen- timent and is true to Evelyn Waugh's satirical inclinations. Unfortunately, the film thereby treats its characters rather one-di- mensionally. The enormously popular PBS series Brideshead Revisited, based on another Waugh novel, captured a c c F d J' f F NSIAN EST 1897 PAGE 12 WEEKEND/SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 WEEKEND/SEPTEMBER 30 1988,