The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 8, 1988 - Page 23 ANN ARBOR Skateboards ruled illegal downtown Safety in numbers Hundreds of women take to the streets of Ann Arbor each spring for the Take Back the Night march. The march, held in combination with a rally, protests sexual assault against women. town store owners say wayfaring skateboarders cause danger to their customers, and damage to property by riding up on curbs, park ben- ches, and other ce- ment surfaces. by skateboarders speeding past her store, is glad the rule was adopted But Rice said she thinks bicycles, which currently are permitted to ride on sidewalks, should be included in the new restrictions. "I think it's real bull that the bikers get to come here and we can't, said Marc Volger, a Community High School student. Councilmember Larry Hunter D- 1st Ward), who has strongly opposed the new ordinance, said althought the council's Democrats see problems with downtown traffic, "It's ludi- crous to have. a police officer mk- ing $40,000 a year confiscating skate- boards." Fellow Demo- cratic couip- cilmember Jeff Epton (3rd Ward) agreed. "(Skateboarding) has been singled out because it's a kind of youthful behavior that's in- consistent with behavior people krbor associate with, say, a mall." Several merchants have expressed interest in isolating skateboarders to facilities specially designed to ac- commodate their sport. But Jason Futrell, a high school student who lives in Taylor but comes into Ann Arbor to skateboard, said, "It'd probably be too far for us to get there. There's already (such a park), and it costs money to get in." I: I1 :"fs: rr ;: f r . pine Day PASS IT AROUND! "My personal """"" feeling is that it's A always unfortunate Af l when you have to legislate behavior," said Russ Collins, president of the State Street Area Merchants Association and Michigan Theater manager. But Collins added, "It's not a personal freedom issue. It's a public safety issue." "Those benches (in Liberty Park Plaza) are ruined from skateboarders jumping on them," said Night Town restaurant owner Steve Bellock. "I think the city was saying, 'There's just no way we can foot the bill."' Ritz Camera Manager Debbie Rice, who has witnessed patrons getting brushed and knocked down I Cone I UM News in The Daily 764-0552 C Californiao complete available in light or dark finish Plush w Wieor Brcwn V.inyl Includes examination, our standard daily-wear lenses, instructions and follow up care. We Specialize In All TPypes Of Contact Lenses! Eureka.c s :<.:. <:.:<: :. .::..:: .... .... .... ... :::::::..:.m e......... H arbo":":..:...:::::::::::: $24 Bookc!su :". ::". . .- . -. . .: riip ::ete :; ,. ik 1 n igh :d":k ii}:"h Finished Four- Poster cmlt comple:e R; OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 10-9 " SUNDAY 12-9 ( MWOME MM.d mmm%% OPTOMETRY) FINISHED STANDARD DECKING BASIC FRAME & FINISHED PLATFORM MATTRESS HEADBOARD PEDESTAL 2 yr. warranty SAFETY LINER MECHANICAL HEATER 4 yr. waranty FILL KIT WATER TREATMENT ALL NECESSARY HARDWARE EASY TO FOLLOW SETUP INSTRUCTIONS mmm9 Emmoow eve care centers I 1 -*A fr-it *- i A t%% r- r-%