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September 19, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-19

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, September 19, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

Duvalier aide
takes over Haiti

Military rule returns to
Burma; citizens protest

- Brig. Gen. Prosper Avril, a
former military adviser for the
Duvalier dictatorship, declared him-
self president yesterday after ousting
Lt. Gen. Henri Namphy.
Avril, adjutant general of the
army, said in an early morning
address on national television that the
Presidential Guard topppled Namphy
on Saturday because it was "sick-
ened" by the way Namphy governed.
Namphy was sent to the neighboring
Dominican Republic.
Residents reported hearing heavy
gunfire Saturday night near the presi-
dential palace in what appeared to be
fighting between military factions.
Franz Lubin, Haiti's director of
information, said soldiers were killed,
but Avril mentioned no casualties.
Avril took over a week after about
20 men armed with machetes,
handguns and steel pikes attacked a
church during a Mass being said by
the Rev. Jean Bertrand Aristide, a

vocal critic of the military govern-
ment. Thirteen people were killed and;
77 wounded. Opposition leaders
blamed Namphy's government for
the attack and another church burning
two days later.
Yesterday morning, slum dwellers
killed and burned the body of one
man and cheered when a soldier shot
and killed another man suspected of
participating in the massacre. By
midday, the city was quiet, but the
airport was closed.
Avril, who was adviser to ousted
President Jean-Claude Duvalier, said
Haiti will respect all international
treaties, liberties and human rights
and said that "dialogue will be
honored for the sake of national
Lubin said Jean-Claude Paul,
.commander of the 700-person Des-
salines Barracks, was named com-
mander-in-chief of the army.
See Haiti, Page 10

RANGOON, Burma (AP) -
Armed forces commander Saw
Maung ousted the civilian president
yesterday, and thousands of people
surged into the streets to demand
democracy and protest the fourth
change in the government in two
Gen. Saw Maung said in a
statement broadcast by state Radio
Rangoon he overthrew President
Maung Maung to halt economic and
social chaos and to hold democratic
elections after 26 years of authori-
tarian rule..
The fate of Maung Maung was
not known, and there were no reports
of casualties or arrests.
Saw Maung immediately abo-
lished key government institutions
and slapped' an 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.
curfew on the capital, the country's
largest city with 2.5 million resi-
dents. Public gatherings were banned,
but it was not known whether the

measures were only for Rangoon or
for all of Burma.
Shortly after the 4 p.m. broadcast,
thousands poured out of their homes,
some bearing spears, knives, and
homemade crossbows, to protest the
new regime. Protesters chopped down
trees and threw them along with
stones and bricks across roads to
block military vehicles.
"I believe the people will rise up
again, and this time they are going to
be angrier. It's going to be tragic,"
Burma expert Josef Silverstein of
Rutgers University said by tele-
But protest organizers persuaded
the demonstrators to return home
before the curfew began. They were
asked to return to the streets today for
further unspecified actions.
On Saturday, soldiers fired into a
crowd and wounded two people
during confrontations with protesters
demanding an end to the repressive

rule by the Burma Socialist Program
Party, the sole legal party.
Protests since July have forced the
resignation of two leaders and more
recent strikes, demonstrations, loot-
ing, and lawlessness have pushed the
nation to the verge of anarchy. About
300,000 people marched Saturday in
Rangoon before the coup was
announced; other groups staged hun-
ger strikes.
Saw Maung, who identified him-
self as chairperson of the Peace
Restoration Committee, has been
defense minister since July. He is
widely regarded as a hard-line officer
and a chief assistant of the toppled
President Sein Lwin.
Sca eLwin, who demonstrators
called the most hated man in Burma,
resigned Aug. 12 after a week of
bloody clashes between troops and
unarmed protesters left 112 dead by
See Burma, Page 10

...takes over in Haiti


blow by

Michigan, 31-30
Last quarter rally
drops Blue to 0-2

If Michigan's loss to Notre Dame
last week was heartbreaking, then
there has to be some other word to
describe its 31-30 loss to Miami
Saturday at Michigan Stadium.
Deflating? Stunning? Double
With 9:27 left in the game, the
Wolverines held a 30-14 lead over
the No. 1 team in the nation and had
the ball, first-and-ten, on the Miami
41-yard line.
Less than nine minutes later,
Miami had scored 17 points, stunn-
ing the crowd and dropping the
Wolverines to 0-2 - their first 0-2
start since 1959.
Miami's biggest play on a day of
big plays was Cleveland Gary's
short reception and touchdown jaunt
covering 48 yards on a fourth-and-
one pass from Steve Walsh with just
over three minutes remaining. The
scoring play cut Michigan's lead to
two points.
David Arnold who was crushed by
a blocker as he went for Gary,
intercepted Miami's attempt for a
two-point conversion that would
have tied the game. It looked like the
Wolverines would still hang on to

defeat a visiting top-ranked Miami
team just as they had done in 1984.
But Carlos Huerta's on-side kick
was recovered by Miami safety,
Bobby Harden on the Michigan 47,
'Let's face it, (we) are a
good team. We can play
good with anybody and
we'll get better.'
-'M' coach Bo
giving the Hurricanes a chance for
the victory. Huerta's kick hit right
in front of Michigan's front line and
bounced high in the air creating a
scramble for the ball that Miami
"The front wall didn't block," said
Michigan head coach Bo Schem-
bechler. "When they go up high,
those front guys got to knock 'em
out of there."
The Hurricanes moved 35 yards,
using up over two minutes of time,
before Huerta hit on a 19-yard field
See Miami, Page 16

Miami fullback Cleveland Gary gallops up the sideline, having beaten the Wolverine defenders. Gary scored a touchdown on this
play which pulled the Hurricanes within two points, 30-28.

Regents approve lowered
in-state tuition plan

r _

In-state student tuition will go up
less than the University's Board of
Regents had bargained for in July.
Though tuition for out-of-state
and graduate students will still in-
crease by the anticipated 12 percent,
Michigan residents will only see
their tuition go up by 7.5 percent.
The University will make up for
the remaining revenue gap by dou-
bling the $30 registration fees for all

students, as unanimously approved
by the regents Friday.
Regents Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) and Veronica Smith (R-Grosse
Ile) abstained, saying they voted
against the July plan to increase tu-
ition for all students by 12 percent.
The University's Committee on
Budget Administration revised the
plan after Gov. James Blanchard
'urged' all state universities to keep
in-state tuition and fee increases be-
low 10 percent if they didn't want to
jeopardize their state funding.
But despite the revision, the most
heated debate over tuition on Friday
involved the University's Dearborn
The regents voted Friday to delay
a $5 per term student activity fee in-
crease in order to keep student cost
increases below 10 percent.
The fee increase was approved by
the regents in November 1986 to be
effective September 1988. The in-
crease has now been deferred until

Dearborn student leaders in their
support of the activities fee increase.
Though the students will still re-
ceive the fee increase in January,
Nielsen said, "these are increases
they need now. I don't think we
should delay it. The governor is
saying, 'Hey, don't give students
their fee. Let's keep tuition down."'
"(Dearborn students) have come
to us and said, 'Hey, we want it. We
need it," Nielsen said. "I resent the
governor coming in and telling us
what to do all the time."
Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Saline), however, said the governor's
proposal had nothing to do with the
fee cut. He said the University ad-
ministration made a commitment to
keep tuition increases below 10 per-
cent, regardless of what the governor
But Sharfenberg said he is still
confident that the students will re-
ceive the $40,000 somehow. "We
are going to have the fees," he said.

Duck shopping? ALEXANDRA BREZ/Doily
Richard Poole of Huntington, Indiana, examines duck decoys at the Ann Arbor Antiques
Market, located on Ann Arbor-Saline Road. See story, page 3.
Minority councils provide 'home'

Residence hall minority support councils provide a
home within a home, said Engineering sophomore
inda wtJotvan m hr ofA-ipT1-1f Ar m T

program in the housing department that oversees the
"These councils help to enhance academic and social

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