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September 19, 1988 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-19

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 19, 1988 - Page 7


Sasso's style energizes Dukakis

BOSTON (AP) - Michael
Dukakis had already begun to fire
back at George Bush before former
aide John Sasso rejoined his
campaign, but Dukakis has become
even more combative since, his
sharpened rhetoric bearing the stamp
of the man he likens to a brother.
Exiled from the campaign a year
ago, after admitting his role in the
videotape that helped drive Sen.
Joseph Biden from the presidential
race, Sasso returned to Dukakis' side
two weeks ago. And the friends who
gathered to welcome him back
erupted in approval when he made a
simple declaration:
"There are contrasts and weak-
nesses that are issues in this
campaign. I will not shy away from
pointing these contrasts out."
THE RETURN of Dukakis'
longtime political alter ego came at

'It was an important development that brought our
team up to full strength and we're delighted,'
-- Kirk O'Donnell, Dukakis adviser

a time when the Democratic
presidential nominee had lost the
momentum he gained from his
party's national convention and as he
was being criticized for not
responding aggressively to attacks
frombGeorge Bush and his fellow
"Garbage," was what Dukakis
quickly had to say about the GOP
attacks. Then, seeking to regain the
offensive, he took aim at Bush and
his running mate, Indiana Sen. Dan
Quayle, and audiences seemed to

"George Bush has been around
Washington a long time, but if he
couldn't stand up to the Ayatollah or
say no to Noriega, how will he
measure up to Gorbachev?" Dukakis
said in a speech in Chicago.
IN DUKAKIS' speeches, tone,
and at his campaign headquarters,
Sasso's stamp is obvious.
Dukakis has been more feisty, his
staff invigorated and long-overdue
channels of communication with
Jesse Jackson and key members of
Congress established.

"It was an important development
that brought our team up to full
strength and we're delighted," said
Kirk O'Donnell, the former Thomas
"Tip" O'Neill aide who was brought
in as a senior adviser to Dukakis
after Sasso resigned a year ago.
Sasso was the architect of
Dukakis' presidential bid, turning
his eye toward the White House even
as Dukakis campaigned for re-
election as governor of Massa-
chusetts in 1986.
Sasso assembled the team, but
was forced to leave it behind after
admitting he had a role in the "attack
video" showing Biden using the
words of a British politician without
attributing them. Reports based on
the videotape and subsequent stories
about plagiarism put Biden out of
the race, but then stories about
Sasso's involvement forced him
from Dukakis' side.

Associated Press
The presidential campaign of Massachusetts Gov. Michael
Dukakis has experienced a reawakening since John Sasso, a
former campaign aide fired a year ago, rejoined.

Bush's slips of tongue continue

WASHINGTON (AP) - Blame it
on long campaign days with multiple
stops, jet lag, or whatever. Bloopers
are becoming a standard feature of
George Bush's stump speeches.
"You ought to vote for me. I
knew about Pearl Harbor three
months before it happened," Bush
joked last week, trying to take the
:. edge off his mistake about the date of
the Japanese attack that led America
into World War II. He said it was on
Sept. 7 instead of Dec. 7.
Since that foul-up, it seems that
Bush slips in every speech.
"I hope I stand for anti-bigotry,
anti-Semitism, anti-racism, Bush
said in one. "That is what drives
me." Later, Bush sent his press sec-
: .retary out to make sure reporters
1' .4yx. : knew he did not mean to say he
Associoted Press stands for anti-Semitism.
Tripping over his oft-stated goal
Vice President George Bush has made several slips of the of full employment, the Republican
tongue in recent days as months of campaigning have taken presidential nominee said he wanted
their toll. to ensure that "everybody who has a
job wants a job."
Usually canididates do not try to
CLASSIFIED ADS! Call 764-0557 improvise on the Pledge of Alle-
giance, but that is what Bush aides

Tripping over his oft-stated goal of f
the Republican presidential nominee
to ensure that 'everybody who has

could vote for her grandfather ... her,
uh, father-in-law."
ull employment, He referred to Republican Rep.
said he wanted Manuel Lujan as a congressperson
a job wants a from Mexico - not New Mexico.
Bush said last week that when he
makes a mistake, he is fair game for
-George Bush attack by Dukakis - and vice versa.
"We'll foul up and he'll jump on
me, and he'll make some mistakes
and I'll jump on him, but the thing
is to get the issues out there so the
e day, he referred back .American people can see them."

say he was doing at an appearance
last week after reporters suggested he
had stumbled over the words.
Bush, who has tried to wrap his
campaign in patriotism, said the flag
was the symbol of the United States
of America, and then continued, "and
to the liberty for which it stands, one
nation, under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all. And let's
never forget it."
If he was trying to use the words
of the pledge, he should have said, "
and to the republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God, indi-
visible, with liberty and justice for

On the sam

to January 1981 when he was sworn
in with President Reagan.
Giving himself a promotion,
Bush said, "Ten days before I was
sworn in as president...."
In California with Gov. George
Deukmejian, Bush said, "He will go
down in my book as THE great
governor" of California.
Over breakfast at a Mexican res-
taurant in Los Angeles, Bush made
three gaffes in a matter of minutes.
He said his Mexican-born daugh-
ter-in-law "became a citizen so she



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