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September 19, 1988 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-19

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 19, 1988-- Page 11

DETROIT (AP) - With little
advertising and less fanfare, the Fofd
Probe is speeding through dealor
showrooms, keeping most buyers
waiting at least six weeks for
delivery of a car that ay be carving
its own market niche.
Since its formal introduction last
May, the Probe, built beside the
Mazda MX-6 at Mazda Motor
Manufacturing USA Corp.'s Flat
Rock plant south of Detroit , is
being sold three months in advance
of assembly line runs, Ford Motor
Co. analyst Ray Windecker said.
Delivery time can vary depending
on what kind and color automobile a
customer wants.I
The American car-buying public
got a dose of what Ford had in mind
months before its formal
introduction. The news media,
specifically the automotive
magazines, sang the car's praises.
"By the time cars were introduced,
more than one-third of the car-
buying age populous was aware of
the car," Windecker said.
"I don't think there's been that
much excitement about a domestic
car since a Taurus," another Ford
that was introduced in December
1985, said Beth Fusco, an auto
analyst with Moody's Investor
Services in New York City.
"They did a lot of :advance
promotion for the car in magazines,"
she said. "I thought that was a pretty
sophisticated send-off: I think they
did a good job promoting it, and, I
think the car is selling itself."
r Probe's base price is $11,490
" with a 2.2 liter, four-cylinder engine,
y The car, with hidden headlamps and a
swept-back rear deck, can be
t upgraded with a turbocharged engine
k and option packages to $17,292.

Co-op residents clean house

Every year, residents of
the University's Inter-Co-
operative Council have a
"work holiday" where all
residents pitch in to clean,
fix up, and make general
repairs of the buildings and
grounds .of the co-ops.
The concept of a co-op is
that all residents share in

the chores, ranging from
housecleaning to planning
and preparing meals. Co-
ops have been operating
since the early 1930s.
In the top photo, Anh
Tuan Hoang, an Art School
sophomore, Elliot Appel,
an LSA senior, Mike
McCormick, an LSA

senior, and Aaron Alizadeh,
a Residential College
junior (left to right) clean
kitchen utensils. Outside,
Appel helps LSA
Sophomore Chris Lamar
test a new sump pump that
was recently installed at
the Minnie Co-op.

'Idaho forests grow green one year after fire

CASCADE, Idaho (AP) - While many
lament the fires that have charred much of
Yellowstone National Park, a wilderness that
went up in smoke just one year ago already
displays lush and diverse greenery that attracts
herds of elk.
"The fire created more wildlife habitat than
anything we could have ever done," Forest
Ranger Morris Huffman said of the Deadwood
Summit fire in the Frank Church-River of No
Return Wilderness in the Boise National

The fire 250 miles west of Yellowstone
burned more than 50,000 acres during the
summer of 1987.
"It's a natural mosaic now, with open
meadows and stand of timber," said forest
spokesperson Frank Carroll. "A forest that
was just getting older and deader has not been
beautifully revived."
Federal land managers, rocked by criticism
of their hands-off approach to dealing with

naturally sparked wildfires in wilderness areas
and parks point to Deadwood Summit as an
example of a good burn. It's a tough sell.
Fires this summer have charred more than
1.5 million acres in and around Yellowstone.
An early decision to let the flames go
unchecked within prescribed boundaries ignited
a firestorm of controversy, and Interior
Secretary Donald Hodel has said a change is

Idaho Gov. Cecil Andrus, a former Interio
secretary, and others have called the "let burn
policy a prescription for disaster, especiall
during the region's worst drought in decades.
But while the tourist-dependent
communities surrounding Yellowstone look
with apprehension at changes nature will tak
generations to escape, others say Deadwoo
Summit is, and Yellowstone will be, an
ecologically healthier place as a result o
being burned.


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