4 OPINION Wednesday, September 14, 1988 The Mi Page 4 i Et a edbdta nivrstf Michigan l Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. IC No.5 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor. MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Watch your landlord Two STUDENTS ARRIVE late from out of town. Nowhere to stay. They arrive to find that the apartment they signed a lease for in February is com- plete with soiled carpet, leaky pluming and an armada of roaches. The students ask the landlord if they can move in right away. First, the management company says "no' because cleaning the apartment will take a week. But af- ter prodding from the homeless stu- dents, the management consents on the condition that the students "wave" their right to a clean apartment. First time renting in Ann Arbor can be a traumatic experience. But even af- ter students have been victimized by their landlord there is still some re- course. In the example above, the stu- dents hopefully have their apartment cleaned and deduct the costs from their first months rent. Landlords are obligated to provide clean, tenantable housing at the time of possession. Failure to do so is either ground for withholding rent until the dwelling is cleaned or justification for charging the landlord the cost of clean- ing by deducting the amount from the rent. Security deposits are another piece in the "rip-off the student game" played by local landlords. Security deposits are only supposed to be used for damage not expected during the normal course of living or unpaid rent or utility bills, although landlords frequently charge students for cleaning, late rent, violatior of illegal lease contentions, and tenant organizing under the label of a security deposit. All landlords are obligated to provide the Tenant's Rights booklet. This manual has sections written by the city, landlord interests and tenants rights ad- vocates and provides some basic infor- mation about the city housing code and tenants rights to proper housing and maintenance. Another common misperception of new tenants is that landlords have the right enter a students home whenever they want. This is false. Once tenants have made an agreement such as a lease and moved in, the apartment it their home and unauthorized entry consti- tutes an invasion or privacy and tres- passing. The landlord does have the right to make repairs or show the apartment, but these rights require ade- quate notice. Tenants need to realize that they have a great deal of leverage over the quality of their housing. To exercise the right to fair housing people need to demand that their landlords provide make the repairs required by city housing and not pay for services which are not pro- vided. Myth By Daniel Axelrod If you tell the more conservative folks off campus that you don't like military re- search on campus, they say, "what's wrong with military research? Isn't it for defense of freedom? What are you a com- mie? Go back to Russia." Likewise, some graduate students here, particularly those from Third World coun- tries, are also concerned with reality. They do not assume for a minute that U.S. for- eign policy has anything at all to do with the defense of freedom. Many firmly be- lieve, often from first-hand observation, that U.S. foreign policy is racist, aggres- sive, violent, reactionary, dangerous and invariably in support of the super-wealthy elites in their own countries. I like both sides because they address the right questions: What is foreign policy about? What is it doing to the people of the world? Who is it really protecting? There is a clear difference of opinion here, something worth discussing at a Univer- sity. In the higher astral plane of University administrators and certain faculty philoso- phers, however, it is almost impossible to get to the heart of the matter. On the campus, the issue of military research is deliberately mutated to avoid talking about militarism at all. Instead, all we hear about is something called academic free- dom. To these deep thinkers, academic freedom means that tenured faculty mem- bers can research anything they want in their labs. In actual fact, of course, that research also better bring in government grant money. If ittdoesn't bring in money, you still have the right to think about researching anything you please, but you will probably lose your allocation of lab space. After all, the salaries of university research administrators come from some of that grant money scraped off the top. Academic freedom, in the deep thinkers' definition, unfortunately, does not apply to untenured faculty members, graduate students, undergraduates, or non-academic research staff. It does not apply to the great majority of the University intellec- tual community. Assistant professors are the most op- Axeirod is a Prof. of Physics and co-au- thor of the book To Win a Nuclear War: The Pentagon's Secret War Plans. 'On the campus, the issue of military research is deliberately mutated to avoid talking about militarism at all. Instead, all we hear about is something called academic freedom.' of Freedom pressed group around when it comes to To see this, let's step back tree speech. I know from direct experience the purpose of the military i that many politically interested but un- special purpose, and very di tenured professors will not sign any con- say, the National Institutes o troversial petitions simply for fear of re- U.S. military's sole purpos tribution. threat or actual agent of vio But the threat of retribution for opening coercion that backs up U.S. your mouth can be much more explicit, icy. This is not unusual: it is particularly if you take money from the every military in the world. military. kid ourselves. The methods Last year, Under Secretary of Defense the military are special; they Donald Hicks, the man ultimately respon- not into curing diseases o sible for external research funding by the knowledge or culture or beau Pentagon, raised some eyebrows when he On the other hand, the mi chigan Daily and see what s. It is a very ifferent from, f Health. They e is to be the olent physical foreign pol- the same foi But let's no( and goals of are definitely| or advancing ty. litary's meth- said, "I am not particularly interested in seeing department money going to some- place where an individual is outspoken in his rejection of department aims, even for basic research.... It's a free country, but freedom works both ways. They're free to keep their mouths shut...and I'm also free not to give the money.,, In other words, the government only supports military research consistent with its immediate political objectives, and only by people with compatible politics. Researchers don't know for sure if there is a political test for research topics and per- sonnel or not. But they are sure of the in- credible pressure to keep their mouths shut, stay off the radio, and do research only politically acceptable to the military sponsor. But it is argued, you don't have to take money from the military if you don't like it. You are free to take money from any source you want. This argument is wrong on two counts. First, in some depart- ments, military research is the major source of funds, particularly in the engi- neering school. To not accept military money as an assistant professor is to put yourself at a gross disadvantage in the competitive tenure game. You can't bring in as much money as your colleagues - a situation likely to bring on a severe case of "insufficient quality" as diagnosed by the tenure committee. But second, and more important, you can't take money from any source you want. Your choices are limited in the most political way imaginable. ods invariably culminate in the threat or use of violence and destruction, and the goals are invariably highly political. Any university that takes money from th4 military is a promoter of violence. And any university that takes money exclu- sively from the U.S. military and not from the military of any other nations is, in addition, choosing a political and mili- tary side. It in fact becomes an exclusive tool of that side. To pretend it is just pushing back the frontiers of peaceful, neutral knowledge is pure hypocrisy. This is the second of a three part series.x 4 FBI off campus A Delta rocket suspected a "Star Wars" satellite on pad In Cape Canaverat Air tion.w of carrying the launch Force Sta- LAW SCHOOL DEAN Lee Bollinger prudently postponed the FBI recruiting session originally scheduled for today at the law school. The law school rightly prohibits recruitment by any organization, group or firm which discriminates on the basis of sex or race. On these grounds alone, the Federal Bureau of Investigation should be prohibited from recruiting here. Allowing the agency to recruit here would make a mockery of the law school's anti-discrimination policy. The Bureau has a long history of discriminatory recruitment. Four percent of its agents are Black, four percent Hispanic, and nine percent are women. This summer, more than 300 Latino agents charged the Bureau with discrimination in regard to promotion, discipline, and assignment. Since the suit was filed, the group's attorneys have claimed-the plaintiffs have been harassed, their files searched and their phones tapped. Black agent Donald Rochon has filed charges against the FBI in what law enforcement officials have described as "one of the most troubling examples of institutional racism in the FBI's recent history. The FBI has a history of spying on and harassing organizations and individuals dedicated to social and political change. In the fifties and sixties the bureau attempted to disrupt the civil rights movement by spying on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; in the sixties and seventies, it harassed anti- Vietnam War activists. In recent years, the Bureau has employed similar tactics directed against people and organizations who oppose administration policies in Nicaragua and El Salvador. Members of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), the Sanctuary movement, the National Committee Against Repressive Legislation and National Lawyers Guild, have been subject to harassment, threats and illegal searches, mail tampering, and burglaries. Agent Frank Varelli infiltrated the Dallas CISPES in 1981 and prepared false literature to be distributed under the CISPES name while supplying the Salvadoran National Guard with intelligence information. The FBI is guilty of racial dis- crimination in hiring, promotion and assignment. It has consistently violated the rights of the individuals it purports to protect and broken the laws it pretends to uphold. The law school administration must not give legitimacy to such illegitimate practices. The University should uphold its own policies against discrimination and racism. The FBI must not-be allowed to recruit on campus. Economic violence abets racism By Rollie Hudson "Racism is everywhere, ...and the only time I really need to say anything about it is when I do not see it . ..and the first time that happens I will tell you about it," wrote Tracy A. Gardner in Take Back the Night. From this cynical, yet arguably true, statement I find the need not for si- lence but for reinforcement of the fact that racism is far from dead. It is not a tired issue, it is not last year's fad - to be re- placed this year as if it were just another sweater. Attitudinal racism exists in Americans because it is imbedded in our institutions. The structure of the University itself is not exempt from perpetuating racism. Not only has it failed to meet promised percentages of minority enrollment but its hiring practices reflect a continued insensitivity towards people of color. LSA has no Asian professors, there are no Black deans, and there is a scant 3 percent overall Black faculty contingent across campus. Also, most of the workers of color at the University are the staff people who clean the buildings at night, cook the food for the predominantly white under- graduates, and collect their garbage from the hallways and loading docks. These men and women are, predictably, all paid at the lower end of the pay scale. Of course, the problems of American racism, economic and educational poverty don't all begin at Michigan. From Watts, to the Deep South, up through Detroit's northern suburbs, to the cities on the East Coast, America is primarily segregated. This is no accident. Jesse Jackson recently said that eco- nomic violence is the worst kind of vio- lence. Poignant, yet gross, examples of economic violence are the economically restrictive ones. For instance, there are codes which tacitly maintain white-only neighborhoods, police forces which pull over any suspicious Blacks because of "reasonable cause," or simply, high prices which discriminate against people of color inr.irert1 these tests test aptitude in a particular cul- tural and educational environment. It is an environment of Eurocentric (i.e. white) culture and education. And it is one which excludes those who come from communi- ties where most of the grandparents were forced to remain illiterate. But what about the Blacks we have here? Five to six percent Black enroll- ment at Michigan is a convenient excep- tion, not the rule. The rule is manifested in the tens of millions of Blacks who are physically, psychologically, and finan- cially trapped in the ghettos -the third world enclaves - of this nation. Statis- tics tell a harder story than the presence of token Black students like myself and the 1,800 or so others who attend classes here. As Celia C. Peters said so well in an arti- cle to the Daily on Sept. 8, "we are only ten white males surrounding her she found the courage and tenacity to strike him in the face several times. His face bled! He did not hit her however. He restrained himself even after the initial surprise. The air cooled for several minutes. But then Bruce made the mistake of walking by the angry woman. He did not address her, he did not threaten her as he passed. But she, so fueled by her hate which had now risen to the surface in full, spun to- wards him, struck him in the arm and be- gan screaming at him. Myself and another friend of mine - who was Black - were standing close by (neither of us knew Bruce before the party) were surrounded also. My friend was even whisked off of the porch by three or foul white men, out of harms way. Bruce was surrounded. Maybe a dozen white males 4 4 'From Watts, to the Deep South, up through Detroit's northern suburbs, to the cities on the East Coast, America is primarily segregated. This is no accident.' exceptionally lucky." This summer at a primarily white col- lege party, I directly experienced the direct race hatred which lurked in almost every- one there. Incidentally, in relating the following event I do not mean to imply that racism exists only, that is exclu- sively, in white people. Racism is a con- dition or manifestation of exclusionary ideas or actions which inhibit others based on the color of their skin. It can be ad- ministered on many different levels, from international power relations to poor en- rollment at universities to group relations between individuals. Blacks or Native Americans can be racist too. However, and this is an important point, each inci- dent must be interpreted within its appro- priate CONTEXT. A Black man, Bruce, whose voice was not inflected with the proper intonations, with the proper clues, with which to reas- sure the people around him that he was began holding him and telling him not to hit her, which' he had never indicated he was going to do. She was trying to drat more blood from his face with her nails and the white males were protecting her. Imagine that! Consequently, I put myselr between them in order that the tables might be turned a bit. Thus we were both surrounded by the white males and told to leave the party. The party's host screamed for everyone to go home. Yet when the Black people left his indignation, oddly; subsided. Aside from the real fear, it was somewhat fascinating; the whites grouped themselves instantly. Later we were called the equivalent of "niggers," we couldn't hear what exactly; from a car which passed us repeatedly, oc- cupied by people we recognized from the party. And to add insult to injury, as they say, we were rudely walked away from when attempting to discuss the situation with an initially curious white person later _.. .:,: