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September 20, 1988 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-20

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. The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 20, 1988- Page 3


,,says he was
A University exchange student told police he was
beaten and robbed by members of a group near the cor-
ner of Liberty and Maynard streets early Saturday
morning. The attack occurred shortly after another
University student was assaulted by the same group,
' 'police said yesterday.
Hubert Ladstaetter, an exchange student from Vi-
enna, Austria, reported that he was walking through a
crowd of about 30 men in their late teens and early 20s
when he was pushed to the ground and knocked uncon-
scious, said Ann Arbor Police Lt. Dale Heath.
Heath said Ladstaetter refused medical treatment in
the 1:19 a.m. assault.
Ladstaetter, a graduate in the School of Business
Administration, said his wallet containing credit cards
and about $20 was stolen during the attack.
About 10 minutes before Ladstaetter was attacked,
medical student Bruce Goetting and a female University
graduate student were walking through the same group
of men when Goetting was shoved twice, punched,
thrown to the ground and kicked numerous times in the
head, according to Det. Jerry Reynard.
Goetting was treated at the University's Medical
Center for injuries to the head, and he was later re-
leased, a hospital spokesperson said.
The female student was not injured in the incident,
Reynard said.
No arrests have been made in connection with the
assaults, police said, and an investigation is continu-
City allocates
funds to ebb
drug abuse
The Ann Arbor City Council approved a resolution
last night which appropriates $20,000 to be used for
substance abuse prevention. The money will be used to
target-low-income Ann Arbor residents, specifically
those who live in federally-subsidized housing.
The resolution allocates money to three city
programs - S.O.S. Community Crisis Center, the
Domestic Violence Project, and the Community
Action Network - which will use the funds in
substance abuse prevention efforts.
Much of the council's debate centered on whether
the city's funding should go toward substance abuse
prevention or for treatment.
"We'd like to get some (substance abuse) prevention
work done so people don't have to go through the
expensive treatment programs which now exist," said
Councilmember Ann Marie Coleman (D-First Ward).
But drug abuse is not limited to the poor, said
Councilmember Terry Martin (R-Second Ward) who
questioned whether funds should go exclusively to low-
income people.
"As much as I approve of the idea of trying to
address these problems... it is not a problem that is
limited to federally-assisted housing," she said.
There will be as many as 500 beneficiaries of the
resolution, said Councilmember Kathy Edgren (D-Fifth

U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell urges students to help Republicans in the fall campaigns last night
at the Michigan Union. "To me, the Republican party is the hope of the future for the
young people," he said.
ush supporters have

resigns in
Poland; past
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - The government of
Prime Minister Zbigniew Messner resigned yesterday
after strong criticism of its management of the econ-
omy. A lawmaker later asked Parliament to legalize the
banned Solidarity labor movement.
Messner, prime minister since 1985, announced in a
speech to parliament that he and all 19 ministers were
resigning. He defended his government's performance
but conceded "mishaps" in not standing up to
inflationary wage demands.
It was the first time in Poland's postwar history that
the entire government stepped down. Messner said the
mass resignation would make it easier for parliament to
make "proper decisions" about the future government.
The Sejm, or parliament, approved the resignations
near the end of a 12-hour session yesterday by a vote of
359-1, with 17 abstentions. A new government was
expected to be named by the Sejm this month.
Messner or some of his ministers could be reap-
The issue of Solidarity and the name of Lech
Walesa, founder and former head of the outlawed inde-
pendent labor federation, came up repeatedly in the free-
wheeling discussion of the economy and government
that followed the resignations.
Inflation caused a wave of labor strikes in April. A
second wave of strikes in August ended when authori-
ties and Walesa agreed to hold broad-based talks, now
scheduled for next month, that may include the issue of
legalizing Solidarity.
Solidarity "should regain its proper place in the trade
union movement," Ryszard Bender, an independet
parliament member from Lublin, told parliament ye
terday. "Apart from associations, apart from Solidai
ity,... there is also a need to have new political par-
It was the first call in parliament for legalizing the
union movement since Solidarity was suppressed in
December 1981 with the imposition of martial law.
Turning to address Polish leader Gen. Wojciecb
Jaruzelski, Bender urged that Jaruzelski and Wales,
"the first Nobel Peace laureate in Polish history," met
and make a joint statement concerning Poland's "most
vital interests."
Jaruzelski smiled slightly but showed no other reac-
tion to the remarks.
Later Sejm deputy Aleksander Legatowicz, an
economist, said the government failed because "it
closed itself off from criticism."
"There are people allergic to the word 'socialism'
and others allergic to the word 'Solidarity,"' he said.
Solidarity, the first free trade union movement in
the Soviet bloc, emerged from a tumultuous summer
of labor unrest in 1980.
Under Poland's system, the Communist Party led
by the Politburo is the actual seat of power and ap-
points the government through its majority in parlia?
ment. As first secretary of the Politburo, Jaruzelski is
the country's leader. The government is responsible for
executing the party's goals.

Ann Arbor may be more
conservative than you think.
At least, that's what any of the
400 people who attended the
Students for Bush-Quayle '88 mass
meeting last night would want you
to believe.
Student leaders have ambitious
plans for the University. Campus
campaign leader Navid
Mahmoodzagedan said he wants to
build a "highly organized machine"
to help run voter registration drives,
leafletting, and telephoning.
The best-organized campus team
in the state, he said, will "win" a
visit to their school by either George
Bush or Dan Quayle.
He also promised the campaign
would receive publicity, but, "we're
not going to stage mock funerals or
develop the Diag." Following that,
he criticized The Daily's overall
coverage of the campaign, as did
U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell (R-
Larry Jazinski, president of the

Iesigns (
College Republicans, was impressed
by the size of the crowd. "The
leftists on campus would just soak
their drawers if they saw this many
people welcome the FBI or CIA to
Raucous applause greeted the
close of Pursell's speech. Pursell, a
six-term representative, attacked the
challenger for his congressional seat,
State Sen. Lana Pollack, saying she
has not made any major
accomplishments in her six years in
the Michigan Senate.
Pursell, who served in the
Michigan Senate for six years before
he went to Washington, said he
introduced six major pieces of
legislation, including one for which
he won an award from the
Environmental Protection Agency.
Pursell highlighted his position
on Congress' Appropriations
Committee, and said in that spot, he
has been working to increase the
flow of federal funds to the
University -- while money coming
from Lansing has been decreasing.

"I'll tell you, when I was a state
senator," he said, "This never
While Pursell charged Pollack
with being only "rhetoric," he used
some of it himself; he used the
adjective "liberal" five times in his
stump speech.
Todd Koeze, the Michigan special
groups co-ordinator for the Bush
campaign, kept the rhetoric
pumping, but only sideswiped
Koeze assailed the Democratic
presidential nominee, Michael
Dukakis, on "peace" and
"prosperity," saying the United
States is now held in greater respect
by the world than it was in 1980,
and that George Bush will continue
economic growth and expansion.
If Dukakis is elected, Koeze said,
bad times will come. "The day
Michael Dukakis is elected," he said,
"I predict... (Soviet leader) Mikhail
Gorbachev will gather all his cronies
in a room and say, 'What a weenie,
the world is ours."'

La get
& - - -

Crowds, closed carrels, and long lines
have disappeared as the Language Lab began
operating at full capacity last week after
renovation in which outdated audio machines
were replaced with modern, higher quality
In the lab, located in the Modern
Languages Building, foreign language
students listen to audio cassettes to practice
oral comprehension and pronunciation skills.
Until last Friday, more than half of the
lab's 75 carrels were closed for renovations,
resulting in lines and difficulties in finding
open carrels.

"It's a problem to find a machine that's
open. And when I finally find one that's
open, it doesn't work," said Hilary Miller, a
first-year LSA student who uses the lab.
But on Friday, the new audio equipment
replacements were completed and the 45
renovated carrels now contain high quality,
audio equipment, said Language Lab Director
Trisha Dvorak.
This fall's stricter foreign language
requirements for first-year LSA students has
caused the 13 to 14 percent increase in,
students taking foreign language classes, said,
Increased use of the lab is compounded by,

the fact that language professors are requiring
students to use lab more often. More than
1000 students use the lab daily, she said.
Dvorak said this first phase of the
renovation cost about $400,000.
The proposals for renovations, which
were introduced in 1987, include:
-Expanding the lab to include a classrooi,
-Creating video studios with small forniat
videos for faculty to make productions,
-Installing multi-faceted, audio-video
equipment, computer, and interactive video in
each carrel, and
-Increasing the number of multi-purpose
carrels to 95.

Councilmember Liz Brater (D-Third Ward) said of -ac e
the $20,000 which will go towards substance abuse
prevention, "It's a measly amount of money we are
spending. It's pathetic we don't have more to spread




Strike resolved at WSU,
MSU striking continues

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Career Planning and
Placement - Introduction to
CP&P, 3:30-4:00 p.m., CP&P;
Job Search Lecture, 4:10-5:30
p.m., 2011 MLB. Call Sheri
Bowers for info: 764-7460.
German Club - Mass
meeting, 6:15 p.m., Third Floor
Commons, MLB.
Coalition ,for Democracy
in Latin America - Mass
meeting, 8:00 p.m., Wolverine
Room, Michigan Union. Contact
Roberto Javier Frisancho at 668-
0348 or 996-0953 for more
Society of Minority
Engineers - First General Body
meeting, 6:30-8:00 p.m., EECS
Room 1500.
Rainforest Action Move-
ment (RAM) - Mass (extinc-
tion) meeting, 7:00 p.m., 1520
Dana (Natural Resources bldg.).
Fui rthe rmo re

SPARK - Revolutionary
History Series: "The Human
Nature Lie." 7:00 p.m., B116
"The Punctuated Equili-
brium of the Television
Networks in the U.S.:
Evolution or Revolution?"
- Gloria Gibson, Sociology
Ph.D. candidate, 12:00-1:30 p.m.,
CEW (second floor of Comerica
Bank at North University and
South Thayer Streets). Call 763-
7080 for more information.
"American Perceptions of
Africa" - Dr. Mutombo
Mpanya, from Notre Dame
University. At the International
Center, 603 E. Madison, at Noon.
Buffet lunch available, $1.00 for
students, $1.50 all others. For
more information call 662-5529.
"Individualism vs. Col-
lectivism: The Right and
WraT.gv ?Cn4-innc M fnA nart-.

By The Associated Press
Clerical and technical employees
at Wayne State University reached a
tentative agreement yesterday to end
a month-old strike, while walkouts
continued in two Michigan districts
and at Michigan State University.
Wayne State spokesperson Robert
Wartner said the university would
lengthen its fall semester by one
week for students who lost more
than two weeks of instruction
because of the strike.

Elsewhere, about 2,300 clerical
and technical workers at Michigan
State University remained on strike
Monday while students began
registering for classes. University
spokesperson Cherryl Jensen said
classes slated to begin Thursday
shouldn't be delayed because of the
Finally, two-week-old teacher
strikes continued in the Pontiac and
Ovid-Elsie districts, idling 19,219
students and 1,091 teachers.

Last Friday Weekend Magazine incorrectly identified Ann Arbor detective
Douglas Barbour as University Public Safety Officer Robert Pifer. Weekend
apologizes for any inconvenience.
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