Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 1988
Soviets riot
over border
O .
MOSCOW (AP) - Rioters burned homes and cars as
gunfire rang throughout a city at the heart of an annexa-
ton battle between the southern Soviet republics of Ar-
penia and Azerbaijan, the official Tass news agency re-
ported yesterday.
. Officials in Azerbaijan's disputed territory of
Nagorno-Karabakh imposed a curfew and banned
gatherings to cool ethnic passions after violence broke
out Tuesday and yesterday in and around Stepanakert,
je territory's largest city.
In Yerevan, capital of neighboring Armenia, officials
jected a demand by thousands of protesters for a new
:meeting of the republic's Supreme Soviet, or parliament,
r renew a petition for annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh,
4 mountain enclave.
"There are hundreds of thousands of people in front
of the Supreme Soviet, and the city is very tense," said
,Arpenay Popoyan, wife of activist and former political
prisoner Rafael Popoyan in a telephone interview from
.: Her husband said later by telephone that a govern-
'nent announcement was read on Armenian television
declaring that such a session by the Supreme Soviet
would be illegal and rejecting the demand.
"This answer is a violation of the constitution," said
:Popoyan. He said by law a session must be held if one-
third of the Supreme Soviet deputies request it, and he
said more than one-third have signed such a request.
t.The gunfire and arson by ethnic rioters in Stepanakert
and vicinity followed a gun battle Sunday in the nearby
village of Khadzhalkly. One man died and at least 25 W h
people were wounded. Activists also said a bomb ex- A pot
pOoded Monday at a dormitory for Armenian construc- at the
tion workers near Stepanakert.
at a pitcher
ential University women's softball player attempts to make the team at tryouts
varsity softball diamond yesterday.
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Continued from Page 1
new vans are unavailable.
In addition to transportation
problems, Vander Beek said the
DSS office is plagued by structural
problems which make access to the
office difficult for disabled people.
The office, located in a remote
section of the Michigan Union, con-
sists of two small rooms with heavy
doors, and non-modular furniture -
features which prevent even Vander
Beek, who is disabled herself, from
entering her own office without dif-
Students in wheelchairs and on
crutches block all traffic in the re-
ception area, and fights between
seeing-eye dogs have broken out in
the office due to the lack of space.
Vander Beek has been promised
completion of a new, larger $40,000
office in Haven Hall - complete
with electric doors and modular fur-
niture. Yet, as with the vans, DSS
must wait for the construction to
finish, and the completion date has
been pushed back several times al-
Vander Beck's allocated budget
for 1988 is four times that of 1987,
and she hopes to use the extra funds
to increase the staff and to extend
the office's hours. Currently open
from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Vander
Beek wants to keep the office open
until 2 a.m.
Roselle Wilson, assistant to Vice
President of Student Services Henry
Johnson, attributes the large increase
in budget to growth in the program
and the previous lack of available
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Arms talks to start today
WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. officials expect little progress in arms
control talks today between Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze
and President Reagan, primarily because the administration and Congress
cannot agree on what strategic weapons to deploy in the future.
Arriving yesterday afternoon, Shevardnadze was to meet today with
Reagan, Secretary of State George Shultz and Vice President George
The talks will concentrate on the non-arms aspects of the
administration's four-point agenda: bilateral relations, human rights, and
multilateral issues such as the withdrawal of Soviet troops from
Afghanistan and Cuban troops from Angola.
Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev made little progress on
arms control at the June summit in Moscow, and movement will
probably be slow well into the next administration, according to many
observers in the administration and on Capitol Hill.
Candidates agree on lecterns.
Presidential rivals George Bush and Michael Dukakis plunged into
preparations yesterday for their first debate, which will be televised live
Sunday starting at 8 p.m. EST.
Dukakis took time out to propose a "Healthy Start" program
guaranteeing basic prenatal and post-partum care for poor women and
children. His aides said it would cost $100 million in the first year, but
that the money would be saved within 12 months because of reduced
infant illness.
The two campaigns also settled their argument over the height of the.
lecterns where the two candidates will stand.
The 6-foot-1 Bush will stand at a 48-inch high lectern and Dukakis, at
5-foot-8, will stand behind a 41-inch lectern.and use a small riser, a Bush
source said. Dukakis officials wanted shorter lecterns for both, which
Bush staff members said would force their candidate to stoop.
Haitian mutiny continues
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) - Soldiers who toppled the regime
of Lt. Gen. Henri Namphy mutinied against more commanders yesterday,
dumping them handcuffed in front of army headquarters as crowds cheered.
Lt. Gen. Prosper Avril, who was made president Sunday after a coup
led by Namphy's Presidential Guard, tried to quell the revolt Tuesday by
naming a new armed forces chief and retiring nine unpopular commanding
Coup leaders have demanded that Avril institute democratic reforms,
including free elections which Haiti has not had in 31 years.
Civilians have engaged in mob killings this week while workers at
government companies struck to unseat state-appointed managers, actions
apparently aimed at wiping out the remnants of Namphy's rule.
Wayne county launches
health care plan for the poor
DETROIT (AP) - Wayne County hopes an experimental $58:
million health maintenance organization will solve the problem of
providing health care for the poor.
Wayne County's bill for indigent health care has risen from $3 million
in 1970 to $33.5 million this year.
Last fall, the county, with a $226 million general fund budget, flirted
with receivership mainly because of the health care bill.
Hospitals that treat the poor absorb much of the cost, but under state
law, counties bear final responsibility for indigents' medical bills when
no insurer or other source of payment can be found.
So, in-about a week, 50,000 of Wayne County's poorest residents will
find a light blue card in the envelope with their welfare checkas the
county launches its high-stakes experiment. The card means the recipient
is signed up for County Care.
Initialed box turtle
reappears after 40 years
ALCOA, Tenn. (AP) - It was well over 40 years since Jewel Endsley;
had carved his initials on the shell of a box turtle, so understandably he
was startled when the terrapin turned up in his tomato patch.
"My brother-in-law's son was picking tomatoes in the garden,"
Endsley said. "He saw a box turtle and picked it up. He turned it over and
saw my initials and the date."
Endsley, 60, said his uncle taught him as a child how to carve on a
turtle's shell without hurting the animal. One day on the farm where he'
grew up, he marked a box turtle with his initials and the date - 1941.
After retiring, Endsley started a garden on a patch of land that had been:
part of that farm and noticed that "something was eating my tomatoes"
before his nephew found the tortoise.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available,
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
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Editor in Chief................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Managing Editor ............MARTHASEVETSON
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NEWS STAFF: Victoria Bauer, Dov Cohen, Donna
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Rosenberg, David Schwartz, Ryan Tutak, Lisa Winer.
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OPINION STAFF:Muzamnil Ahned Elizabeth Each,
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PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greewe.Ellen
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