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September 30, 1988 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-30

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 30, 1988

Local group opposes SSC

A newly-formed community
group presented U.S. Department of
Energy officials Tuesday with a
petition expressing their opposition
to the high-tech Superconducting
Super Collider.
One thousand Stockbridge area
residents signed the petition, urging
the department to look elsewhere for
a site where the high-tech project
could be based.
"THE MAIN thing (we're op-
posed to) is that this entire area is
zoned mostly for agriculture and
recreation," said opposition member
Jan Vorndran. ."In order for this
facility to be here, the whole area
must be re-zoned to light and
medium industrial."
The Michigan site has emerged
from among 25 states along with, as
some reports indicate, two other
state finalists - Texas and Illinois
-left vying for the SSC.
The proposed high-tech project
would use 10,000 superconducting
magnets to propel two beams of
protons at nearly the speed of light
ii opposite directions around a 53-
mile underground tunnel.

'The people of this com-
munity and Michigan in
general are going to be
heavily subsidizing this
project, allowing indus-
trial and high-tech firms a
free ride.'
- Munith resident Anita
INDUSTRIAL and scientific re-
searchers would use the collider to
study the nature of matter.
Support for SSC among residents
in the Stockbridge area, which was
initially strong, seems to be dwin-
dling. A June survey by the Institute
of Social Research indicated 72 per-
cent of area residents favored the
But during the public hearing
sponsored Tuesday by the D.O.E.,
dozens of residents protested outside

of Stockbridge High School. At least
half of those attending the hearing
wore "Say No To SSC" buttons.
"I think if the ISR were to con-
duct another survey today, the num-
bers would be different," Vorndran
said. "I think it'd be about 60 per-
cent against and 40 for."
RESIDENTS IN opposition to
the SSC seem most concerned about
the drain on public resources that it
will incur once construction begins
on the project, as well as during
subsequent operation.
"The people of this community
and Michigan in general are going to
be heavily subsidizing this project,
allowing industrial and high-tech
firms a free ride," said Munith resi-
dent Anita Monical-Hoopes.
She noted that Consumer's Power
will be significantly reducing the
operation costs of the SSC, in turn,
substantially raising the electrical
rates of the local residents to com-
"What this is, essentially," she
said, "is public subsidy, private
Profs. Gordon Kane and Lawrence

'It's a wonderful instru-
ment that will be used to
answer a lot of basic
questions about our
search to understand the
laws of nature.'
-Gordon Kane, 'U'
physics prof.


Seniors Be Seen
Monday, October 30 is the first day
of Senior portrait photography.
Y uMake sure you are a part of your
Senior yearbook.
fCe Portraits will be taken on the 2nd floor of the
h ereUGLi. If you don't yet have an appointment,
II . 'contact the Ensian at 764-0561 or stop by the
UGLi to make one before all slots are filled.

Jones, both of whom have worked
on the project, are enthusiastic about
the SSC in Stockbridge.
Jones said Michigan would make
an excellent host for the facility be-
cause of the proximity of both the
University of Michigan and Michi-
gan State University to the site.
"It's a wonderful instrument that
will be used to answer a lot of basic
questions about our search to
understand the laws of nature," Kane
Continued from Page 1
435 members of the House
of Representatives are women.
"You need to hear... a woman's
persepective," Evans said.
Pursell had $114,853 in PAC
contributions as of August 1. He has
received donations from many out-
of-state utilities companies, which
Cates said was most likely because
he sits on the House Energy and
Water Development Subcommittee.
Oil, communications, defense,
pharmaceutical, medical, and bank-
ing PACs have also donated to
Cates pointed out that many na-
tional groups, such as the National
Association of Realtors, which has
donated $5,000 to Pursell, have local
chapters as well.
Cates and Evans agreed that the
incumbent candidate usually has the.
upper hand in any election. An in-
cumbent has name recognition, a
record as a winner to run on, and a
proven ability to raise funds.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Man hijacks Brazilian jet
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Police shot and wounded an armed
hijacker as he tried to board a getaway plane with a hostage in central
Brazil yesterday, ending a day-long ordeal that left one person dead and
four injured, officials said.
The rest of the passengers and crew of VASP flight 375 were released
The co-pilot of the jet was killed and three other crew members
injured, said authorities. They described the hijacker as mentally disturbed.
Holding a .38-caliber revolver and taking the jet's pilot with him, the
hijacker descended from the Boeing 737 parked on the runway of the Santa
Genoveva airport in Goiania, 850 miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro.
A small Brazilian-made Bandeirantes plane was to take him and the
pilot to Brasilia, the capital, said air force spokesperson Col. Eden
Official pleads guilty to
DSS embezzlement scam
LANSING - A former state official has pleaded guilty to 13 criminal
counts for his part in a scheme to embezzle $628,000 from the
Department of Social Services.
Under a plea agreement with the Ingham County prosecutor, Terry
Dale Brenner is expected to explain a scam that diverted money from the
department to non-existent day-care centers in four counties.
"He agreed to sit down with Lansing and state attorney general
investigators and explain his role in this matter, naming all of the
participants he knows to be involved," said Ingham County Prosecutor
Donald Martin.
"It's a conditional plea that rests on his 100 percent cooperation." If he
doesn't cooperate, Brenner will face a circuit court trial.
He originally wascharged with. 30 counts of larceny by false pretense
and three counts of forgery in Ingham County. He also faces similar
charges in Wayne, Oakland, and Livingston counties.
Candidates exchange jabs
George Bush and Michael Dukakis chorused praise for America's
triumphant return to space yesterday, then swapped charges over the
environment as they resumed daily combat in a hardfought race for the
White House.
Dukakis stood with actor and environmentalist Robert Redford at his
side as he attacked Bush as a man whom polluters should love.
"Calling George Bush an environmentalist is like calling Dan Quale a
statesman," the Democrat said in a two-sided attack against both members
of the Republican ticket.
Bush, who toured the Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Mount
Clemens yesterday, got off a double edged attack of his own when he
scoffed at Dukakis' claims of being tough on crime.
"If you believe that, he's got some bottled water from Boston Harbor
he'd like to sell you," the vice president said in a crack about Boston's
own pollution problems.
Insurance bill. clears House
LANSING -- A bill requiring some health insurers to provide
coverage for adolescent substance abusers and legislation regulating truck
safety and solid waste cleared the State House of Representatives
The representatives then adjourned until after the Nov. 8 election.
A bill prohibiting a health insurer from refusing to enter into contracts
with providers of care for adolescent substance abuse patients cleared the
House, and will now be sent to Gov. James Blanchard.
Three truck safety bills approved by the House would place tighter
restrictions on the industry by increasing driver education requirements
and stepping up enforcement of safety inspections.
Another bill passed would prohibit a dump from accepting solid waste
from outside of Michigan without the approval of the county where the
dump is located.
Both measures will now go to the Senate.
Flourescent toy guns may
replace real-looking ones
LANSING - Toy guns would have to be fluorescent orange to avoid
confusion with the real thing under a bill approved by a House

The Committee on Consumer Afffairs on Wednesday passed
legislation that would require a toy gun sold after July 1,1990, to have a
fluorescent orange barrel, receiver and plug.
The measure, sponsored by Rep. Burton Leland (D-Detroit), also
institutes a fine of up to $50 for each toy gun sold in violation of the
law. It would also be a felony to alter a real gun to make it look like a
toy that complies with the standards.



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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
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Eric Lemont, Rose Lightborn, Michael Lustig, Alyssa Weekend Editor.........................STEPHEN GREGORY
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Associate Sports Editors...................JULIE HOLLMAN FinanceManager............. ......JODI FRIEND
ADAM F Credit Manager.................................HYUN JOO OH



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